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of course we should not been in Iraq , it was huge mistake (Iraq) 



Surprised to see you saying that my friend! Perhaps you wanted to criticize the idea of invading the Iraq and overthrowing Saddam's regime? Times where different than today. USA was calling the shots with 911 still burning, not to mention forthcoming elections in 2004 (won by Bush). Bush also didn't have any idea about groups more extreme than his sworn enemy Al-Qaeda taking Iraq over after the Americans have left Iraq.

Aside from political reasons of invasion speaking what we gained though this...The experience we gained there is absolutely invaluable. It affected the whole army on micro-macro scale. Prior to Iraq we knew shit about desert warfare and counter-insurgency in urban terrain. See in early days of Iraq how much our equipment sucked and how soldier had to deal with it, remember those Honkers reinforced with vests or Hinds with pilots flying without NV system? That was kinda pathetic. But thanks to discipline and good morale we managed to overcome equipment imperfections and environmental hostilities. With Iraqi experience our soldiers knew their place in line and duties in Afghanistan. Just compare the look and operatiobns of WP from 2004 Iraq and 2014 Afghanistan. Quality all the way.

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wth is going on in spain? Ascension to full on Police State?

http://deutsche-wirtschafts-nachrichten.de/2015/09/04/spanien-bestraft-jugendliche-wegen-oeffentlichen-cola-trinkens/ (GER)

Public assembly (4 people apparently is enough), including rally calls/sharing dates and locations on facebook are prohibited and will get fined. Police is prosecuter and judge at the same time.

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this woman had to be evicted from flat, she born child and she had no money to pay rent for flat, without help of journalists she would be homeless, her child would be taken by state to orphanage, BUT for immigrants they have money ? 


this man has cancer, he is homeless, he sleeps in his old car, city refuse to give him free flat, but for allah-akbar behead infidels they will have thousands of flats? 

state doesn't have money to finance counter-cancer treatment for people who worked for 30 years and paid taxes for 30 years, 

many illness are not having refunded drugs, due to lack of money , but money for beheading sharia-zone guys will be found ? 

our families do not have money to have kid, i do not have flat, i cannot have kid due to economy, but they will finance from my taxes flat for sharia freak with 5 kids ? 


and Prof - about Poles in 80s - opposite to jihadists -we wanted to integrate - watch your porn movies, drink your wine, not behead you , we wanted to sightsee your Cathedrals, not to turn them into Mosques, 

this is basic difference, 


i double what Sudayev shown 


why those countries do not take their brothers in faith ? 

our salary in Poland is 500-600 € to hand, many people earn € 400, 

i do not know Czech or Slovak salaries, i do not know Hungarian, but i doubt they are bigger than in Saudi Arabia, Quatar, Kuwait 

why countries which have income per capita 5 times bigger than Germany do not take "refugees" with the same religion ? 


over half milion kids in my country suffer malnutrition , while "refugees" 

throw food to trash bins cause it is "haram , not halal" http://natemat.pl/153393,wlasnie-tak-imigranci-obchodza-sie-z-pomoca-ktora-otrzymuja-od-wegrow


hungry children would not throw sandwich to trash bin ( http://www.kawalek-nieba.pl/html/hunger_in_poland.html    https://www.wsws.org/en/articles/2014/04/01/pola-a01.html  https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poverty_in_Poland )


this is scandal that in city Gdansk , 1830 Polish families await for free flat cause they cannot allow buying it, they are not capable to take credit (banks do not see them as enough earning) but the same city offers build 2000 flats for muslims, wtf ?

people wait many years to get free flat (state-owned) and start family, now incoming aliens gonna get even more  ? this is pathetic and this will end in violence 




this woman lost leg due to sickness, she has refused benefits, but they would get although they are fit males ?






parents take bank credits to have money for shool-trips of their kids 




41% of Poles would have to take credit if suddenly they would have to spend 500 Euro , analysis made by Economical University 


but for jihadists we would have to pay taxes ? 

