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Nogovan Armed Forces Project

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Any chance of a seperate model for the officer (beret or hat) or are you still going with just the one soldier model?

Which looks great...I'm just curious.


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ehhm I've read allot of pages, but not all of em,

I've read allot about no weapons on choppers....

And have you guys though of the Pilatus PC-9 trainer/ light attack plane??? They use them in allot of different countries they sell from Switserland so no commercial benifits...

They can be fitted with machine guns and rocket pods, and very light bombs... also used by many african nations! cuz they arent expensive...

There is a excellent model out there aswell....

Just an idea, I like the " keep it cheap military" but you have a really strange combination of aircraft though... crazy_o.gif Most smaller countries would not buy many different types of aircraft cuz you'd need lots of spare parts, and many different workshops so to speak! wow_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]I'd like to see a centurion or cheiftan, but making things from scratch is probably not worthwhile, especially as the team is quite small.

I've got a Centurion somewhere on my HDD. Shall I have a look for it? I remember that there's a French AMX-13 (???), too.

bye, Arne

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kenji from rhs has both AMX13 and a chieften i know hes still working on the chieften but i think he willing to give out the amx smile_o.gif

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I'll to talk to Supah about it, because those units mentioned were my own personal preferences, so he may feel differently. So we'll let you know in the near future wether we'd like to use them.


On a different note, the Hard-top BTR-152 is almost complete and the T-55 reskin is going well too, but it's not complete enough to show any pictures yet. only the turret remains to finish, but due to its shape there is a lot of texture stretching which can degrade the look of the entire addon.

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Now for some T55/BTR 152 ambulance screens.






Note: Some of the parts are RHS's from their T55 pack as I have not yet re-done them. The turret texture is temporary and lacks a lot of the detail needed, as does the engine deck.

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Quote[/b] ]kenji from rhs has both AMX13 and a chieften

Please say hello to Kenji for me, he left a while back. I'd like to get in touch with him again, I hope he is doing well in japan ... I believe that is where he went smile_o.gif On the different types of tanks, We are trying to stick to the T-55 too keep maintenance costs low. The more types you have the harder it becomes to maintain them.

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Just a question to the people here, how do you think the whole Nogova history is?

How they got there, what country Nogovanians come from, etc etc etc.

I think it will do with a PM, will not wreck the thread.

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Very impressive, I'm rather excited about this project now. Well, more than I already was tounge_o.gif

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*Decides to take the plunge against the forces of conventional wisdom and thoughts*

Ok why is it ALWAYS the T-55? Iraq t-55 , soviets old T-55 , now nogova t-55 , i mean this is a country in 2004 (right?) why not have T-72's and T-62's instead? I am tired of seeing T-55's (In BIS campaigns then resistance , then RHS's so far only release then fdf , now YOU guys).

Please dont take this as being disgrateful or something , i am simply bored of seeing this beat up (piece of not so good looking pile of steel) anymore , i wanna see something new in the armoured dept. i think that sexy looking T-62 RHS is making would suit very nicely and give us users a bit of variation from the conventional T-55 again and again as its sored my eyes atleast.

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*Decides to take the plunge against the forces of conventional wisdom and thoughts*

Ok why is it ALWAYS the T-55? Iraq t-55 , soviets old T-55 , now nogova t-55 , i mean this is a country in 2004 (right?) why not have T-72's and T-62's instead? I am tired of seeing T-55's (In BIS campaigns then resistance , then RHS's so far only release then fdf , now YOU guys).

