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Bas pavehawks

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lol now I have heard much weird things about 11 hours and 11 gmt and much confusing stuff.. so I wanna know.. to calm all down.. what time will it be out ?

Example 21:00 GMT  ( lol )

just wanna a clean answer


You won't get one....

Our promise to you was an addon every other day with missions in between.

We are on track for releasing one today. Although not maybe "today" in your timezone.

As someone said, you will still get 4 addons released this week by us....when they arrive is a little irrelevant. Patience my friend...they will come.  smile_o.gif

great biggrin_o.gif cant wait biggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]just wanna a clean answer

Yes, could a BAS member come by and give us a nice release time in GMT?

the answer is simple: wait till they all get away from prisons called schools or office, it is about 1430 at GMT now, its just a (what so called) few hours to go tounge_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]
Quote[/b] ]What I like most about BAS week is how your impatience makes all you whiners suffer!

It's fun to watch them squirm.

to seeing people being driven mad is lots of fun too crazy_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]the answer is simple: wait till they all get away from prisons called schools or office, it is about 1430 at GMT now, its just a (what so called) few hours to go

I'd already read back and deleted that part of my post before you posted tounge_o.gif .

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ok, it's almost 1600 at my place. Here ends my internet connection for today. Guess I'll see the addon tommorow. For all you lucky guys who do get to play/see the addon today: happy hunting!

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I had another problem with the mission that hasn't been mentioned...

First off I couldn't call in gunship support until I got bored and got into a BRDM who's crew me and my men had killed. Then suddenlly I saw the radio command in my action menu.

Is this right? In the map briefing it says to you use the radio man for that.

The tactic I used in this mission was to simply stay at the edge of the slope near the enemy base with my men positioned about 100 meters back in the jungle. My strategy was quite simple. I took a sniper rifle off one of my men (we traded rifles) and eliminated all the enemy I could see. I then took pot shots at the large patrols who would then attack my position. I would withdraw back to my men and sure enough the enemy came charging in and my men would slaughter them in whithering crossfire as they would come to us in a column formation and thus the enemy could not put down effective fire upon my men because every time a single enemy soldier would come running up over the ridge, he'd get met by a volley of fire. I positioned myself off to the side, so I also was providing cross-fire from another angle with my sniper rifle. Before this from the BRDM scout car I had called in the gunship which took out most of the tanks but we still had a few to deal with. One tank killed two of my men, but the AT guys in my squad got 'em. I also finished off a BMP with a captured RPG-7.

At any rate, once we systematically destroyed all of the rebels, we went in and killed the remaining guards in the base and around the prisoners. But.... when I entered their holding area with the CIA prisoners, nothing happened. I even went back and followed the "search and destroy" waypoint but nothing happened. So apparently I did something out of order or perhaps because my BAS Tonal pack is not updated it didn't work properly???

I'll try updating my Tonal pack again (I had problems updating it before) and hopefully that'll sort it out. But regardless it was a good mission and I pretty much completed it as far as securing the prisoners. So it was still fun and challenging.


Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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I would need to talk to the team about updating it and see what they think, the ending was sorta put together at a hastened pace and i could do more with it, overall i still thinks it's very good.


You must have lost your radioman if your unable to call for a CAS, the script that they use allows you to call it in if you have a radioman and if the helo is within you view distance setting in your OFP options (mine is a little over 1500M)

as far as the AI behaviour, again without much time for testing and such these things do happen.

Still, im glad you guys are enjoying it, it was a pleasure helping out during BAS week and would be glad to help out again, just with a little more time to finish, i am notoriously meticulous when making missions and it usually takes me a few weeks to finish  wink_o.gif

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I would need to talk to the team about updating it and see what they think, the ending was sorta put together at a hastened pace and i could do more with it, overall i still thinks it's very good.


You must have lost your radioman if your unable to call for a CAS, the script that they use allows you to call it in if you have a radioman and if the helo is within you view distance setting in your OFP options (mine is a little over 1500M)

as far as the AI behaviour, again without much time for testing and such these things do happen.