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Victor Orban says - flow of other culture may result end of our culture




against majority of voters, soon loosing government says that they want to "fix humanitarian crisis" despite voters and voted new President, and soon voted new parliament which would not agree on Brussels and Berlin dictate, 




Polish intel warns - jihad is closer and closer and more coverts are observed




non politically correct truth - immigrants in Hungary throw food away because it is not halal, they make riots and demand getting to Germany to get benefits cause all that they want is to live from German benefits not working (Hungary proposed them camps with work)





muslim invasion - article says about hybrid new form of jihad, that they want make their crusade with tactics of "green men" from Crimea - tactics to play refugee, than settle here, make many kids and than force Sharia and start war


this is simply new form of jihad, just some open eyes are needed to see it, that this tactic is new form of religious war against our civilization, war without weapons YET, to settle here, than to make kids, than start Sharia , 

YT - they do not want food which is not halal, they do not want red cross help because... there is cross on boxes with food,


things like crusades, than like Ottoman Empire strikes on Europe - seems are not yet visible for many western europeans, but this is simply new kind of religious war,

like on Ukraine we observed new kind of hybrid war (green man) , than here we see new kind of religious war , pushing people first without guns but with kids and killing our economy by benefits ,

but anyone sane would ask himself question - why they not stay in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Quatar, Jordania, Emirates, etc. why ?

they have there the same culture,

reason is simple - they do not escaping from wars, they invade us to start war here from inside , they are other kind of "green men" , 

they do not fight with ISIS in their lands, they would outnumber and finish ISIS within weeks if they wanted real freedom and were realy opressed (all intels report there are ISIS fighters among them , there were reports they were throwing to sink Christians from boats too)  , 3 thousands people per day, gives milion people flow per year , 

this is new way that Caliphate spreads 

many people in west are atheists and do not even understand that people can have such plans motivated by religious superiority plan to take over planet, but this is similar to crusades, to taking Southern America by Inquisition , things done in X, XVI century, than things done by Ottoman Empire too , 

this is hybrid war of islam vs infidels, nothing more 

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YT - they do not want food which is not halal, they do not want red cross help because... there is cross on boxes with food,



This was untrue, the guy who shot the video said they refused the food because they were in a hurry to cross the border, and didn't want to step out of the line. Another wonderful misinformation, immediately exploited by all kind of far right activists.


Source : http://www.ilpost.it/2015/08/25/debunking-migrants-video-red-cross-macedonia/



The refugees – says Petrovic in his email – had spent three days in the no man’s land between Macedonia and Greece. At the time the video was shot it was raining and the refugees had spent almost two hours under the pouring rain. Macedonian police wouldn’t let them cross the border. Then the Red Cross arrived to distribute aids for the refugees in the form of food and water. The refugees were angry because they weren’t allowed to cross the border into Macedonia, so they refused aid shouting “No! No!â€. Macedonian policed only allowed one group of 200/300 refugees to cross the border every two hours, as such is the capacity of the train that connects Gevgelija to the Serbian border on which they were boarded.

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case about this famous sunken 3 y.o. boy which media presents and his father that emigrated to Greece with hope to get free medical care, not escaping from any war but simply for free medical care,


riots in Hungary


international funds to help Leclrec markets take Polish shops (last day our corrupted government changed law so big markets can be build without allowance from urbanist bureau in city)


our corrupted government before election refused President aplication to make refferendum about privatization and fiscal issues,

more and more anti-native decisions of pro-brussles clique which soon loose totally upcoming election, probably before elections they will sign huge "refugees" quota, which probably will lead to riots in my country with muslims and later problem when after new elections we will try to get rid of those "refugees" (which in fact are jihadists who want to live without work)





USA deny take refugees from Syria

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non politically correct truth - immigrants in Hungary throw food away because it is not halal, they make riots and demand getting to Germany to get benefits cause all that they want is to live from German benefits not working (Hungary proposed them camps with work)


@Vilas: Thank you for your effort. I just want correct your last phrase in the brackets. We don't want push them to camp. But we are in very hard push from hypocrat Merkel and her double speach.

