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Wargames addpak 4.0 released

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Is there anyway to play with just addons as i cant start the game with the -mod because i get "ofplogo1.paa" error message ? im reeeaaaaly wanting to play with the new FX sad_o.gif

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Thanks it worked like a charm only one minor setback now sad_o.gif the ECP is dissabled by WG.

Maybe a good idea to incorporate some new effects in the ECP or something that will make the two mods work together... rock.gif

For the ones who like the ECP and WG

Other than that I encountered very little problems with WG except I didn't wittness the new AA effects on the vulcans as in the first screenshot.Don't know why that is...

Good job with everything else guys. biggrin_o.gif

Greetzzzz wink_o.gif

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Spent a few hours last night assisting a player from my server who was having .p3d errors after installing the WG pack.

He was getting "uralt.p3d" error and after a lot of troubleshooting, cleaning out all his other addons, changing flashpoint preferences etc, we discovered that unless you have Direct3d HW T&L set in Flashpoint Preferences you'll get .p3d errors.

Hopefully this helps the WG crew resolve this and helps players experiencing the problem in the meantime.


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The P3D errors have been narrowed down to Kegety's sky installer. It isn't an issue limited to WG skies in particular, and in fact if you install Keg's skies we've found that you get the exact same errors unless you run in HWT&L.

ECP Support..... There's no point in running WG and ECP. There are a few FX WG doesn't have that ECP has, but far more that we have that ECP does not. Anything missing in particular that you would like to see? Let us know and if it's not on an already large list of future features, we'll try to put it there! Thanks guys!

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What about the missing "ofplogo1.paa" error ? sad_o.gif

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Are you running WG with any other addons or mods? That's probably a good place to start. Running anything else that uses a custom config?

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I just ran the shortcut that the installer made... have also tryed making a new one and adding -mod but i still get the error sad_o.gif

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Try what's been helpful to the people getting errors with the sky. Rename your WGL\DTA folder to something else.

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Just some more screen shots.

Apache Lead and Kiowa Bravo recieves orders to set down at FARP Yankee 66 for fuel and weapons.  The FARP is guarded, in part, by a Mk19 HMMWV.  As the birds are refueling, a recon BRDM crests a small hill to the north at a range 700 meters. The Mk19 gunner spots him and immediately opens fire.  The first few rounds disable the BRDMs tires and the following burst penetrates the armor, killing the most of the crew.  The fuel and ammo in the BRDM ignite killing the one crew member who survived the initial shrapnel barrage and was attempting to crawl to safety.  The birds cut short their refuel and begin take up an orbit pattern looking for any other recon vehicles.  The entire event took less than 3 minutes.








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biggrin_o.gif Someone have problem when install WGL

Please disable all addons by OFP addon manager except BAS's addons. Wish it help for you.

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Try what's been helpful to the people getting errors with the sky. Rename your WGL\DTA folder to something else.

That did the trick wink_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif


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I think i know the problem with cpbo (Keg's sky installer)


On my Win XP it went smoothly with no errors or anything,now the only problem is where to find a WGA compatible CTI biggrin_o.gif

P.S. Sorry for being so loud tounge_o.gif

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What the heck??  crazy_o.gif
Quote[/b] ]WG AddPak 4.00 has not been totally installed because of the following reason:

This file contains invalid data.

You will have to run this utility again to completley install WG AddPak 4.00.

I didynt have the older WG packs on my cpu just installed the  hole new pack and it comes something like this whats the problem? what invalid data? sad_o.gif

Same here! Downloadet several times, allways the same error!


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A tutorial mission for using the mortars would be nice to have in a future release.

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hint for enabling/disabling debug-messages:


<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">Debug=true

add debug-outputs to scripts like this:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">...

?Debug:player gobalchat format["P: %1",getpos player]


if you want to release your work, simply set Debug=false and all debug-outputs will not be displayed, even if you forget to remove them.

this is a easy way for switching between debug- and release-version.

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ok here we are guys.

how2convert a normal mission 2 wargames

+ unpbo the mission


+ open the mission.sqm and add the req. addons

Quote[/b] ]

class Mission














(watch out. if the mission has an intro, there is a "class intro {addons};" too)

+ do a search and replace with all west& east units in the mission.sqm, like

Quote[/b] ]



Quote[/b] ]


("vehicle" to "wgl_vehicle" - this way almost any unit is done)


Quote[/b] ]

WGL_AH1 - Cobra

WGL_M2A1 - Bradley

WGL_M1A1 - M1Abrams

WGL_Ka50 - Kamov

WGL_SoldierERPG - SoldierELAW

WGL_SoldierESNDemo - SoldierESaboteurPipe

WGL_SoldierEMiner - SoldierESaboteurPipe

WGL_CommanderE - OfficerE

WGL_CommanderW - OfficerW

WGL_SoldierWAT - SoldierWlaw

WGL_SoldierWSNDemo - SoldierWSaboteurPipe

WGL_SoldierWMiner - SoldierWSaboteurPipe

(should be a complete list)

(if u also want to do weapons in ammocreates, go 4 this list

list of the weapons)

+ finally repack the mission with


+ have fun !

Quote[/b] ]

Multiplayer only: Add the following weapons to every player each time they spawn:




for the lazy ones. some old veh-/air-classics from BIS

(single or coop-playable)






with some nice wgl_weather setup and greater viewdistance

(no guarantee for anything folks!)

