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Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

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I like the darker textures because in mp the woodland units have the same color as the east units at a distance, which makes it super hard to tell friend from fo.

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I dont understand why you guys are editing a completet addon  rock.gif

if there shall be any changes I would prefer to ASK hyk, so he could make it...

I mean, if I was the creater of this addon, I would be pissed if everyone was editing my addon etc......

Just wanted to say what I meant,.

I couldnt agree more and thats exactly what Ive done,

I have simply made an illustrated suggestion to HYK.

Whether or not he takes it onboard is up to him.

Quote[/b] ]Don't forget Hyk is not making any money out of this he did it for the good of the OFP community.

Totally agree. Thats why I said

Quote[/b] ]This is simply a suggestion to HYK and I dont plan to publish these textures............. it should be HYK that publishes anything at all.

Its was simply done on my own machine so I could actually take the picure to show HYK and you guys. wink_o.gif


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I was testing the units out and kept getting a 'No entry '.modelSpecial'' error except with the Ultra M60 and M16 Ultra guys. And I also came across this error when testing the new BAS pack but thought it was jast a little bug. Is it something with the JAM2 pack I have or something else?

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About the 1985 troops. I am using them to in a remake for the CWC campaign with my IER weapons (dont think I'll release it). Would they be equipped with M16A1s or M16A2s? Im thinking more towards the A1s as the troops stationed on these islands won't be equpped with the latest weapons and the A2 only entered service in the mid 80s didn't they?

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i have a uniform with that camo and mine looks sloser to the original than to the modified one.

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I'm looking at some M81s right now. HYK's is a bit off on color. Zay is right.

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Use A1's, the A2 only came into service in 1983, and units out in "the middle of nowhere" wouldn't have been issued with the top of the range kit until their rotation back home.

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I was testing the units out and kept getting a 'No entry '.modelSpecial'' error except with the Ultra M60 and M16 Ultra guys.  And I also came across this error when testing the new BAS pack but thought it was jast a little bug.  Is it something with the JAM2 pack I have or something else?

The weapons this addon is using are the ones from JAM. Any problems with them should be to do with the instalation of your JAM 2 pack.

Make sure not other addon is interfearing with it, or you may be running ECP or Explo, that could affect a pack like that.


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Landwarrior87 has officially fallen in love with these units, and can call them his favorites.

I dont know what it is, but ive been having so much fun on DES Island (with BAS Tonal Objects) shooting rebels with squads of these Regulars, and i installed wilco's replacement anim pbo, and the game just has a new feel to it. These are my new favorite units. If you would ask me what would you change/add to them the only thing i could say is nit picky and thats just to turn the US Flag around. Thats not even a problem.. Congrats HYK on make one of the best addons the community has seen in my opinion.

And Thanks to

Suchey And Earl (Weapons)

Ballistic Addon Studios (Tonal Objects)

BIS (More than you could name)

All of those people above, including HYK made March 14th a better day. I played ofp for four hours straight.. longest in a while. Now someone make some more missions for these guys!

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I fully agree with you.

Much fun to play with this "non special forces" troops.

Jump in a desert hmmwve and drive arround, check some streets of tonal. wink_o.gif

Only thing thats missing is rudedogs desert bradley, but lets wait for it.

Great soldiers!

MfG Lee smile_o.gif

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That's ok for you, I can see your sign biggrin_o.gif

I would be happy with that stuff your showing in your signature aswell. wow_o.gif


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The texure work on these units blew my mind.

I think these soldiers make a fine replacement for the BIS troops since they're line soldiers instead of SF troops. the only problem is the weapons, since not everyone has the luxury of the MARPAT troops to steal the weapons from. If you could bundle the appropriate weapons into another release, this would be a mandatory download.

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Nobody has the luxury? Dude, download them. Not like someone's stopping you.

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as for weapons:

I use earls weapons (M16A2, M249) and the WGL M16A2 (Which I edited so it takes earls mags). The WGL M16A2 is scaled just as large as the earl m16A2 so it's a nice match. It's the best weapon for ppl who don't want to use the M16A4/M203 because it's not in use with army. The WGL m60 is also great for those GWI missions.

the desert units are by far the best around. The camo is the only one right now that matches the various desert islands and the Tonal desert. Together with the fact that these are regular units instead of some high-tech specops makes that I can't stop using this addon. Since the desert units are of the 3rd infantry Division. they are also perfect for some iraq missions.

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Nobody has the luxury? Dude, download them. Not like someone's stopping you.

actually for some there are, some people have bandwidth limits which their ISPs impose on them, or slow connections

fortunately im not one of them but I know a few guys who are

anyway, yes ive been using S&E's weapons where possible, but also put used S&E's sounds inplace of default JAM sounds, best of both worlds that way smile_o.gif

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Nobody has the luxury? Dude, download them. Not like someone's stopping you.


I didn't say I didn't have the Assault Pack...

"Not everybody" is not the same as "nobody." It's a huge pack, and those poor suckers on AOL or whatnot will be having fits waiting for the dl to finish.

Anyway, pardon my ignorance, but who is WGL?

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In the next pack, whatever you do, don't remove the ultra weapons! That is the best part of the pack for me! I can massacre entire convoys all by my little lonesome......

Great job man! biggrin_o.gif

I can't wait to see a Russian pack if you ever do one..... wink_o.gif

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talking of the Ultra weapons, they make for insanely funny adversial games... granted i usually kill myself in the process, but still damn funny biggrin_o.gif

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Try to use the PK as a AA gun against all the air forces that can fit in your GC and CPU. Damm is fun.


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