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Csla 2

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CanadianTerror, lol man, I'm quite sure that even after keg-o-beer I wouldn't levitate... tounge_o.gifbiggrin_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]Good news for you. Patches and updates will be done via relatively small files. You definitely will not have to download all big pack again (after patching) to replace odl one. ;)

Updates will be 5-20 MB, depending on number of addons/improvements contained.


Thanks guys.

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I downloaded but can't open the bloomin file, it's unrecognised.

I just get this,


as the filename and nothing will open it

Help me help me!


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smile_o.gif ehhh i cant get the "llama" skyes to work on CSLA it works fine on FDF how come ? rock.gif

You have to do a new shortcut for that, I have kegetys hisky working with CSLAII by having this shortcut line:

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINTBETA.EXE" -mod=CSLA -mod=hisky

The original CSLAII .exe has the following line in the target field and I can't get it to work with any modfolders.

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">"C:\Program Files\Codemasters\OperationFlashpoint\csla2_FPBETA.exe"

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Nope, nothing. I have used "open with" winrar and now it says winrar doesn't recognise, what should i use to open it?

It says it doesn't recognise a exe.pf file

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I still don't get the idea of reduced RPG/LAW damage. Yes, they're disposable but the simulation is already done fairly well in OFP... the reload time is about the same as preparing another RPG for firing. Usually AT-soldiers carry more than just one RPG/LAW, two or three at least around here. Only one would be pretty useless if you missed. It shouldn't take three RPG's to get rid of one APC in my opinion.

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THANKS GoOB ! now i can enjoy this NICE mod and the nice skyes...... why does the LAW and RPG lanchers SUCK ass in CSLA 5 rockets kill a BMP rock.gif

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THANKS GoOB !  now i can enjoy this NICE mod and the nice skyes...... why does the LAW and RPG lanchers SUCK ass in CSLA 5 rockets kill a BMP rock.gif

Read back a bit, it is explained by the team members a few pages back smile_o.gif

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Is there a way I can use FDF MOD and its menu interface but still use CSLA Addons? I tried a few variations but they didnt work...


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At least I cant think of a way to use CSLA and FDFMOD together, what is so hard about making two separate shortcuts for them? wink_o.gif

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Is it possible to get a decrypted version of cofig.cpp. I would like to make this mod compatible with my other addons.

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I dont wanna read trough 18 sites or replys.. so sry if this has been sayd before... On mission 15 ( I think it was ) name Fuel.. I get a error... that I miss the addon "prime" rock.gif

is it any possible u can upload that addon, so I (we) can continue playing it ?

-thx smile_o.gif

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I dont wanna read trough 18 sites or replys..

Please don't be so lazy.

Try going back one page.

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Great work, CSLA team. You guys have been working pretty hard on this for a while, and finally your hard work has come through! Cheers!

I have one problem, however. Upon installing the new mod, and starting any of my shortcuts (including the ones supplied with the mod), I get only a light blue screen. I can hear the menu "clicking" and the background music, but I can only see light sky blue.

After removing all of the other addons, still to no avail, I reinstalled OFP, and then installed CSLA onto the fresh install. I still have the problem.

After some trial and error, I've found that it might be tied to the Edge retextured guerilla units. Originally, I had them installed when I tried installing CSLA 2. After uninstalling CSLA the first time, and still having the problem, I removed the Edge units and the problem was gone.

Now I can't play CSLA 2 without this menu problem. Please advise.

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Do you have Radeon card?

If yes, then look few pages back in this thread.

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Do you have Radeon card?

If yes, then look few pages back in this thread.

No, sir, I do not.

I currently own an nVidia GeForce FX video card updated to the latest ForceWare drivers from nVidia's website. DirectX is the latest build (9.0b). I'm running OFP version 1.96b.

It's pretty strange. I have no idea what is causing it except that it has something to do with the retextured guerillas.

Is there anything else I could tell you to help?

EDIT: Just to clarify, I have tried with: the shortcuts that are installed with CSLA (CSLA shortcuts on desktop), also editing the command lines so it reads -mod=csla on both my normal 1.91 and beta 1.96 shortcuts. No effect.

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Is CSLA planning on releasing something similar to a sky pack(a .bat file you run) to replace all the bis textures w/ the new ones you made? That way we could add the sky pack of our choice to the newdta folder and will have high res vehicles, sky, and still make it possible to run ecp, dynamic range, or inquisitor's pack. I tryed to depbo the addons to test it out for my personal use but I cant depbo the files.

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GREAT work on the addon units CSLA..I'm not really feeling the campaign though..too much time watching what seems to be pointless cinema and too many you versus the world type missions..the bis islands have just been WAY overused in my opinion and FDF kinda spoiled me ...I'm looking forward to your next release and hopefully an original island in the future..overall great job though biggrin_o.gif

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Finally managed to d/l this (gotta love 56k crazy_o.gif ) and all I can say is SWEET!!

The intro, if a little long, is fantastic! Really shows what the old girl is capable of, more like watching a film than playing a game, and the best bit is unlike 99% of other games its an INGAME movie not some grainy wmv.

My only "issues" with the mod are a few texture mismatches (look at the SVD for a clear example of this) and some of the units are named the same (understandable for Susan, but gets a bit confusing with half a dozen OT-64's in the drop down list)

Other than that, excellent work guys, now I've just got to beat the campaign!

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Good work guys. smile_o.gif

It would be great if the team put together a replacment pack for the standard BIS 3D/texture stuff you updated so it could be run as a local mod on a users machine without all having to have the same mod. Like the Hi-sky mods already mentioned. This would be a blessing so you could still play together with those that for some reason don't want to use the new models but you get the "OFP 2004 Edition" look on your local machine. biggrin_o.gif

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I'm working on update and I have few questions:

1. Machinegun on Mi-8MBT2 is movable or fixed in reality?

2. Have anybody good sound for BMP?

BTW, we have our own sky texture made by Status, but they are not used in MOD yet...

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1. Machinegun on Mi-8MBT2  is movable or fixed in reality?

I bet it's movable, atleast vertically. I've seen some photos of old DDR Mi-8s with that nosegun and in some pictures it's facing a bit upwards (say 5 degrees or so) and in some it's facing downwards (maybe 45 degrees).

However the nosegun placement is a bit wrong. It's attached to lowest cockpit window so that the gun itself comes into cockpit and the barrel is left outside. The window is replaced with panel. And what I've read its name is A-12.7.

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