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Marine assault pack

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No errors, just a straight CTD.

I have the marine assualt pack, as part of the MTCO server pack in a seperate mod folder. Is everyone else who is getting CTD using the MTCO pack or just MAP?

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Can anyone play Naguals mission it gives me a CTD for no reason? I got tonal too latest version and all  rock.gif

Even depboed the mission opened it in the editor fine but previewed it and again CTD  crazy_o.gif

I have problems too. It freezes at the black intro screen and i have to alt tab out. Im using win XP with a 3.2 p4 and a Ati 9800 Pro & 1 gig of ram, any ideas?

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Can anyone play Naguals mission it gives me a CTD for no reason? I got tonal too latest version and all  rock.gif

Even depboed the mission opened it in the editor fine but previewed it and again CTD  crazy_o.gif

Yeh, i get that too sad_o.gif

Anyone know what the problem might be?

Does it give any error, or does it just CTD you?

Nope no errors reported just a simple CTD sad_o.gif .

Loading screen then BANG.

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Hmm... I've just tested, and it all works fine for me.

Do you have the latest version of Tonal (patched to 1.2)?

And all the trimmings that come with it (I.e. the OPFOR and their vehicles)?

And you obviously have the MAP, so thats not the problem.

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The thing about the M249s on HMMWVs - they're used only because that unit (probably an anti-armor company from an air assault battalion) didn't have enough .50cals or M240Bs to mount on their HMMWVs. Having been in an air assault battalion, I never saw the SAWs on the mounts - it was always an M60, M240B or .50cal mounted on the turret with the TOW. I don't think it's a standard or common practice, but rather an expedient.

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Wow... you got better eyes then I do.  I can barely make out that it's a gun on that humvee in the background but not what type (although it looks SAW'ish) or whether there is a second gun on it as well. That could be a skeleton stock of some sort on the end of the SAW. It's hard to tell...whatever the case its a moot point. Either weapon works fine in urban warfare. Many units have their own SOP (standard operating procedure) that defines how they setup such weapons on their vehicles...and those are often subject to field expedient changes as mentioned earlier.  

Whatever the case, what does this have to do with the Marine Assault pack???  Those guys aren't Marines.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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Hmm... I've just tested, and it all works fine for me.

Do you have the latest version of Tonal (patched to 1.2)?

And all the trimmings that come with it (I.e. the OPFOR and their vehicles)?

And you obviously have the MAP, so thats not the problem.

Yep i am all loaded to latest tonal patch and stuff smile_o.gif

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Hmm... I've just tested, and it all works fine for me.

Do you have the latest version of Tonal (patched to 1.2)?

And all the trimmings that come with it (I.e. the OPFOR and their vehicles)?

And you obviously have the MAP, so thats not the problem.

Yep i am all loaded to latest tonal patch and stuff  smile_o.gif

If you can get it into the map editor, I recommend experimenting by taking out groups of units and triggers, and then playing it until you find out where the problem is. That's really the only way to narrow down the problem to a specific unit, trigger, script, or addon combination perhaps.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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No visible NVG on player model in free camera look (the "," in the numpad)

You can see them on the AI units and in third person if you turn the head slightly.

I have yet only seen it on the russian spetznatz assaulter, havn't tested it with others units yet.

EDIT: Screw this, seems to happen to all units, also BIS ones.

I allways thought that I saw the NVG in free camera look, so I'm sorry talking about a bug that again was none, same with my last post in this thread. I really should test more.

Sorry again and absolutely great units. I enjoy them more and more the more I play with them.

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Here's a quick mission that uses the MARPATs. It's probably loaded with bugs, comments would be appreciated.

Download from this thread. If it's OK, a mirror would be good.

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Maybee late, but yesterday i played +-10h of coops on MTCO server (all USMC missions). Must say, this is the best x-mas present ever. These units rock!!! I don't know if it was the good teamwork or these units, but best (coop) session in years!!! Thanks a lot Suchey,  Earl, Tact, and Jocko FLocko...(and the hole beta-team). Excellent work (really love the blood-bandage-blackout effects!!!)

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ive come to the conclusion to ask for these changes after playing awhile with the marines on multiplayer and missions.. just sorta throwing them up in the air id like to hear what the community has to say about it also..

1. Make Desert Force Recon Units, Slap the desert marpat textures on them (as easy as it sounds) and just have one version with Boonie Hats and then the version with the helmets.

2. The Grenadier and Squad Leader's should wear helmets.. dont have to change it.. just add another version with helmets.

3. Little more Recoil on the M249.

Everything else like snipers and stuff.. we know are coming in booster packs but id really like to see an expansion in the Force Recon units... especially in Desert Marpat.

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Hi, thanks for you great works ! I'm helping ECP to giving idea, and I suggest this to replace the BIS_Scope by yours, do you allow us to do that ? (AK47, AK74, AKS74U, M16, M4)

Still I wan't to know if you have in plan to make others weapons ?

It would be great to replace all BIS_OFP CWC campaign (AK47GL, AK74GL, 6G36, MM-1, Dragunov, M21...) weapons by yours, so do you have in plan to make more addon ? For my self I will pay you for this, i'm sur if you ask 1$ from everybody you get a lot of money to do finish your weapons pack...

