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Script Release 5/3/2021.  Sample mission now released.


JBOY Giant Alpha Video (raw giant combat footage).  


Download sample mission here


Giant Behavior and Features:

  • Giants will either follow waypoints, or roam randomly until they sense something to attack.  Once attacking, they will continue to attack know targets until all known targets are killed, then they will resume roaming or following waypoints.
  • Giants are 3X times larger than humans.
  • Regular giants have human skull heads/helmets. 
  • Leader giants have deer skull head/helmets.  Leader giants are harder to kill than regular giants.
  • Giants carry clubs, and use them to destroy buildings and vehicles.
  • Giants have unique death animations/sequences.  This is necessary because we can't allow giants to ragdoll, as ragdoll forces unit back to original size and looks stupid.
  • Giants have various attacks against human AI.  
    • Grab and throw. 
    • Grab, spin and throw.
    • Grab and breathe fire on unit, and throw (or spin and throw).
    • Stomp.


Are JBOY Giants MP compliant?

  • Probably not.  I made an effort to remoteExec all switchMove/etc. commands, but my guess it will need more work to make it function in MP.  I'm not really set up to test that, or very good at MP coding.   If someone makes suggestions to make it work in MP, I will make those changes.


Known issues:

  • Giants occasionally "skate" instead of walking.
  • Giants ignore being shot when shooter far away.  Will be fixed later.


How to add JBOY Giants to your mission:



1. Download sample mission.

2. Copy the following folders and files to your mission directory:

- JBOY folder

- AL_Leaks folder (thanks @aliascartoons!)

- Description.ext (or open your Description.ext file and copy in .hpp include line into CfgSounds section from sample Description.ext file)

- ini_leaks.sqf

3. Open your init.sqf file and put the following line in it to initialize JBOY Giant code:

_n = execVM "JBOY\JBOY_giantInit.sqf"; // Compile various JBOY_Giant related scripts

4. To place a giant (or group of giants) in the Editor, place a civilian unit , and put this code into the unit's init:

[this] spawn {waitUntil {sleep 1; missionNamespace getVariable ["JBOY_giantInitDone",false]}; [_this select 0, east, 1, "roam"] call JBOY_createGiantGroup;};

The parameters to call JBOY_createGiantGroup are:


    "_leader" -  civilian unit placed in editor that will be leader of giant group 
    "_giantSide" - side of giants:  east, west, independent,or  civilian.  
                            Note that giants will attack all AI except those of same side.
                            Giants will NOT attack other giants, regardless of side.
    "_cnt" - Number of giants to create
    "_movementType" - "waypoint" or "roam".  If "roam", giant group roams randomly until encounters AI to attack.  

 If _movementType is "waypoint", giants follow the editor place waypoints until encountering AI to attack.  After attack, giant group will resume following waypoints.

If giant group _movement type is "waypoint", then create some waypoints for this civilian unit.


5. If you want more groups of giants, then repeat the above step 4..



  • @aliascartoonsfor fabulous leak scripts (fire breath!).  May make noxious gas attack using gas leak scripts also.
  • @pediathrian for PointIsInBox function
  • @phronk for club attach points and original melee anim guidance (Phronk:  I hate your new avatar...that face freaks me out!)
  • @pierremgi for function to get closest point to an object outside of its bounding box.  Merci mon frer!
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Dam Johnyboy, based on the size of the footsteps, the giant must be like 20 feet tall and weigh about a ton but with short legs and a skirt on

the size of the feet are huge, and the distance between steps seems like the giant cant move his legs to far forward to step, legs must

be constricted making him/her teeter taughter from side to size when walking, 😄


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nice! Tanoa is perfect for a Giant.

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2 hours ago, Gunter Severloh said:

Dam Johnyboy, based on the size of the footsteps, the giant must be like 20 feet tall and weigh about a ton but with short legs and a skirt on

the size of the feet are huge, and the distance between steps seems like the giant cant move his legs to far forward to step, legs must

be constricted making him/her teeter taughter from side to size when walking, 😄


Ok Gunter, I respect your powers of deduction regarding height, weight, leg length, etc.  But how did you know he's wearing a skirt?  That was downright spooky you knew that!😂

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6 hours ago, pierremgi said:

He is drunk.

Me, the giant, or both?  Hahaha.  <You still owe me a Hinano when I show up in your home town mon frer!>

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38 minutes ago, johnnyboy said:

 <You still owe me a Hinano when I show up in your home town mon frer!>

Sure! you're welcome.

