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Tears of the sun seals

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Nah, different pattern.

EDIT: 2nd thoughts, not sure, just tried them ingame and they do look similar??

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The African militia are looking really great Jackal! But would there be any chance of swapping the helmet model with the US M1 helmet wich can be found in the INV44 mini-demo open source model kit?

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Yes they are the Tonali OPFOR units (kindly given permission by BAS/Ebud to use and edit the model). I have however greatly improved them (added random African faces, the XML arm-patch system, as well as other various tweaks), so they are not simply a change in class-name.

GoOB, I'll consider changing the helmet, but ingame they look alright with the one they currently use.

See for yourself (not the best of shots, but it'll do).

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i know this project is still alive cause actually checked your website and the weapons list was updated at 23/02/2005 so i was wondering could we get some pics?


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He is actually still working on something???

My Lord... I thought this SEAL project was dead.

What a surprise!

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No he's just working on it for VBS1 and he says he'll port it to OFP afterwards. I'm not sure if that's still correct.

It would be a shame to see him leave for VBS too. That would be a blow in the face after BAS started making addons again, but only for VBS1.

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Well, no, it was no blow - BAS made excellent choppers, but their infantry and weapons sucked.

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it says on his website there will be 2 versions ofp and vbs

ofp will only use ofp sttuff and no vbs things but he will use some ofp stuff for vbs version

that is my understanding

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Good news from our good friend Jackel326 on one of the other topics;

Looking good Miss Cleo, looking very good indeed. If you're looking for weapons for the SEALs, check out this list. Its a (very long) list of the weapons currently contained in the update to my weapons pack, which I will be releasing shortly (in a matter of weeks).

wow_o.gifsmile_o.gif Now that sounds good, doesn't it?

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That IS a great news indeed. Always liked Jackal weapons. And finally more gns with holosight.

Jackal, just in case you need good textures for your holosight (Eotech HWS552?), just let me know.

Small preview, original model by BAS

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Well, no, it was no blow - BAS made excellent choppers, but their infantry and weapons sucked.

Contribute something better before you run off at the month about others work.

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It's good to hear this project will still make its way into OFP. I remember when the it first began discussion, and I have been waiting patiently for it. Even got the faces ready  tounge_o.gif

Take your time guys, better to make it right then release it early with errors like some have done in the past. Your work is excellent, and will be a great addition to the available SpecOps units. Not many SEAL units and weapons out there, the more the better I think.

Well, no, it was no blow - BAS made excellent choppers, but their infantry and weapons sucked.

A little of topic I guess, but I have to disagree. I love the BAS units, maybe not as much as others but they still see much use in my personal missions. BAS holds a place of great honor in the OFP community for their excellent work and gifts to us all, and I'm very grateful. If an addon maker decides to move on, either to VBS or to another game completely, then that's their decision. We should be thankful for what they did give out. Same goes here, I'm not going to complain if they move on to VBS. It will be a sad day for us OFP gamers, but who are we to get angry about it? They owe us nothing, that's just the facts.

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Well, no, it was no blow - BAS made excellent choppers, but their infantry and weapons sucked.

sorry man

can't agree with you there

bas deltas/ranger units in my point of view is still the best overall, quality and quantity and playablity in large numbers

bas weapons i agree do need a weapon haul though their m4 desert textures are the best

lasers updated delta might change my mind though

best m4s ive seen is gordys spc m4s, textures and model

earls modified m4s by laser comes close second(desert versions need changing)

but sjbs units are in another theatre of spec ops so i guess itll be tie with bas and i havent seen his new updated weapons yet, but the lr300 looks so cool in rl that i bet it'll be in par with the top mod m4s out there (gordy/earl/laser). his old tos m4s already are in high quality just needed tweaking with the bullet ballistics

but still extraction will also have a spec ops pack


their packs are gonna rock

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their packs are gonna rock

well that is if sjb ever will finish his gents for ofp

he was working on the srt pack no# also a long time ago and those never came to life either sad_o.gif but i agree the seals are top notch and if he decides to do something with it then ill be here waiting for it biggrin_o.gif

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their packs are gonna rock

well that is if sjb ever will finish his gents for ofp

he was working on the srt pack no# also a long time ago and those never came to life either  sad_o.gif   but i agree the seals are top notch  and if he decides to do something with it then ill be here waiting for it  biggrin_o.gif

i was gonna ask about that aswell

but wanted the seals more

he hads somew crazy srt units

lets wait for him to finish the seals first then the srt2 questions can come wink_o.gif

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His new pack has over 100 weapons in it...but I'm not 100% sure if he is porting all those to OFP (they're made for VBS1). Crazy isn't it...100 weapons tounge_o.gif. Think of all the different M4 mods there must be in there tounge_o.gif.

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His new pack has over 100 weapons in it...but I'm not 100% sure if he is porting all those to OFP (they're made for VBS1).  Crazy isn't it...100 weapons tounge_o.gif.  Think of all the different M4 mods there must be in there tounge_o.gif.

Actually the pack has more weapons than the pack for VBS if I understand him correctly. The list is for OFP, so everything on that list should indeed be in the pack.

Note that many weapons are 'just' the same, but with a different scope and such. It gives the user a lot of choises.

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In response to the various questions:

The SRT project died because the base model that I used, had catastrophic errors with it, resulting in all models being scrapped, along with the project. Whether the project will be re-started is still under consideration and if it eventually is, it wont be for a while yet.

The OFP version of the pack will include all weapons previously mentioned and listed, as well as some other ones not present in the VBS1 version of the pack. Some models will have to be edited somewhat from the VBS1 versions, to remove all elements of VBS1 models and such.

The SEALs WILL be completed for OFP. I recently submitted them for release for VBS, so once the bug reports (hopefully there will be few bugs) are submitted, I can begin work on 'porting them back over to OFP, possibly along with their Desert counterparts that made their way onto the scene not that long ago.

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Great news SJB. The TOS SEALS are personal favourites of mine biggrin_o.gif



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To correct you before things go too far off-topic. I am infact a guy, I just like the "female form" hence the signature and avatar images.

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woah for a minute I thought he was Nell Mc Andrew. anywho good news about the release of more stuff. I'm still using the older Seals you've made

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Nell is the unofficial 'SJB Mascot' smile_o.gif

But anyway, getting back on topic, the M249 has had a huge over-haul from the first release. The changes are too many in number to list, but suffice it to say, the model has been slapped around with O2 and looks a lot better for it. The barrel, muzzle-break, magazine, stock and other changes have turned it into a 'proper' M249. Screenshots to come.

The newly updated M249 with M145 optic

The updated M249-PARA with aimpoint optic

Note: There are, at present, 6 M249 variations planned, they are as follows:

> M249 (Iron-sights),

> M249 (Aimpoint),

> M249 (M145),

> M249-PARA (Iron-sights),

> M249-PARA (Aimpoint),

> M249-PARA (M145).

as well as all the other weapons listed at


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