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Mission Editing Competition

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eagerly waiting for today's announce ...

I'm hope the mission is going to win that is most likely to spawn the production of other missions due to its elements of replayability

on the other hand, after discussing the winner, I think we should all release our own non-selected submission to the public in this thread & get some reciprocal comments and feedback going. Or have you already released your missions?

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congratulations to Munch Studios and kingsix! smile_o.gif

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Congratulations to the winners and to the less lucky contestants, those were really great missions to play , i hope to see such quality production in 2005 icon14.gif

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Thanks for congratulation, but where did you find out that we are winners?

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Thanks for congratulation, but where did you find out that we are winners?
Quote[/b] ]Finally it's all over and I am pleased to announce the two main winners....

Winner of the MEC 2004 main prize is: "Hawk in Nets" by Munch Studios

Winner of the MEC 2004 public vote prize is: "Swordfish III" by Kingsix

here smile_o.gif

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Congrats guys, you deserve it   biggrin_o.gif

Now how about a nice avatar for us slaves.... errrhm i mean Judges who worked so hard.

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Congratulations to Munch and his team for making the uber mission of them all. smile_o.gif

Like Winters said; you really deserved it.

I would also like to thank every single one of you for participating and for creating alot of fun missions. smile_o.gif

I'm glad we did'nt have to choose runner-ups. Too many equally good ones to choose from. It was (IMO) only this one mission that was lightyears ahead of anything else I've (we've?) seen.

Quote[/b] ]Now how about a nice avatar for us slaves.... errrhm i mean Judges who worked so hard.

You really sure you want that? I can make you one if you still do tounge_o.gif

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Congrats to Munch and Kingsix. Keep up the good work.

Thanks to all the judges for their work. smile_o.gif

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Thanks to all for nice words, congratulations to others in top ten, especialy Kingsix and wish good luck to others in next competition.

We would like to credit our external musician Metal Synth and others who supported us, becouse readme was unaccesible for public.


>External musician:

Metal Synth

>External betatesters:

original version 2003: Dian Prasetyo & Biker OFP

BIS remake version 2004: Ali, Spawn, Gaia, Biker OFP, Eda Mrcoch, Metal Synth


Munch (scripting, Editing, configs, Voice acting...)

Silver Falcon (Story, Mission and Art Design, Directing, Overview & Briefing, Editing, Island design, anims)

Quote[/b] ]#Songs Agreement:

Music written,produced and performed and recorded by MetalSynth

The songs are not to be used outside of the game operation flashpoint or resistance (ofp2 or vbs1 too I guess ;P) in any case by anyone but me :

([email protected]) aka MetalSynth aka MetalSyn aka KreepyChaos...yeah that's about it ;P

You can use the songs in your own missions in the above mentioned game(s) and distribute them to the ofp community if you want to,dont ask me about it.As long as it's FREE,I'm glad I could make a mission sound better ;)

If you wish to know more about my works you can find them at these urls :



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Now, how about releasing the name of the author of Chinook down, cause I gotta ask him/her about something tounge_o.gif

And congratulations to Munch and Kingsix, and all other 8 finalists... smile_o.gif

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I'm glad we submitted anyway, the mission was still in need of some polishing and we gave it in the very last day.

They did'nt even consider submitting at first since they did'nt have original music.

Crasyest 2 days I've had to do thoses songs lol tounge_o.gif

Glad we made it, MunchStudios had some killer scripts in there,they sure earned that win wink_o.gif

I really liked that pingu shoot by the way,would be nice to know how the other missions scored as well.

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I am really happy "Hawk in Netz" won this competition! It is the best mission I have ever played for OFP. The atmosphere of the music is fantastic, and the videos as well. I am not a good player, so the mission was very hard for me (in "Normal" mode). wink_o.gif Munch Studios did a great Job! I am looking forward for a second remake of this mission with voice acting (I could help with samples *g*). smile_o.gif

I want to thank my helpers for my submitted mission as well.

