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Bas pavehawks

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Just tested the pavehawks and great work as always. But a thing that i also mentioned when the blackhawks came is when you are in a forrest area and order the ladder extraction the blackhawk/pavehawk ends half way through the tree tops because the ladder isnt long enough. So if you could extend the ladder so the chopper is above the tree tops instead of half way down in them it would be great.

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The Demo Mission has some issues because i had to rush it, i am working on an update to it and will be releasing it in just a couple of hours along with a Multiplayer Co-Op version.

The hostages seem to have an issue with leaving the "prison" and it still holds true in my update. Sometimes they will walk out of the area and join you and others they wont. If they get stuck inside then you need to do a ladder extraction. Now as far as CAS you must not REPEAT must not allow your radio op. to get killed or you wont be able to call for a CAS.

Anyway, stay tuned i will have those latest versions for you shortly wink_o.gif

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The Demo Mission has some issues because i had to rush it, i am working on an update to it and will be releasing it in just a couple of hours along with a Multiplayer Co-Op version.

The hostages seem to have an issue with leaving the "prison" and it still holds true in my update. Sometimes they will walk out of the area and join you and others they wont. If they get stuck inside then you need to do a ladder extraction. Now as far as CAS you must not REPEAT must not allow your radio op. to get killed or you wont be able to call for a CAS.

Anyway, stay tuned i will have those latest versions for you shortly  wink_o.gif

Glad to hear you're still working on the mission.

So the BAS week gets at least another update!

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Ah thanks for you renewed efforts Winters nice to see you didnt take the bad criticism too hard.

Those whingers dont know how much resources a mission maker has to spend on making a good mission. Bloody whiners.

So will there be Woodland Deltas this time ? biggrin_o.gif

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Ok, I found the error causing the extraction failure. This is in the scripting in the MH-60's, which the pavie's call. This only occurs on larger than normal maps, like tonal.

bas_mah60\FX\fastext.sqs (also the other variants as well)

Error displayed at top of the screen:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

"_xcoor = _letters select ((_xpos-64)/128)|#|; _ycoor = _numbers select ((_ypos-64/128);_return = [_xcoor,_ycoor];_return":Error zero divisor

Grouptext at bottom of the screen:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

1 (shinRaiden): "WEST Alpha Black:3, WEST Alpha Black:1 (shinRaiden), Requesting Extraction at scalar bool array 0xfcffffef scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef. Over"

3: "Roger WEST Alpha Black:1 (shinRaiden) LZ confirmed as scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef scalar bool array string 0xfcffffef. Prepare for extraction. Over"

In the _calcpos function. _xpos is set as "_xpos = getpos player select 0;". _xcoor selects the array pointer in _letters to ((_xpos-64)/128), returning a text value for blending into user friendly grid locations.

(Formatted to look friendly)

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_calcpos =


private["_unitpos","_xpos", "_ypos","_letters","_numbers","_xcoor", "_ycoor","_return"];

_xpos = getpos player select 0;

_ypos = getpos player select 1;

_letters = ["Aa","Ab","Ac","Ad","Ae","Af","Ag","Ah","Ai","Aj",










_numbers = ["99","98","97","96","95","94","93","92","91","90",










_xcoor = _letters select ((_xpos-64)/128);

_ycoor = _numbers select ((_ypos-64)/128);

_return = [_xcoor,_ycoor];



My test function to determine that the getpos code worked, but was returning a value larger than the array count:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

player groupchat format [ "x %1,  %2", (((getpos player select 0)-64)/128), (((getpos player select 1)-64)/128)]

This returns a value large than the count of objects in the array, tonal needs the _letters array filled through "Tt". _numbers should still be okay.

I've been digging through the Blackhawks thread, and have so far not found any info on this. This only happens on islands with coords larger than Jj99.


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The test mission

When i try to load a saved game, the game crashes and

i get this error :: Cannot load 'Users\[-Est-] Nilz\Saved\missions\Ballistic\BAS_A Few Good Men.BAS_I1\continue.fps'. Error 'No entry' at '/GameState/Variables/Item205/data.value'.

Are you using ECP?

So then it's a common problem that is unsolved so far.

This will be fixed too? Or i just have to play without ECP to save?

I hope i'm not a whiner biggrin_o.gif

The mission is really great, i like the intro very much.

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Run it externally

Extract the FastExt.sqs into your mission folder and call it with for example a

Radius 0x0

Radio trigger -


ON ACTIVATION:[choppername,leader groupname] Exec "FastExt.sqs"

The problem actually lies in the Map grid size not the numbering or lettering - change the 64/128 to 128/256 and it will work just fine.

