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i am afraid it is not smoke but organized operation to destroy Europe we had, just connect all such signals, west goes mad more and more, as reaction on Poles support Hungary, Die Welt published article which claims that Poles killed more Jews than Germans, publishing such lies in such time shows that mainstream see conservatism as biggest threat, so they spit with lies to accuse anyone who oppose nwo, and shape own citizens, maybe to rebuild ss hanshar and ss azerbejian, in mainstream press now islam is symbol of tollerance and Poland made holocaust, and of course feminists say how good to replace evil christianity with islam, edit: in tv now there are series about life of criminals, life of wife of prisoners and how they miss those bandits, for conservatist there is no worse human than bandits, now in tv bandits are heroes their whores are heroes, nwo wants destroy tradition on all fronts

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http://m.niezalezna.pl/71063-zdepczemy-europe-takie-przeslanie-do-imigrantow-skierowal-imam-w-meczecie-al-aksamuslim immam calls to smash europe and create caliphate, meanwhile jewish owner of one newspaper in Poland moanrg in die welt that "evil" Poles do not want muslims, wtf? Jew defends jihad, press want deny ww2 http://m.niezalezna.pl/71066-trwa-prasowa-nagonka-na-polakow-odegraliscie-swoja-role-w-auschwitz-nie-zaprzeczajcie

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i am afraid it is not smoke but organized operation to destroy Europe we had, just connect all such signals, west goes mad more and more, as reaction on Poles support Hungary, Die Welt published article which claims that Poles killed more Jews than Germans, publishing such lies in such time shows that mainstream see conservatism as biggest threat, so they spit with lies to accuse anyone who oppose nwo, and shape own citizens, maybe to rebuild ss hanshar and ss azerbejian, in mainstream press now islam is symbol of tollerance and Poland made holocaust, and of course feminists say how good to replace evil christianity with islam, edit: in tv now there are series about life of criminals, life of wife of prisoners and how they miss those bandits, for conservatist there is no worse human than bandits, now in tv bandits are heroes their whores are heroes, nwo wants destroy tradition on all fronts


Can you post a link to the "Die Welt" article please, what is your source  ?


"Poles killed more Jews than Germans" - sounds like nonsens if its related to the overall Holocaust and no reputeable historian and media in Germany would claim this. Maybe they supported killing more Jews than killing germans, that would rather comprehensible but I dont know about numbers. Collaboration with Nazis in Poland was actually lower than in other nations. Of course people from other nations inclusive Poles did support killing Jews or did collaborate with the Nazis and anstisemitism already before ww2 did exist in many countries in whole Europe. Antisemitic excesses did for example also occure in Poland after the end of the war.

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google Tomas Johan Gross article , even Min of Foreign Affairs say about it and now British press http://m.niezalezna.pl/71066-trwa-prasowa-nagonka-na-polakow-odegraliscie-swoja-role-w-auschwitz-nie-zaprzeczajcieGross was writing fictional stories many times, cause his family emigrated in 1968 when Stalin regime clique was removed (40%of Stalin security officers were Jewish commies) and now they are promotors of multi culti one gov europe without national states, Jews were very cooperating with Stalin, which wikipedia says, there is article about article http://m.niezalezna.pl/71054-polacy-pozywaja-jana-t-grossa it is political game to seed antiPolish atmosphere because we support Hungary and we protest againrt islamization or multiculti, maybe Martin Shultz plan to destroy any homogenic countries because they can unite in case of foreign problems, on antisemitism check thishttps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jewish_Bolshevism they were in Nkvd, after 1918 commies in Pl wanted my country to be ussr repubic, when ussr attacked us, they joined asap http://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3342999,00.html

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http://m.niezalezna.pl/71077-zimny-prysznic-z-niemiec-islamscy-ekstremisci-werbuja-wsrod-uchodzcowGerman intel reported that salafists tried recruit among imigrants, btw on bulshits spread by EU left, Poland took over 62 000 of Ukrainians since 2 http://m.niezalezna.pl/71061-niech-bruksela-nie-uczy-nas-solidarnosci-przyjelismy-juz-prawie-100-tys-imigrantow with them we do not have problems and they work hard with small number of muslims we had sharia problems already and less than percent worked, so we already gave shelter to many thousands, we simply do not want muslims http://m.niezalezna.pl/71063-zdepczemy-europe-takie-przeslanie-do-imigrantow-skierowal-imam-w-meczecie-al-aksa ! + what other immams say plus Anjem Houdari

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us think tank warns that in 2050 europe will be islamic http://wpolityce.pl/m/polityka/265850-dyrektor-middle-east-forum-ostrzega-polske-naplyw-nielegalnych-imigrantow-stwarza-wysmienite-warunki-dla-isis and Czechs also not agree http://wpolityce.pl/m/polityka/265860-czechy-mowia-stanowcze-nie-ws-imigrantow-i-groza-trybunalem-w-przypadku-przymusowych-kwot on forcing to take imigrants, Martin Shultz in interview said Europe can take half milion refugees with ease,

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(The Guardian)  Catalonia’s separatists: ‘The Spanish state has failed. We can change this’

“This is a movement that goes from left to right, spanning conservatives, liberals, ecologists, sociologists and many others,†he told the Observer. “It’s a consequence of necessity.†For the past decade, he argued, the Spanish state has failed to represent the plurality of the country: “What we have is the opportunity to change all this.â€


His coalition seeks to turn the 27 September ballot into a de facto referendum on independence, segregating parties by their stance on the question and launching the region’s most ambitious move in recent years in the push to break away fromSpain. “If there is a majority, we will have to manage that result. If there is not a majority, we will have to accept that and move on.â€

Polls suggest that pro-independence parties could win a slim majority in the 135-seat regional parliament. If so, Catalan leader Artur Mas has pledged to lead a transitional government, lasting no longer than 18 months, which will begin drafting a Catalan constitution and work towards negotiating secession with the central government in Madrid.

