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Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

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I'd complain if the guy who made them bin'ed the .cpp. Which he clearly didn't since people have changed the weapons from BAS weapons to those used by the MARPAT marines. So I don't know what's up with that. I can empathize with him if he's complaining about how everything seems to require a metric fuckload of everything else to function. It's playing havoc with the amount of ram I have.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised it's yet another large addon. They use the BoH models and those are apparently quite high poly. Still. I'll probably take a look at 'em.

Quote[/b] ]Then the time involved in actually skinning them and post them listen to folks hacking away at em.  Me I would be pissed so very pissed but thats me.      But everyones got to have their own oppion

Having worked on addons, and knowing all the time involved in making them some of you guys I would hunt down and skin and hang out to dry in the desert sun.  Luckily I got a thicker skin than that now from being in other genres.   That are much much worse than the OFP comunity.    

Sorry m8 but that kind of attitude is what I really don't like about some addonmakers. That attitude that they seem to think they know exactly what other people want; and because they made something and released it to the general public; the end user should be forced to use it the way that person who created it wants it to be used? Once it's out in the public domain, you can't enforce or control anything. Why would someone want to limit someone's enjoyment of an addon because of their fragile ego?

OFP for me is all about making the game exactly the way I want it. I'd have dropped this game long ago had I not been afforded that ability.

You'd be unhappy to know that I edit -everything- I get my hands on. I have my own preferences and views on how things should be used. Don't be insulted by it. Everyone has their own tastes and you should take it as a complement that someone likes your stuff enough to use it. OFP's creators have given everyone the freedom of choice. Without that not even addonmakers would have an option.

That kind mentality to me although intrinsic to artistic types  it seems, lends me to believe they're doing it less for the benefit of the community and more for their own personal gratification.

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At first I regarded you a bit offensive, but now looking at the recent development of addons, I can say, that I share more and more of your views.

Addon makers tend to think today that their addons will be used alone in missions, so it seems. How could you explain that every new released addon gets more polygons and textures with a higher resolution?


I'm sorry but I don't share your opinion. Which dammage takes an addon maker from people who are tweaking someone's units to their preferences? Like Baphomet already said, it's probably the ego that takes dammage, but I have to say, come over it then. How many people are saying that BIS models and textures look crappy, that BIS config is crappy?

I don't see Maruk, Suma or some other BIS guy going to gamer's home and beating them to death, because some people are adjusting, tweaking their favorite game/addon to their needs.

Yes, they get money, but you only get reputation; this reputation is surely not dammaged by people modifying your work.

I hate that guy who started all this "you may not change anything"-thing in the readme.

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yes changing stuff has been fine always.. its just they have a problem with releasing thier work modified or changed. Im perfectly fine with this rule as everybody else should be. As long as im not passing it out as my own its good, but it can sit on my hard drive with Earl's M16's and no one should care. So as long as were not releasing the edited addons then everybody should be ok with it...

BTW: its not like were changing textures, editing the helmets or models.. were just giving them new weapons for gods sakes.. no one would complain if we did the "removeAllWeapons this ;" and did it, but since we had to de-pbo it and make life easier on ourselves so theyll already be pre-loaded with the guns we like, someone has a problem with it.

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Could some one point us n00bs to a guide which shows us how to edit the config.cpp to change the loadouts of these soldiers.

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@Baphomet @vektorboson

Well as I said a few post back I said "tweaking for personal use seemed ok." "And it was just what it was my own oppion."

Your right a lot of the addon makers are not doing it for the sake of the community. They are usually doing it for themselves and their group clan mod team, just most bother being nice enough to share. Even cooler if they don't make you wait a year to download a 300 meg mod file to get them or bin'ed five times over so you can't do any modifing period is an added bonus. If you went through the hell of making an addon you cannot help but get overly attached to your work if you actually put any effort into it. Tweaking a config might not seem like a big deal to some of you guys. Me I see things at both sides of the coin. From a users view and from a makers mindset. Which can be really bad.

Hey somebody made something kick ass lets go use the hell out of it. Cool it didn't blow up my computer or drop the game down to 5 fps. I didn't have to hunt the net for other addons it needs to work. From a mod that no longer exists. It had a fun element as he was sick enough to put in HEAP firing guns.