The real situation in Hungary:

The immigrants cross the Serbian-Hungarian border illegal (in the woods). The police try to catch them, but not for punish, but save them from weather and feed them, give them medical supply. But the immigrant refuse this.

We don't want stop these immigrants, it's not our interest. But Angela Merkel told a double speach few days ago. She smile into the cameras and she told: "every Syrian are very welcomed in Germany. Hungary has no right to stop them" and when TV cameras are turn, she just call the Hungariaon PM and told him, if he let a single immigrant to enter Germany, she promise us a very hard punishment with EU-sancions.

Then the immigrants, who hear her speach start rioting "We want go Germany. Hungary bad, Germany good." And they are very angry. And they didn't realize how Angie fuck with them.


Austria close his border with Hungary. They also threaten us, to no one can leave Hungary, but all the Austrian newspapers are fill with articles, what course Hungary, why we stop the immigrants. Now an austrian facebook-group organize a convoy to "save the immigrant from nazi Hungary". Personally, I very welcome these Austrian idiots: please come and bring them to your home. You will be very suprise, when your military will stop you.


The current situation here is very hopeless.


EDIT: while I write this post the Austrian Police made an annuncement: everybody will be arrested immediately, who try to bring a single immigrant from Hungary to Austria.

Ok. I understand this, but then stop lie about Hungray hold them back!

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I agree that giving lessons (like "my" foreign minister) to countries that must directly face the problem is useless and counter productive. There isn't any simple solution.

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western EU politicians made a lot of mess and now citizens deal with mess , but will they do order in election or elect again those *** who push us closer and closer to civil war, problems with tax-benefits policy to natives


in my country most pro-imigrant speaking people in TV are those very rich businessmen or few journalists - who live in protected areas behind thick tall wall driving to job in armored BMW 7, not in public transport, people who earn 10 000 USD in television say "you should take imigrant to your home, islam is friendly"

as you said - they should take them into their homes if they are so happy with it, also they should pay for it only with their taxes , of course noone of journalists will speak why very rich middle east countries do not take them, why they do not go to very rich middle east countries, EU should close outside  borders totally and return those people except real refugees (christians, gay, apostates) otherwise as Orban said , soon EU culture will be gone and our secular-chrisitian countries will turn into sharia zone on level of development year 1800 or lower (and we gonna bankrupt), EU media try to cover that we have real hybrid religious invasion, in 10 years it will be too late,

few milions of them will be here within few years,

they won't fight against ISIS for freedom, they will start fights here for Sharia, someone either wants destroy Europe by war and reborn  of NSDAP v 2.0 (as obvious reaction) or we have hidden converts in governments who dream about destroying secularity and christianity or outer-EU powers dream about destroying Europe and sell weapons ? maybe our crazy rulers are sect that dream about armagedon ?




clashes in Greece - imigrants tried to force police and get to ship


we must remember that in future conflicts those people will be internal bomb in case of war with Iran or such like powers




latest edit : riots on Greek Lesbos island

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they won't fight against ISIS for freedom, they will start fights here for Sharia, someone either wants destroy Europe by war and reborn  of NSDAP v 2.0 (as obvious reaction) or we have hidden converts in governments who dream about destroying secularity and christianity or outer-EU powers dream about destroying Europe and sell weapons ? maybe our crazy rulers are sect that dream about armagedon ?

No. They just aware of having raped another maid of Guinean origin in NY.

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tourist relation from Austria "they were kicking our bus, throwing decays in bus, spitting at our touristic bus, wild people throwing bottles" and etc.

they also robbed another bus, opened hatches and robbed tourists - why police in such situation not opened fire?




