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OFP Animation Sharing Center

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Thanks to Shadow NX for reporting this bug i totally overlooked.

In the animation pack 1.6 and 1.7 a new AI-only stand ready has been introduced.

While on previous packs i spent a lot of time to make sure backpack and radio items (that are using the AT proxy) will not be in a too bad place or bad position, this new AI stand ready had not been tested.

And unfortunately, backpack and radio items are not in a good place.

2 solutions, easy to do yourself, but in the case you never did something like this, here is the detail step by step

First Solution

Using the AI stand ready from the pack 1.5

-Download my animation pack 1.5 -version patrol- (not the -classic- one as the stand ready of this version had a light problem with a arm)

-Take the Anim.pbo from the archive you just downloaded

-Unpbo it with PBO decryptor 1.5

-Take the file named savarestanistat.rtm from the Anim folder that has been created

-Delete the Anim.pbo and the Anim folder

-Unpbo now the Anim.pbo from the animation pack 1.7 with PBO Decryptor 1.5

-Put the savarestanistat.rtm file you saved in the Anim folder that has been created

It will overwrite a file of the same name

-Delete the Anim.pbo

-Repbo the Anim folder into a new Anim.pbo using StuffPBO or MakePBO (for this one select in its options to -uncompress- rtm format)

-You have now a new Anim.pbo that has an AI stand ready compatible visually with Radio and Backbpack

Second Solution

Using the same new "vbs-like" AI stand ready reworked to allow visual compatibility with radio and backpack

-Right Click on this link and Save...As

-Take the savarestanistat.rtm from the archive you just downloaded

-Unpbo now the Anim.pbo from the animation pack 1.7 with PBO Decryptor 1.5

-Put the savarestanistat.rtm file you saved in the Anim folder that has been created

It will overwrite a file of the same name

-Delete the Anim.pbo

-Repbo the Anim folder into a new Anim.pbo using StuffPBO or MakePBO (for this one select in its options to -uncompress- rtm format)

You have now a new Anim.pbo that has an AI stand ready compatible visually with Radio and Backbpack


Sorry for any inconveniences

All the PBO tools used there (unPBO 1.5, StuffPBO, MakePBO) can be found HERE

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urgh how do you edit sanctuarys anim stuff , how do you edit current anims so oyu can add others?? i really wanna get into all this editing config stuff, so i can play OFP the way i want.. but non the less telling me how to do that will be a good start.

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Look into the OFPAnim tutorial link in my signature, available in several langages, that is exactly what made me to understand how to make animations for OFP.

Before reading this tutorial, i had absolutely no idea at all.

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@STGN I know what you are talking about and I totally agree with you. Its only possible to walk that way in very short periods.

About the smoothness, thank Sanctuary as I used his AT-anims as base. I didnt change anything on the leg movement.

I was looking at the crouch walk thats in Lockes mod but that was too high. But now that I have learned OFPanim I might go back to those and change it into a lower and more ready "SWAT"-movement smile_o.gif

edit: @SHWiiNG. Open up an animation and play around a little. Its not so hard as it first looked, the important thing is to follow some kind of system in what you are doing. Its time consuming and you need patience and good nerves when you see that the way you are doing things are wrong and you need to start all over crazy_o.gif Like I realised now that I should have altered the other crouchwalk instead of AT-walk tounge_o.gif But after some try and error you get the hang of it.

Maybe I should take a look at the anim tutorial...

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Nothing to do with animation, but where can i get those radios in Sanctuary's post? they look prety cool. I WANT!

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Quote[/b] ]Those radio soldiers can be found in

Laser's Ranger pack

ORCS' motorized infantry

Ah-ha. Thank you very much.

Sanctuary, what anims you working on next??

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To all of you that play SP or on private servers AND KNOW HOW TO alter the config.bin:

I didnt like the idea that resistance looked so proffesional when I used the new anims by sanctuary but I wanted West and East to use those. So..

After reading this forum and some small thinking I managed to have separate anims for different sides.



All I did was to copy the whole class CfgMovesMC and paste it in between CfgMovesMC and class CfgAmmo.

I then renamed the second CfgMovesMC to CfgMovesMCWEST. In that part I changed all paths that used the new animswhatevername.rtm to an animWEST.pbo where all animswhatevername.rtm I wanted west to use are.

Then I did a CfgMovesMCEAST and changed the animswhatevername.rtm paths to an animEAST.pbo where all anims for East are.

After the creation of the 3 CfgMovesMC/WEST/EAST I changed the "moves="CfgMovesMC";" under class SoldierWB to "moves="CfgMovesMCWEST";" and "moves="CfgMovesMCEAST";" under class SoldierEB.

In this way its also possible to make more cfgMovesMCxx to different units.

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You don't have to copy the whole thing. Just use statesExt. Look at how the women's movement is cfged.

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To all of you that play SP or on private servers AND KNOW HOW TO alter the config.bin:

I didnt like the idea that resistance looked so proffesional when I used the new anims by sanctuary but I wanted West and East to use those. So..

After reading this forum and some small thinking I managed to have separate anims for different sides.



All I did was to copy the whole class CfgMovesMC and paste it in between CfgMovesMC and class CfgAmmo.

I then renamed the second CfgMovesMC to CfgMovesMCWEST. In that part I changed all paths that used the new animswhatevername.rtm to an animWEST.pbo where all animswhatevername.rtm I wanted west to use are.

Then I did a CfgMovesMCEAST and changed the animswhatevername.rtm paths to an animEAST.pbo where all anims for East are.

After the creation of the 3 CfgMovesMC/WEST/EAST I changed the "moves="CfgMovesMC";" under class SoldierWB to "moves="CfgMovesMCWEST";" and "moves="CfgMovesMCEAST";" under class SoldierEB.

