Snake Man 407 Posted April 7, 2004 ODOL Explorer v2.0 for OFP P3D Models from PMC Tactical From ODOL -> MLOD converted and loaded to O2 models of BAS Blackhawk MLOD1.jpg BAS Delta/Ranger MLOD2.jpg BAS Littlebird MLOD3.jpg And also BAS UH-60L in ODOL Explorer itself with textures MLOD4.jpg Official WrpTool Forum and specific PMC Tactical Forum OFP ODOL Explorer Topic and also check Bis Wiki ODOL Explorer. Download from WrpTool Homepage. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ag_smith 0 Posted April 8, 2004 Hey, hey, you there, what the heck, are you doing to my models? Â Just joking... thanks mate, this will be very usefull tool! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lester 0 Posted April 8, 2004 Yeah ... ... how long have i be waited for this , a must to have ... Equal conditions for all modellers in the community, yet ! @snake I miss the 'ps' from the readme here Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
coporal_punishment 0 Posted April 8, 2004 @Lester this only converts ODOL to MDOL and noth the other way around. So I really don't know why you are so happy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SNIPER_SKULL 0 Posted April 8, 2004 WTF OLOD to MLOD do you know what your doing man Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bn880 5 Posted April 8, 2004 All I can say is that too much work probably went into this. Thanks Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ebud 18 Posted April 8, 2004 I think this will be a very useful tool as long as people use it wisely. The learning curve will drop considerably. I really don't think there will be the amount of theft people think there will be. Maybe a vertex here and there, but not just move a point and call it their own work. Mostly I see it as a technique browser. I can't imagine how much work this was. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bn880 5 Posted April 8, 2004 That is exactly what I think, it is going to be used to learn from... I don't see a lot of stealing with any other OFP tool, so this should be the same. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NZXSHADOWS 0 Posted April 8, 2004 Hell yeah,Thanks to all that are part of this tools development. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MrZig 0 Posted April 8, 2004 <adds rocketlauncher to one of BAS's weapons, then sells it on ebay as my "own" work> Edit: I guess that was spam so I'll add something. Very good work on this! Now if some modeler decides to quit before he finishes an addon or something and releases a beta of it, and its not mlod, someone can finish it! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Powerslide 0 Posted April 8, 2004 Might as well release P3D edit now too, no sense in hoarding it any longer. Perhaps I will release it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Wilco 944 Posted April 8, 2004 Hrm, cool tool, keep p3dedit though, don't release it. Unless you made it ofcourse Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Powerslide 0 Posted April 8, 2004 It's the same thing anyway basically, serves the same purpose. In fact this new tool looks a little better. Who made p3d edit is now defunct. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lester 0 Posted April 8, 2004 @Lesterthis only converts ODOL to MDOL and noth the other way around. So I really don't know why you are so happy. Only converts ODOL>MLOD ? ... sure ! For the other way we have a nice tool called binarize Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SNIPER_SKULL 0 Posted April 8, 2004 binarize is no good no more Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lester 0 Posted April 8, 2004 Binarize is for 'Engine optimised models', not for protecting in any way ! And only for this way it should be needed. btw. The P3DEdit 'pseudo elite' membership has been canceled this morning. Â Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
m21man 0 Posted April 8, 2004 Quote[/b] ]binarize is no good no more I'll still be binarizing my models, it improves performance. And on a jungle island, performance is paramount ... Very nice tool. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
USMC Sniper 0 Posted April 8, 2004 Amazing tool, I'm sure a ton of work went into it. I'm also certain that it will probably not be used for a lot of theft (if not any at all), and instead it will allow people to learn how things are done in some addons. Great breakthrough in the addon making community. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Master_Chief 0 Posted April 8, 2004 p3dedit is obsolete now because ODOL explorer works much better and it actually keeps the position of the model!!! I didn't try it much yet, but does it have the p3dedit bug that caused 'shining' surfaces to loose their tag? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ebud 18 Posted April 8, 2004 the browser is just great. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Drill Sergeant 0 Posted April 8, 2004 #1 This is a breach of the OFP UELA. #2 This is not the smartest thing to do because of the fact p3ds are now DECRYPTABLE, which means you can w write plug ins. Which will allow people to hack up OFP2 conten from the start. UNLESS BIS makes MAJOR codeing changes which I do so emplore them to do. My word of advice, BIS lock OFP2 codeing up as tightly as you can. If this is what people are going to do then they may as well have to work HARDER to decompile. Now we can bitch and argue about the moral ishues behinde this tool and so on. But excuse me, back in the day when all odlod was locked and forbidden ground it spured me to make something NEW AND FRESH from the ground up instead of building over some one elses work. I would like to remind you I got good at modeling because #1 I worked hard. #2 I out did the competition by just looking at simple pictures and makeing something new, from scratch. Thogh now days it seems work of any kind to make something orrigonal is now un ethnical. As for style, good idea we can have multiple guns that all look the same basicaly because they were based off of one model. Personal style is more self evident with time. In my own experince I played around with 02 for almost 3 months before models began to emerge. I never looked at one tutorial, with the exception of how to use the b key to map, which basicaly evaided my learning for the first 6 months of my o2 work. But now we've taken tutorials a step forward and we are makeing everything "Free wear". I have no problem with people looking at how I did something but many times on a complex item or shap, people will be inclinded to copy/paste and say "Oh I built that over so and so's layout." If this must remain a prevalant part of the OFP modeling style atleast the power is no longer in the hands the mod teams. Now everyone has it. We shall see within 3 months time weither this is a help or hinderence. Also as a side note. If we must make this release eminent I will just shut up. But would some one please please please please please! Make a tool which binaranizes stuff even if the skins arn't there? I want to binaranize my models for a speedup and binaranize doesn't work at all on my computer. Though In the biggining of the post I seemed some what angery I am not. Since OFP is extremely boring I have prety much quit. Why? Because I have no help sking all of my models. All of which are high polly. So now thats this tool is a help to those who quit before finishing. May I ask when do we create a tool which helps us who never get a chance to see our things finished to even a beta release? Now I don't mean to hog a thread or anything so I will not. This tool is "Ok" in it's morals I guess. I could care less. Why? Because of what I was taught, My mum and dad always told me. Make it from the ground up, use the right tools, and do it right the first time. For me the right tools have been o2, my immagination and my lust to destroy high end computers with extremely high polly counts. There, now you know my hidden agendas. So let's see whats lurking in your unreleased un finished folders! I got around 100 good unfished models. But if this thing works for you good. You folks must have put allot of time into this yadda yadda and so on. Sarcasum? Maybe a little bit. But hey if it helps then thats great, I'll just be praying it doesn't hurt anything we've all worked so long to create. Well untill we meet again, when ever that may be I salute all those other OFP addon makers who aren't going to bail as I am after 2 years of fruitless labor release wise. And just ignor me or comment in my new thread which I am makeing about me, not here. Keep ontopic please. Good work men, though Ihave not personaly touched the tools. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
crodan 0 Posted April 8, 2004 In a way im glad this was released as it will help me understand and learn but in another way i think this wasn't such a good idea. i think as long as everyone uses the tool responsibly then we will be fine. anyway nice tool Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
shinRaiden 0 Posted April 8, 2004 Drill sarge: 1) Are you BIS? If not, you can't say "IS" exclusively. This issue has been discussed repeatedly in many locked threads, and the "Recent developments..." thread in OT is a good compilation. 2) Good point, but this is where copyright and Codemaster's lawyers come in. I joined late, and I still love it. Hope you'll stick around. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Powerslide 0 Posted April 8, 2004 Why the fuss? I can't see nothing but good things from this. Some mods had p3d edit for a very long time and they hogged it, even though it was made by OFP internals they act like it was theirs. If Operation Northstar would have had it as long our learning curve would have been much shorter. Since I had it I only opened a couple models to look how they are built, not to steal. If anyone wants a copy of p3d edit pm me but as far a sI'm concerned this is the better tool. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