Germany try to force others to take wild agressive jihadists




bishop warns agains islamization


there is also video from Hungary when those wild beat with police, shout "allah akbar"

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Amnesty Int. finally found that rich gulf countries that do not care about their co-believers and discovered that gulf countries have GBP few times bigger than western european rich countries




Obran "if we allow them all it would end Europe", Hungary to send armed forces on borders



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another strange thing:




Isreal made very very harsh law against imigration (up to 3 years in arrest without sentence !!! helping immigrants 15 years in prison ) and the same time Jews in USA call EU to take muslims, wth ? they want provoke something here ? sounds like "conspiracy theory" ?

while Israel makes very non-friendly law and punishment for helping immigrant - Jewish officials in NY say that Eastern Europe must take muslims (like in 30s some Jewish bank owners supported NSDAP)

natural consequence of problems with immigrants, sharia zones and bankrupcy of benefits, tax system will be NSDAP return, it is obvious, they do not know it ? they know it in NY, so what is going on ? someone wants to recreate 30s now ? maybe it is kind of game against Europe ? because in NY people like Appelblaum (  http://niezalezna.pl/70603-zona-sikorskiego-grozi-krajom-europy-wschodniej-jesli-nie-przyjmiecie-uchodzcow)call to punish Eastern Europe (by halting EU funds to countries like Poland, Hunagry, Czech, Slovakia) for not taking refugees, the same time nation of miss Appelblaum sets harsh punishment for hiding illegal immigrant




Greek people appeal for help "immigrants storm our homes, they enter our homes without permission" "they come and started throw stones at us"




Italian - Austrian border, mob attacked usual people cars, they tried to rob cars "they attacked old woman to rob her" "they want to asimiliate ? they were spiting at us and attacking cars" "someone throw excrements at us"

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So the whole idea of the creation of the state for Jews doesn't sound a bit racist for you, eh? For me such laws aren't surprising at all because I find the idea of special state for one nation similar to 'ein Volk, ein Reich etc.'.

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for me it is "surprising" that there is total difference between what they do internationally and what they call internationally others to do and what they do within is opposite,

but it probably comes from strong religous superiority belief , in globe there are dozen of religions, only 2 of them teach that their believers are uber-human and non-believers are animals that should serve, Quoran quotes and Talmud quotes are both shocking for people who believe that there are no superior race /kind etc. reading Talmud and reading Quoran you will find many similarities like "cheat others, user others like your tools" etc.  ,

but shocking is supporting somethng that will hit other Jews here (in west already hit), because what they call for will not end good for Jews living here among us , which would not be able to cross street ,

maybe bringing all this to Europe and allowing it because someone wants WW3 , with more islamists we gonna have not only civil war but our counterstrike on muslim countries too , if i was Jew for me only logical point would be "no Muslims in Europe", while Jews tell us to bring them more, and later in France some Arabs  beats Jew on street, and people from NY Jewish diaspora call very loud that we should get punishment for not taking all Syrians here, it is as illogical as leftist who first say okay to gay parade, than allow people who tell about killing gays. someone in globe wants WW3/civil war on our continent








Greek people beg for help due to situation with immigrants "who turned their life into hell"

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sensational poll - majority of Brits want to leave EU ! in case of voting now , Britain would leave European Union 


some memes :



"can someone explain why fit males do not fight for their country with enemy? but they are leaving families in warzone and "escape" "



"tell France and Germany to apply Normandy form (if Poland is not welcome in business talks on Ukraine than it is not present in immigrant talks ) in immigrants - be not present" 


"Suddeutche Zeitung called Vyshehrad group being without mercy, dear Germans, we are preparing place for you when you will be escaping sharia zones within 10 years"


TV in 2016


"Roman Empire fallen because barbarians came"


"our taxpayer has no benefits, he will get all benefits"


Poland 2030, Hungary 2030, Germany 2030


"prison cells in different countries, which one you'd call just punishment" (about EU p.c.)


