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Bas tonal-tango pack

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I say this, because on a 56k modem. A single 115.11 MB download can seem to take an eternity to finish, and if it was split into its individual components, I'd be able to finish say downloading the island, and then install it, then play with it for hours whilist simultaneously downloading the other components, (units, campaign e.t.c)

Thats also why we didnt want to seperate them. Like ebud said once, if even 10 people d/l the pack, and play the missions before checking everything out in editor, watching the vids ect, they will get an excellent ofp experience in unknown land angainst unknown enemy, makes it worth it for us.

OK, point taken. 9 hours is a heck of a long time though. I expect all shall be forgiven when it finishes. smile_o.gif

Quote[/b] ]For 56kers i recommend checking evis post about download mangers.

Didn't see that post, but Download Acellerator Plus is what I use, great, very complete and unobtrusive program that harmoneously blends in with Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator.

P.S. If we see updates to the pack, will those updates be in their individual components. I imagine that the pack is very complete to begin with, so only minor adjustments would be necessary, right. No need to re-download the whole entire 115.11 MB's again, right wink_o.gif . Can you see what I'm saying.

Thanks Nagaul and BAS for your time and effort. I imagine I'll be on my way to hospital in 9.000001 hours with a broken and locked jaw once I get to experience the island for myself. wink_o.giftounge_o.gif

Cheers, Ozanzac.

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Grrr this game is being nastey to me sad_o.gif its gone back to the green screen.. what is the command to direct it to a folder?

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\OperationFlashpoint\FLASHPOINT192BETA.EXE -mod=bas

if you need help setting up modfolders just let me know  wink_o.gif

/ed: big TY Avon smile_o.gif

I searched the FAQ but my poor english let me down as i tried to find the right words to search for sad_o.giftounge_o.gif

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and i have 1.92 installed

Yes, but are you USING 1.92? It´s a different EXE, OFP uses 1.91 by default.

Oh and I´ve read all the background for the island, I´m firing it up for the first time in a moment! unclesam.gif

ah.. didnt know that sad_o.gif ill try that now smile_o.gif

Glad I could help. smile_o.gif

Anyway, I´ve just finished the 2nd mission of the campaign and it is AMAZING! Almost like a commercial-grade product, and I´ve hardly played anything so far.

The mission design has been great, but the 2nd mission caused some wierd issues for me.

After I had destroyed the BMPs, my men started shooting at me. I managed to escape in my BRDM, and when I got to base I had a -5000 score, because I had killed a West-Target Heavy or something. WTF!? And another very strange bug: When I drove towards my base, it was like my BRDM was hitting invisible walls once in a while. I´m cruising along and the I hear a CLANG and I stop like I hit a wall, then I just continue again. I was driving, not AI. It happened like 7 times in the desert.

And a bug with the units: Almost all LODs except the nearest one makes gunners on vehicles disappear, with only their helmets visible. This is more than annoying when I think I have neutralized a UAZ because I don´t see a gunner, or I think one of my gunners has been killed, but when I zoom in I see they´re actually there.

Whatever, I´m enjoying it immensely. This is truly a landmark moment in OFP editing! smile_o.gif

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What tpye of Pc's you guys got? Its just way too jerky even in 800x600 mode on a 2 gig pc. crazy_o.gif

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99% done smile_o.gifbiggrin_o.gifsmile_o.gif

Cant wait but i must say the BAS server is now choking i guess it was giving me 6 kb before and even 10 kb but now its gone down to 3 kb people resort to other links plz and let those who have already started d/lding from BAS complete theirs lest the server dies on them.

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Verry Splending Island and nice Unit's this is just Amazing I dont have other words for it. wow_o.gif

PS: Is this the Lost Isle island but then under a other name or what? and what happend with lost isle?

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Verry Splending Island and nice Unit's this is just Amazing I dont have other words for it. wow_o.gif

PS: Is this the Lost Isle island but then under a other name or what? and what happend with lost isle?

This is the lost island, the lost island was a working name of the island.


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BAS Blackhawk GPS-MFD Bug!

The two red lines in the cockpit map are placed incorrectly when you're on Tonal.

Here you can see the chopper is parked on the main airstrip but the two red lines are indicate I'm south-west of the island. Sometimes they show I'm up north-east, but they are never correct with my position.


All BAS choppers which have the GPS-map works fine on Nogova.

A few missing textures here and there (on objects). Other than that the island works fine and is very nice.

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what is the rado good for. there comes sound out of it. it's in the town Tatu or something like that.

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Verry Splending Island and nice Unit's this is just Amazing I dont have other words for it. wow_o.gif

PS: Is this the Lost Isle island but then under a other name or what? and what happend with lost isle?

This is the lost island, the lost island was a working name of the island.


O ok Sorry.... tounge_o.gif

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@ Oct. 05 2003,14:01)]Anywhere wre we can play MP maps with this island on MP servers?
Quote[/b] ]The BAS MP Server has just had all of the tonal/opfor files uploaded and is ready to be played on, the address is: port 17479

It is a 1.92 server so make sure you remember to use the 1.92 exe. The server is located in holland and has an 8mbps connection, so get playing!

From: http://www.ballistic-studios.com/

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BAS Blackhawk GPS-MFD Bug!

The two red lines in the cockpit map are placed incorrectly when you're on Tonal.

Here you can see the chopper is parked on the main airstrip but the two red lines are indicate I'm south-west of the island. Sometimes they show I'm up north-east, but they are never correct with my position.

All BAS choppers which have the GPS-map works fine on Nogova.

A few missing textures here and there (on objects). Other than that the island works fine and is very nice.

Quote[/b] ]BAS Blackhawk Map:

The main Tonal island is already setup to use the map in the BAS blackhawks. The blackhawk addons will automatically load the island map, you need to add this line to the init field to setup the crosshair (due to larger island size):

bas_60mapsize = 512

right from the readme  wink_o.gif

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Man i just played and i am BLOWN APART literally.

I would like to heartily CONGRATULATE the BAS team for this fine work of theirs , simply outstanding guys cant say anything more (cause i dont have time goota play tounge_o.gif ) also you guys now take a holiday break go to Hawaii or something just thinking of how you must have specnt hours placing objects down to perfection has me shuddering wink_o.gif .

I would also like to say that now iwanna break my BHD by Novalogic game CD in to pieces blues.gif , this island and the troops provided kick the sh@t out of theirr WHOLE game smile_o.gif

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hi I nee d help sad_o.gif

My problem is when i start fleshpoint and go into campaing the game crashes and says there is no entrey in desciption.exe how the heck do i solve this problem............................................ no hard words PLZ rock.gif

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Quote[/b] ]BAS Blackhawk Map:

The main Tonal island is already setup to use the map in the BAS blackhawks. The blackhawk addons will automatically load the island map, you need to add this line to the init field to setup the crosshair (due to larger island size):

bas_60mapsize = 512

right from the readme  wink_o.gif

I rest my case biggrin_o.gif

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Very very nice work BAS love the new units and an very good campagin plus new JAM now that Jam2Nam can be comtple plus i like the M79 marker rounds

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