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About Master_Chief

  • Rank
    Staff Sergeant
  1. Master_Chief

    First imported model from pc halo

    1. Still physically alive 2. Wasn't a legal issue 3. I don't play ofp or Halo any more. 4. Lost interest in life in general 5. If anyone wants to finish some stuff, I might consider it. Most of the stuff was wrecked in my system crash, which is when I lost hope. 6. Sorry that I left you all hanging, but to be fair all you ever got was some screens and a couple vids, you never knew if it was fun or well done so you don't need to worry about what could have been. In fact I don't remember releasing anything, so technically I wasn't even a real modder. 7. If you spend a lot of time modding and you are really passionate about it, MAKE FUCKING BACKUPS EVERY DAY!!!!!! HUNDREDS OF HOURS OF YOUR LIFE CAN BE WASTED BY AN OLD HARDDRIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 7. Hello and goodbye to everyone, maybe I'll see you again during the winter months when I am in my room wrapped in a blanket, working quietly at my computer. I won't be back as Master_Chief probably, but I'll still have the memories of those (now wasted) months that I spent working on the Halo mod. When the next ofp game comes out be cautious of an unknown noob who posts nice screens but doesn't release anything! If anyone wants to drop me an email, i'm at mklcwern@shaw.ca Farewell!
  2. Master_Chief

    Telephone Poles

    the simplest solution is to make them indestructable.
  3. Master_Chief

    DSF Scud Collection V1.1

    Did you guys know that if you do a google search for 'scud launcher' that your addon download from atwar is the first webpage it finds?
  4. Master_Chief

    Destroyer Sovremennyy class

    very nice, although destroying the hull doesn't destroy the guns so it is impossible to defeat it. Also, could the guns be targetable?
  5. Master_Chief

    Enemy In Sight - the next OFP "clone" ?

    well ofp has been called a pure military/infantry simulator, and this new game is called a 'military themed shooter". A shooter means that the player slides around the game environment smoothly and the weapons are always centered to the player's view. Ofp has much more realistic movement and I love that you can't aim while moving. I've played tons of shooters, but they all feel so limited after playing ofp. Once I've seen all the enemies, levels and weapons, I usually use some cheats to have some fun then its uninstalled and I go back to ofp. Another thing I love about ofp compared to shooters is that there is no 'mood' to it. Halo and half life have a mood set by ambient music and sound effects, but ofp is like if you went to this real island and stood there in real life this is what it would look and feel like. In order for someone to make a good replacement for ofp they would have to break a few copyright laws
  6. Master_Chief

    Respawn suggestion

    it sounds good in theory, but in reality it would be kind of annoying. Instead of dying, waiting a few seconds and then respawning, you would lay around forever waiting for someone to pick you up. If they did pick you up, this would mean that live players wouldn't have as much time for combat and flag/base capturing, so it would be worse for the live and dead players. Also, if you are playing with people who would team kill you just so they could grab the flag themselves, you expect that they would come and drag your ass off the field? Ordinary respawn is great because it means you can rejoin the combat without any action required.
  7. Master_Chief

    Mapfact discussion thread

    actually the one in ofp is a 4320. The only difference between the 375 and the 4320 is the grill and the engines (375 gas and 4320 diesel).Unfortunatly the ofp model is completely inaccurate in size and shape. BIS called the ural a 375 for some reason, even though the 375 had been largely replace by the 4320 long before the 1980's. Ural 375 Ural 4320
  8. Master_Chief

    proxy doesnt align correctly

    because they have deeper floors so you can't see the feet through the bottom.
  9. Master_Chief

    Too many addons?

    try adding -nomap to the command line or just remove some addons. btw welcome to the forums and happy Easter!
  10. Master_Chief

    mystery file

    I'd say delete it anyways.
  11. Master_Chief

    proxy doesnt align correctly

    when a unit is walking on a slope, ofp warps the model's legs to fit the ground so it looks like it is actually standing on an incline. I suppose what happens is that ofp doesn't return the legs to the flat position when he gets into a vehicle while on a slope. Solution... don't get in a vehicle on a slope
  12. Master_Chief

    Petition For BIS About Full OXYGEN

    I agree. I've used Max and lightwave for many years, but they aren't really just model making programs, they have tons of scene animation setup and lighting options that really mess up beginners. I used these programs for making game models, so these extra functions seemed in the way. When I got to o2, it was like modelling in its purest form. No fancy extude or lathe commands that are designed to speed up the production of 100,000 polygon models. Each polygon requires your attention so you end up with cleaner, more effiecient models than you would get from using more powerful tools. But o2 full version would be awsome to have as it is probably the tool BIS used for making animations. Other than that I'm happy with old o2 light
  13. Master_Chief

    DXDLL 1.0 (not Geforce MX compatible)

    if anyone is interested, I've made a new bumpmap for the water reflections that gives it a more rippled effect like the water has bigger waves. Just download the file and put it in your OperationFlashpoint\dxdll\textures\ directory. http://www.members.shaw.ca/master_chief/waterbump.png I think it looks a lot better because it makes the water seem less like a mirror and more like water.
  14. I need an equation that will find the the direction in degrees that the object is travelling based on its velocity. I don't want the direction that the object itself is facing though. Any help? I am trying to make a slideslip script for a car.
  15. Master_Chief

    First imported model from pc halo

    good news! I got almost everything back from my old hard drive. The only thing I lost was the hunter model and the rocket launcher, but those can be easily replaced. I couldn't find the map I was working on or the structures that I had made, but those too can be rebuilt.