In this way its also possible to make more cfgMovesMCxx to different units.

wow good thinking wow_o.gifsmile_o.gif


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now someone has to release those

different anims for each side

i thought it wasnt possible

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It was possible (the Virtual Military Engineer did this for their China units , using Dreamy Knight animations).

What is not possible unfortunately is to make the animations dependant of the weapons instead of the unit.

By example it is not really great when you reload a M16 and a FAMAS with the same animations, as the magazine is not in the same place. And you don't really carry and aim with a heavy machinegun the same way you aim with a lighter rifle.

That would really be the feature i hope for OFP2 : animations dependant of the weapon instead of the unit.

Quote[/b] ]Sanctuary, what anims you working on next??

I wanted to release a pistol animation pack , that goal would be to replace the pistol animations.

Until now the biggest obstacle is that such animations can only be placed in the O.pbo by default

And as it is a 173mo file , i would not being able to pack/unpack a lot of time to test each of my changes (it takes long minutes), like for a simple Anim.pbo (that just be some seconds to pack/unpack).

But since some time i thought about making those pistol animations an addon instead of a O.pbo, to do this i tried to make a config.cpp inside a PBO with the animation files to have those animations as an addon instead of a new O.pbo

And i finally succeeded in that goal , the actual test i made is only using an addon that is 193ko

That means you don't have to make an unpack/repack of that big 173mo anymore, the addon once finished will be less than 1mo .

I am happy, as i can really work on those animations and then test them quickly without having to wait long minutes to repack that O.pbo. smile_o.gif

And it means that i will be able to upload it when finished (as it was out of question with a 173mo file)

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Quote[/b] ]I didnt like the idea that resistance looked so proffesional when I used the new anims by sanctuary but I wanted West and East to use those. So..

After reading this forum and some small thinking I managed to have separate anims for different sides.

Splended! Thats exactly what i wanted to see. Good work andersson. I thought it had something to do with the 'cfgMoves' but did'nt know how to go about it.

Quote[/b] ]You don't have to copy the whole thing. Just use statesExt. Look at how the women's movement is cfged.

Dan, you said this before, but where are the women defined?

Quote[/b] ]I wanted to release a pistol animation pack , that goal would be to replace the pistol animations.

Yeah the standard pistol anims are a bit poor.

Here's an idea;

why not create a 'weapon' that places two pistol models (one in each hand)? i know they wouldn't actually work as two seperate guns, but it might look pretty good. Each gun could give a muzzle flash alternatingly, shot after shot....

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@DanAK47. Thank you for that! This way its not necessary to copy and paste the whole CfgMovesMC.

Quote[/b] ]

class CfgMovesMCWoman: CfgMovesMC


class StatesExt


class CivilBase: Default









.... and so on

So this way its possible to change only the different moves into CfgMovesMCWEST and so on.

Supert! biggrin_o.gif

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hey anderrson.. what graphics card do you have... and and are oyu using DXDll?? .. sorry if this is a bit off topic but i really need to know.

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You can also variate the animations, then the AI loops it randomly, that way you can make say 10 different stand ready animations (not alot of fun, but easier in maya), then you code them (will update post soon to show how), that way it variates and every soldier should in theory hold it slightly different if you made the animation different to each

other. so it gives it that more randomised, atmosphereic kind of feel.

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@Extremeus Decimus. Whooa!! When you say it I think I know how! But I´m not sure.. Looking forward to know! This is getting better and better!!!

@SHWiiNG. I have a Radeon 9800 pro, 128Mb, IceQ. And I use dxdll. Why do you really need to know? rock.gifsmile_o.gif

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cause im currently looking to update mine, and i was just lookin for some pointers .. cheers 4 that!

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@DanAK47. Thank you for that! This way its not necessary to copy and paste the whole CfgMovesMC.
Quote[/b] ]

class CfgMovesMCWoman: CfgMovesMC


class StatesExt


class CivilBase: Default









.... and so on

So this way its possible to change only the different moves into CfgMovesMCWEST and so on.

Supert! biggrin_o.gif

...i see. They were right in front of me. D'oh! I like the idea of the randomised ready stance. We already have two thanks to Sanctuay (simular, but slightly different. i don't think they should be too different, they all went through the saame training you know?)

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makem we'll sit and cheer and wait!!!!!!!!!! biggrin_o.gif

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Hey, anychance someone could have a go at making like animations that guys that have AT or something use a running animation that is slower than normal. In other words incorporate a weight system into OFP smile_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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I have finally manage to put all of Sanctuarys anims into different pbo´s according to side and units. So now I dont have to make 2 extra CfgMovesMCversions in the config.bin as that is done with "class StatesExt" in a config.cpp in the addons.

So now west and east uses Sanctuary anims and resistance uses the default bis (they arent proffesionals). And the best thing is that I can change all anims through the addons instead of editing the dta-folder anim.pbo and config.bin.

Here is my west and east anim-pbo´s. Put them in an addon folder of your choice.

The differens between west and east are that east uses the ready stance from pack 1.5 and the default BIS-sprint (thats just to give some differens). West uses all animations from pack 1.7 (patrol btw!!)

The only thing thats needed to edit in the config.bin is to change "moves="CfgMovesMC";" under class SoldierWB to "moves="CfgMovesMCWEST";" and "moves="CfgMovesMCEAST";" under class SoldierEB.

If anyone wants to use all sanctuarys anims to both east and west you only have to download animWEST.pbo and use "CfgMovesMCWEST" under class soldierEB instead of CfgMovesMCEAST.

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do we have to delete anything like sanctuarys anims? or just plug and play?

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Unfortunately its not plug and play as you must change 2 small things in the config.bin.

You also have to delete Sanctuarys anim.pbo, this replaces that.

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what do i open config bin with?

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