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Mister Frag

Lock on: modern air combat

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i guess FF aint simulated in this game

what makes you say that?

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i just dont see someone piloting an A-10 and strafing a column of friendly tanks with flags and such on them.

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Oh please! if you want to start a political flamewar head over to the lo-mac forums to do it, that's pretty much the norm in the Ubi forums but keep it away from here tounge_o.gif

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im not, im just saying also i doubt you see ground fiire coming up.

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I brought that up before, I think those turned out to be "commandos" or something like that.

Started with a C.

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I brought that up before, I think those turned out to be "commandos" or something like that.

Started with a C.


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@ July 02 2003,03:55)]
I brought that up before, I think those turned out to be "commandos" or something like that.

Started with a C.


LOL the tanks, I think they're Challenger's. I still see no good reason that a maverick should be flying at a British tank these days though smile_o.gif.

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Yeah, I know, I know...let's not shall we?

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Yeah, I know, I know...let's not shall we?

What i dont get it rock.gif

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If I would point out one thing I like with the recent stream of realistic airsimulators it would be the emphasis on Russian gear, far too many games lets you play from an American side and not see all the Russian gear. In particular WW2 flightsims. Were IL2 and IL2FB are the only games I know of that let you fly Russian aircraft. And it's great to see more flyable Russian aircraft then flyable NATO ones. I only wish they'd make a JAS-39 GRIPEN.

And also for the Challenger vs. Maverick thing, here is a bit from the FAQ:

Quote[/b] ]Lock On does not take place in a specific time, but uses a variety of weapon systems that have been in service from mid-1990s to the near future. The Lock On order of battles are not meant to mimic real-world forces

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If I would point out one thing I like with the recent stream of realistic airsimulators it would be the emphasis on Russian gear, far too many games lets you play from an American side and not see all the Russian gear. In particular WW2 flightsims. Were IL2 and IL2FB are the only games I know of that let you fly Russian aircraft. And it's great to see more flyable Russian aircraft then flyable NATO ones. I only wish they'd make a JAS-39 GRIPEN.

i think 9 flyable aircrafts is a bit cheap sad_o.gif

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Yes, but still more Russian stuff than American stuff makes goob a happy camper smile_o.gif

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i think 9 flyable aircrafts is a bit cheap  sad_o.gif

That's because they are making them so realistic, each plane is supposed to be behaving the same way in-game as it does in reality... You can make Cobra manuever with two Su-models and one MiG smile_o.gif But yeah it's a shame, and..

I only wish they'd make a JAS-39 GRIPEN.

..amen  sad_o.gif

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A bit OT, but I just saw this real video of some Mirages in the Lo-Mac forums

http://www.sbmason.com/misc/fou.avi (22 MB). I love the way these guys fly, can you tell why? biggrin_o.gif.

Yeah I saw that too smile_o.gif No actually I saw it on some flying squad's LoMac forum. Great video

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Too bad no F-22  sad_o.gif

Could care less about the F-22. This game's all about a NATO/Warsaw Pact conflict 10 years ago, not an as yet to be determined conflict 10 years in the future.

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I hope I'll be better at lo-mac than I am in il2-sturmovik. sad_o.gif

I have no aim whatsoever. the joystick is a completely new thing for me.

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@ July 02 2003,18:41)]
Too bad no F-22  sad_o.gif

Could care less about the F-22. This game's all about a NATO/Warsaw Pact conflict 10 years ago, not an as yet to be determined conflict 10 years in the future.

Not to mention that there is not enough information available on the F-22 to model it accurately, so having it would kill the sim's credibility. Same reason they're not modeling an Su-30MK or Su-35.

Quote[/b] ]I hope I'll be better at lo-mac than I am in il2-sturmovik.

I have no aim whatsoever. the joystick is a completely new thing for me.

Yeah I remember getting a joystick back when I was playing X-wing....At first I was still much better with the mouse biggrin_o.gif. Keep at it, practice makes perfect, oh and for IL-2, using Oleg's stick settings helped me a lot.

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The best part about modern air combat is that there's very little aiming involved. At least in F4, it's as simple as moving the radar cursors over the target, pointing the plane in roughly the direction of the target, and firing the missile. nice and easy smile_o.gif

unless you get in a dogfight, which you're not supposed to do tounge_o.gif

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The best part about modern air combat is that there's very little aiming involved.  

And that's what keeps drawing me to sims dealing with older AC. I mean, I love playing around with avionics and getting around systems failures and all that, but there's also beauty in simplicity, and there's no kill like a guns kill wink_o.gif

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I know what you mean. There's just something about that "rat-a-tat" followed by an explosion. biggrin_o.gif

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