Please dont take this as being disgrateful or something , i am simply bored of seeing this beat up (piece of not so good looking pile of steel) anymore , i wanna see something new in the armoured dept. i think that sexy looking T-62 RHS is making would suit very nicely and give us users a bit of variation from the conventional T-55 again and again as its sored my eyes atleast.

i think that was discussed in the first 20 or so pages of this thread fella... there was a long drawn out debate as to what realistically a small island state would possess... to be honest, i think its lucky that there is going to be a MBT at all, seeing as i'd not expect an island state the size of nogova to own much more than IFV's etc... with most similiar places (imagine the carribea islands for this) you'd expect a larger naval force, and then a basic ground force... the point being, stop their ships from getting close and their landing craft from landing troops, and you're a winner biggrin_o.gif

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The idea I think we agreed upon a year (or more?) ago was that Nogova and the islands fought for their freedom from the Soviets in the mid '80s. Lingering security concerns (like the threat of reinvasion) prompted Nogova to create an armed force a bit larger than it logically should, but it was entirely defensive in nature. Hence, not much of a navy beyond some patrol and torpedo boats, no super modern weaponry.

I think a backstory of how the tank and BTR-152s got there in the first place was because the island was home to a Category-C Motor Rifle Battalion of the Soviet Army. Category C is like the last line of reserves, hence the old equipment.

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Very nice work! But maybe a suggestion for the T-55's:

Maybe you can add some 'customized' versions of the T55; the Israeli's upgraded their T55's (Tiran 5), as well as the Chinese; who introduced the Type69 smile_o.gif

Would be pretty cool if the Nogovan Army had a couple of customized versions of the T55..

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yeh, like versions with a heavier gun/diff. engine/armour diff. (not all in one ofcourse...)

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Would be pretty cool if the Nogovan Army had a couple of customized versions of the T55..

Agree on this one, for example one with a D-30 gun like here

Or add one with reactive armour or a turret with ZSU-23-2 gun, try to use your imagination smile_o.gif

Look here for a lot of variants smile_o.gif

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That would give the T55 have a more Nogovan feel if it had a custom loadout.

Good idea! smile_o.gif

...but it's up to the modmakers of course. wink_o.gif

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Quote[/b] ]...but it's up to the modmakers of course.

Indeed wink_o.gif ! But I think nobody wants to fight in a T55 in these days, so upgrades are a logical step in order to keep up with more modern MBT's.

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Yes even rather poor armies update their T-55's. Example is the Iranian upgunned version with ERA and new fire control computers or finnish T-55 with new sights, laser range finders and austrian(?) tungsten penetrators.

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I think with the NAF there is a certain amount of artistic license needed, to basically make it fun to use as well as halfway logical. In real life they'd probably have 1 or 2 T55s, a couple of Urals, maybe a few UAZ's. For an island that size there's not going to be much to compare it to in real life, but a few trucks and a tank are not really much of a mod.

If we are approaching it from the angle of: "most small armies have or could get xxx vehicle" then I can't see how it could be so much of a problem, and would be realistic too. Perhaps the geography of Nogova should not be at the forefront of our minds when deciding what they would have irl. I think that it will be up to the user in the end how much of any vehicle types, and what types themselves, they put down into the mission, so really this would add variety if anthing.

As for upgrades, it's likely a force like this would carry out many modifications to their vehicles, they would be aware the equipment is not state of the art, and at least make some attempts to adapt their vehicles accordingly.

But these are just my views, and I texture what I'm given, so don't worry if you don't like my ideas


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Awhile back I did alot of logical thinking on Nogova. I spent literally hours flying around seeing what was where and why. I didnt read through all the 62 pages of this forum, but did anyone consider Nogovas economy? If you take a close look youll notice probably most of Nogova is agricultrual. But you can forget the big mine which probably rolls a few bucks in. Also fishing might play a roll in there some where. From what i have read on previous posts, Nogova is a small probably poor country with little money to spend on a large military force. I would imagine there would be a few tanks, but most of the army would be infantry. If there were to be an air force at all, it would be a couple of almost outdated planes, maybe a mig of some sort. In the end most of the Nogovan army would be infantry and trucks. Tanks would probably be used for more of the defensive side. Probably to defend the capital(Lipany) most likely. Just thought I would put my two cents in, hope this project is still rolling.

Im not sure if too many people have noticed, but the complex to the North West of the airport is the Nogova power plant. All power lines lead to it.


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