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nice work sanctuary, just d/loaded and tested and i have to say these anims are damn good biggrin_o.gif one small thing that i noticed is that the units feet just dont seem to look right when your crouch-walking. The unit looks like he is sliding his feet along the ground slightly (towards the start and end of his stride), just a small little niggle otherwise absolutely brilliant.

One more question which you probably already answered (but i didnt see), someone asked if it would be possible to change the prone crawling BackLeft/BackRight anims to a rolling over anim, i know someone said that someone else done this, but personally i'd like to see something like that from you (i think your anims are much better than anyone elses), any chance you might feel like having a crack at it rock.gif

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Absolutely great!

Very goog job...

There is one little thing:

the transition from crouch to crouchwalk/run... the soldier first starts running, then slows down...

But the rest: great!

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I must really say that the ability to lean left and right in combination with enableoptics=1 for all walking anims made OFP CQB fun!!!

I have spent many hours Än Quandahar (afghanistan revisited) sneaking around as a delta operator with enemies everywhere biggrin_o.gif Aimpoint is much better now when I can sneak and go around a corner without loosing the aim. And the ability to lean around and pop a few rounds without exposing myself is wonderful!!

Thank you Sanctuary!! OFP is made even better..

edit: Steal the car is a new mission now tounge_o.gif

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Is there a way to change the ready stance for players so they arent aiming unless they really are?

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Can somebody post crouch-walking animation screen? I did everything right step by step of Sanctuary's guide and although I can crouch-walk I see only the same animation as when I walk normally. Why? Am I doing something wrong?

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I updated the crouch walk and i think it looks better now


To have this crouch walk to work, you need a bit of editing


VERY IMPORTANT NOTICE : the process is a bit different from the previous crouch walk test version, and one of the previous anim class (class CrouchSprintF:CombatSprintF) you needed to modify must stay BIS default to obtain the best visual result, so instead of editing your previous config editing, i strongly suggest to begin again from a clean config, so by default the class CrouchSprintF:CombatSprintF will remain BIS default like it should.

But you can use the pre-modified config i made to make things simple for people afraid of editing.

Just look at the end of this post, it will allow you to skip step 3,4,5,6,7 , but follow the other steps.


Prepare yourself

You will need

an Anim.pbo (my pack, someone other pack, BIS pack)

PBO Decryptor 1.5


Download those 2 tools from there


Download this tool from there

1st step

Download by Right Clicking on that link and Save...As

Extract the files named crouchwalk1.rtm and precrouchwalk1.rtm from the zip archive

2nd step

Unpbo the Anim.pbo with PBO Decryptor 1.5

Add the crouchwalk1.rtm and the precrouchwalk1.rtm files in the now uncompressed Anim folder

Re-pbo this in a new Anim.pbo with MakePBO

Place this new Anim.pbo in a Dta folder of the mod (\nameofthemod\Dta\) you use daily or to replace the BIS one in Res\Dta\

3rd Step

If you are always there, use a config.bin (from any \nameofmod\Bin\ , or from the \Res\Bin\ folder) and use Binview to transform it into a config.cpp

4th Step

A config.cpp can be opened as a simple text file, so use Notepad there and open this config.cpp

5th Step

Now search the following

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">class CrouchWalkF:CombatWalkF

Once found, you will see this class defined like this

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class CrouchWalkF:CombatWalkF







Replace this part by the following

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class CrouchWalkF:CombatWalkF












6th Step

Now search the following

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class CrouchRunF:CombatRunF

Once found, you will see this class defined like this

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class CrouchRunF:CombatRunF







Replace this part by the following

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE"> class CrouchRunF:CombatRunF












7th Step

Now we need to modify the action that is linking the Crouch Aming animation (klek.rtm) with this new "crouch walk", so search the following (failing to do that will result in a visual "oops" when going from crouch to "crouch walk")

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class CrouchToCrouchSprintF:Default

Once found, you will see this class defined like this

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class CrouchToCrouchSprintF:Default













Replace this part by the following

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

class CrouchToCrouchSprintF:Default













8th Step

Now you have finished, binarize the config.cpp you just modified into a config.bin by using cpp2bin (failing to do this will lead into the famous handgun bug when you will equip handgun)

Replace the config.bin from the mod (located in \Nameofthemod\Bin\ ) you daily use (back it up first) by this new one you just created.

You can try to replace the BIs one in Res\Bin\ but remember to back up the original.

Have fun, it should look a lot better (and better configured for being less annoying when sprinting) that with the previous version.

NOTICE again : a config.cpp and a config.bin should not live together without problems, so remember to delete the config.cpp once you have transformed it into a config.bin

The animations is linked to be smooth with my 1.5 pack sprinting and crouching, the interpolation may not look smooth with other packs.

PS :

You are really totally puzzled ?

You don't understand really Sanctuary's version of the english langage ?

You don't even know what is Notepad ?

You have no idea on anything ?

