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Do you all think we should make a secuirity force like roit shields and such to protect ambasseys?


And only if you make Marines in Deltas, because that's what the standard embassy guard uniform is.

Well the uniform is really dependent on the situation at hand. Delta's are the norm for warm climate and friendly embassies. You'll see full on dress blues for cold climates and friendly territory. As UsMarine408 stated MSG's in not so friendly places like Liberia and Afghanistan would be wearing BDU's. Especially if FAST is sent in, these guys you will almost always see in cammies, if not nomex flightsuits.

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Nomex flightsuits are over. Almost noone uses them anymore (except pilots, d'oh!). The reason is that the BDU is MUCH more comfortable to wear. Especially in warmer climates the flightsuit is a killer.

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Well in shipboarding and such people tend to use flightsuits but this is for a reason.But from what I heard flightsuits arent that bad its just that the dont really allow you to blend in that well when it counts but in shipboarding it doenst matter anyways.

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Nomex flightsuits are over. Almost noone uses them anymore (except pilots, d'oh!). The reason is that the BDU is MUCH more comfortable to wear. Especially in warmer climates the flightsuit is a killer.

well, this couldn't be more wrong...ur prolly the first person EVER I've run across that has said BDUs are more comfortable than nomex flightsuits. Nomex suits are prolly one of the most comfortable uniforms the military has(its all a matter of personal opinion though I guess) also the statement of "almost no one wears them" is completely wrong. not only are the worn by flight crews about they widely used in the USAF by firefighters, security forces, PJs, misslers, about anyone somehow connected to a squadron usually wears a flightsuit over bdu's ie (flight test engineers, flight surgeons..and the list goes on) in the Navy, LCAC crews and naval special warfare crews(mainly mark v crews wear nomex suits) and the the army has been using a modified nomex suit for its tank crews for as long as I can remember. Maybe some other nations build their suits with different material or something....

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ok, I meant in the field by SF's/Marines. The nomex flightsuit is warmer than the BDU. This is actually the reason why it's much less used in these field ops than (for example) 10 years ago.

Note; many operaters need a nomex suit because in their job there is a direct risk of fire (firefighters, tank-crews, ect). They also don't need the camouflage, so it's more usefull to wear something that protects you. But as said; I wasn't pointing at the entire military in my post.

About blending in; the plain green is actually a very good camouflage and it works very well in CQB and cities. In those situations the woodland camo is often worse in terms of camouflage. The pattern of woodland is supposed to break up the shape and let's you blend in with your surroundings (bushes). On close range this is actually useless and doesn't work. A plain color will work better. Even better is to use a pattern with very low contrast between the colors and/or a very fine pattern (digital)

It also works well to create a blackspot; by using a plain color like black. THe black vest, helmet, balaclava, ect, create a 'hole'. Black is very difficult for the brain to see. So difficult in fact, that it takes a second or two to understand that you are looking at a very mean SF's guy who aiming a gun at you. By that time you'll probably also notice the two holes in your chest wink_o.gif

But to get back to tha addon;

Since FK said he likes the story to take place on a jungle island (correct me if I'm wrong), I don't think we need nomex flightsuits ect. Marpat works fine in this situation.

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ok ... a bad annoucment.

I will leave the OFP addon making community. i´ve some things to fix in in real life, and also the game become bored. There so many good addons out there, but no good missions to play. But that´s not the reason ... real life is more important.

I will still be present on these forums.

Anyway GOOD LUCK for the USMC Mod, thx to all people who supported me, and helped me with some information.


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Hi, bad new that fishkopp left the new USMC mod; the LAV's & the AV8-B really had good look like, and are things that we need for our Marines. This could mean a serious stop or a deadly wound to this mod, i guess.

I've downloaded the HYK_Soldiers 1.50 (just for try 'em) and the maker done it again... i've seen also the screenshot of the progress on the USMC grunt model, look good; but, as in the HYK_Soldiers addon... the vest textures & Mole System, could be improbed. If u play with the units u'll notice how u need to be at less than 6 or 7m to notice the pockets on the jackets, the different parts of the Mole, the buttons on the mole system & basically anything that have (should have relief). That's bad, for all.

If i had the vest textures of this Marines in .jpg, i could try to improve it a bit. Then send it back to some one on the new USMC Mod... and if u like it, well; and if don't... well too. I done this with the HYK_Soldiers 1.0 when i tryed to rip 'em and do my own wip_rangers 'til i get to the conclusion that no one will help me to have my own units to play 'lone. I made 'em look better; i could try to do the same with this Eliminator vest + Mole system on this Marines. My mail it's in ofp.info . Let's cu.

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ok ... a bad annoucment.

I will leave the OFP addon making community. i´ve some things to fix in in real life, and also the game become bored. There so many good addons out there, but no good missions to play. But that´s not the reason ... real life is more important.

I will still be present on these forums.

Anyway GOOD LUCK for the USMC Mod, thx to all people who supported me, and helped me with some information.


NOoO Eep crazy_o.gif .

Its a terrible shame, i was so looking forward to your vehicals, especialy the fantastic looking Stalions.

I hope in due time these amazing helos may be released? one day maybe?

Right FK, thank you for the nice Hmmwv's pack you build for us and i hope you fix whatever RL issues you may have, its good to know that you will atleast stick around smile_o.gif .

