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EDIT: 1.4 out:

- repacked content for better filesize
- fixed objects not showing on ingame map
- minor changes to placement of some trees (wich were ranging too far into roads)

(older version also included:)

- Replaced bulletproof bushes with custom made (non bulletproof) bushes.
- Added signature and bikey


steam Workshop:



Armaholic download:


withSIX download:




ArmA3.de Mirror also avialable (still 1.2):






This terrain is completely fictional and not based on any realworld location.

I tried to acchieve a look that differs from other terrains, as it is always nice to have some variation.

The area of Bariga had to be evacuated because of an incident in a research facility nearby. Nobody ever returned and the evidence of the escape in a hurry still can be found all arround the settlements.

some specs:

size: 25 km²
about 300000 objects (mostly plants though ;-) )
custom terrain-textures


This is my first terrain ever, so please be dulgent ;-)
And as requested...
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looking cool.  Funny fact. in Russian language Bariga means  Drug Dealer:smile_o:

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Wow!....so many cool places to go lately.

Fast travelling to Bariga right away.  

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Congrats on the release, screens look great.

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  On 5/9/2017 at 4:35 PM, sammael said:

looking cool.  Funny fact. in Russian language Bariga means  Drug Dealer:smile_o:


Lol. I didn't know that. This could cause some confusion. :-D 


Thanks for the positive feedback so far, everyone.

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Looks great for something like a Ravage mission. 

Great work, thank you 

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Congratulations mate :slayer:


For a first map it looks simply stunning in those screenshots. I get a Namalsk feel from the images funnily enough which makes me excited to download it and give it a go. Don't let the negative feedback you may receive from people (I hope there isn't any) put you off of your creation, enjoy it just as much as the rest of us.

Anyways, did I say congratulations :wink_o: 


- LJ 

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Thank you for the update Foxhound and miller.

Added both links to the top post :-)

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The map is very good, many different variations, but I'm not quite clear what time of year on your card? I see snow on the ground textures and the green bushes and grass. This leads to confusion... it does not happen! If you want to show in late autumn or early winter the grass should be dry and withered and the trees and bushes, foliage must be at least yellow or entirely without them. But in my opinion it's hard I would advise you to change the ground texture to another more suitable. By the way, I would add no more big stones they fit well and they will cover for the players on travyanyh hills which on removal just bald as the grass disappears.

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  On 5/10/2017 at 9:00 PM, chief_backgard said:

... By the way, I would add no more big stones they fit well and they will cover for the players on travyanyh hills which on removal just bald as the grass disappears.


Sorry, I didn't get what you were trying to say with this sentence. But I would be interested to know, as it seems to adress a playability issue.


For the bushes you are right. But for my first terrain I did'nt want to get into modeling as well. So I had to rely on existing assets.

Grass on the other hand can be green (my textures are based on photos...so...reality did the mistake then :-P ) You might be right about the high grass - but that is coloured by mixing in the colours of the satmap. All I could do about this is to change how high this mixing value would be (wich leaves the problem, that I relie on existing assets - and I allready talked about those) or to recolour the satmap (wich I honestly don't want to, because I think it looks quiet believeable the way it is atm.)


Changing the ground textures would move the look and feel of the map either into the completely snowcovered white type or the no snow green/brown, kind of middle europe style. And that would move the terrain from it's inital goal: having a map looking different than allready existing ones. 


I'm sad to read, that you don't like the look that much (as it seems) but I appreciate your honest feedback. In the end it's always helpfull to get another angle of view. 

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The map looks great with a great atmosphere. The only feedback I can give is it feels a bit empty.


Vast landscapes of not much, kind of limit the maps longevity. Also in many areas there lacks significant amount of cover which makes it hard to make a mission on.


But I do love the maps "dark" feel and how the terrain is broken up all over the place with rivers and canals. I just hope there is more points of interest put in.

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Thank you for the feedback. I'm very interested in such thoughts on playability as I don't consider myself a to experienced arma player to judge how usefull the terrain is. 


So please everyone, suggestions on how to improve the terrain for the everyday arma-live is welcome! 

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Do you mind posting an image showing the entire map in enough detail to see some interesting features? I think we as a community do not get enough of that aspect and instead get all fired up about a few screen caps showing the "down in the weeds" aspect when it would help to see the overall map just as much. Thanks for the hard work you put into this one. The screen shots look great.

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^A picture of the map for the terrain is always appreciated. I also like as many screenshots as possible, even of the mundane stuff. Thats just me though 

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Just to let you guys know: I'm working on transforming Bariga into an island (getting rid of those infinite stripes on mapborders!) Unfortunately I've got a lot to do at my everyday work at the moment. That's why the progress is so slowly. 

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Updated mod v1.2 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


Hey lunatic SMC-1(Kraut), you can upload updates or new mods to withSIX yourself now!
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You guys over at armaholic are awesome! 
Just to let everyone know here: The update was put on armaholic by them. So BIG shout-out to the admins there! Offering that much of service (at such a speed as well) is something - especially when thinking of how much files are available there!


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