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Why would me make Army addons and plus army dont produce

Cobras anymore..

No Supercobras in a USMC mod? rock.gif

Now that is something REALLY unusual! smile_o.gif

But you guys can do whatever you want... I am not such a big fan of American stuff anyway. All I want is some good USMC units to fight against my VDV forces. smile_o.gif

Best wishes!

Can't wait to read that unit list you have mentioned.

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Okay, I get it - you want to make new USMC infantry models, but do you also plan to make a new weapon pack, or will you use something that is already done?

And another question - the LAV with a mortar... does it work?

Did you use the Chain of Commnad's UA engine or something else?

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A super Cobra will be made since it is a US Marine project

@wongkeanwah-No i havent gotten your email

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@Keller_777: if we had a scripter we would do this ...  crazy_o.gif

About weapons ... i think we will stick to already released ones ... ther are too many weapons to make the 100th M4A1 or M16A2/4 Addon

Update: I think I will present at the end of the week screenshots of the last chopper in the H-53 series on the USMC mod forum

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Actually about the weapons some thought has been given and it is not yet decided is to if new weapons will be made seeing as the ones out right now will not go with as far as quality so rest assured if the decision is made to indeed makes weapons they well be the best possible.

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@wongkeanwah-No i havent gotten your email

Real apologys for not replying earlier. smile_o.gif Oh well....Darrrr.... sad_o.gif

Who knows,exams are on.............. crazy_o.gif

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I have to agree with the above statements.but why is it a white horses head when it says black stallions  tounge_o.gif ..

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I have to agree with the above statements.but why is it a white horses head when it says black stallions  tounge_o.gif ..


MfG Lee wink_o.gif

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Some sad news in the mod today we lost one of our own.


some sad news

I’ll leave the OFP community

I won’t make any further addons or play it. I’ll come back when OFP 2 is


I’ll visit the forums. But that’s all.

I’ve got some serious problems with my family and school, no time for Addons

and Co

If you need any help with config or things like that send me an email. Maybe

I can support you at the weekends maybe.


King Homer

-Its goning to be hard to  replace king homer but can anybody with his skills , addon making ,tex etc step up and help us out. thank you


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Awwww that sucks. King Homer was one of the top weapon makers in OFP. I wish him and his family well and hope that everything works out for him.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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No, that's quite the understatement, Miles Teg. King Homer produced some of the best addons this game has yet seen.

His input will be severely missed.

Now, I've got to kill a Democrat! crazy_o.gif

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Hey I'm a democrat. And Tom Delay is an idiot.

But if Bush can blame all his failings on Democrats I suppose you can blame King Homer leaving on Democrats. Damn those liberals!

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Quote[/b] ]Hey I'm a democrat. And Tom Delay is an idiot.
rock.gif Hey, easy Teg.... No one's perfect, and I'm a little drunk. Put the gun down, or be smited. wink_o.gif

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JIHAAAAAAD!!!!!!!!! LOL! Yaaayaaa...you ain't the only one who's been drinkng... (hiccup).


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Thank you for your reply! I really appreciate your answers!

And about that question "why should we make any Army Supercobras?" Well, you should not… I am only humbly begging you to consider this option. smile_o.gif

Okay, seriously, this is your mod and it requires a lot of time and strength to complete. We all know that. So nobody is trying to tell you what to make. All we do is ask: "do you think it would be a good idea to make this unit" or "any chance that you plan to make that vehicle?" etc.

I respect your work and don't want to press down on you.

AND it's very good to know that there will be a Supercobra.

About OPFOR units for this USMC mod –

I don't know if there is any point in making some stand alone units to go up against your marines. Any guerillas would look a bit odd – I mean, why would you want to use LAV-AD or LAV-AT against partisans?

It's not like they would have gunships or plenty of MBTs.

On the other hand, IMHO a virtual World War III – EAST vs WEAST would be a perfect setting for your mod.

Here players would have to fight against the best (or the second best, some folks won't agree with me) armed forces in the world – the great and mighty Russian Army.

I think it's a lot more fun than yet another Resistance-style campaign. Besides, lots of ex-Soviet units and vehicles are already completed.

About this absolutely fantastic US NAVY version of the Super Staillion... is it just a transport or can it do something else?

I don't know... someting anti-submarine maybe?

But it's not like we have any good submarines...

Best wishes!

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