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With this an your Harrier, all we need now is an LHA or LHD.  wink_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

USS Tarawa, LHA-1 is out there Hellfish, I know I've been using one for months. Because of FK I am now thinking of not buying VBS1 smile_o.gif

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Guest major gandhi

is that heli a static object or did you really made a script which allows to fold the blades ?!!??

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It is around somewhere, it was originally made by Spad Alpha and improved by Wardog. Spad made it in MLOD so everyone can improve it. If you can't find the link I will send it to you wink_o.gif

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It´s an static Ovbject ... it´s not possible with the engine cos of the too many rotation points.

About a LHA-X or LHD-X ... a log time ago ... i built a complete LHD-X without tex ... but cos of comp-crash it was lost.

sad_o.gif  mad_o.gif  sad_o.gif

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Love the helo and the look of the M2 in it smile_o.gif

Hows your marine infantry going FK rock.gif

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Its alot isnt it?

Marine soldiers, ch53 pack, lav25 pack, sea harrier, hmmwvs, the jungle island thingy and we are already asking the one man USMC mod for a USS Tarawa and more stuff.

From the late screens i may assume that most work has been put on the ch53's and lavs and some on the harrier maybe, its spooky to see one guy with all this stuff in the works, i worry about you FK tounge_o.gif .

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Thats ...Im lost for words...very impressive

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You could animate the tail and have the main rotor appear/disappear with setobejcttexture (and at the same time let the folded ones disappear/appear).

It ain't pretty, but it works smile_o.gif

Those screens look awesome btw!!

But I thought the M2 that is used on birds has a perforated barrel jacket? (although they didn't during Nam)

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@Heatseeker: Don´t worry ... I had a lot of free time since i left the army in july ... and i used the time to improve my skills and finish some projets ... cos next week i´ll go to university ... and then i have only ... few hours in a week to work on my projects ...

But stay tuned ...  wink_o.gif

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yep ... wreck modell ... next step ... MH-53 series  biggrin_o.gif  biggrin_o.gif

Wohoo tounge_o.gif

I've been lookin forward to a MH-53 for quite some time. Lookin forward to seeing some of your stuff ingame biggrin_o.gif

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Well I have just finished some ground units some Force Recon,MEU and Regular inf im gonna start work on pilots for the jets and fixed wing aircraft

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Ah! Cpt. Frostbyte, cant believe you missed this one at the cp thread biggrin_o.gif .

edit: fixed quotes and stuff..

I didn't miss it actually, but I was a bit tired of posting that stuff here. Hell, I'm not part of the USMC mod, but the only one actually posting the screenshots in the correct thread. smile_o.gif

But thanks for posting it.


thanks USmarine, looking forward to it.

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Well I have just finished some ground units some Force Recon,MEU and Regular inf im gonna start work on pilots for the jets and fixed wing aircraft

There is no difference between MEU Marines and "regular infantry" Marines. The MEU's darw their BLT's (Battalion Landing Teams) from their designated Divisions. Three MEU's on the Atlantic draw from 2nd MarDiv, Cali MEU's draw from 1st MarDiv, and MEU in Japan draws from 3rd MarDiv.

Just thought I'd point that out. wink_o.gif

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wongkeanwah, USMarine is having problems with his internet, but I have been talking to him over the phone. If you wish I can relay whatever message you'd like to send him. Thanks

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wongkeanwah, USMarine is having problems with his internet, but I have been talking to him over the phone. If you wish I can relay whatever message you'd like to send him. Thanks

I told him that i wanna work at USMC.I sent him info:



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