Still, im glad you guys are enjoying it, it was a pleasure helping out during BAS week and would be glad to help out again, just with a little more time to finish, i am notoriously meticulous when making missions and it usually takes me a few weeks to finish wink_o.gif

Well winters I had a different problem. when I finished the guards around the prisoner camp while having all my teammates alive and the CAS helo in my group the prisoners filled up the group and the extraction helo had no space in the group. so I had to reload and wait for the CAS helo to leave again and then I killed the last guard. still I had a hard time extracting my men because the CIA guys couldn't find a way out of the camp and the other ones couldn't find a way in. so I hat to run into the CIA agents until they were far enough away from the prisoner camp to move ;)

still it was a good mission.

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I had trouble getting the prisoners to join my group too: however I hunted around and finally found one last enemy hiding somewhere. I gave him the good news and that did the trick.

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I had trouble getting the prisoners to join my group too: however I hunted around and finally found one last enemy hiding somewhere. I gave him the good news and that did the trick.

I didn't have problems with the prisoners joining the group. just to get them out of the prisoner camp. The AI couldn't find a way out nor in. So it was quite hard to get them into the helo since my men couldn't get into the camp for ladder extraction and the prisoners couldn't get out of the camp for normal extraction. and if I used both extraction methods separatly the script messed things up.

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BAS released next addon pack! Russian OPFOR Vehicles. Check OFPEC for download!

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Quote[/b] ]BAS released next addon pack! Russian OPFOR Vehicles. Check OFPEC for download!

rock.gif There already is a thread about this.

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I can't get my eyes off this heli! Nice work as always.

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Very Very Very Horny HELO very cool we need more good missions Winter your mission was Fantastique biggrin_o.gif definatly BAS work wow really really awesome biggrin_o.gif

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The test mission

When i try to load a saved game, the game crashes and

i get this error :: Cannot load 'Users\[-Est-] Nilz\Saved\missions\Ballistic\BAS_A Few Good Men.BAS_I1\continue.fps'. Error 'No entry' at '/GameState/Variables/Item205/data.value'.

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On busting out the prisioners...

I figured I'd just ram the fence, but only the two parked UAZ's were usuable, actually only one, we kinda made a mess of the place. Anyway, I busted up the UAZ, but no luck with the fence. So I figured I'd do an extraction right on the tent, but every time I try to do extractions I get a weird error, some about the scalar array. It's returning bogus 0xffffffff values and not cooking right. The chopper shows up and hovers, but won't start the extraction sequence.

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The test mission

When i try to load a saved game, the game crashes and

i get this error :: Cannot load 'Users\[-Est-] Nilz\Saved\missions\Ballistic\BAS_A Few Good Men.BAS_I1\continue.fps'. Error 'No entry' at '/GameState/Variables/Item205/data.value'.

Are you using ECP?

So then it's a common problem that is unsolved so far.

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its prolly been mentioned but just in case it hasnt. the LOD of the pavehawks when u get to approx 100m or more it turns into an MH60L

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I have a question.

I don't know how a Pavehawk or Blackhawk sounds like in real life, but the Blackhawk rotor-sound in the ECP-pack sounds very similar to the sounds from the movie BHD. Is that sound closer to the real life counter-parts or the sounds you use, BAS?

My taste is the ECP Blackhawk-sound.

The Paves look nice, but they look pretty identical to the Blackhawks. I thought there were more differences between the Paves and BHs. Am I missing something?

I know of the markings (original idea btw).


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Any idea why an error is returned when calling for extractions?

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iirc, I had the same problem with the main mh-60's, then again, they do share the same scripting core.

I'll post the whole string, along with anything else I can find tonight.

CAS works great though.

Oh, this is not an @ECP issue, repro's with out it.

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I'm having issues installing the Tonal Island Patch 2. Put simply I can't get it to bloody well do anything! I tried installing it to both my main OFP directory and the directory where my addons are. It always tells me to look for the addon OFP_CPP (or something to that effect), which I cannot locate even after running a search and consequentially can't patch my game. This has thus far kept me from being able to see A Few Good Men's intro, call air support, get the hostages evacuated once I find them, etc etc. Little help would be appreciated.

Confound it all... I despise it when after a LONG time of trying to find the answer myself I figure it out AFTER making a post on the forums. Sorry to disturb you all. crazy_o.gif

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Actually I'm still definately having issues. In the Demo mission "A Few Good Men" I can't call for air support even though I supposedly have some, and the mission won't end once I secure the hostages. I get there, walk right up to them, wait a while, and nothing ever happens. Am I missing an addon or something?

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