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Unified zombie pack release imminent

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As elements of this have been released perhaps the title is inaccurate now? smile_o.gif

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As elements of this have been released perhaps the title is inaccurate now? smile_o.gif

I don't know how to change the title of the thread.

Should this topic be closed and a new one opened?

Fine by me.

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As elements of this have been released perhaps the title is inaccurate now? smile_o.gif

I don't know how to change the title of the thread.

Ask Placebo nicely tounge_o.gif .

Say, you're doing a good job on the zombies, but... wouln't it be better to focus on something else and do the zombies when Manticore released her UAP mod / pack / module , that way they will look far better wink_o.gif .

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As elements of this have been released perhaps the title is inaccurate now? smile_o.gif

I don't know how to change the title of the thread.

Ask Placebo nicely tounge_o.gif .

Say, you're doing a good job on the zombies, but... wouln't it be better to focus on something else and do the zombies when Manticore released her UAP mod / pack / module , that way they will look far better wink_o.gif .

There's only one problem with this Gandalf:

Who's to say that Manticore will finish her unified anatomy pack? rock.gif

I can't be 100% certain that she will, so why wait around? Not saying that she won't release, but you know how life is..

How many software projects do you know of that would halt for uncertain quantities? tounge_o.gif

Besides, Mig's doing the zombies, I'm doing the texturing, and writing the sweetest zombie scripts ever seen. Actually the last part was a lie biggrin_o.gif

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Zombie mod 3 is nearly finished, when RC4 comes out that's it - the final zombie mod. But don't cry! Because a MORE REALISTIC zombie mod is coming out that will knock your socks off.

Zombie mod 4 will take the best parts from the previous zombie mod and totally enhance your zombie experience by introducing:

a ) Head shot only zombies

The zombies will only die with blows or shots to the head.

b ) Introducing "heavy" zombies that cars can't knock over easily - remember, if you run into a human with a car in real life, does your car take damage? You bet it does!!!

c ) (some of) mine & maccollo's animations.  

d ) The new zombie "wandering" scripts. No longer will zombies find you straight away, you can hide for a while now..

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cool, how close are you to finishing rc4? hours, days, weeks, months

Years happy tounge_o.gif

j/k tounge_o.gif

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Yeah i was thinking of adding years, but then i thought, no. Cant give him that option lol

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Hey zombie_mod, i am assuming your name on the farmland forums is scotttunstal, Right? anyways i read a post about the half life zombie mod, heart of evil. You were going to dl it from fileplanet you said, well dont it will be quicker to go here.

http://www.planethalflife.com/heartofevil/default.asp then go to downloads, i just downloaded mine from there. It is about 90 mb, i am going to try it right now. Sorry for posting it here but i dont know where else to, since i dont have an account on farmland forums. smile_o.gif

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cool, how close are you to finishing rc4? hours, days, weeks, months

Weeks away from finishing RC4 - once the scripts are done, that's it. Nothing more, nothing less. The unified zombie mod leaves BETA stage and becomes FINAL.

There will be no more upgrades for the unified zombie mod, except patches for any "showstoppers" (severe bugs).

The zombie team must now concentrate all effort into zombie mod 2, which is to all intents and purposes George Romero's zombie universe in Flashpoint.

I KNOW this mod will be much better than the first, as we have on board some excellent scripters, modellers and animators whose dedication to the zombie/horror genre is immense. We sense the potential of a thousand zombies running around at once (which only Flashpoint can give us) and want to make that happen - we want the best zombie game - do you think we just want to code all day?!!! biggrin_o.gif

Already we have an alpha of zombie mod 2 - a very early build that uses the zombie mod scripts - for Mig and the farmland/zombie mod team to play with. It's more a "proof of concept" rather than a usable mod, true, but this work will be the foundations on which all future work is based.


You will probably want to keep in touch with progress of zombie mod 2 and the best way to do that is to register with the farmland forum, so you can participate in feedback and any beta testing.

If you're not on farmland forums, you won't get to see the results of our work for (perhaps) months.. better get registering biggrin_o.gif

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Any Updates Zomb?

I've not heard anything from Mig, Grabarz^^ or even General for a while. Could well be that the zombie mod is stopped sad_o.gif

I am so busy at night now, I just don't have the time to do any more scripting & modelling the mod requires. I might just say "ah f**k it" and call it a day. I dunno.

Sorry if thats not what you want to hear, but that's how it is.

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It would be a shame if this was the end of the zombie mod but regardless you guys did an amazing job of bringing zombies to flashpoint smile_o.gif

thank you

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No, it's not over biggrin_o.gif I have a lot exams now, so my work is stopped...but still in progress, don't worry, Zombie Mod is still alive (but zombies aren't smile_o.gif ).

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ok, but if you ever think of calling it quits, it would be greatly appreciated to release the zombies with the updated anims first. hehe smile_o.gif

oh and it would be nice if the zombies moaned and groaned at random or something.

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noooo, dont quit sad_o.gif

this is my most anticipated mod!


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Hello Grabarz^^ wink_o.gif

Exams? I'm busy too, I have moved house and am spending more time at night away from the computer.

It takes a long time to create even a single zombie, folks, the textures have to be acquired (usually from ogrish) then scaled, then brushed, then applied to each of the 3 LODs... vertices for missing noses and arms have to be moved & sized appropriately.. Christ it is a helluva lot of work!

Maybe this break is a good thing, I've not had a proper break from the zombie mod since I started it 2 years ago biggrin_o.gif

So folks, maybe the zombie mod will continue, who knows?

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well I'm still here. have worked a little with 2 custo anims to the campaign and a shotgun blasting and reloading anim, cuz ofp doesn't have 1 and that sucks. for example when u're reloading the soldier puts in a magazine... yuck tounge_o.gif


I am general

just new acount

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I'm just an animator, and know very litte about scripting and programing. so no... I actully tough that it was mig's and zombie mod's job tounge_o.gif but i could open the data PBO and check how it works there

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Guys i just played this mod again, it was awesome. It made me think that you just cant give up! i would Be sad. Oh and in the next version have you fixed the bug where zombies walk, then stop, then walk again. It only happens sometimes, like on levels where guys are in buildings. I am using rc3.

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