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Here's some raw giant combat footage.  It's pretty darn fun I have to say! 😁


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That . Was. Awesome.


played it in my truck at full volume with kids in backseat and it scared the living crap outta them - like the time we saw Jurassic park with trex car sequence


gold Johnny gold

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that victory salute at 4:53 🤣 Genius fun. 

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Most epic j-boy!  Looks like no where on Tanoa is safe now.  (Not in your car or even in buildings apparently, which is awesome.)


I like how some giants are unique, haha antler-head is my personal favorite.  All that roarin' is absolutely pitch-perfect, and tree crashing sounds really bring it together.  Totally hilarious, well done man.

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Just awesome! I hope we see any of the internet horrors come to life now such as fully scaled Slenderman or Sirenhead as well!


PS: this NEEDS to be a STANDALONE or a series of MODS, not just scripts!

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Dam that was cool as hell, an idea would to add some thunder or some oomph to the giant's steps, would make them sound heavy.

Another idea is to prevent them from crouching.


Create different variants of giants, a dark and foreboading type where its dark at night

and your in a camp, all a sudden you here a faint thump ... thump, thump coming in your direction, its coming through the forest but you dont know what it is,

you grab your gun and go see, the thump gets louder and louder seemingly closer, then all of a sudden through the trees (giant's head is tree height)

you see these red glowing menacing eyes peering at you trough the branches.


Coming through the trees



Make em bigger


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These giants are scary! I could see those on a horror mission knocking on player's buildings and such!


An idea is to have a Leaper Giant Variant, that is able to jump high in the air and fall on unsuspecting players. In order to balance this so that players have a chance to dodge this "leap attack" the jumper must play a particular noise/sound both when starting the jump, mid air and then on the fall.


Anyways, these are the sort of scripts that keep our imaginations and motivations going!

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16 hours ago, froggyluv said:

played it in my truck at full volume with kids in backseat and it scared the living crap outta them

Ahhh, scaring little children.  My work is done.  You are a cool papa btw.

16 hours ago, EO said:

that victory salute at 4:53 🤣 Genius fun. 

Haha.  There's another cool dramatic pointing animation from Jets that lead giant uses to order the charge when first detecting prey. (Not seen in video).


14 hours ago, madrussian said:

Most epic j-boy!  Looks like no where on Tanoa is safe now.  (Not in your car or even in buildings apparently, which is awesome.)

Thanks buddy!  I guess you picked up on the fact that giant don't like cars.  They really, really don't like them.

11 hours ago, Valken said:

Just awesome! I hope we see any of the internet horrors come to life now such as fully scaled Slenderman or Sirenhead as well!

PS: this NEEDS to be a STANDALONE or a series of MODS, not just scripts!


6 hours ago, Alert23 said:

Yes, please a mod version for mission makers. 

Thanks guys!  I've never made a mod before, so no promises.  But I will make  a sample mission with instructions on how to add them to your missions via the editor.

5 hours ago, Gunter Severloh said:

Dam that was cool as hell, an idea would to add some thunder or some oomph to the giant's steps, would make them sound heavy.

Another idea is to prevent them from crouching.


Create different variants of giants, a dark and foreboading type where its dark at night

and your in a camp, all a sudden you here a faint thump ... thump, thump coming in your direction, its coming through the forest but you dont know what it is,

you grab your gun and go see, the thump gets louder and louder seemingly closer, then all of a sudden through the trees (giant's head is tree height)

you see these red glowing menacing eyes peering at you trough the branches.

All good ideas Gunter!  The sky is he limit now.  If I do make a mission, it will progress slow as you (and @froggyluvhave suggested (investigate evidence, hear them thru the jungle, build suspense, etc.).  I have a lot of code clean up to do first though.


2 hours ago, LSValmont said:

These giants are scary! I could see those on a horror mission knocking on player's buildings and such!


An idea is to have a Leaper Giant Variant, that is able to jump high in the air and fall on unsuspecting players. In order to balance this so that players have a chance to dodge this "leap attack" the jumper must play a particular noise/sound both when starting the jump, mid air and then on the fall.


Anyways, these are the sort of scripts that keep our imaginations and motivations going!

Good ideas.  I already have a stomp attack where after giant catches human he jumps up and down on them for the kill (and it reuses nice pumpkin squish sounds from the game).  But a true Leaper giant would be cool.


Giant Sounds all Vanilla!

  • Via playSound3D command, I'm re-using Arma sounds for grunts, pain and breathing on the giants.  When you crank pitch down to .3, and crank volume up, they make these fantastic sounds.  Really pleased with how that came out.

