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Hyk modern u.s. infantry pack released

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Hyakushiki I think i can speak on behalf of the entire OFP community when i say.."We salute you".


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wow_o.gifwow_o.gif WHOOOHOOO!!! Thank god you're back!!!!

THat winter soldier looks great!!!

But it would be a good idea to add soem snow to the woodland textures (like in the winter soldiers of BOH). And it would be nice to add a hood to the overwhite. It would be nice if he looks a bit more 'bulky' than the standard soldiers, because of all the thick winter clothing. A hood would be a very nice detail. For an example of a good hood, look at the 'Current US infantry' addon by suchey (he also make the soldier look bulky because of the MOPP gear, btw)


Suchey's 'Current USMC'

Think of it this way; when you look at the winter soldier, you should almost be able to feel the cold. If you get that affect than the winter guy is convincing biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

btw; I'm joining Mr. Reality in this matter;

I salute you!

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Think of it this way; when you look at the winter soldier, you should almost be able to feel the cold. If you get that affect than the winter guy is convincing biggrin_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

Hmm, that's actually a good way to put it. He should look a bit bulky with his face tucked in like in the pic you posted. smile_o.gif

Nice to hear of an update to these great units, anyway.

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For your update i would like to see the following :

-camelbak on the 2003 units

-backpacks on the medics

-SF versions of the unit with cap and the one with boonie, camelbak, nice assault vest(like the SF dudes in AA).

Then your units would really really rock.

And offcourse, winter units would rock anyway, cuz we hardly have any. Give 'em hoods and stuff.

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I definitely agree with all of those suggestions Ranger44, and hell yeah a SF variant would be absolutely brilliant, but you missed out the Tactical (Drop Leg) Holster part.

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HYK's units often portray normal/common troops, you want special forces see Laser, BAS, INQ, ORCS, or the dozens of other Rangers, SF, and Delta addons.. floating around..

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The camoflage pattern quality on Hyk's units are in my humble opinion far superior to that on all those forementioned addons (Although Laser's stuff comes damn close), I'd much prefer to see some SF (5th SFG rather than Delta, or Spec Op units like Rangers and such, although some USAF Para-Rescue/Combat Controllers would be nice.) with Hyk's camos.

Whether this would ever happen is anyones guess, but one can always dream right?

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This perhaps something for an other addonmaker to do.

I like Hyk's soldiers so much, because (for a change) they are NOT special forces. Just regular infantry; I love it. Let's stick to that concept.

btw; the woodland sniper with boonie can pass for a SEAL at any time. Just use your imagination a little.

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Too bad the obssesive types always show up to throw moneky wrenches in everything. Here aa suggestion go to the Seal and SF and Ranger addon makers and ask them to, match the textures on their units. Reguardless tHKY's units are regular common combat troops, which so few do now, there are dozens of Ranger units and SF, Seals, and Chair force PJs. I really don't buy that Lasers's units are bad as you try to push them to be he's done tons of work into them, and reserch, I notice things on the models done, you wouldn't know cause its not commonly mentioned that they do SOP-wise at the unit level.

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does someone have HYK's winter soldier pic that he posted 11 of october on their desktop or something? cuz I didnt have a chanse to see them, and the pic link aint workin sad_o.gif

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I really don't buy that Lasers's units are bad as you try to push them to be

I never said Lasers stuff was bad, in fact in terms of camo texture quality they almost match HYK's, minus the fact the HYK's 3 colour desert camo for example seems a tad lighter shade or so it seems, general pattern is a little better aswell, but otherwise Lasers stuff is more than brilliant for pairing up with Hyk's troops.

And on that note I just think Hyk's done the best looking 3 colour desert camo pattern yet for OFP, hell it even outshines the pattern thats on the VBS1 SF pack units (Obviously I rather like this particular camo.)

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I'm not aware of a single post-1.46 US Army SF/PJ mod, can you please direct me to them?

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We all got those BHD Delta's & Rangers, but not the regular SF guys. Something with a little less pro-tec or MICH.

HYK soldiers are regular grunts, that's cool. But the unit with the cap and boonie have some good potential of being great SF units. But i'm still going for that backpack and camelbak. As you see that around regular soldiers these days.

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I'm not aware of a single post-1.46 US Army SF/PJ mod, can you please direct me to them?

rock.gif *ahum*

BAS Rangers, anyone?


A camelback for the desert units is indeed a good idea. Almost every soldiers has one.

A 'daypack' would be nice to simulate soldiers on a day patrol.

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actual no the rangers DO NOT look liek PJ's

PJ's actual wear a completely different BDU and a way cooler helmet.

PJ's and CC's are ALOT different then rangers or delta's..

different gear differet BDU's etc.

there is a HUGE difference. oh and their wear their rank on their shleves liek all enlisted airforce. where the US wear their rank on the collar(except some test BDU's) US troops do wear a rank on their left breast or center on their body armour.

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actual no the rangers DO NOT look liek PJ's

PJ's actual wear a completely different BDU and a way cooler helmet.

PJ's and CC's are ALOT different then rangers or delta's..

different gear differet BDU's etc.

there is a HUGE difference. oh and their wear their rank on their shleves liek all enlisted airforce. where the US wear their rank on the collar(except some  test BDU's) US troops do wear a rank on their left breast or center on their body armour.

*sigh* You asked for "army SF/PJ"

So I gave you an army SF. There is indeed no PJ addon (yet).

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I did nto request it.


and there is no army PJ's

so the person asked wrong.

and really the rangers are not that speical.

they are really just an light airbourne infantry with better training.

and why aren't there any SF guys in semi civi cloths liek your see in afghan and iraq..?


all this BHD stuff

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actual no the rangers DO NOT look liek PJ's

PJ's actual wear a completely different BDU and a way cooler helmet.

PJ's and CC's are ALOT different then rangers or delta's..

different gear differet BDU's etc.

there is a HUGE difference. oh and their wear their rank on their shleves liek all enlisted airforce. where the US wear their rank on the collar(except some test BDU's) US troops do wear a rank on their left breast or center on their body armour.

this is the type of post that should just be ignored on these boards...for one what is a "way cooler" helmet? last time I checked the government didn't buy gear for troops because it looked cool crazy_o.gif second, there is NO special ops BDU...I don't know why this one keeps coming up...yes BDU with the rearranged pockets came to special ops unit first but the cammon pattern is the SAME as any other us soldier the only difference may be when it was made and fading..how bout actually doin research or for that matter actually meetin a PJ or a Ranger and learn alittle about what they do.. before u trash someone else's effort..nuff said mad_o.gif

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Well im already happy with the Hyk units has they are, maybe some new boot textures or something but they look good already and im tired of all that DF, ranger, PJ wathever stuff.

Now to kill all the anoying u.s. units out there we could have a Hik's modern Russian infantry pack to make these units balanced for both sides.

And before someone tells me to try orcs or wathever i should mention that addons made by diferent addons makers look very diferent.

So it would be good if these were like the MAP, with infantry units for both east and west, but of the same quality and style smile_o.gif .

Keep the seals and df for games where cqb and water actualy works, i have enough of those targets for my SVD already tounge_o.gif .

This is just my opinion.

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*Sigh* I don't know how many times this has been covered, US Army SF are NOT RANGERS! When I say direct me to post .1.46 Army SF I mean Army Special Forces...ala Green Berets, not Army Special Operations Forces, ala Rangers.

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