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Fianally off the black market usmarine408? wink_o.gif

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For some reason this might cause conteversy but any possibility of IRA Commandos for The Troubles-type missions during the 1970's?

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Hookers...... tounge_o.gif

Actually I would like to see sidewalks, that's about it smile_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]BRDMs, yes, but one problem, last time I checked the BRDM was wheeled, so it won't be guided. We might try to do a workaround like WGL and make it wireguided.

Yes, you can't fire missile directly 'out of the box', so to speak.

There is a workaround, better, there are two. The first is

straightforward, but it's not reliable 100% when the framerate

gets low (low end PC, heavy scenario, high view distance and so on)

The second way should be 100% reliable, but requires some modifications

on the .p3d of the unit. If you want to know more drop me a line.


I'm a little ignorant, but what exactly do MANPAD means ? I

understood it is an SAM missile. The problem, I think, is that

you have to guide the missile to the target via a script guidance

code. This can be done: there's a script by SEFE at OFPEC that

does just that. But there are some problems: you have to 'feed'

the target to the guidance code script, then you should build

a 'missile plane' in O2, so you can change pitch, you should then

detonate the missile via proximity fuse, perhaps adding a trail

generator to make missile path more visible. The reason to use a

custom 'missile plane' is even because BIS missiles have limited

life times, so such a missile, if misses, can't turn back to engage

the target before it has 'died'. About SEFE's script: it should be

rewritten anyway using setvelocity, rather than setpos.

I've written some missile guidance scripts, for a unit that will

be released in a next future as a base on which addon makers

could build other,better units. If you wish one particular to be

added, I'll try to satisfy your needs. As now we have lead-collision

for SAMs, terrain following (real low TF, 2 meters above ground !),

terrain following top attack (simulates a TOW2B, how close to

reality I can't say, not being an expert) and a BIS-like one, but

more lethal. We will have (soon, I hope) an Hellfire-like one that

flies terrain following till 4-500 meters to the target, then climbs

to 150 m above ground and finally pitches to the target.

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MANPAD is a generic term for Portable Shoulder fired anti-aircraft missiles.  Almost all MANPADS are either laser or IR guided.

For a good demo on how the missile should behave, try the BKM SA-11 against Footmunch's F-16C addon.  Have a second infantry unit on the ground so you can use the group overview mode so you can watch the missile follow you.

If the Countermeasures fail, about 200 meters til detonation the aircraft MUST perform a high speed, high G turn that will force the missile to turn hard at a much faster speed than your aircraft.  Thus giving you about a 40 to 60% chance of survival, but there is a 65% chance that the missile warhead will detonate via proximity fuse and do serious damage if it's a large SAM like the BKM SA-11.

That's why I'm so critical about addons with absurd SAM speeds.   1500 to 2100 is fast enough, any faster isn't really realistic in OFP since starting velocity, gravity, wind, and rocket motor life all have a factor on how fast a missile flies.  Missiles that use realistic closing speeds (For OFP) allow proximity and seeking scripts to work more effectively.

No, I haven't had much time to experiment with any proximity or seeking scripts since I don't do any addon making.

However, I do a lot of mission scripting and custom needs scripting.

I've also done some addon scripting for the Falklands War Mod.

Anyways, hope that cleared up some confusion.



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ONE ADDON OFP NEEDS BAD........ a good looking SKS rifle, able to compete (well looks wise) with E&S Aks. Thats all I want. Hell I wouldnt care if you took the model from Vietcong or something wink_o.gif anyways a good looking SKS is badly needed.

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Thank you for the explanation.

BKM SA 11 is my preferred AA weapon, btw. I gave it a proximity

fuse based on the script used by Hudson & Pennywise F18, but

more lethal because, if the missile is approaching from behind,

it waits till it get a direct hit or it senses the distance from the target is rising, while closing on it. Sometimes sitting in the

cockpit I saw the missile linger above me a little before exploding

(with lethal results, of course, even if I tweaked down indirectHit

because it was too strong, in my opinion).

Quote[/b] ]That's why I'm so critical about addons with absurd SAM speeds. 1500 to 2100 is fast enough, any faster isn't really realistic in OFP since starting velocity, gravity, wind, and rocket motor life all have a factor on how fast a missile flies. Missiles that use realistic closing speeds (For OFP) allow proximity and seeking scripts to work more effectively.

I agree completely with you. In effect in my lead collision script

I gave the missile a max speed of 450 m/s, that is about 1.5


I used such a high speed to let the unit be able to engage fast

movers like Footmunch's Mig 23 going AB at full speed (about

1000 km/h), so to retain, taking into consideration an acceleration

that is not istantaneous, a sufficient closure speed. As now, to

tell the truth, it's even too lethal, I think I should lower istantaneous

turning rate.

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No way will I ever touch anything british. There's no way in the world I'm getting NEAR that.

I'm tired of people whining and saying "When will you release british units...", my god, everyone who has done it has quit.

have we?


no1 told me tounge_o.gif

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All demands have been seen and if u all could please slow down with them rememeber it is only one team working on this but i would rather u all connect on my AIm sn rather then message boards seeing as my comp some how got a virus so i cant check the boards as much as I would like to but dont worry I talk on one comp do the mod work with the other

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isnt there an SKS that comes with Tonal or JAM or something?

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- A new F14 Tomcat

- New buildings to place on maps from all over the world

- Cargo planes and MI17, MI8 and MI24 choppers (like mentioned before)

I may be the next to sugest new MI-8, MI-17, and a new MI-24, all in a nice pack with different skins, weapon loads, and nice features, like retractable gear for the MI-24.

Ofcourse, you have the Hind A, B C and D.

Have a look to this for a chopper.


Do you mean Mi-24P like this:


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EH-101 Merlin Chopper

JAS-39C Gripen

Leopard 2a6 EX

Eurocopter Tiger HAD Attack Helicopter

Artec MRAV Boxer Series of Vehicles (AT-Trigat, AA-Mistral, 105mm, 25mm+Trigat, Command, Ambulance, ERR, AMOS)

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2A6s are done.

SKSs are done, stop pushing for it.

I hate the Eurocopter Tiger, as does about everyone else on the planet... so doubtful.

Merkava is being done, and I don't see a reason to start.

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A CH-47 with improved textures, an opening ramp and cargo scripts would be nice. (you could ask BAS if you could use their scripts). We needs some heavy transport choppers to support the regular grunts too. Not just the SF guys

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but theres no good sks's, the ones in JAM and Vietnam mod are BIS material, with poopy sounds too. anyways maybe its just me that longs for one.

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All demands have been seen and if u all could please slow down with them rememeber it is only one team working on this but i would rather u all connect on my AIm sn rather then message boards seeing as my comp some how got a virus so i cant check the boards as much as I would like to but dont worry I talk on one comp do the mod work with the other

So who else is on this team? Any way to contact them?

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If I'm supposed to be the liason between him and BDM, and he tells me he has 45 people, it stinks like bs. That, plus the lack of any concrete proof of work, has gotten me quite suspicious.

Don't be surprised if we don't see anything, because if BDM doesn't even see it, doubts are the public ever will.

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Yep some SAMs would be very nice. Especially some older ones because they could be used for Vietnam, Yom Kippur and modern like Iraq missions.

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Well the site I got it from said KMARNs so I went with that.

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