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LAxemann and Jokoho482 proudly present...

Enhanced Soundscape


What is Enhanced Soundscape?

Enhanced Soundscape is a sound enhancement modification for ArmA3. It adds additional, weapon-sound related features to the game. Those are hill/mountain reverb and reflections, forest reflections as well as reflections from houses in urban areas.

The basic principle is: Firing a weapon creates a loud noise, noise is waves that swing through the air/make the air swing and those waves get reflected off objects and terrain. The volume levels were done with my soundmod "DynaSound 2" in mind, but ES works with every mod including the vanilla sounds since nothing "core" is changed.


Real-time calculated Hill/mountain reverb:

The feature simulates the reflection of the gunshot-noise when there are hills around you. The further the mountain/hill, the more diffuse the reflection will be. Close terrain will reflect a clear "popp", while mountains in the distance will send back a diffuse, "crumbly" echo. The feature is calculated in real-time and real-environment, meaning you will actually be able to see the mountain the shot got reflected from.


Forest reverb:

So many trees and plants around you create some kind of "half-enclosed space". You will hear a thick layer all around you when firing inside a forest!


Urban reverb:

The many hard surfaces of houses in urban areas give a very direct and harsh reflection when firing a gun. The mod simulates this by playing slapback sounds from the actual walls when firing next to houses in urban areas. The result is a "thickened" feeling when firing your gun.





Here is an explanation video of the mountain reverb (using old and outdated sounds!)



Known issues

None at the moment.




Requires CBA A3




Steam Workshop







1.21 - 10.08.2017
        More Fixes and improvements by Joko


1.2 - 11.07.2017
        Fixed: Workaround for the broken say3d command [Joko] (Yes, the mod was pretty much broken for the last two months due to an engine error)
        Tweaked: Urban reflections now accurately get slapped back from the walls, not building centers [Joko]


1.1 - 11.04.2017
        Changed: Joko introduced a new way of detecting suppressors
        Fixed: No echo when placing a satchel anymore [Joko]


1.06 - 02.02.2017
        Fixed: We left the debug on *shrink*


1.05 - 02.02.2017
        Fixed: Error with "put" in the fired EH
        Fixed: Should now differenciate between silencers and muzzlebreaks





• Bohemia Interactive for this piece of software that stole my soul.

• Jokoho482 for rewriting and improving pretty much every script of Enhanced Soundscape while teaching me tons and tons of stuff. So much love! He made this possible.

• Everybody who kept motivating me over the last two and a half years! :)

• Everybody who enjoys what we do. :)

• I totally copy/pasted this from the DynaSound thread.




If you enjoy our content, feel free to leave us a cup of coffee via a PayPal donation. Would make our day!

It's my paypal donation account, but every donation will be shared with Jokoho.



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damn, I've been using the old version daily up until now. Very excited to try the new version! <3

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Thank you and Jokoho482 - and Merry Christmas!

will Enhanced Soundscape reverb and reflections explosion sounds?

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Glad to see this being advanced! It's getting better and better :)


Frohe Weihnachten :)



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i can't even imagine your explosions sounding better than they do just running Dynasound-I will have to try this out.

Happy Christmas guys and gals!

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Dropbox :

"This account's links are generating too much traffic and have been temporarily disabled!"

Well, congrats ^^

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This sounds really great. Makes firefights sound better by the sounds of the first few tries I did.


Am I right this is really only firing the weapon? Not explosions? Since I did not hear the echo from those.

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Does this work good with dynasound 2?

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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Do the effects apply to modded weapons such RHS, RobertHammer's M4/M16, NIArms, etc.?

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Thanks a million for enriching Arma's already scary battlefield to downright terrifying.

It's really amazing to hear echoes from across valleys and deafening blasts when you're indoors.

BTW given that these enhancements are calculated in real-time, what's the performance hit?


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Is the userconfig still required? Having to tell people in my unit to create a file in a directory they struggle to find sometimes is getting quite annoying. I see the sense in it for advanced users who want to tweak the settings etc. But having it as a required element is not so good. Is this an Arma limitation whereby it requires the script you've included from userconfig or is that something which could be made optional?


Otherwise, this Mod along with all your others are a godsend for immersion and simulation! We cannot thank you enough!

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for ES you dont need any userconfig. that was removed some updates ago. the reason why we removed it was that previously ES was very performance hungry but since the last updates i totaly rewrote ES and it now runs way smoother. so no need for a userconfig for ES

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Yo Mr Lax and Mr Jokoho, super super amazing stuff you got going on here. Absolutely can't play without it now that I've gotten so used to it.

I think I found one wee issue regarding the sound reverb/distant echos from rifles. The reverb echos don't work when a sound suppressor is equipped, and rightfully so, BUT when I have a flash hider equiped then the reverb echos still don't work despite the actual gunshot still being super loud. In my experience I've found two mods that provide flash hiders--SMA weapons mod and RHS mod. I tested with both mods and the echos work properly with and without sound suppressors, but both fail the test with the flash hiders equipped. Pitty too since the new update to RHS has a lot of the Russian forces equipped with the flash hiders by default.

Is this possible to fix and differentiate between flash hiders and sound suppressor or is this an engine limitation that affects whatever is attached to the muzzle?

I seriously love this mod and thanks to both of you for your hard work.

Hope this was the proper place to post this and not in Dynasound 2...

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hi, i couln't get the mod working, i downloaded both the Armaholic and Steam Workshop versions but no effect, i disabled every single mod except CBA and Dynasound, but still i don't have any effect, anyone got the same problem?

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UPDATE (1.05)




Download (1.05)







1.05 - Fixed: Error with "put" in the fired EH
        Fixed: Should now differenciate between silencers and muzzlebreaks


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