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Nomex flightsuits are over. Almost noone uses them anymore (except pilots, d'oh!). The reason is that the BDU is MUCH more comfortable to wear. Especially in warmer climates the flightsuit is a killer.

I wear the Nomex Flightsuites and I tell you what they are 10 times more comfortable then BDU's any day. They are also made of lighter material so they are better in warm weather. Thats why Force Recon still uses them when the situation arises.

I wear a flightsuite every day on a hot ass flightline for about 10 hours a day while fixing helicopters...if I did that in BDU's I'd past out from heat stroke by noon.

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wow its odd that three USMC Mod makers have all left the community lately (Past 3 to 4 Months or so), NZXShadows, Waffendennis and now Fischkopp.

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Hopefully with some luck more will join to help keep this Mod afloat. When the USMC Mod was started it was only myself and Scorpio. This Mod has been an underdog Mod from the beginning, but it has always rebound. I'm sure with the support of the community it will rebound again.

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*heart stops*

good bye fiskoop. *salutes*

*heart starts*

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ok ... a bad annoucment.

Without FischKopp the USMC mod is dead... or dying.

Release whatever you already have and get it over with.

FischKopp - I loved your HMMVs and everything else you did for our favorite game. Good luck in real life!

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F**k!!!! Not this Mod too! Big thanks for all to FischKopp! Hope your great work will be released, with or without a complete mod.

Good bye*salutes*, and all the best for you!!!

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Well if you guys just want to get some addons out, then I hope that you will at least release stuff like your CH-53 and the AAV-7.   The TOW AAV-7 was ok, but the model was not quite accurate.  Rather then hording the addons until an entire mod is finished and then destroying them if the mod falls apart, I wish you guys would start releasing a few addons such as the AAV-7.   Right now we already got pretty good Marines in the Marine Assault pack which other addon makers like Cornhelius are now updating.  We also have a decent CH-53 by Scorpio and Adammo (although yours looks a bit nicer) and we have a AH-1W Super Cobra addon that's pretty damn good but that could be developed a little more.

I think that if you guys could join Cornhelius and with Digital Grenade's permission, further update and improve the Marine Assault Pack (and combine any of your existing units with them), that alot more could be accomlished.  

Updates they need include, a more accurate and powerful SMAW rocket, a more powerful RPG-16, M40A3 and Barrett M82A1 .50 cal sniper rifles (I recommend asking King Homer to use his), updated M16A4 rifles with vertical SOPMOD style on the front and ACOG weapons sights, a Marine Designated Marksman, and new group configurations with assault elements where all the Marines have their kevlar helmets on but with other groups where they are all wearing boonie hats.  

Also increased dammage values to simulate the Marine's body armor would be good.  Those interceptor vests are taking a beating and saving alot of lives in Fellujah.  For better realism it is possible to reflect this.  In my mod, the Lost Brothers Mod, our Counter Terrorism units have their torsos set to high dammage values where it takes several body shots to take them out.   However head shots will still take them out in one hit.   This along with HD ammo makes for much longer and more realistic firefights.  

At any rate, what I really want to see most is just a good AAV-7 APC.   If you guys release one of those, you guys would be my heroes.  The only other good looking AAV-7 was the one that Operation Code Blue was working on.   I have a beta of that and may ask them if my mod can further develop it just because I'm getting sick and tired of waiting years for a mod to finish (and they usually never finish and go under).

An example of lost addons include for example the BAS Navy SEALs and their DPV (ninja buggies).   I was SOOO disappointed when they never released those.  

Anyhoo... once the MIA mod releases their new desert map (I have an early beta and its great for simulating Fellujah missions), I will be finishing up a Fellujah mission I've been working on.  it would kick ass to be able to use a new AAV-7 addon for that mission since that is the main assault vehicle used by the Marines.    

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I wouldn't say it's cursed...as long as it has even one member that wants to see the Mod through, then it will succeed. You have to think of a mod team like a business. It's hard to keep it going at first but when you finally get it going you have to be dedicated or else it will slip into the shadows. The Mod team needs some dedicated members, that's all. With all of the great talent out there and those who are pushing to keep the mod team alive, I'm sure we can build this Mod back up.

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 ...We also have a decent CH-53 by Scorpio and Adammo (although yours looks a bit nicer)...    

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

Lol, it looks alot more than a bit nicer, i wouldnt mind having it without all those scripts and other stuff that doesnt get used so much, pretty much all i ever expected were some USMC vehicals to play around with S&E's marines.

I think FK was doing a great work all by himself...but not with enough help maybe rock.gif .

I think FK+NZXShadows+one good configer/scripter would make one great addon team, like BAS or !COMBAT, total mods require too much efort and work i guess...

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Id like to firstly say thanks for all your negative support of the mod team and all that are helping by saying things like the mods dead and its cursed and secondly nothing will be released untill all is done like planned.

just cause one person left doesnt mean there arent more out there I am making things to but i guess i dont matter since FK was Sooooo much better then i am so do me a favor and stop telling me what I should do and let me finish what i am doing

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Hey UsMarine408 i think your great..... tounge_o.gif .Seriously though i'm not worried by the departure of Fischkopp as i have total belief in your talents and the rest of the mod.Keep up the great looking work guys....

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