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Operation flashpoint 2

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so is the figure directly to the left of the screen. It proves nothing though, look at the other non-Nam figures. I think that those 1/6 figures are just an interest.

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Yes, but just something more towards nam wink.gif

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<blackdog_> 1. BIS might make it more counter-strike, half-life styled. You

can't move your head around freely, instead it might be glued to your

shoulders. The guns might be too accurate.

<blackdog_> 2. BIS might add JIP, which is a terrible idea... it will

attract the CS kiddies especially if it isn't as hard as the orginal.

<blackdog_> 3. Addons might not be backward-comptible..

<FW200|RSS|> 1. Yup

<FW200|RSS|> 2. Perhaps.. now drop outs are annoying too..

*** Signoff: Ghos7Scop3 (Ping timeout)

<blackdog_> 4. They might combine 1 and 2, just for more money. Remember

guys, gameplay over greed.

<FW200|RSS|> 3. They will be.. atleast the models.. i know for sure they

use p3d's .. maybe not mlod/odol.. but im pretty sure they use p3d's

<blackdog_> 5. Immature players because of that

<FW200|RSS|> 4. I know BIS well enough to know they wont do it.. maybe

under pressure from Codemasters but not by themselfs..

<blackdog_> 6. They might tone down the graphic quality for lower end

systems, which would REALLY suck for me (I love nice graphics)...

*** Raptor-Man is now known as Rap[Away]

<blackdog_> 7. They might make it _too_ hard to fly helicopters

<FW200|RSS|> 6. Dont think so.. im sure you can adjust it as much as you

want.. graphics wont be a problem (look at the 0.38 demo / 1.00/ and

resistance and at VBS)

<blackdog_> 8. They might adopt a COMPLETELY new scripting style, mission

editor, etc etc. This would be terrible for those of us who are 'pros' at

scripting in the current enviroment.

<FW200|RSS|> 7. Perhaps.. i like em the way they are now.. planes need to

be adjusted though..

*** Vodka1 ([email protected]) has joined channel


<blackdog_> 9. If the counter-strike/half life players come into play,

there needs to be an anti-cheating anti-lamer system.

*** BAS_User ([email protected]) has joined

channel #ballistic-studios

<blackdog_> as for the things that I want

<FW200|RSS|> 8. The same as with the models.. i dont think so.. not unless

it gives them great advantages.. after all.. they are pros too.. they need

to learn the same again.. and if i was a developer.. i would be too lazy to

do it..

<Vodka1> Hey DM that MH-47 looks awesome

<FW200|RSS|> 9. If they include checksum or so.. not much cheating will be

allowed.. and if they build in that the server files (addons) are also

checked then there wont be a problem..

<blackdog_> 1. Yes, I know that this is OFP... but the "Admin Mod" for Half

Life (search it at google). This would be a very welcome addition for

server addons everywhere. admin_slap people, to punish them, admin_slay

them to kill them for tking, admin_kick PERSON TIME REASON

*** DeadMeat is now known as DeadMeat|Workin

<blackdog_> 2. Addons can be downloaded like the maps are downloaded in

half-life... or through something like the auto updater. The game gets alt

tabbed automatically and goes to an updater where you can decide if you

want to download the addon, and from where.

<blackdog_> 3. Chatlogs and server statistics. Nuff said here

*** Signoff: [21st]Boldhead (Signed off)

<FW200|RSS|> 2. Good idea.. poor 56kers however.. i recall someone from BIS

didnt like this .. (or was it someone else)

<FW200|RSS|> 3. Isnt it possible now?

*** Signoff: Vodka1 (Ping timeout)

<blackdog_> 4. The same customizable faces but SEAMLESS, not with seams and

lines that you can tell where the face wraps around the model. Also

customizable other things such as hats bandanas glasses boots and the

optional accessories held by soldiers around their waists

<blackdog_> 5. The ability to carry objects inside objects

<FW200|RSS|> 4. Good idea.. smile.gif

<FW200|RSS|> 5. Will be added.. im sure.. BIS learned their lesson.. im

also pretty sure they will make the engine more open..

<blackdog_> 6. The ability to use the mission editor to add backpacks,

extra ammo clips, glasses, masks, goggles, boots, ghillie suits, night

vision goggles and what type of these items they want. All with a simple

dropdown menu.

<blackdog_> 7. Seperate ADDONS - WEST and ADDONS - EAST or somethign to

that effect menus

<BAS_User> Blackdog i entirely agree with 6.

<blackdog_> 8. New stuff that comes out every week, like in Soldner. Maybe

a new gun every week, a new soldier every month, a new vehicle every month

with the new soldier.

<BAS_User> an ingame init field command thingy 2.