"in Hungary they throw food to trash bin, do you still believe they are hungry, not just want to live without work on rich countries benefits system?"


John the Third Sobieski - he knew how to deal with muslims


"Europeans who do not wear hijab ask to be raped - said Immam Sahid Mehdi from Kopenhaga"


"Lesbos - a touristic paradise of yesterday" 


"thing that connects 2 men is brotherhood of blood, not marriage" 


"every country has right to decide whether they want muslims or not, we seen what they done in other countries" 


"woman and children - do you see any? cause we seen agressive males attacking"


"when you write about Jews you are antisemitic, when you write about immigrants you are racist, when you write about Russians you are brave decent journalist - irony "


western markets operating in Poland paid in last year... 0.45% of tax from their profits while our business pay 20% (only 11% of shops belong to Polish business) 


D-Day 2015, also invasion, just soldiers wear different uniforms 


Quadafi said in 2011 if we delete his government wave of immigrants will invade Europe 


"Orban warns that there will be "explosion" in Europe connected with islam  ,just stupid EU leaders do not believe what is sure for 100%"


memes from last 3 days showing what our internet thinks 

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EU wants Poland to take ca 9300 "refugees" , of course majority is against 




other jorunalists say that 1/3rd of "refugees" moving from Balkans (not by the sea, Spain, Turkey) are Albanians from Kosovo (economical migrants)

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"refugees" stormed and left refugee camp in Hungary, police had to use tear gas, 



Lesbos island  "situation near to explosion" says Greek minister



analysts say "EU afraid of immigrants and is paralyzed by fear"



EU commision wants Poland to tak 12 thousands of them :/



leftist and pro-EU media in Poland block comments in net, because maaaaaaaaaaajority of votes and comments say people are against "refugees" and islam, so they decided to block comments cause people simply have enough of this , so they publish news and disable comment options 



"EUrope needs Jan 3 Sobieski again"



"we may have problems like Sweden" (culturaly enriching life of many women )



Czechs do not want them too



"European heritage in danger, thousands of muslims march in Europe, we ought to remember 1683 and march of Ottoman Empire to conquer Europe" "majority of those muslims are lonely males in 20s-30s what gonna happen with disarmed Europeans" 

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Polish minister of Defence " first problems of Middle East must be ended so people do not escape, let Germany do not tell us about solidarity (http://img4.demotywatoryfb.pl//uploads/201509/1441657611_f1yv55_600.jpg  Gazprom and German corporations signed Nord Stream2 deal in friday, which hurts Poland and Ukraine - as countries transporting gas from Russsia and now avoided by German business with Russia  http://www.money.pl/gospodarka/wiadomosci/artykul/nord-stream-ii-co-oznacza-dla-polski,117,0,1897077.html < the same time Merkel dare to tell us about solidarity, edit 2 : http://wpolityce.pl/polityka/264655-nord-stream-ii-podpisany-w-cieniu-problemu-imigrantow-czyli-solidarnosc-europejska-w-pelnej-krasie-8-waznych-pytanNord Stream 2 signed, new article, about "solidarity in Europe especially when it comes to Russia"  )  "



riots of immigrants in Greece, some clashes with police in the night

on Greek Lesbos island there is 80 k natives and over 100 k of immigrants 



Chrisitan real refugee says about intolerance of muslims towards christians



one of Polish members of parliament had balls to say "those "refugees" are beasts who first should stop hate infidels", what is funny, this member of parliament is from left wing, anti-religious party representing also LGTB, he openly calls them beasts 


famous right wing bloggers say "if we not stop them, soon we  gonna have milion dead children, not one drowned, but milion, children of atheists, christians, gays, soon our economy will bankrupt cause they do not want to work, they want only praise and kill infidels and rape our women, they only want our women cause our women means for them easy free sex" "for one destructed church we  destruct one mosque" "citizenship only for children which parents were born in Europe" "arms should be used when people illegally cross border, border is border, thats the rules" "no benefits, you work, you eat, you do not work, go to hell" "why Jews and left wing support those who hate Jews, LGTB, woman rights ?" and this : http://img5.demotywatoryfb.pl//uploads/201509/1441664075_923qfq_600.jpg

a lot of Poles still left in Russia (after WW2 border change) want to return to Poland and work for Poland ,