Then I see all the negative stuff which becomes a major bummer , seeing its impossable to make anyhting prefect in ofp either because the game engine has its issues or the maker isn't high enough quality to achive some of the newest standards that came out.

I'm mostly tweaking cause no matter how hard somebody tries it seems never good enough. Yeah I know different strokes for different folks. I also know the flamage that would have gone on if he had to used the other weapons packs with these troops even more so having just left the default BIS guns. I would almost bet you somebody moan you had to use Jam, or Sucheys weapons of Lasers or some other weapon pack.

Yah know I'm starting to sound like Deadmeat, so I'll shut up and get back to fixing bugs and toiling at unfinished addons like a good little whore. wink_o.gif

Pay no attention to the asshat working on addons. tounge_o.gif

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Ok, download the PBO Decryptor then select the addon (Hyk's Infantry) a folder with the same name as the pbo should show up in the addons folder. Open it up and find the config.cpp, open it up with a text program. Find a line similar to this:

Quote[/b] ] weapons[]={"ITA_Browning_M2"};



With weapons, replace it with the one you want, now you also must decrypt the weapon pbo, if there is one, we'll use Earls for example

Quote[/b] ]C8X_usmc

Here is the list of weapons:

Quote[/b] ]eapons[] = {"C8XM16Base","C8XM16","C8XM16acog","C8XM16reflex"







t;C8XM4M203reflex_sd","C8XM249","C8XM249m145", "C8XM249PARA", "C8XM249PARAcco", "C8XM1014", "C8XM1014cco"};

Now, instead of having

Quote[/b] ]weapons[]={"ITA_Browning_M2"};

You could have

Quote[/b] ]weapons[]={"C8XM16" };

Then find the magazines:

Quote[/b] ]magazines[]={"c8xm16mag"};

You must use the magazine for the weapon you specified in the weapon list.

Then pack it back up with Make PBO

Hope that helps.

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Hey, I resemble that remark tounge_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]I would almost bet you somebody moan you had to use Jam

Someone did, check page 1 wink_o.gif

Anyho, you can see where i'm coming from tho cant you...

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Ok, download the PBO Decryptor then select the addon (Hyk's Infantry) a folder with the same name as the pbo should show up in the addons folder.  Open it up and find the config.cpp, open it up with a text program.  Find a line similar to this:
Quote[/b] ] weapons[]={"ITA_Browning_M2"};




With weapons, replace it with the one you want, now you also must decrypt the weapon pbo, if there is one, we'll use Earls for example

Quote[/b] ]C8X_usmc

Here is the list of weapons:

Quote[/b] ]eapons[] = {"C8XM16Base","C8XM16","C8XM16acog","C8XM16reflex"











t;C8XM4M203reflex_sd","C8XM249","C8XM249m145", "C8XM249PARA", "C8XM249PARAcco", "C8XM1014", "C8XM1014cco"};

Now, instead of having

Quote[/b] ]weapons[]={"ITA_Browning_M2"};

You could have

Quote[/b] ]weapons[]={"C8XM16" };

Then find the magazines:

Quote[/b] ]magazines[]={"c8xm16mag"};

You must use the magazine for the weapon you specified in the weapon list.

Then pack it back up with Make PBO

Hope that helps.

IS THAT ALL? rock.gif

Sorry but i am a bit skeptical ithought lots more needs changing? And do we stick all the weapons class names in one go?

Thanks for atleast helping btw smile_o.gif .

Its a shame theres so many people in our community yet none has made a tute or anything on such things for us illeterate on addons people.

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I'm pretty sure thats it, thats all I do, just find the weapon name used for configs and replace the old one with that one, make sure you get the right magazines or you wont have any ammo to fire the weapon in game.

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This is from the config:

Quote[/b] ]weapons[]= {








I dont see any ammo class after it?

Only this:

Quote[/b] ]requiredAddons[]=






requiredVersion = 1.91;



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If you have MSN talk to me on there at thetuffedupsquirrel@hotmail.com  so I can get things situated instead of spamming this thread with it.