<blackdog_> 9. Small addition to 6, the ability to pick the type of guns

mounted on to vehicles. For example if you have an M151 with a default M2

machine gun. You would be able to give it a TOW launcher, an M60, without

having to addmagazine addweapon it... that way it actually LOOKS like the


<blackdog_> 10. Ability to carry things in vehicles like what I just said.

You could replace an M60 with a TOW launcher or javelin.

<FW200|RSS|> 6. Yes.. something like with IL-2 sturmovik for vehicles too..

so you can select the load out..

*** Signoff: DeadMeat|Workin (Ping timeout)

<FW200|RSS|> 8. no rather not.. id rather want it like the ultimate


<FW200|RSS|> 9+10.. yes.. smile.gif

<blackdog_> 11. Tank treads fall off when overstressed. A wrecker or

recovery vehicle wold have to come in and fix it....

*** Signoff: ofp|food (Quit)

<blackdog_> 12. Deformable terrain (DUH)

*** benus_essen is now known as benus

<FW200|RSS|> 11. perhaps

<blackdog_> 13. It's own editor update. If #2 isn't adopted, they need to

have all the houses trees rocks already coded into the game instead of

having to have an addon

<FW200|RSS|> 12. Not if it causes smaller terrain

<FW200|RSS|> 13. yup

<BAS_User> if ofp2 is about vietnam... the more urban combat thing will be


<blackdog_> 14. The ability to have something like a tree mount. A soldier

carries it on an ATV or something of that type, and can mount a tower into

a tree

<blackdog_> 15. Snowmobiles, ATV's, Snow Cats ((Link:



<FW200|RSS|> 16. The ability to change the CPP from within Scripts..

<FW200|RSS|> 15. Vietnam tounge.gif

<blackdog_> 16. Customizable camoflague options on soldiers AND vehicles.

You can easily pick if you want desert camo, winter, urban, jungle etc.

<blackdog_> 16. That is, from the mission editor

<blackdog_> 17. Customizable weather. You can have it snow and the ground

be white, it rain and the ground be muddy. Also the ability to change

seasons - example: during fall, the trees have leaves falling off of them,

during winter, its snowy and now leaves on trees, during summer lots of

leaves and flowers blooming and the same with spring.

<blackdog_> 18. The ability to FLOAT or SWIM for at least a small length of


<blackdog_> 19. BAS working for BIS

<blackdog_> 20. BIS hosting its own servers around the world, for people

like us, forum groupies, addon makers. Heh...

<blackdog_> 21. No gayspy browser.

<blackdog_> 22. Different divisions of soldiers, customizable patches,

customizable patches on vehicles.

<blackdog_> 23. No codemasters as publisher, a bit late... sniff.

<blackdog_> 24. CLEAR credit to the REAL people who made this game the game it is, not the people who are taking the credit (codemasters). It should say something to the effect of "THIS, THE BEST GAME EVER, WAS MADE AND


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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SpecOp9 @ April 19 2003,04:19)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I have also concluded, this is definately a Vietnam War based videogame...  If you see that flash intro, the soldier has a Modern Day Machine gun, and what looks to be a Radio on his helmet...<span id='postcolor'>

Erm, the M60 is certainly not a modern day machine gun, being 53 years old, the type he is using hasnt been used in a long time (15 years or so), and the newer version (M60E3) was replaced by the M240 in both the USMC and US Army (with the G and B versions respectively), the only M60 still in service with american front line units is the M60E4, or Mk 43 Mod 0, in use by the SEAL's, albeit in a lesser supporting role, with the squad machine gun now being taken over by the Mk 46 Mod 0 (M249 modification), also the thing on his helmet is something to do with cleaning his gun, oil or something i believe...

Also, Blackdog mentioned Join-In-Progress being a bad thing, i think it could be a very good thing, but only if they allow the option to turn it off, just like the way mission makers can decide the type of spawn, i think it could work well for helicoptered in reinforcements (something along the lines of what happened at LZ Xray)

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Eviscerator @ April 19 2003,23:26)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Also, Blackdog mentioned Join-In-Progress being a bad thing, i think it could be a very good thing, but only if they allow the option to turn it off, just like the way mission makers can decide the type of spawn, i think it could work well for helicoptered in reinforcements (something along the lines of what happened at LZ Xray)<span id='postcolor'>

Like a server or mission option. Maybe when you are browing servers on gayspy or whatever it could say yes or no it its own column.

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JIP would be good for smaller games, and also for Clan Matches, cos then a player could drop out and rejoin, of course u'd have the problem of dickheads coming on, getting kicked, then joining again just to pee people off...

