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ACE3 - A collaborative merger between AGM, CSE, and ACE

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i have a question 
recently my group had the need to disable a bunch of vehicles without explosives normally a mag dump or remove the tires is the go which we did then i had a idea 
would it be possible to make by scripting or a companion mod if you have a defuse kit you can red out the fuel tank to simulate cutting fuel lines and if you have wirecutters red out the engine to simulate cutting engine parts

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For some reason the map flashlights are not following my cursor on the map anymore. Has anyone experienced this before?

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On 5/23/2020 at 2:11 AM, kilo-bravo said:

i have a question 
recently my group had the need to disable a bunch of vehicles without explosives normally a mag dump or remove the tires is the go which we did then i had a idea 
would it be possible to make by scripting or a companion mod if you have a defuse kit you can red out the fuel tank to simulate cutting fuel lines and if you have wirecutters red out the engine to simulate cutting engine parts


U van do IT by scripting solution setfuel 0 with hold action and od unit Has Item 😉


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ACE Version 3.13.3 Released

Requires CBA Version 3.15.0 or later and Arma 3 Version 1.98 or later.

Change Log Summary can be viewed on GitHub here.


ACEX Version 3.5.3 Released

Requires ACE Version 3.13.0 or later.

Change Log Summary can be viewed on GitHub here.

If you're looking to chat with us be sure to join our public Slack group!

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Finally " GForces - Add forces strength coefficient setting (#7750)" THANKS!

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ACEX Version 3.5.4 (Hotfix) Released

Requires ACE Version 3.13.0 or later.

Change Log Summary can be viewed on GitHub here.

If you're looking to chat with us be sure to join our public Slack group!

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Ever since last update arrowhead radio has not been working, could it be related to ace updating?



EDIT: apparently its fixed since last ACEX update

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ACE Movement.  Does it do anything other than let you climb onto H-barriers?  It seems like it's more just a button that generates a message saying, "Can't climb here".  I'd been hoping for something more along the lines of the old Enhanced Movement mod.

Am I using it incorrectly?



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Ace Map Gestures.  Sometimes they fail to work for me during a mission while the other two players can see each other's.  What kind of troubleshooting can I do?  Is there a way to reinitialize the feature in the debug window?



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Hi guys,


i´m struggeling to make an object loadable in ACE3 Logistics, put a foodbox into cargo space of a Fennek.
I´ve found this code on ACE website https://ace3mod.com/wiki/framework/cargo-framework.html#1-config-values

class staticBananaLauncher {

class yourVehicleBaseClass {

ace_cargo_size = 4; // Cargo space the object takes

ace_cargo_canLoad = 1; // Enables the object to be loaded (1-yes, 0-no) }; };

can somebody help me out where i have to paste this code?
i assume class staticBananaLauncher { is class plp_ct_BoxFoodSmallD {

and class yourVehicleBaseClass { is class CUP_B_FENNEK_GER_Wdl {


Thanks for your help

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Hello people. I would like to know if it is possible to disable "fatal injuries from ai", for a specific unit, even if it has been set to "always", in the settings? Forgive my English. Thank you

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Potentially dumb question: looking at the readme.md within ACE Medical AI, the exact description is "Makes AI units heal themselves and each other."


Do I take it that this excludes players to a certain extent, which is why once I go unconscious they're very happy to let me bleed out, even though (I think) they're perfectly OK with healing me when I'm conscious?


For context, this is whilst playing KP Liberation with AI squadmates.


Thanks in advance!

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is there a way to drop multiple cargos from aircrafts via ace3 logistic? I cannot pick more than one item and reopening the drop menu for each item loaded is a bit cumbersome... Would be nice to have a way to drop multiple items one after another via multiple selects

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Would anybody know why I can't seem to generate a user config folder? It's looking for userconfig/ace/serverconfig.hpp, I have no ace folder at all in my userconfig.


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2 hours ago, Catchdog64 said:

It causes a CTD when I try to launch ARMA with ACE enabled though.

Running the latest version of ACE?

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Hi guys,

has someone else the problem that some players become invisible, to some other players, after they wake up from unconsciousness? 

We sometimes have this problem on our dedicated server since we switched from ACE 3.12.6 to ACE 3.13.3.

What I have noticed is that it looks like a synchronization / update bug after unconsciousness. 

For the player who cant see the woken up player, the body of the injured player is still at the position where it was before waking up again.

Also TFAR does not get updated and the voice is still located at the unconscious position.

When the bug occurs this does not happen to all players. Most of the time the unit is invisible for just one or two random other players.


I am not really sure if it is a problem from ACE itself, or if is an incompatibility to one of our mods, or something else.

Just asking is someone else has the same problem.

Unfortunately I dont have RPTs at the moment.

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Can ACE control  targets for range i.e. command pop up after being shot?

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include file userconfig\ace\serverconfig.hpp not found. This is the exact error I'm getting.

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Well, I figured it out. Just made a text file inside of the ace folder in user config, and renamed it serverconfig.hpp. Worked.

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