miles teg 1 Posted April 8, 2004 #1 This is a breach of the OFP UELA.#2 This is not the smartest thing to do because of the fact p3ds are now DECRYPTABLE, which means you can w write plug ins. Which will allow people to hack up OFP2 conten from the start. UNLESS BIS makes MAJOR codeing changes which I do so emplore them to do. My word of advice, BIS lock OFP2 codeing up as tightly as you can. If this is what people are going to do then they may as well have to work HARDER to decompile. Now we can bitch and argue about the moral ishues behinde this tool and so on. But excuse me, back in the day when all odlod was locked and forbidden ground it spured me to make something NEW AND FRESH from the ground up instead of building over some one elses work. I would like to remind you I got good at modeling because #1 I worked hard. #2 I out  did the competition by just looking at simple pictures and makeing something new, from scratch. Thogh now days it seems work of any kind to make something orrigonal is now un ethnical. As for style, good idea we can have multiple guns that all look the same basicaly because they were based off of one model. Personal style is more self evident with time. In my own experince I played around with 02 for almost 3 months before models began to emerge. I never looked at one tutorial, with the exception of how to use the b key to map, which basicaly evaided my learning for the first 6 months of my o2 work.  But now we've taken tutorials a step forward and we are makeing everything "Free wear". I have no problem with people looking at how I did something but many times on a complex item or shap, people will be inclinded to copy/paste and say "Oh I built that over so and so's layout." If this must remain a prevalant part of the OFP modeling style atleast the power is no longer in the hands the mod teams. Now everyone has it. We shall see within 3 months time weither this is a help or hinderence. Also as a side note. If we must make this release eminent I will just shut up. But would some one please please please please please! Make a tool which binaranizes stuff even if the skins arn't there? I want to binaranize my models for a speedup and binaranize doesn't work at all on my computer. Though In the biggining of the post I seemed some what angery I am not. Since OFP is extremely boring I have prety much quit. Why? Because I have no help sking all of my models. All of which are high polly. So now thats this tool is a help to those who quit before finishing. May I ask when do we create a tool which helps us who never get a chance to see our things finished to even a beta release? Now I don't mean to hog a thread or anything so I will not. This tool is "Ok" in it's morals I guess. I could care less. Why? Because of what I was taught, My mum and dad always told me. Make it from the ground up, use the right tools, and do it right the first time. For me the right tools have been o2, my immagination and my lust to destroy high end computers with extremely high polly counts. There, now you know my hidden agendas. So let's see whats lurking in your unreleased un finished folders! I got around 100 good unfished models. But if this thing works for you good. You folks must have put allot of time into this yadda yadda and so on. Sarcasum? Maybe a little bit. But hey if it helps then thats great, I'll just be praying it doesn't hurt anything we've all worked so long to create. Well untill we meet again, when ever that may be I salute all those other OFP addon makers who aren't going to bail as I am after 2 years of fruitless labor release wise. And just ignor me or comment in my new thread which I am makeing about me, not here. Keep ontopic please.  Good work men, though Ihave not personaly touched the tools.  That's good for you Drill Sargeant, but not all of us have the luxury of 6 months to fool around with the ins and outs of Oxygen nor do we all have the artistic skills needed to make truly top quality addons. I desperately needed this tool because what it allows me to do is this: Now if there is an addon I really want to further develop, I simply have to ask the addon maker or mod team for permission to modify their addon and make sure I give them complete credit for their work when the addon is released. For example, I hope that BAS will give me permission to modify their MD-500 model into an IDF MD-500. I tried making one with Adammo's permisson based off of his model, but I just don't have the skills to do it nor the time to really devote myself to making addons (I'm a full time grad student and work so I have precious little time). But I have good relationships with most of the BAS members and would of coarse credit them fully as I know they put in tremendous amounts of work into the MD-500 and all the Little Birds. But I also know that they are incredibly busy and that they may or may not have time to make an IDF version themselves when it may be of only limited interest to most of the OFP community, but of GREAT interest to the Lost Brothers Mod. So I think that as long as this tool is used responsibly, and that the original addon makers are asked for permission, that we'll see alot more variety in the addons out there . In addition there are MANY dead addons that were abandoned but that need to be further developed. I had mentioned on another thread (on Hawk's C-5 addon), "What happened to that old C-17 addon that needed its nose fixed up to be more realistic?" Now I can try and get ahold of the original maker to see if he's still working on it. If not, or if I don't hear from him, then I can modify the nose of the aircraft and then give the original addon maker full credit if I'm successful in fixing up the addon and making it more realistic. Anyways, again, as long as we're all respectful to each other, I don't see a big problem with this tool... and I see ALOT more addons coming out. Chris G. aka-Miles Teg<GD> Share this post Link to post Share on other sites