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About weapons ... i think we will stick to already released ones ... ther are too many weapons to make the 100th M4A1 or M16A2/4 Addon

Great idea!!

I belive that the USMC weapon pack by E&S plus another pack by Laser should provide you with enough material for your own weapons.

There are some other types of weapons, like those heavy sniper rifles (SJB has one - looks good to me) or HK things.

It's just too bad that King Homer won't be able to finish his pack. Is there any chance that he could give to... well, to someone who can complete it? Maybe you guys?

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@Keller_777: if we had a scripter we would do this ... crazy_o.gif

Sorry... didn't want to upset you.

For some reason I had a feeling that the Chain of Comman actually want to help anyone who has good artillery models to make them a part of their UA v1.1

Maybe that means that they would be your scripters, no?

Very nice forum you have there!

And here's my favorite part smile_o.gif

"There could be something around the Christmas holidays that would make all very pleased.Depending on how things are going there might be a Christmas Teaser.

Just a thought though."

I LOVE you guys!

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Keller there's no need for 4 separate replies in quick succession, if you have something else to add use the edit function please smile_o.gif

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about Russian ... I agree with you about the OPFOR ... to mightless ... bur there is another great rising country that could be a OPFOR ... (Taiwan!) ... that´s my (really) personal idea of an OPFOR ...

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about Russian ... I agree with you about the OPFOR ... to mightless ... bur there is another great rising country that could be a OPFOR ... (Taiwan!) ... that´s my (really) personal idea of an OPFOR ...

I thought Taiwan was almost allies with the US, since they acknowledge Taiwan as a sovereign state.

The Peoples Republic of China on the other hand, I would consider quite a threat towards the US in the future. They would definately come close to matching US hardware and technology

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I don´t think Taiwna would be the OPFOR  wink_o.gif I just want to figure out one of the possible Problems between US and China.  tounge_o.gif

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I don´t think Taiwna would be the OPFOR  wink_o.gif I just want to figure out one of the possible Problems between US and China.  tounge_o.gif

Must of misunderstood you tounge_o.gif

So I gather the conlict might be about a possible Chinese invasion of the Taiwan, and therefore the Taiwenese are allies while the PLA are OPFOR.

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A conflict with China is a very good idea! There are allready some addons for China. And it would be a conceivable, realistic scenario.

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@Keller_777- ALRIGHT THIS IS THE LAST TIME IM GONNA SAY THIS The US army Has never nor ever will produce an MARINE CORPS CHOPPER. AH1-W is refitted for MARINE operations and the army has the Apache but Yes we are already gonna mkae a AH-1W and a AH-1Z

On another note about the Weapons we are trying to make the best of everything. And if that means making news M16 family weapons then we will do so end of discussion.

One last thing

There will be two way different nations that our mod will take place in so you all will just have to see what that means tounge_o.gif

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I just wanted to point out that for those who REALLY want a US Army Super Cobra (even though the US Army doesn't use the Super Cobra), Vit retextured a bunch of Super Cobras including a US Army version. Its on his website...but I don't have the URL handy at the moment. They're probably on OFP.info also.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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@Keller_777- ALRIGHT THIS IS THE LAST TIME IM GONNA SAY THIS The US army Has never nor ever will produce an MARINE CORPS CHOPPER. AH1-W is refitted for MARINE operations and the army has the Apache:p

I think the Eagle Warriors have them in there inventory?

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There will be two way different nations that our mod will take place in so you all will just have to see what that means tounge_o.gif


"just wanted to point out that for those who REALLY want a US Army Super Cobra (even though the US Army doesn't use the Super Cobra), Vit retextured a bunch of Super Cobras..."

I am sorry... but Vit makes terrible stuff. Although I have not seen any of his supercobras, I did get a chance to try some of his planes... And I will never download anything else he makes ever again.

And one more thing

Those Marines you have just shown us...

Well, you see, I'm trying hard to figure out why THIS looks better than the USMC troops by E&S, and it seems to me that it doesn't!

But ofcourse it is an erly beta, so in time I'm sure we will see some improvements.

BTW - the screen is a bit too dark, don't you think?

About the Chain of Command's Unified Artillery version 1.1

I guess I'll just quote them: "Yes, I really want more cool units… We dont' make our own units, so if there's a unit you'd really like to see use UA, contact the modelmaker and have that person get in contact with me. We actively support UA integration into existing models. If you have a model, we can make it work." (!)

So… don' you think it's a good opportunity to complete you LAV-M? If you need a scripter to make it work, I will gladly get in touch with the CoC for you. I am sure they will help you guys. On the other hand this was posted a long time ago, and now they are already betatesting the UA v.1.1, so there's a chance that they will not have time to work on any new models right now…

(Here's a link to their page): http://www.flashpoint1985.com/cgi-bin....t=39757

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Those arent the Models that are gonna be used i was just showing you the textures that might be used in the far runi have already switched to a new model seeing as the model i was making is being made from scratch

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Will helicopters like the '53 be able to carry small vehicles like motorcycles in cargo?

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please ... Iblis ... i c you are a new member on that forum ... WELCOME ... but ... read the topic before you ask already answered question!!!!!!!! mad_o.gif

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What are your plans for the HMMV pack?

Any additions, or improvements of the existing untis?

Do the Marines have a HMMV with M242 chaingun?

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I don't think anyone actually uses the Humvee with the 25mm chain gun. It was probably just a technology demonstrator - I imagine the Bushmaster system would have made the humvee seriously top heavy and require extra roof support.

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I did see TV shots today of faluja. It showed what looked like an M1114 HMMWV (with gunshield) with a minigun in place of the .50. Looked like an M134, but I can't be sure. I'm not completely sure whether it was a HMMWV, but is almost must have been (it was USMC, and those don't use the M113 AFAIK).

Was pretty cool firepower.

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It was Special Forces. The Marines don't mount M134s on Humvees, but the US SF types with the INGers do.

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LAV pack;

I read that the LAV's are tank-class. Although I fully understand your dicision, I would like to point you at the video of the BOH type 87 Scout vehicle, posted on the BOH site.

I don't know how they do it, but they seem to have a car-class vehicle (fully functional wheel-sytem and driving properties), combined with the tank-class features (turn-out option, gunner optic view, ect). I don't know the full story, but the vid sure raises more than a few questions and it might be a good idee to try to contact these guys to find out more about this. Since you won't release the LAV's anytime soon (you want to release it as a mod), it won't really hurt the release date.

I'm not asking you to change anything, but it might help. I must admit that I was stunned by the vid and that I can't explain how they did these things.


thank you HF, you always seem to know the answer to everything. I only saw a short shot of it and couldn't see the full details. Must be usefull to lay down some serious firepower.

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