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Bas blackhawks

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Guest jacobaby

Just a point about HD weapons.

In real life firefights, thousands of rounds are fired, sometimes with very limited casualties.

OFP does not allow for effective suppressive fire from the AI, which is a major tactic of modern and historical warfare.

The ability to keep enemy heads down while carrying out manouvers is critical, you cant have the enemy taking the time to line up their shots under no pressure.

For example, in the opening battles of the falklands war, The small deployment of Royal Marines fired something like 8500 rounds at enemy positions.

The number of Argie casualties could be counted on one hand. If I remember correctly, NO RM lost their life, although they were under fire from Argentinian Special forces (Buzo Tactico).

We feel that the High dispersion weapons help to recreate more accurately, the scope and feel and atmosphere of modern warfare.

At any rate, it is your choice which weapons you choose to equip the guys with.

Thanks for all the positive feedback guys, im sure now you understand all those delays...



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1. ?  Odd. I went and tried again, and the JAM version is easily the slowest of the 3  ( BIS, Avons Inq-HDW remake and the JAM version ) and it also causes a lot more units to go to a lower LOD model at closer ranges ...  though the JAM version looks "lighter" than the other 2, is it something that was done with the mission itself that causes it?  rock.gif

Nope, its a straight conversion...

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Guest jacobaby
if oyu break the ladder mounting and then go by it and do climb ladder down you can go underground i have a pic but nowhere to host

This is the only way to ensure that if there is a player on the ladder when it breaks off, he isn't locked in the animation and cannot move.

If the human pilot chooses to raise the ladder when somebody is on it, then the climber WILL be locked in the animation, but if that is the case, you need to choose another pilot!

I left a little bit of the ladder sticking out of the ground, so that you know where it fell. It deletes after 25 seconds.

But of course you know all this from the readme, right?


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The K does have more fuel (300 v 220) than the other models to reflect the outer tanks.

To all forum members, I apologise for any rudeness by BAS personnel, lack of sleep will do that to a person (TJ and rom worked all day and night to fix the fastrope scripts yesterday)

re the HD mags, if you can't hit anything around 100m away, then try going prone. I actually like using the HD mags as I think it's unrealistic to be able to snipe your way to 20 kills using only 2 mags. Might just be me, but HD mags gives ofp a more tactical playstyle, using objects to protect yourself while manuveuring for a closer shot. Probably doesnt suit a desert enviroment, more your shorter range engagements.

re: JAM causing slowdowns, it "might" be the fired EH for the smoke grenades, this was literally a last minute inclusion so didnt get much of a test. Try using the JAM weapons on non-JAM units (ones that don't have the Fired EH and see if that makes any difference). Also if HD mags are being used, there are more bullets in the air, so that might make a difference.


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Thank you for Excellent addons.

I have one question, do you create config.bin(cpp) edition of the JAM ?

If there is it, I think that we enjoy existing BIS campaigns and more missions.

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Guest jacobaby

Dont forget the crash model...

Pic from TJ's mission

and heres a snap of the cabin lights.....

Cabin lights

Note to mission makers, the fire and the smoke effects are seperate, and you can use just the fire or just the smoke if you wish to add atmosphere.

I made the smokes and the fire so that they never look the same, to get away from the usual problem with fire scripts.

I did want to apply some proper flame textures to the fire effects, and spent considerable time doing this, however to get them to look right the flame texture has to be inserted into the HWTL section of the main OFP PBO's.

At any rate, heres the lines;

<table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"><tr><td>Code Sample </td></tr><tr><td id="CODE">

smoker = "bas_60smoke" createvehicle POS

flamer = "bas_60fire" createvehicle POS

You can also use camcreate I think if you want them only local, or be sure to use a ?(local XXX) setting if you use createvehicle.


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i love ur choppers

its a mission makers dream

its so easy to fast rope

no more stick and paste for scripts

air support

fast rope


man u guys care

and so do we

thank u bas for ur time and effort u have made the best choppers in ofp

and though u still wont stop there

u still got more to come

man god bless u all bas

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Guest jacobaby
To all forum members, I apologise for any rudeness by BAS personnel, lack of sleep will do that to a person (TJ and rom worked all day and night to fix the fastrope scripts yesterday)

Not totally true STT, I did manage to get a couple of hours sleep.