Heres the modified Version I'm using -

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

_helo = _this select 0

_boss = leader _helo

_helo animate ["switch2pickup",0.1]

_calcpos = {private["_unitpos","_xpos", "_ypos","_letters","_numbers","_xcoor", "_ycoor","_return"];_xpos = getpos leader group player select 0;_ypos = getpos leader group player select 1;_letters = ["Aa","Ab","Ac","Ad","Ae","Af","Ag","Ah","Ai","Aj","Ba","Bb","Bc","Bd","Be","Bf","Bg","Bh","Bi","Bj","Ca","Cb","Cc","Cd","Ce","Cf","Cg","Ch","Ci","Cj","Da","Db","Dc","Dd","De","Df","Dg","Dh","Di","Dj","Ea","Eb","Ec","Ed","Ee","Ef","Eg","Eh","Ei","Ej","Fa","Fb","Fc","Fd","Fe","Ff","Fg","Fh","Fi","Fj","Ga","Gb","Gc","Gd","Ge","Gf","Gg","Gh","Gi","Gj","Ha","Hb","Hc","Hd","He","Hf","Hg","Hh","Hi","Hj","Ia","Ib","Ic","Id","Ie","If","Ig","Ih","Ii","Ij","Ja","Jb","Jc","Jd","Je","Jf","Jg","Jh","Ji","Jj"];_numbers = ["99","98","97","96","95","94","93","92","91","90","89","88","87","86","85","84","83","82","81","80","79","78","77","76","75","74","73","72","71","70","69","68","67","66","65","64","63","62","61","60","59","58","57","56","55","54","53","52","51","50","49","48","47","46","45","44","43","42","41","40","39","38","37","36","35","34","33","32","31","30","29","28","27","26","25","24","23","22","21","20","19","18","17","16","15","14","13","12","11","10","09","08","07","06","05","04","03","02","01","00"];_xcoor = _letters select ((_xpos-128)/256);_ycoor = _numbers select ((_ypos-128)/256);_return = [_xcoor,_ycoor];_return};

_pos = [getPos (leader group player)] call _calcpos

_xcoor = _pos select 0

_ycoor = _pos select 1

(leader group player) sidechat format [ "This is %1,Requesting Extraction at %2 %3. Over", name leader group player,_xcoor ,_ycoor]


Driver _helo sidechat format ["Roger %1, LZ confirmed as %2 %3. Prepare for extraction. Over",name leader group player ,_xcoor ,_ycoor]

_helo domove [getpos leader group player select 0, (getpos leader group player select 1)]


leader group player sidechat format [ "Copy that %1, Popping Marker. Out.", _helo]

_smoke = "smokeshell" createvehicle getpos Leader group player

?!(local _helo):goto skip

_landh = "HeliHEmpty" createvehicle getpos leader group player


@ unitready _helo

_helo land "get in"

_helo animate ["sidedoorl",0]

_helo animate ["sidedoorr",0]


dostop driver _helo


deletevehicle _smoke


@(leader group player) in _helo || (_time == 45)

[_helo] join leader group player

deletevehicle _landh

_helo animate ["switch2pickup",0]

driver _helo sidechat "Awaiting Orders, Sir!!"


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hehehe, its funny to see that studios that are making comercial games aren't good as bas, i see the soldner pavehawk, and BAS one is veeeeeery better than soldner.

Btw, soldner will be a very great game, i hope mp in ofp2 will have some type of game like soldner one

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Run it externally

Extract the FastExt.sqs into your mission folder and call it with for example a

Radius 0x0

Radio trigger -


ON ACTIVATION:[choppername,leader groupname] Exec "FastExt.sqs"

The problem actually lies in the Map grid size not the numbering or lettering - change the 64/128 to 128/256 and it will work just fine.

Heres the modified Version I'm using -


Yeah, well you have to externally hack it. The frequency of code converting the real coords (12345.123, 12345.123) to radio coords (AA11) would seem to suggest to me that puting this in a sqf function called by the extract and insert and everything else sqs's might be the way to go.

Furthermore, at least put in a global variable so that the map designer can #def a unit as being on a 128, 256, 512, 1024, or 2048x map, and then the sqf calls that global to autoadjust itself.

I think COC:UA uses a gamelogic flag for that very purpose to flag the map size for code adjustment and scaling.

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For the mission, maybe Winters could add a proximity detection trigger that activates when the player is adjacent to any of the cell fences, that would create a playeraction "Cut fence". This would call a script to deletevehicle that fence. Don't SOF carry fence cutting capable knives anyway? (idea for DeRa update, sorry -ot.) Freeze-spray would be nice too. smile_o.gif

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BTW, I checked the bug page at BAS's site to post my rambles there, but it wasn't working. Must have known I was coming. tounge_o.gif

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We're aware of the bugs in the H-60's with larger islands, they will be fixed at some point.

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New Mission is up check the thread here:

A Few Good Men Thread

Post comments about the mission in that thread please, hopefully ofpec & ofp.info can update their files soon.

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where can i get the soar pilots

What the hell.... crazy_o.gif do you have the blackhawks? did you read the readme?

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where can i get the soar pilots

They come with the MH-60 Blackhawks, which you need in order to use the Pavehawks wink_o.gif

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i have the blackhawk and the pilots but when i use the pilots it gives me a .p3d error

and when i set a empty hh60 it takes me to desktop

i downloaded guns n heli


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Check your Res\Addons and OFP\Addons directory. Make sure you do not have a double up of the BAS_SOAR185.pbo

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