Quote[/b] ]// Unit configs

class CfgVehicles


class All{};

class AllVehicles: All{};

class Land: AllVehicles{};

class Man: Land{};

class Soldier: Man{};

// Base Settings

class HYK_USSolBase: Soldier


vehicleClass="HYK/Men (WoodLand/'03)";






























That part right there, I replaced the Jam m16 and the jam mags with Earl's m16 and mags. You have to do it by indiviualy replacing the unit's weapon layout.

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Ok thanks to wilco i have the problem sorted if peeps want i might post a Earls weapon config.

But its a tedious task replacing em so it will take me sometime biggrin_o.gif

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re: Editing other people's work...I think it is fine if you just do it on your system. The problem arises when you start distributing your version which conflicts with the original. Addon treatment in OFP MP is complicated enough without having to worry about 3rd party edits to 3rd party addons.

PS: Don't forget the Earl and Suchey's Weapons come in JAM format as well, so you can still use those models with JAM Magazines.


Nice work on the units smile_o.gif


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Here's the changed config that uses Earl's weapons.


Just replace the old one with this one.

Edit:  Just read SelectThis's reply, hrm.

Well, if you guys plan to use this in MP, don't dl it please, this is for people who want to use some other weapons with their Addon.


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I am not editting his work or doing something to MODIFY HIS WORK. I am changing the guns on it which arent HIS rock.gif

Is it a crime now to change guns ? Heck i'll have to ask for permission from now on to use addweapon in the editor too right?

Sorry but whats with this people crying over and over this what we do with our machine and things in it is our business if were doing anything is , then were complimenting a GREAT PACK with EQUALLY GREAT weapons.

If i got a jaguar in my garage and a lada outside the front door i wont drive the lada because its easy i'd make a bit of effort and go to the garage and get the jag biggrin_o.gif , Hope peeps understand the analogy.

I appreciate the addonmakers work thats WHY i am changing the weapons believe me this is the VERY first time i as a noob amdoing this so i hold this addon in very high presitge.

Now plz lets end this debate here which is leading to nowhere but locking this thread bcause of other peoples insecurities with their addons , even the original addonmaker hasnt complained yet has he?

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Calm down dude ;)

It's fine to edit stuff for your own use.

My point is about making it a public file, which could potentially cause problems when people try to use the units in MP. (I think we all agree that it is bad for MP to have different versions of the units/weapons).

There is a difference in changing the weapons in the mission editor and hardcoding the change in the cpp.

If you want to hardcode the changes the safest option I think, is to make a seperate pbo with your edited cpp in it, without changing the original pbo in anyway. Sure it means duplicating the units, but at least if you go to play in a MP game you will have the original units available. (you can use a different vehicle class to identify them more clearly in the mission editor)

Bin edits are a different matter as that affects the original OFP - not recommended for MP at all!


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Ok thanks for the headsup , i understand that now. But obviously anyone who uses this config does so at his own risk the original file should always be retained for backup.

I dont play MP usually but those who play it must be cautious with this stuff already knowing it causes error.

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Quote[/b] ]Addon makers tend to think today that their addons will be used alone in missions, so it seems. How could you explain that every new released addon gets more polygons and textures with a higher resolution?

Well sir. I have a theory that it is in part due to the artist mentality. It's that mix of pride and yes ego (I don't mean that insultingly) that many artists have about their creations, and lets not beat about it. Despite the fact that I may have no compunctions about expressing how "useful" I find an addon. I never will deny the fact that many of the nicer looking (and albeit less useful in my case) addons are works of digital art.

An artist as I've been told by a few themselves must have a certain amount of pride about what they do. It's that single-minded determination to see something of that magnitude through with the perceived benefit of knowing people out there are going to look at it and appreciate it which is what drives many of them. This pride however might eclipse the fact that, yes they're making addons, OFP has been made the game it has due to the ability to create and customize so they might be a bit shocked and or offended that people don't see their vision of what their work is supposed to be. This is not wrong. It does however conflict directly with my opinion of what OFP offers.

However if say it includes a suite of really cool gameplay enhancements that I just-cannot-find-anywhere else. I'd be very disappointed if because of performance issues I couldn't use it. I can and have expressed that disappointment in the past.