However, I too apologize for the outburst, and my edited post reflects that.

(now just put me in a room with "chriz" for a couple minutes...)


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Very, very, good job BAS, this is a amazing addon! smile_o.gif I really like the fast-roping and rope ladder insertions/extractions. smile_o.gif A few suggestions/ideas: first, maybe have the crash model appear in place of the scrunched up regular model after the chopper has crashed. Secondly, I think it'd be really neat if you could carry other vehicles than the hummer, even more so, if it would be done in a way so that other addons makers could just put a certain thing in their config, so that their addons could be carried by it, though that may not be possible. Regardless of those things, its an amazing addons, a must-have, just like everything else from BAS. smile_o.gif

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It looks like that JAM cause an error on our damned Linux dedicated Server.

When I put an JAM ammo crate in any mission, I can´t choose this mission and get back to the "missions screen".

Can anybody test this quick?

MfG Lee sad_o.gif

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Please refrain from mocking/criticising other mods no matter what the provocation smile_o.gif

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Please refrain from mocking/criticising other mods no matter what the provocation smile_o.gif

Well, Ralph is asking for it.

Oh....................... not those mods............................. the other kinda mods.


Anyone else here complete the Helo Assault SP mission? That last obective, clearing the valley, is a mission on its own! smile_o.gif

So, how's about a BAS/JAM campaign, Nagual? You know, on some lost tropical island? wink_o.gif

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Clearly Ralph is exempt from any such mocking mods ruling tounge_o.gif

I knew it was coming though when I typed the word "mods" rock.gif

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It looks like that JAM cause an error on our damned Linux dedicated Server.

When I put an JAM ammo crate in any mission, I can´t choose this mission and get back to the "missions screen".

Can anybody test this quick?

MfG Lee sad_o.gif


Please help!

I included JAM into my CTI(Addons version).

If JAM isn´t linux dedi server compatible, most of the work is lost.

MfG Lee crazy_o.gifsad_o.gifcrazy_o.gif

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Just wanted to say THANKS to everyone involved!

The JAM concept is great and I love the high dispersion ammo (just like I do in Nampack 2).

/Christer (a.k.a KeyCat)

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TJ yeah its nice that you have to go round the heli to open gunners door or cargo door.

btw im thinking on nice script that will remove AMMO cargo from DAP(so chaingun will have 200 rounds and minigun will have 500) and after you will remove the cargo(ammo cargo will be put in big box) you can mount troops on it...4-5....

btw here is my little collection of BAS helis smile_o.gif

only favorite(sorry for 120kb wanted to make pic nice):


Then don't hotlink to it when you know the max img-size smile_o.gif

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Jam is a really good thing, but as i understand it, the realism is decreased. If the m16 and the m4 use the same mags, they will inflict the same damage. Thats not the case in real life. The 556 mm and 554 mm's dammage potentiall is severly reduced by the length of the barrel. (I think its a physics thing biggrin_o.gif)

I am thinking that the short versions of the small calibers should have their own mag type. I feel you should be able to enjoy the benefits of the full size rifle in ofp.

And what are the dammage values for the ammo. Is it the same as FDF uses?

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*this morning @ school*

my mate screams through the computing classroom:


*everyone looks at him in fear and I'm the only one who moved to his computer and looked*

I totaly ignored the teacher and got myself and my mate landed in detention crazy_o.gif

Anyhoot, great work BAS, just one question bout JAM, if I understand correctly, you'll release new versions of JAM with new weapons and mags added. (that being weapons form other mods)

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SmokeyPhalanx i did cool thing smile_o.gif

brought OFP to my PC class and now every one playing it smile_o.gif its 1.46 so Blackhawks cannot be ok for this but i brought many addons for 1.46 smile_o.gif

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I love your work guys ...BAS is the best for me .. There isn't a single OFP mission that I play that does not have a BAS addon. You guys will dominate all addons soon lol  biggrin_o.gif

Thanks again and keep up the good work  wink_o.gif

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