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I really hope they change the way that the soldiers hold their weapons and that other vehicles will be able to hold other vehicles some aircraft carrier and multiple guns at vehicles + that you can fire 2 pistols at same time wink.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ExtracTioN @ April 20 2003,05:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">that you can fire 2 pistols at same time wink.gif<span id='postcolor'>

Operation Flashpoint 2: Max payne?

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I know for a fact this is a Vietnam War videogame...

It's gotta be....

Take a look at the flash intro, NAM is written all over it!

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Gunship, webmaster of OFP.at with somehow good relations to BIS staff told in german Krawall-Foren that it won´t be a NAM-Game...

And I don´t think he would have posted this without any good reason.

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Released in about 3 months July? How could it we still don't know what it is yet crazy.gif

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blackdog~ ordinarily private conversations wouldn't be allowed on the forums but on this occasion I understand the context you're using it for so I'll let it slide, just an FYI smile.gif

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Does anyone think that the BIS Camel plane has anything to do with OFP2? Maybe a clue? confused.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (ExtracTioN @ April 20 2003,05:02)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">that you can fire 2 pistols at same time wink.gif<span id='postcolor'>

were talking about a realistic war simulation game, and you want to hold 2 guns at the same time confused.gif

go back to CS spoiler. biggrin.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (placebo @ April 20 2003,07:12)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">blackdog~ ordinarily private conversations wouldn't be allowed on the forums but on this occasion I understand the context you're using it for so I'll let it slide, just an FYI smile.gif<span id='postcolor'>

It wasn't private it was in the BAS chatroom smile.gif

I wont do it again though tounge.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote ([A-V]Trekkie @ April 20 2003,14:40)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Gunship, webmaster of OFP.at with somehow good relations to BIS staff told in german Krawall-Foren that it won´t be a NAM-Game...

And I don´t think he would have posted this without any good reason.<span id='postcolor'>

Very interesting but everything that I´ve seen so far (witch really isn´t that much) has made me belive it will be a Nam game. Maybe they just wanted a cool combat picture and happend to take one from vietnam. Or it could be in the same time period but not actually vietnam. This year im really looking forward for the E3 thingy

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Who cares what when how where why, some will like and some will not, it's gonna be good that's all that matters...I want it now- yesterday like.


All I want is link, give us friggin link instead of those stupid bloody ammo boxes. A M60 GPMG with those stupid ammon boxes on the side was a rare thing, good ol link is what we need. Nothing like chewing up a few hundred round bit of link from a pig on a still morn. They were the days.

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JIP would be a good thing if it's a server-side config setting (so you could enable/disable it).

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (KaRRiLLioN @ April 20 2003,20:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">JIP would be a good thing if it's a server-side config setting (so you could enable/disable it).<span id='postcolor'>

You should also be able to disable it for a mission (like in the the description.ext). So CTF/TDM missions could allow JIP, while a coop mission might block it.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (joltan @ April 21 2003,11:55)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (KaRRiLLioN @ April 20 2003,20:10)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">JIP would be a good thing if it's a server-side config setting (so you could enable/disable it).<span id='postcolor'>

You should also be able to disable it for a mission (like in the the description.ext). So CTF/TDM missions could allow JIP, while a coop mission might block it.<span id='postcolor'>

Yes, this would be the best way in my eyes...

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Like Trekkie said Gunship made a comment about this and i though i would post it here:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Es wird kein Vietnam Game werden ....<span id='postcolor'>

And for the question how he knew this:

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Ganz einfach du warst nicht der einzige der bei Bis war und jetzt noch immer sehr guten Kontakt mit den Jungs hat!<span id='postcolor'>

I dont speak german so this is done with Bable Fish

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It will not become a Viet Nam Game....

And for the question how he knew this: Completely simply you were not the only one with to were young and now still very good contact with have! <span id='postcolor'>

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (SpeedyDonkey @ April 21 2003,13:06)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Ganz einfach du warst nicht der einzige der bei Bis war und jetzt noch immer sehr guten Kontakt mit den Jungs hat!<span id='postcolor'>

I dont speak german so this is done with Bable Fish

</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">It will not become a Viet Nam Game....

And for the question how he knew this: Completely simply you were not the only one with to were young and now still very good contact with have! <span id='postcolor'><span id='postcolor'>

My translation:

Simply because you werent the only one who was at BIS and who still has good contact with them

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote </td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">My translation:

Simply because you werent the only one who was at BIS and who still has good contact with them <span id='postcolor'>Okey, it all makes more sense now smile.gif

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (FallenPaladin @ Mar. 22 2003,00:31)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">I`m still whining because of 1.91 becoming final  sad.gif<span id='postcolor'>

sad but true.... ;-)

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