Rejoice, here is a BIS default config.bin modified accordingly to my step by step explanation.

Right Click on that link and Save...As

Notice that inside the zip archive you have the config.bin , and you have the same in config.cpp format if you want to edit things.

But if you don't plan on editing it, you can delete this config.cpp.

Now go and try the crouch walk instead of trying to think more than needed.

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Can any one tell me if it's possible to apply a set of animations to specific units only? Like East and West, but not Resistance (as they might not be as well trained).

Or to apply the aminations only to one addon?

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Yes it is possible, if you download the VME_PLA pack from the Virtual Military Engineers , you can notice that the China units have their own animations.

But no, i don't know how to as i never tried, but you can study the config of the China soldiers to see how they did it in their soldiers class definition.

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just a question/suggestion for Sanctuary:

could be those cool lean animations activated by pressing Forward+Right/Left instead of Backward+Right/Left ?

You must be quick when pressing these two keys, and if not, then you will make a step/two backward which could expose you and something bad can happen smile_o.gif

If you would use the "Forward" version instead, then nothing like this could happen.

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Yes it is possible, if you download the VME_PLA pack from the Virtual Military Engineers , you can notice that the China units have their own animations.

But no, i don't know how to as i never tried, but you can study the config of the China soldiers to see how they did it in their soldiers class definition.

Sanctuary, thanks for the speedy response.

How ever that add on is a little too large to download at work...!

Plus, from what i understand, its in Chinese! Does any one know how its done?

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just a question/suggestion for Sanctuary:

could be those cool lean animations activated by pressing Forward+Right/Left instead of Backward+Right/Left ?

You must be quick when pressing these two keys, and if not, then you will make a step/two backward which could expose you and something bad can happen smile_o.gif

If you would use the "Forward" version instead, then nothing like this could happen.

Just rename the files from the leaning download

schuze135l.rtm to schuze45l.rtm

schuze-135l.rtm to schuze-45l.rtm

And you can activate the lean by walking Forward+Left or Right instead of the walking Backward+Left or Right

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Great work Sanctuary, you are truely expanding the horizon of OFP...

Now where the heck did Dreamy Knight you too should work together.

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@5133p39: You can assign two keys just for leaning instead for pressing two buttons at the same time.

The one that you choose to lean left with you assign as back AND left, the other back AND right.

Works perfekt for me smile_o.gif

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sanctuary: thanks, i thought it should be done this way, but i was (sorry, but to be honest) LAZY to go through all the animations to find which are used for forward+Left/Right. So, thanks again.

andersson: eee? then i missed something. I didn't knew you can bind a key to "backward + left"/right. I'll look at it immediately.

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Yes you can have one key for more than one action. The actions show up red in settings but thats just for your information. F.ex I also use one key for "lock" and "reveal target", also "walk" and "slow" use the same key. See no reason for them to be on different keys (for me).

I think that forward/left and forward/right are more important than back/left and back/right so try to bind separate keys for lean instead for changing animations.

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...never mind. I think i got it sorted now.

What are you gonna do next, eh?

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Can any one tell me if it's possible to apply a set of animations to specific units only? Like East and West, but not Resistance (as they might not be as well trained).

Or to apply the aminations only to one addon?

would you share the experience you made? smile_o.gif

would like to know how to assign different anims to different units

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...I havn't got a clue really. I jut didn't want to look stupid. I have no idea. But would like to impliment it some how..

Also what might be nice to see is the option to use an RPG/LAW from standing and prone possition. I've seen screne shots of this, but i'm not sure if they are static anims..

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i think the next orcs rpg update will have these animations implemented, not as static animations, but as real play ones wow_o.gif

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Can you tell me what part of the PBO (is it the dir file?) i would i have to change to change the way the lean anim is executed. What i want to do is have it animate by pressing a single key (one for left, one for right). So far i can do this the way mentioned above (i.e bind the key to both Backwards and a direction in the options menu) but i want to be able lean AND still have diagonal backward sidestepping.

What part of the dir refers to the "IF <back and left or right> is pressed THEN lean"? So i can change it to "IF <key> is pressed THEN lean"

So far i've changed the dir file so that the schuze-135l.rtm and schuze135l.rtm are executed by the 45 and 46 keys respectively. Is that correct?

Basically i'm trying to achieve the Lean as an extra function rather than a replacement function.

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hOLY shIT!  Where have I been?!?  Leaning?  You- Sanctuary, are my frikin' HERO!  blues.gif  blues.gif  blues.gif  ghostface.gif  ghostface.gif  ghostface.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Yssabem -

first of all you would have to give the two anims new names, else the will be overwriting the default moveleftback/moverightback

and the second thing would be an approach that sanctuary did with the running ducked anim, define it new in the config, with the needed links to the next animations, but the example is slightly different, since a ducked running was implemented by BIS already, but without an animation, your approach would be, to define a whole new move (animation), but this is definatly the part where sanctuary has to take over, since its his field of expertise tounge_o.gif

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