Also do you have other scope.p3d for M60 and PK, dragunov and M21 ?

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Well, a PKM would be brilliant for the MORPEH... but what's the point of replacing a weapon that isn't used by the USMC anymore - outdated, replaced by the M-249 I believe. (I am talking about the M-60E3)


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Well I know that in the US Army the M60 (one of my favorite weapons when I was in) was replaced by the M240 (FNMAG) in most combat arms units, while in support units it was simply eliminated as a crew served weapon and instead the squads were given M249's...which I suppose is an even trade as they got more overall firepower (more machineguns).

I would assume that the Marines also replaced their M60's with M240's at least in their combat arms units. However I believe the Navy SEALs are still using the M60 but as a squad automatic weapon.

Personally I have no idea why they replaced the M60 with a weapon of the same caliber ammo (7.62mmX51mm) that is much heavier other then to have more compatibility with NATO and because the weapon has already been in wide use in US military armored vehicles as a coaxial weapon.

Still the M240 is by all reports a good solid weapon.

At least in OFP you don't have to feel the pain of carrying a weapon that heavy during a long foot patrol.

Anyhoo... I should note that the M60 is still widely used in helicopter squadrons in most of the US armed services. I'm not sure why they haven't switched to M240's but I still see tons of M60's mounted on helicopters in both Afghanistan and Iraq.

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

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However I believe the Navy SEALs are still using the M60 but as a squad automatic weapon.  

Personally I have no idea why they replaced the M60 with a weapon of the same caliber ammo (7.62mmX51mm) that is much heavier other then to have more compatibility with NATO and because the weapon has already been in wide use in US military armored vehicles as a coaxial weapon.

The MK 46 Mod O is the SEALS new Machinegun, under new government programs the M60e3 is no longer ishued and has not been since 01' what you see left of the M60's are leftovers which will fill service time untill they fail and then be replaced by the M240 or M249 or MK46 MOD 0.

As always US Special forces may request to use the M60e3 but few do any more, with it being heavier then the MK46 and a different caliber, it is not so popular any more.

After all the M249 and Mk46 Mod 0 can be belt fed from soft or hard boxes either 100 or 200 rounds, belt fed, M16 mag fed, and C-mag fed. Since it uses a unifed 5.56 caliber it only makes sence to take advantage of it.

Just so we know what everything is. (Please note these are the TRUE basees of each weapons family anything extra or modified that you have seen on one of these is a MOD and is in the family but not the parrent.)

MK46 MOD 0


M249 SAW


M240 Heavy Support Weapon.





But to answer your question. The US has OFW (Objective Force Warrior) and OLW (Objective Land Warrior) Under which we will be feilding new weapons the only reason you're seening allot of M60's is because we are useing the last of them in the gulf before we retitre them complreately.

Sort of a "Most Bang For your buck" case.

But I've noticed allot of M240's M249's creaping up in pictures in News Week and such in the hands of troops. Which in my oppinion is good.

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This is actually what the FN-MAG in U.S service looks like:


But the USMC use the M240G (as opposed to the B above) which looks more like the original but is still all black. The difference is that it is lightened and better suited for infantry, while the M240B ("Bravo") used by the Army is the same one that they use on vehicles.

What about the M60e4?

Has it ever been used to any extent?

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Good info.  Although I don't know about how the caliber difference would be a negative thing for the Navy SEALs.

From experience firing both 7.62x51mm (M60) and 5.56mm (M249) belt fed machine guns, I can tell you that there is a WORLD of difference.   One reason why I always liked the M60 much better is that the range and accuracy of the weapon is just fantastic.  It's really quite a feeling when you hit 800 meter targets just using iron sights.  At 600 meters however the M60 is just devestating.  Again an Ak47 armed opponent in terrain like in Afghanistan (were longer distance weapons are often very useful) a good 7.62NATO machine gun will totally dominate.  Also of coarse the round is quite a bit larger and basically punches bigger holes in people and can punch through thick walls and foliage better.  But... in urban combat I think that a 5.56mm belt fed machine gun is more appropriate simply because in the short range, highly violent firefights in that kind of combat you need something with a higher rate of fire and that is shorter and easier to aim inside buildings.  But I guess that ultimately, the SEALs know best what they need and will likely get whatever they want.

But as far as the M60 being replaced by the M240 being better, I don't see why when the M60 is lighter, rugged, and reliable.   It's also made in America.   However according to FAS.org   the M60 is indeed being replaced by the M240G in the US Marines because the short-barreled M60E3 had a lot of problems. (That's not the version I used by the way).

I don't think there was an ever an E4 version althoughs someone correct me if I'm wrong.   Still doesn't explain why the standard M60 was replaced as I believe that even the M240G is still heavier and is about the same length, but I may be wrong.    

At any rate, having M240's and not M60's is indeed accurate for Earl & Suchey's Marines.

But the M60 still looks cooler. smile_o.gif

Chris G.

aka-Miles Teg<GD>

My baby!!! (standard M60).


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Found the info by myself. biggrin_o.gif


You can also use the e4 in Raven Shield and I saw it mentioned in some fiction book involving SEALs. smile_o.gif

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