First thanks to Mr Burns for so much translating and testing - also hk-pro and DrunkenDragon helped me alot. Thanks to AK-Chester for the penguin music he did for the mission and his voice acting. Also thanks to AK-Chesters mate Gagu, Cpt. Stooker, Gerwulf and Lockheed-Martinsch for voice acting. Thanks to Lester for Addon releated questions. Thanks to zortech for the Laser weapons models and textures and thanks to Falcon for the Lifting-platform-model. Of course thanks to the testers 23-Down, Broken and Gerwulf. Also thanks to Silola for the particle effects and the [bBS]-Team for their nice fireworks particles. And of course the guys around the mapfact forums for basic help. smile_o.gif

author of pingu

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So....where can we download these missions?

You have certainly missed this

No no, you don't want to do that. You want to go to OFPEC where you can get them indivudually and read the crushing reviews while at it. wink_o.gif


So, Congratulations to everyone involved!

This was a fine competition indeed and I know I speak for everyone (well maybe not Placebo and the judges) when I say we need more of this good stuff.. Especially now when I noticed that one of the prizes was a Flashpoint marked multitool wow_o.gif Damn if I had only known.. Well, we'll see about that in MEC 2005. rock.gif

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Especially now when I noticed that one of the prizes was a Flashpoint marked multitool wow_o.gif Damn if I had only known..

One of those would have fit nicely into my tackle box but I figured my conscience would have been too heavy each time I went fishing wink_o.gif

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Hi everybody!

Even we ended out on place ten we would like to thank everybody who was involved in the MEC 2004. We hope there'll be a sequel. smile_o.gif

We would like to announce just one thing

Yes here it is. We are finally releasing the ----Too Young To Die --- campaign . At a certain point I thought we wouldn't be able to make it... to terminate it.

But the fact that Too young to die entered the Mec finalst Top Ten gave us the strenght to finish what had been undone. We would have liked to release a much bigger campaign with more missions but it was impossible. We've put a lot of hard work in it and we sacrificed all our freetime we had. It was naturally our choice. Now she F+++++g hates me. With this campaign we want to give our contribution to the OFP comunity .

I was reading lot's of posts about topics concerning missionmaking. They are so many different opinions about how a mission' s supposed to be. You'll never do it right to anybody.We didn't use any addons apart of Kegetys Editor & Object addon. It was our decision not to use any addons even I saw a lot of good ones on various sites. A Hi to all you fantastic addon makers. It was also kind of a challenge to create a story without using the newest addons. Some of you might hate us for that. You see .. can't make it right. For Toy and me the essence of Operatrion Flashpoint is the mission. Hell thats why we bought the game for. To play the missions and the campaigns. That's fun. We hope you guys have as much fun playing this campaign,as we had making it.


Thanks to everyone who played our mission and liked it. You can download our Too Young To Die Campaign at OFPEC.

It' s still in the pending Campaign category, Here's the link:


To the next one. blues.gif

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Firstly here are all the pics of the various prizes (including the 3 shown on the MEC webpage)




(click images for larger pictures)

I'm doing the draws to decide who gets what prize...

For the draw, names are printed on small pieces of identical paper then folded in an identical manner and drawn out of a hat (D’n’A's baseball cap), people drawing them are Sith & D’n’A of BIS.

For the first one I've just drawn the names of the two judges who will receive Operation Flashpoint multi-tools I can assue you the draw was done in a completely fair and impartial manner.

The winners of Operation Flashpoint multi-tools as a thank you for judging help are..... Shadow & Ex-Ronin

Now the draw is to decide which of the 10 finalists will win which prize (reason for this is because the 10 games and 10 T-shirts are not the same, they consist of 3 camo T-shirts & 7 khaki, 2 Opf GOTY, 3 Opf Bestseller edition & 5 Platinova Edice)

This draw will consist of 3 parts, firstly to decide the order of the winners, second to decide which T-Shirt they win and third to decide which game they win, and the results are....


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Only 2 judges are getting prizes? exactly whats fair and impartial about that?

EDIT: This is not meant to sound like i am whinning about not getting a prize, i just think its unfair to the rest of the judges to only single out 2 when all the judges worked hard on this.

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I buyed OFP, Red Hammer and Resistance as Single Editions, what is the difference between goty, bestsellers and Platinova?


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I buyed OFP, Red Hammer and Resistance as Single Editions, what is the difference between goty, bestsellers and Platinova?


GOTY is the full priced pack which included Opf, Resistance and Red Hammer, Best Sellers is the later budget edition and Platinova Edice is a Czech GOTY version smile_o.gif

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Features wacky Czech spellings of all words? tounge_o.gif

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