Quote[/b] ]

*Helicopter ATGMs that go offline when helicopter exceeds maximum launch speed for weapon  

*Hellfire (Apache) goes off-line over 150kph

*AT-16 (Ka50) goes off-line over 150kph  

*TOW2A (Cobra) goes off-line over 10kph  

*AT-6C (Mi24) goes off-line over 10kph

have fun  biggrin_o.gif

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Yeah, they're not in the manual for sure. I guess you'll have to take a look at config.cpp's. sad_o.gif

On a sidenote: I remember downloading and trying out old WGL addpack (version 2.0, I think...). I was discouraged by a significant number of bugs and some inconsequences. Additionally, it was totally AI unfriendly so in the end I deleted it. It had some new, quite good units, vehicles and last, but not least, some well thought concepts.

A few days ago I decided to give this pack a second try. I was positively surprised by how the game balance changed. Secondly, most of the old problems have been sorted out. It's still AI unfriendly, but I reckon BIS is the one to blame for that  wink_o.gif .

This is one of a few mods that really enhance game playability, especially as far as MP is concerned. If any of you out there still wonder, if it's worth downloading the whole 100MB pack, I say yes, you won't regret it smile_o.gif Good job, fellows! Thank you!

However, there's one wish I have: is that possible that you add at some point (optional) replacement for some of the standard BIS vehicles with more hi-quality vehicles (like BAS Blackhawks, SIG US Tanks)? rock.gif

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QUESTION: How do I use the mortar fire control system?

ANSWER: There's no short answer to this but here's a simple little explanation. Believe me this is the simplest we

could explain it. There's lots of tips and stuff but you'll have to figure those out yourself.

1. In the action menu go to "Fire Control"

2. The azimuth and elevation are enterable in military standard mils. The Fire Control system is based around plotting the position of the gun and the target. It will then do all the hard math for you and give you something to start with.

3. First you need to do a "gun plot". To do this click the button that says "G" and it will flash "click map location of gun"

4. Switch to your map view and do a long single-click on the map where your mortar is located. The more accurate the better.

5. Now you need to plot the target. Back in the fire control dialog click the "T" button. And

it will flash "click map location of target"

6. Switch to your map view and do a long single-click on the map where your target is located.

7. Back in the fire control system you will be given lots of information. The important stuff is this....

8. G-T (bottom left) is your azimuth to target.

9. Your range will be listed just right of G-T.

10. The firing data listed in the center of the dialog will tell you elevations (in mils) for certain ranges (rounded to nearest 100 meters).

11. Do a little basic math to calculate the exact elevation info. Add, subtract, divide, multiply.

12. Enter your azimuth and elevation into the boxes (top left)

13. IMPORTANT: You must click the "Target" button to align the mortar tube to the azimuth and elevation every time you change the numbers !!! You can also hit your Enter key.

14. Click the "Fire" button to fire.


The "O" button is for plotting the location of your Observer. This is for the technical people among us and not absolutely necessary to firing accurately which is why I won't cover it here in great depth.

You can plot new targets by clicking the "T" button and repeating steps. You do not need to replot the gun each time you want to fire at a new target.

The mortar tube actually has an invisible AI gunner. Sometimes the gunner will get confused and "look around" with the barrel. If you fire during this time it will still be on target. The way the AI gunner is looking around doesn't make anything less accurate. If it annoys you though, disassemble and reassemble the tube.

When you assemble the mortar for the first time it will have a cranking sound that gets annoying. It will do this until you type in an azimuth and elevation and hit Target. I usually type in 10 and 1000 just so it stops making the noise (and because it's easy to type).

The mortars are very accurate.

The max range of the mortars are:

M224 60-mm Mortar - 2000 meters

M29 81-mm Mortar - 3800 meters

2B14 82-mm Mortar - 3300 meters

Edited by AngusHeaf on Jan. 30 2004,14:00

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There are definately plans to massage the AI into shape. I think that over time the majority of features can be scripted so that AI use them, there's nothing completely AI unfriendly about the majority of them. There are a few things, and I do mean only a few, that seem like only BIS could fix them. AI's ability to fire the rockets seems like one of these.

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a question, is the error with ctd when adding a aa slodier to a mission fixed?

i´m downloading now and will test asap when it´s done smile_o.gif

i´ll be back if it´s still there..

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still got the problems... a also get a whole bunch of "missing x.p3d" errors along with CTD when trying to use a Shilka (with radar)

and then i got a few questions? are there any new sights? i havn´t seen any... and where did the new island go?

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Missing P3D errors are due to Keg's faulty sky installer putting the kibashe on the whole idea. Apparently there's some problem with people who don't run Direct3D Hardware and Texture Lighting (HWT&L) mode. If you run in HWTL mode there's no problem. We'll most likely be removing the skies from the next release, or at least making them optional with a disclaimer against using them unless you run HWTL.

To fix it, just delete your WGL\DTA folder.

Which AA soldier has the problem? East? West? Resistance? Thought I have fixed all the guys that caused CTD. Problem is that some of them have a couple extra magazines. And giving a soldier too many magazines is a BAD idea. Heh!

Let me know and I'll fix it right away.

EDIT: I just checked all of the AA soldiers and none of them crashed to desktop. Can someone else confirm that any of the WG AA soldiers (there's about 10 different types) do or do not crash? Thanks!

We went through each of the soldiers one at a time before release but with 245 new soldier classes something could have slipped through the cracks.

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