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i for example cannot have kids because i do not have flat, i would start family IF I HAD HOME , many of my friends who left Poland with big emigration did it cause they couldn't afford having family from usual Polish salary, 

because how can you afford family in big city where you need 100 000 USD to buy small flat and you earn 600 USD per month , and prices are similar to western prices (sometimes bigger due to bigger VAT tax)


to have kid - i need flat (means i need 150 000 USD because kid need his room, 45 sq m flat in Warsaw costs over 500 000 PLN + taxes, furniture etc. gives 150 000 USD )


how can i start family if i have to buy flat, which "refugee" will get FREE from MY taxes 


one thing is sure - noone should get from our taxes things free, for which we have to work hard 


i disagree it is people choice - it is economy , it is our government choice, my choice would be family if i had my own flat , i haven't choose to work 12 hours 7 days a week , i simply need money to buy flat without emigrating, i would prefer to earn 1500-2000 USD in 1 job, 8 hours 5 days a week, and rest of week spending on playing , addons, sport, music, trips 

i haven't chosen to not have my own flat , economy made this 


we are not deciding about our life - economy decides, fat cats in Brussles, banks etc. decide 


children - please look that biggest number of birth among Poles you have... in UK, 

Polish women give most births in London why ?

cause they have MONEY there


many of my friends who emigrated, have family and 2 kids... in London 

because cost of living, food, accommodation takes 50% of their income

in Warsaw... you know prices - hire small flat 1200 PLN, average net salary 2400 PLN

so 50% of salary is eaten only by rent pay , where is food ? clothes ? internet, energy? 

person who works in small shop ears 1500, 1600 PLN


for flat he/she has to pay 1200 ?

living whole month for 110 USD ? 


my cost of living is : electric energy 100 PLN per month, 200 in summer (air condition on) , we pay (with woman) 1000 for 32 sq m hired flat (owner takes 500 for hire, another 500 is official rent to city) , internet connection 60, mobile 50, so 1200-1300 monthly goes just for acomodation and energy, 

if i was earning like usual Pole, 2000 PLN, i would have left 150 dollars for whole month, if my woman was earning 1600 , we would have 2000 left, if we had kid - 3 stomachs to feed (i don't count cat, hahaha) , clothes, books to school etc. etc. etc. cost of having car (all insurances, fuel, parking) is ca 400 PLN / 120 USD per month in city (parking costs in big city not present in small towns ) , travel ticket for year for public transport in Warsaw is 1000 PLN (270 USD), you, kid, wife , 3 tickets 2500 PLN per year = 675 $, visit to dentist is 50 USD for 1 tooth, 

family and child is not our own choice , we are forced by economy shaped by our rulers (tax politics too)

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i disagree it is people choice - it is economy , it is our government choice


Take, what I said, widely. Gov also are some people, who made some choices. Also thing is, people from Africa etc. apparently do not think that much in the way "I need certain life standard before I'll have some children". If so, many African countries should be simply extinct by now. Meanwhile they just make children. What's wiser is one thing, but still, that's free choice of two people to have (well, to try) children/family or not, no gov has anything to say here (although some govs in the world think opposite). And Europeans, also in rich western Europe, that for sure could afford family, choose otherwise - to not have any children (or only one), even to not have real family. Life is simplier and more convenient without these perhaps, why to sacrifice free time, career, pleasures, money etc. on raising children? Better have some accidental sex, then do abortion, if "needed". Now we'll see results of both mentalities. 


From what I observe really poor people in poor countries tend to have more children, than citizens of relatively richer countries. Not always, but that's the general trend.

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often i do not understand people from west ;) if i had such standard like they have i would have 2 kids already and defend with gun my standard before anyone who could take 1 cent from my taxes ;)

i agree that povert societies tend to have more kids, less educated too - cause they do not care about things we call "standard" , they do not care if kid is happy later (has all toys and is not bullied in school for being poor - which happens nowadays that kids bull other kids which are from poor family "you do not have iphone, i wil kick you") 

first thing that gov. should care is securing tradition and power of state/nation, which means also pro-family politics for natives, supporting , promoting woman role like it used to be (to be mother, to be wife) , 

otherwise we gonna fall like Roman Empire fallen, like other empires fallen, 

if anyone want Europe to be strong (a world empire), he must care about traditional conservative values, because in life empty space is soon taken by other specie, in these mad times only Putin seems to be politician who cares about nation support (all pro-family politics)

if we not going to fight for our place on planet, someone other will take our place 



good demotivator:




"let refugees be taken by those who created problem"

(first of all Saudi Arabia should take them - the same culture)




pro-ISIS demonstration in .. Denmark 


immam in Sweden :



UN tells Makedonia to open border:




EU commisar against building walls to protect Europe: 


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according to latest news/gossips, Germany in EU want to force Poland to take 100 000 "refugees" 

cause Germany forces idea that every country in EU would take given percent , not to STOP people from Africa and Middle East crossing borders




also article says how Turkey fights with Kurds, support Jihadists in Syria, making problems to EU 

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Why Europeans allowed the Americans blow up and destroy the entire Middle East?

You forget that the US is far away? It's the ocean, and the Middle East it is close, it is through a small Mediterranean.


Europe looks silly. We must not build fences within the EU, it is necessary to help the East.

It is not difficult. US ban interfere in the affairs of countries on other continents.

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Borders should be closed for some time and then the situation should be cleared and find people and organizations that are response of this human trafficing and wars. It's getting out of hands.

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Excuse me but which organizations are responsible either for destabilisation or for total state destruction in such countries as Libya, Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria (countries that seem to be main source of refugees seeking asylum in EU)?

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They are mostly sitting across the sea and rubbing their hands

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It was better for the Europe when Libya, Syria and Iraq were stable countries with muslim extremism kept under the boot. People responsible for destabilization of middle east were very shortsighted. Now we all will pay consequences of this. I've been to Hungary in august and it's fucked up there, when spoken with a local people there are either pissed of or scared or both. Migrants when spoken by media express their goal is to reach countries like - Germany, Netherlands and Sweden (countries with the highest social benefits). For better living and good money how they say. Among mid-east arab people there are groups of blacks faking they are from the "war zones" from Ghana Nigeria, Senegal trying to catch for ride to Western Europe like during a gold rush or something, seriously! Many of there people are faking and they are labor migrants, but who would tell they aren't.

There are many ways to control this sick situation like cutting the benefits and establish some sort of eligibility for non-EU aliens like being a resident for at least 5 years to receive any kind of monetary help like they did in Denmark http://www.theguardian.com/world/2015/jul/01/denmark-slash-benefits-asylum-seekers-refugeesAlso strict border control and enforcing of immigration law like in Australia with it's "No Way" policy - sure you can stay for a while in a camp but only to learn that in a month you will be on a transport to where you came from. 

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noone discuss about stoping their flow, now EU commision discuss "to whom put 100 k refugees" , loosing soon elections Polish government said it is ready to "help refugees" despite huge majority is against, Victor Orban said about danger to European Chrisitan tradition, 

in my country soon we gonna have anti-islamic marches, like there were last days in Slovakia and Czech, 

our corrupted government said that they will allocate state build flats to muslims not to natives who cannot afford to buy flats, anger soon will rise , because people already are very angry (huge emigration due to lack of jobs, people cannot afford their flats, state builds flats for ... non natives - http://niezalezna.pl/70551-mieszkania-komunalne-w-gdansku-dla-imigrantow-mlodzi-polacy-nie-maja-gdzie-mieszkacjust one of example article from dozens of examples, shame there is over month to elections, cause now this party would loose totally), 

is it US job ? (this whole mess, wars) , i do not know, 

one thing is sure:

- noone bothers how to STOP them before they arive in EU, 

- Middle East islamic countries like Saudi Arabia, Bahrain etc. DO NOT HELP their own religion brothers, all problems are pushed to secular or Chrisitan Europe, like it was planned hybrid-jihad (like "green man" tactic)

i still believe some elites want to start civil war in Europe in ca. 2030 , 

because islam is not compatible with our values/freedoms, our freedoms and values are not compatible with islam, as result we gonna have war ca. 2030 or sooner (when lots of teenagers start demanding sharia, our societies would be old and robots will be doing basic job and all those youth will be useless cause job is filled by robot and they only can pray)

why those fit people males not fight with ISIS ? or maybe they are simply hybrid jihad tool, how much of them support Islamic State ideas, fit males escaping, leaving women, strange ?

someone (elites) is either totally mad or demands civil war in Europe , because those "refugees" soon gonna be unemployed, living from benefits with 4-5 kids, lots of those "refugee" are males strong, body builded, looking for rape, gangs to join etc. 