German benefits and social care, can half of my country apply for German benefits ? than i would not have to work 400 Euro + free  accomodation , it would be more  than from my work 



imigrants welcome their saviour with cutting throat gesture 


why rich gulf countries do not help and take muslims to their land ? answers apostate from Arabic country , apostate who escaped answers "in Muslim culture jihad is first before helping other person, sacrifice someone for jihad is justified, they believe that those immigrants will force sharia law in Europe later", woman who said it is native Egyptian, apostate that escaped 


meanwhile in multiculti Sweden : http://www.algemeiner.com/2014/08/18/swedish-woman-viciously-beaten-for-wearing-jewish-star-necklace/ ;)


ex president Vaclaw Klause says to not accept any quota : http://ndie.pl/vaclav-klaus-skierowal-do-rzadu-petycje-nie-akceptujmy-zadnych-kwot-imigrantow/

Hungary changes law, immigrants would be outlawed within week if not left Hungary also punishment for destroying border fence will be applied 


edit 3:




who are immigrants - according to stats, 75% of those people are young conscript-age fit males women are 13% kids are 12% "women and children looking for shelter" is debunked, 3/4 are fit males ready to fight 


Palestinian refugee living in Poland says in interview "those people will never integrate like me , i worked among them, they are not tollerant, they should integrate or leave, and if they paid 5000$ to pay for travel, you are not refugee that needs help" - i was said by Palestinian orgin guy who integrated - he also doesn't want to see them, he escaped from them "they will demand quoranic shools, than saying that your girls are prostitutes caue they wear short skirt'



so we have in our press 2 interviews with REAL refugees (apostate and this guy, probably not muslim too) who were born, grown in Arab states, and both of them do not want us to take "refugees" (in " " )  both of those Arabs integrated with us and do not want horror of sharia to follow them , third Arab i know personally who is coptic christian from Egypt says the same, he talks even worse, he say to torpedo those boats, he doesn't want death to follow him here , i worked with this Arab for half year and i do not know bigger islamophobe like he ;) he lost all his property, he escaped death with his wife and daughter, now we allow people who wanted to kill him and his family


edit 4:


World Bank propose (to Poland) to put down/lower/decrease labor rights !!! by cuting down secure of job (3 months period of firing person) 

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wtf is going on , madness

our minister of labor said that we gonna get 12 thousands "refugees" and all will get job guaranted and house



Poles have huge emigration, people emigrate to west, there are problems with job, and those ... will get GUARANTED JOBS ? and house ?

this is crazy, people here chase for work, nearly 3 milions emigrated due to unemployment which was over 20% (before emigration wave) now unemployement is like 10/11/13% (different stats ) and they say job will be given and flat to 12 thousands of muslism ?

Polish president (newly elected) wants refferendum about it, government (soon elections, they will loose like hell) do not want,

majority would vote NO !

this is fucking crazy, i have to work hard, i have to BUY flat,

1830 families in one city wait for flat cause they cannot afford it

huge unemployment forcing people to emigrate, malnutrition among children, huge poverty percentage not present in western countries,

12 000 muslims will get flats and guaranted jobs


we were opposting taking 2000 of them, now we are told to take 12 000 ?