Many of these addonmakers I think are more artistically inclined than Ofp-inclined. That is the economy of performance is a mere afterthought to making something that looks exceptional and meets their standards for aesthetics.

While this on it's own does not bother me. When the whole addon community started adopting this shift. I thought it was all going to hell in a handbasket. In the end I've had to comprimise, and I've had to look a little harder to find exactly what I need. There are plenty of OFP addons out there. I just wish more people converted the good old CWC ones.

I am however playing a game. Not arranging a digital art gallery.

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Great units. biggrin_o.gif Just what the cummunity needs.

Just a little info i need. The unit insigneas on the arms can any tell me wat units they are. I think the woodlands ones and 2nd infantry division but the desert ones. What are they rock.gif


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Quote[/b] ]Addon makers tend to think today that their addons will be used alone in missions, so it seems. How could you explain that every new released addon gets more polygons and textures with a higher resolution?

Well sir. I have a theory that it is in part due to the artist mentality. It's that mix of pride and yes ego (I don't mean that insultingly) that many artists have about their creations, and lets not beat about it. Despite the fact that I may have no compunctions about expressing how "useful" I find an addon. I never will deny the fact that many of the nicer looking (and albeit less useful in my case) addons are works of digital art.

An artist as I've been told by a few themselves must have a certain amount of pride about what they do. It's that single-minded determination to see something of that magnitude through with the perceived benefit of knowing people out there are going to look at it and appreciate it which is what drives many of them. This pride however might eclipse the fact that, yes they're making addons, OFP has been made the game it has due to the ability to create and customize so they might be a bit shocked and or offended that people don't see their vision of what their work is supposed to be. This is not wrong. It does however conflict directly with my opinion of what OFP offers.

However if say it includes a suite of really cool gameplay enhancements that I just-cannot-find-anywhere else. I'd be very disappointed if because of performance issues I couldn't use it. I can and have expressed that disappointment in the past.

Many of these addonmakers I think are more artistically inclined than Ofp-inclined. That is the economy of performance is a mere afterthought to making something that looks exceptional and meets their standards for aesthetics.

While this on it's own does not bother me. When the whole addon community started adopting this shift. I thought it was all going to hell in a handbasket. In the end I've had to comprimise, and I've had to look a little harder to find exactly what I need. There are plenty of OFP addons out there. I just wish more people converted the good old CWC ones.

I am however playing a game. Not arranging a digital art gallery.

I'd also like to point out that this shift has been prompted mainly by the community. In the fact that they are constantly "demanding" better-looking, higher res units.

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These units are definately in the top 3 smile_o.gif their art work and modeling is superb. The following is simply a suggestion from me to HYK the artist to consider.

the below image shows a texture modification made by me.

Black levels increased by 5.88 %

White levels increased by 1.96 %

Chrominance has not been touched.

Mid range levels have not been touched.

Basically means blacks are a bit blacker. Whites are a tiny bit brighter.

I am aware that uniforms fade but I am also aware that shadows and high lights dont. What anyone may refer to in clothing fade doesnt necessarily pertain to shading, folds, and highlighting.

Since I made this alteration these units now look even more amazing ingame (I mean amazing).The detailed textures are now given true justice by the contrast alteration and dark shaded spots no longer looking grey.

(Image doesnt do justice to HYK's true textures)


Note: This is simply a suggestion to HYK and I dont plan to publish these textures without HYKS permission. At any rate it should be HYK that publishes anything at all.

HYK should you like for me to forward these to you simply PM me mate and I will do so.


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I dont understand why you guys are editing a completet addon rock.gif

if there shall be any changes I would prefer to ASK hyk, so he could make it...

I mean, if I was the creater of this addon, I would be pissed if everyone was editing my addon etc......

Just wanted to say what I meant,.

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Don't forget Hyk is not making any money out of this he did it for the good of the OFP community. If people want to customise their addons they should be able to, if they were to release the customisation and call it all their work then Hyk might get upset.

Lets not take things to extremes

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I see it perfectly fine to edit existing addons, your just making them better, now unless people take an addon and change it, then go about calling it their own, well that is screwed up.

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