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dozen muslims attacked couple (husband and wife) of people for wearing cross and they attacked pregnant !!! woman http://m.niezalezna.pl/71086-malzenstwo-pobite-przez-uchodzcow-za-krzyzyk-na-szyi-nie-oszczedzili-nawet-kobiety-w-ciazy they torn away necklaces with crosses from people natives, atackers came from Eritrea, yea poor refugees, when they are in number of 10 they beat pregnant woman, animals

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huge poverty in Poland even in offichal gov staus http://m.niezalezna.pl/71095-bieda-w-polsce-sie-rozrasta-niemal-3-miliony-osob-i-minimum-egzystencji al queda "victim" of "evil" hungarian journalist http://m.niezalezna.pl/71080-syryjczyk-podciety-przez-wegierska-dziennikarke-czlonkiem-syryjskiego-odlamu-al-kaidy leftists hero is jihadist and all media cry on him, wake up natives, your media lie, those muslims are jihadists not victims,

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a relation that is not presnt im mainstream media, from Hungary, how invaders steal property whenever they appear,http://wpolityce.pl/m/polityka/265919-tylko-u-nas-wstrzasajaca-relacja-z-wegier-i-ostrzezenie-dla-polski-nie-mozemy-przyjmowac-mlodych-facetow-upchnietych-tutaj-przez-isis-to-piata-kolumna also on other website there are infos about that one report ( maybe from Hungarian police) that ca. 80% of those invaders are not from Syria at all while media feed you bs about war victims, another news : in Uk they arested and jailed muslim who planned to poison water , more on jihadwatch dot com,

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The truth is opening for some Iraqis about Finland or they even understand very well that it's not good that everyone tries to come in Europe...




Some asylum-seekers having come to Finland from Iraq are publishing messages on social media calling their move to Finland a "mistake". Some of them are publically considering returning to Iraq.

Members of a popular Iraqi Facebook page have been posting messages relating to their experiences as migrants in Finland. In one cellphone video posted on the page three Iraqi men advise their compatriots in Arabic:

"If you are thinking about coming here, seriously, don't! We are already considering coming back to Iraq. We regret coming here. We were wrong! We paid huge amounts for nothing," Ali, Kadar and Ali are heard saying in the video. "Coming here was a mistake."

The trio also bemoans a lack of clothing, high prices and small meal sizes in reception centres in addition to bad employment opportunities.

Another video on the page features a man called Mustafa standing outside the reception centre on Kaarlenkatu in Helsinki.

"It's much better to live in Iraq," he says in the video. "It is dangerous there, but so be it. I'm definitely going back. I'd rather die in my home country."

"It is just terrible here. It's safe and there are all kinds of things available, but we are suffocating."

The Facebook page in question has more than 200,000 followers from Iraq and elsewhere in the world.

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In the picture bellow, a poor refugee woman answer slovenian journalist to the question "Would you stay here in Slovenia?"



She answered: "No, I heard Slovenia is a poor country."

The truth is, Slovenia is much richer than Hungary, Croatia or Serbia. I really would live there.

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Well most of them want to go to Germany, but Germany is already working on new asylum regulations that will result in everybody beeing sent home if there isn´t a war going on. Syrians will be allowed to stay until the war ends, other people will most likely just get a return ticket home.

My bet is that those whom are allowed to stay will become the new minimum wage workers in Germany....

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what Syrians Tonci? have you read non mainstream news? majority of them are not from Syria btw, "tourguide" book found http://m.niezalezna.pl/71161-tak-wyglada-podrecznik-imigranta-zawiera-mapy-szlaki-i-porady-jak-dotrzec-do-polski and what sending back if they bring wife and fertilize? is German citizenship not from being born on land?

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Well technically if youre born in Germany you have german citizenship and I doubt anyone will send the parents back home and leave their child here.

I remember a refugee with his wife in Greece telling in front of the cameras that his wife is pregnant and that they have to get to Germany as fast as possible, so it appears they are aware of that too.

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My bet is that those whom are allowed to stay will become the new minimum wage workers in Germany....

Yep the irony of "helping". More slaves for the system

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what Syrians Tonci? have you read non mainstream news? majority of them are not from Syria btw, "tourguide" book found http://m.niezalezna.pl/71161-tak-wyglada-podrecznik-imigranta-zawiera-mapy-szlaki-i-porady-jak-dotrzec-do-polski and what sending back if they bring wife and fertilize? is German citizenship not from being born on land?

That is actually not true, having a kid in Germany does not grant you the right to stay there and it does not give the kid instant citizenship.

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Merkel demands from facebook to delete comments that are against "imigrants"


German gov want to establish special group to identify people who write against muslims

what the hell happens with EU ? soon officialy sharia will replace freedom ?

first German Martin Shultz calls to use force against countries that do not want them, now Merkel demands to cut freedom of speech against non-natives ? are Germany (voted government by voters i suppose) now has will to become country that will islamize Europe and delete our civilisation? why Merkel , Shultz and etc. are first to force on others islam ? Shultz said about using force and intervention against countries, Merkel now demands to force on Facebook cut freedom and maybe soon Germany plan to hunt for anyone who is against imigration from Middle East ?



natives have no homes, while our corrupted gov seeks for flats for invaders

elections next month, they are finished, but till they are finished, they try to do what Berlin wants

our gov force municipal local mayors to found free flats for imigrants !!!

i wonder if we soon gonna have riots because of it, because it is unacceptable that i work hard for flat , collect money, and some allah-akbar medival ... will get it FOR FREE because our gov does what Berlin wants



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