European Commision decided, what the fuck , why someone who want to behead me gets free things i have to work for and buy

last hope is that soon elections will end this crap , than President sets refferendum and we vote NO WAY otherwise lots of people "will be fixing issues on streets", people in European Commision wants fuel neonazism it sems



Hungarian press "we do not defend just Hungary, we defend whole Europe"


"if this wave is accepted, next waves will come too, milions will go after them"

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"even 80 000 muslims to Poland, if they will get right of being here, than according to EU law, they will bring their families too, it may mean 80 000 says experts, over 80% of those who cross EU border are fit males, they probably have wives and children which they will import here says experts" 


really, does someone in EU wants people to start counter attack , cause situation is more and more boiling, such EU law allowing bring family of "refugee" is insane because 1 male means 1-3 wives, 5 kids, we should not allow it, cause in 10-15 years they will start demanding sharia here and behead us for watching porn , drinking alcohol, listening to metal - usual things in European lifestyle , they will rape our women, they will deprive our daughters of education and driving licenses , EUrope should unite like in 1683 and do the same like in 1683


if every  single one muslim male that came here will get right to bring his WHOLE family later, it would mean end of europe, end of our culture, civil war, neonazism wining, 




new law on Hungary, since 15th September crossing border illegally may mean sentence, 3 years in prison, etc. 

why other states do not do what Hungary does ? 

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EU in panic... Question is, if they want to live in Poland. From what media say, (nearly) all immigrants want only to Germany. Now, if Poland will obey this UE's/German mindless, shortsighted makeshift nonsense, they'll apparently be brought and kept here against their will? So how this will look? Refugees/immigrants emprisoned in some camps? Or freely running back to Germany?

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march against islamization and imigration BANNED 

city hall banned march planned for 12 th September, wtf


thousands of people planned to show what they think and leftist government banned march , they will really reach to the point when people gonna do something radical 


so leftist media DISABLED comments on their internet websites, now city hall not allowed on march, which would probably connected thousands of people (so far we do not know how many people would come) 


prime minister of Poland refuse to answer journalists and members of parliament (opposition) any information about immigrants issues 




journalists from Christian media even say that current gov should face state tribunal for betrial of nation and forgetting values which journaists from Charile Hebdo defended (free speech) and all Christian-secular values




Merkel demands that other countries take more and more


when those jihadists will bring families, their 5 kids, we not only gonna bankrupt, they will set here sharia law, i am suprised that western nations which praise secularity, freedom of speech , sexual freedom, even drugs - do not understand it, 

all their beloved gays will be killed, all their feminists will be killed , social care and benefits will vanish cause no economy will hold 5 kids families of people who only educate in basic or religious way, women not working, etc. 

their belowed swingers clubs will be closed, anything they love will be destroyed, do they not see it ? and holocaust ? people say about antisemitic issue, in islamic states Jews are under-human and have less rights than animals, don't they know it ? 

instead of marihuana and sex in night club they will have public beheading of gays and Jews

their women will be treated like dogs

for saying you do not believe in god, you will be hanged or stoned to death, 

and west doesn't oppose  ? doesn't send APCs to fire when border is illegally crossed ? 


elites force it because very very rich people want :

- cheaper labor, third world economy, because than current politicians become oligarchs like in Ukraine, current transparency doesn't allow them, also now they are elected, in sharia there are no voting, 

- problems on street - people who afraid to walk street - do not care about ACTA, GMO, NWO, banks, 

- civil war - so gun business is higher, 

- people will demand control, year 1984 instead of freedom 


law that says that "refugee" has right to bring his family is insane , totally insane, one person today brings 6 people next month , people that do not integrate but want sharia 


even our military intel alarms government that there are jihadists and isis members which come in numbers 


shame that due to gore rule i cannot post there gallery with how those *** behead Christians and apostates (and poor countries which already have unemployment and emigration should not take even single immigrant because their citizens already live poor and pay big taxes) 



a great post of one blogger (woman), deleted from leftist organization forum , but had hundreds of likes and was backuped by hundreds of people, what women feel about islam and EU how European countries not cared about Poland during WW2


where are people who were shouting when in Russia someone beaten few gays ? but all is okay when islam kills gays 

where are people who were shouting when in eastern europe we believe that feminists are mad ? but all is okay when islam ban any rights of females 

when one spit at gay in Russia it is crime, when other behead gay it is culutural enrichment ? 