More features I'm considering:

  • Spear throwing (straight snake objects make beautiful spears)
  • Big Rock throwing (maybe fireballs) (good for attacking large vehicles)
  • Leaper Giant (Thanks @LSValmont!)
  • More clubs (logs, sign posts with concrete chunk on bottom, lots of existing objects to choose from)
  • Burrowing (there is a great animation that makes giant look like he is coming out of a hole in the ground, and we can use a crater for the hole)
  • Wall destruction to get at prey.  Like @LSValmont's vDogs, the giants are attached to a normal invisible AI unit, that does the AI pathfinding and movement. Normal AI will not cross a simple low fence , rockmound or wall.  This looks really stupid with giants that you can stand 2 meters away with Giant at other side not being able to reach you.  So I want to detect these conditions and move giant to opposite side of fence/wall, destroy it, then move giant directly to prey.
  • Attack animals (goats, sheep, etc.), humanely of course.
  • Giant sense building windows and peer into them.
  • Giant snatch AI from a window or off a tower if reachable.
  • Giants uproot trees and wield as weapons (nice idea from @madrussian)
  • Giants climb large buidings and tall walls using Enhanced Movement animations by @BadBenson
  • Fix problem where player and AI can drive and clip right thru Giant.  Giants should be rammable by vehicles and that is not happening now.  Any ideas for this?  I think collision detection is turned off when you hideObject on the moving AI the giant is attached to.  And collision detection is also automatically turned off on anything you attach to the hidden object (I think).
  • Make larger giants.  This means I need an array of attachpoints of animation attach points that scale up with size of giant (used when grabbing and holding prey ai).  Currently attachpoints are all hard coded to a 3X giant.  There is another harder problem, as scaled up giant objects do not take damage, so I had to attach an invisible guy inside main body of the 3X giants and put a Hit and Killed Eventhandler on the hidden ai to sense damage. That works pretty good for a 3X giant as an erect hidden AI gives bullet impact points for the giant from groin to just below neck. But if you have a 100 foot giant, a human sized hidden target would not be large enough to detect hits.
  • Make evil little pygmy f***ers as minions for Giants.  That would add more chaos to a Giant attack if there were fast little dudes winging spears at you while big giant bellowing about.
  • Giant critters, insects, fish, etc.
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How did I know Johnny couldn't be trusted with the setObjectScale command. 😂

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As quick and simple test:

["giant","onEachFrame", {private _objects = player nearEntities ["animal",300]; {_x setObjectScale 10} forEach _objects;}] call bis_fnc_addStackedEventHandler

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4 hours ago, johnnyboy said:
  • Make evil little pygmy f***ers as minions for Giants.  That would add more chaos to a Giant attack if there were fast little dudes winging spears at you while big giant bellowing about.


I do not WANT to overwhelm you BUT I had this weird idea or fetish to see those damn DWARVES from the movie Phantasm (was doing a full series binge) and I cannot help but think those little pukes would scare the crap out of everyone in any game.


Just use the OLD people faces, including support for MAX Women, use the Middle East Robes or the Priest Outfit from CUP but add a mask to cover the lower half of the face, color it dark brown and walla!


Add gurgle or weird pitch sounds.

Match them up with some knee chopping melee weapons and there we go!


Think shrunken cultist from the classic FPS game BLOOD!


Tall man can be just almost any face with long white hair really in a suit. Scale him up to ~ 7 foot tall though!


Maybe we can crowd source a composition library to help!

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51 minutes ago, Valken said:

I do not WANT to overwhelm you BUT I had this weird idea or fetish to see those damn DWARVES from the movie Phantasm

I love the original Phantasm.  Amazing how effective a well made low budget movie can be.  Once my scripts are cleaned up and function well enough,  you can scale down and dress up these characters anyway you want.  For my pygmy sounds I plan on trying the opposite of the giant sounds, i.e., setting pitch high on grunts and moans and speech and see what it sounds like.


The other "little mean suckers" that cracked me up was in Army of Darkness when all his little foot high clones attacked him.

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Army of Darkness, a man of culture I see.

You could get the player's face and set all the little guys to have his face!


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2 hours ago, johnnyboy said:


The other "little mean suckers" that cracked me up was in Army of Darkness when all his little foot high clones attacked him.



Lil basterds freaked me out first time i encountered -they are like crazy screaming little demons that can run right under your sword and really poke the hella outta your calves

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