on some boats we see 100% males, age 20-30 without woman, without kids, why ? they all are also very religious - but noone is suspicious in Brussels ? but Brussels tries to force on Poland, Slovakia, Czech, Hungary to take lots of those guys, give them free flats, pay them benefits  (which are shocking here, cause those benefits are bigger than our pension of people who worked for 30 years) 

when my friends applied to city hall for flat - their aplications were rejected, cause "city has no money, take credit in bank , buy yourself" , now someone shouting "allah akbar" will get such flat ? from our taxes ? first anti islamization march is prescribed here on 12 September, 

in Czech, Slovakia dozens of thousands of people protested already, cause Austria and Germany force EU to take more refugees by Poland, Czech, Slovakia (countries that not participated in US, French, UK operations in Middle East http://niezalezna.pl/70549-uchodzcy-w-polsce-donald-tusk-wyraznie-po-stronie-niemiec-nie-swojego-kraju ) 

that EU should stop those "refugees" before they enter our soil, 

and Saudi Arabia should be first to help them, Bahrain, Jordania etc. 

internet is full of movies, pictures - how those "refugees" throw food into trash bin cause "it is not halal"

it is just matter of time when real neo nazis will return and so far EU does all to repeat 30s , because noone sane would accept situation like we have in Poland, when people emigrate due to lack of money, people are refused help from state, have to work very very hard to take credit in bank, and people pay big taxes which ... are spent to buy free flat to someone who just came here and call as evil because his culture is totally opposite, it is a matter of time when anti-arab, anti-african, anti-muslim violence will flood streets, noone would accept paying other person flat that you cannot afford yourself, 

lots of people in my country work 12 hours daily, we earn 500 Euro, 600 EUros , many families are evicted from homes cause they cannot afford rent payment, than courts decide to put child in orphanage cause family cannot feed kid , EU tells to give 700 Eu benefits to refugees, to give them flats, those flats are built from our taxes, it is matter of time when real violence will appear, few jihad attacks and really Europe will blow up, 

EU elites seems to dream about blow up of EUrope, because soon it may seems that only benefits and free flats will be just for non-natives and non-taxpayers, EU leaders already talked about raising taxes to cover immigrant benefits, 

EU will blow up, and to save peace first thing is to stop their flow, they all should return to their countries and let Saudi Arabia will care about them with Jordania, Bahrain and similar countries where those people fit , 

i do not want my taxes to be spend on such things as free flat and money for them, 

i do not have flat myself, i cannot have my kids due to lack of flat, they would get it free, while my friend left Poland to work in London to be able to feed his 2 kids - no way, all left wing press wants here to convince us that muslims are compatible with us and we should work harder , pay bigger taxes, because they need flats, someone owns this press, someone creates this mess, 

someone really wants WW3 and civil war in EU , question is who, US ? global corporations and banksters ? China ? Iran/Saudi Arabia/others (belief in jihad, end of our civilisation , war of civilisations) , Russia (to save Europe later ?) , who? a hidden neo-nazis in EU that know people reactions and push here problem to later get power, some "nwo masonery armagedon sect" ? hell knows,


EU comission want to force Poland to acomodate 10 000 muslims ! this is totally crazy, our own people emigrate due to poverty, i cannot have family and kid because i do not have flat, they want to force us to give 10 000 flats from MY taxes by people who never paid here single tax






Orban wants to build wall with Croatia

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EU comission want to force Poland to acomodate 10 000 muslims ! this is totally crazy, our own people emigrate due to poverty, i cannot have family and kid because i do not have flat, they want to force us to give 10 000 flats from MY taxes by people who never paid here single tax


I've read an idea of why is it done. Western EU countries still need cheap labour force for all the dirty works. From what they can get people from Eastern Europe suit best - they have similar traditions and religion, etc. So all the migrants from Arab and African origin will be pushed out of Western Europe to the East and will be exchanged with East-European nations.

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Come on, 10 000 is nothing for a big country as Poland, and some of them are probably Christian too. We share common values, one of them should be solidarity. As my family did with his Polish friends during communism, helping them as much as we could.