edit :

Sarkozy advisor said to press "Europe shows off its generouseness, it doesn't see its giving up to worse kind of slavery - islam, i would shut up but it is too much, while real danger is on woman and children from ISIS, than males escaping, cool? europe opens doors for guys who left their families when ISIS attacks, Europe doesn't see Christians dying next to its doors, if Germans want take milion of refugees - let they do it, but why they force others to follow   " 



EU Comission blackmail:


countries must take imigrants, EU gives 6 000 € once (how it rely to cost of acomodation ? )

and if countries not agree, they have to pay fine 0.02% GPB (gross year product of country to special fundation)


countries have to secure also costs of bringing families of imigrants , housing them, acomodation, job, health care


so first we protested against taking 2000, now they force us to take 12 000 and those 12 000 soon gonna bring their families (which may mean 60 000 ? or more ?)


this is insane what happens with every minute escalates, 

anyway, people who organized march against say they will walk despite ban, so there will be riots in my city this weekend , cause we do not want to pay for them from our taxes, 


reminding for 10th times:

Poland has malnutrition of children estimated ca 500 000  kids, Poland has 10.1 % official unemployment and 6% of total population (15% of work age ???) emigrated due to lack of jobs, 

poverty estimated by international organization in my country hits even 20 % people

diversity index say we have 30% of capital belonging to 0.12 % of population 

cost of flat in city varies from 1.5-3 thousands euro per square metter 

salary to hand like 500, 600 Euro, 700 Euro lucky people


and in those conditions they force us and not only us to take jihdisst and economical imigrants which we do not want and which would not enter Europe if not European leaders force on allowing and opening to them, 


remember - European law says - that such imigrant can bring his family and he will do it on your cost, from your taxes, 

if we have such unemployment - than how it will be done that they have GUARANTED JOBS  ? with families ? how ? will our business start firing natives from job to fill European Commision order to give them jobs ? 


this mess is half done by Merkel 


0.02% of year income as fine is nothing just BLACKMAIL 

YGB of my country is ca 526 bln USD

0.02 % is 106 milions of dollars !!!

for 106 milions of dollars we can build hospitals for natives which we lack (due to budget we have cut some cancer treatment, diabetics drugs etc) , 

for 106 milions of dollars we can buy 1200 flats for natives which do not have money and which COULD FINALLY HAVE FAMILY AND OWN KIDS

lots of people gonna suffer here because of goddamn Merkel, because of EU Commision , becuase of political correcntess that points finger and bash only policitian who now acts properly in EU - Victor Orban


if those economical imigrants and jihadists will bring families, soon we have 80 000 of dangerous people who do not work, who organize gangs, rapes, sharia patrols, terrorist acts etc. 


the only responsibility when anything gonna happen goes on those who said to open borders, who wanted to punish and stop Orban 




lets remind what immam said about Charlie Hebdo, lets remind his words

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a man who shown how muslims behaved on border (one who posted photos how they were throwing extrements at tourists in his bus, he was tourist traveling with trip) has death threats on facebbok from islamists, facebook deleted his accounts from claims of muslims probably,

guy just posted how they attacked touristic bus on Austrian-Italian border, but he receives now death threats "you will die in the name of allah, jihad comes for you" and such like

islamists already threat people from my country

meanwhile my government discuss where from to get money (to whom take away) to give muslims , damn


we must fight against jihadists, not help them, people who come without any data, documents, may be potential terrorists from isis, not giving them flats from our taxes,

i must buy flat, i work hard , 7 days a week, 12 hours daily, they will get it from MY taxes and behead me for drinking wine and being atheist ? where the fuck this Europe goes

from the most safe place on globe - Europe - we gonna turn into middle east


if anyone will die, if there would be terrorist act commited by jihadists - responsibility goes for all those "tollerant welcoming people"



Denmark stopped railway conection with Germany because of imigrants

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