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it is unacceptable to push those people to our countries, it is not our jets that bombed Lybia, it is not our corporations that suck profits from there, it is not we who had colonies  , our standard of income is also very very low, 4-5 times lowers than yours , giving anyone non-native flat from taxes here is crime and betrial when our citizens cannot afford flat and family and having kids here( so they give birth abroad in UK),

and communism was first to force multiculti (marxism) and communism was first to kill tradition and our civilisation 


why not they go to Saudi Arabia ? a ? why? 

cause it is simply hybrid war, a jihad form 




EU commision again makes things that makes us more and more anti-eu

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Iraq was US+UK mistake that pulled whole NATO, A-stan was justified operation against jihadists so A-stan is other issue (now US talks with Talibs... which were first called biggest evil)

first of all Arab countries should take Arab migrants 




As my family did with his Polish friends during communism, helping them as much as we could. 

i hope you say about 1980 not about 1968 (when stalin clique escaped from here )

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in 1980s there were also some "fake solidarity members" ;) since 1980 we were not able to travel (baned pasports) and when communism started to collapse, some commie kids were playing commie-victims and escaped to France, UK, Germany where they get flats, benefits, jobs, 


no joke, really, 

usual people were baned to keep pasport, commie kids, knowing it collapses were exported to west as "opposition" and played victims (i know personally 2 such kids, one kid of colonel of intel, other kid son of internal army political police, both escaped to UK where they get all help, they were talkng they escaping comunism) but how they get plane ticket and passport is miracle in country in which people were banned to have dollars, those kids bought plane ticket for more dollars than we were earning (during comunism in 1980 our salary was ... equal 20 USD)

now those people are "businesman" in UK , second in Norway, i know personally their families, cause their fathers hurted my mother who was real Solidarity member, they were commie kids that "somehow" get dollars for plane ticket and passport in 1985 and 1986 


so if you gave shelter to someone who left this country during martial law (1981-1988) than guess - how such person could left country (passport, dollars) 

leaving Poland by non-commie was possible before 1981 (martial law was 13th december 1981) and after 1989 

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Iraq was US+UK mistake that pulled whole NATO

Correct me if I'm wrong but even according to wikipedia article the invasion was carried out by US, UK, Aussie and Polish contingents. So Poland was among those who performed agression against Iraq. Yes, there were only Grom SF units and some navy detachments but still they were part of spearhead of agression forces and fourth of the larger military contributions to the forces arrayed against Iraq.

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in 1980s there were also some "fake solidarity members" ;) since 1980 we were not able to travel (baned pasports) and when communism started to collapse, some commie kids were playing commie-victims and escaped to France, UK, Germany where they get flats, benefits, jobs, 


no joke, really, 

usual people were baned to keep pasport, commie kids, knowing it collapses were exported to west as "opposition" and played victims (i know personally 2 such kids, one kid of colonel of intel, other kid son of internal army political police, both escaped to UK where they get all help, they were talkng they escaping comunism) but how they get plane ticket and passport is miracle in country in which people were banned to have dollars, those kids bought plane ticket for more dollars than we were earning (during comunism in 1980 our salary was ... equal 20 USD)

now those people are "businesman" in UK , second in Norway, i know personally their families, cause their fathers hurted my mother who was real Solidarity member, they were commie kids that "somehow" get dollars for plane ticket and passport in 1985 and 1986 


so if you gave shelter to someone who left this country during martial law (1981-1988) than guess - how such person could left country (passport, dollars) 

leaving Poland by non-commie was possible before 1981 (martial law was 13th december 1981) and after 1989

No escape. A Polish friend were allowed to come in France (two or three times) because we invited him (the rest of his family wasn't allowed of course), we found him a work for a few weeks and thanks to that he bought a car and lot's of things for his relatives. I remember we took a picture of him in front of our markets because his communist sister in law was refusing to believe that markets with so many goods did exist. Then my parents went in Poland one time. From that story i still have very good binoculars made in Russia.

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but we not made Lybia, Syria , Egypt, all "Arab spring" 

of course we should not been in Iraq , it was huge mistake (Iraq) and now EU should totally close sea borders, land borders for any immigrant, 

cause those who are coming here are in fact jihadists, hybrid jihad, not refugees (only refugees are christians and apostates who suffer)

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Why these euro-pricks aren't pushing officials from Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Egypt, Emirates, Indonesia to accept their kin and brothers in faith from war torn countries? It seems like these directions are highly avoided. Why are they telling us about solidarity? Where is this famous muslim solidarity to help less fortunate faith-brothers?


Why Jews in Europe are the loudest when it comes to promotion of multi-culturalism in Europe? Why does Israel remains probably the most racist country with segregation laws in effect?

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