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AI Driving - Feedback topic

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Wasn't it said the new convoy stuff isn't for tracked vehicles yet? Therefore there shouldn't be much a difference now?

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Wasn't it said the new convoy stuff isn't for tracked vehicles yet? Therefore there shouldn't be much a difference now?

It definitely was. I think the configs of armored / tracked vehicles aren't updated to fully utilize the new convoy pathfinding / behavior. At least this seems somewhat reasonable.


I may be lying, of course :D

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Yes, thanks for checking out the tanks, but they are not updated to use new AI driving, YET.

Also, thank you all for the bug reports and feedback. We do read all of them, and take them into account, even if you don't see immediate effect in dev branch changelogs ;)

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@ klamacz

any chance for getting those diag_drawModes to help us with testing, debugging and providing useful repos?

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^^ would be very useful.  Are the latest driving improvements going into the new stable ?

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Well, after adjusting my script to spawn convois (setFormation is a real requirement now ;)) and observing the effects of the patch I must say: Great work!
Wheeled vehicles and their pathfinding is tremendously improved and the vehicles now try do activly avoid infantery units. Have seen way less roadkills since the patch which is just awesome!


Problems I spotted:

- Hemett trucks still have some problems with turning around steep corners in cities but I would guess that this will be improved in the future. ;)

- When coming to an intersection and the AI is supposed to drive straight over it, they sometimes make a weird turn where they drive onto the intersecting road and than turn back on their original route. It looks like they want to avoid an invisible obstacle on the central point where the two roads intersect.

- Bridges on Tanoa are still a bit fussy. Some vehicles pass, some do not. Could not figure out a pattern yet.


Keep up the great work!

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Yes, thanks for checking out the tanks, but they are not updated to use new AI driving, YET.

Also, thank you all for the bug reports and feedback. We do read all of them, and take them into account, even if you don't see immediate effect in dev branch changelogs ;)

Interesting, I could of swear I seen some improvement since some odd months ago. Maybe it's just the hype in my head with all this AI improvement. Look forward to the future!

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It this command still relevant in 1.64?


> Added: A new useAISteeringComponent script command to globally toggle the overhauled AI driving (Dev-Branch only)

> Allows you to better test and compare prev. and the new AI driving. Also if you encounter an issue with AI driving, try using this command and see whether it's caused by the changes.

Both these explanations coming from BI people dont really explain it.

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what about these in 1.64?




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I played around with it a little bit but I am not sure if its effects result from the command, by coincidence or from me setting the speed limits of the drivers.

BUT the effect is only visible (if at all) on the vehicles in the back of the convoy. The vehicles in the front (especially the leading vehicle) will keep on trucking and not hold the same distance to the following vehicle like the vehicles in the back do.

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The new AI collision avoidance is actually interesting, a great step in the right direction ,but still needs work. I've witnessed the AI driving in the middle of the road towards each other, and when close, avoid hitting each other and continue driving. Only problem is, the margin of avoidance is too small. They actually graze each other, probably near enough to do slight damage to the wheels and hull, but not total damage or disabled. Maybe just a little bit more out of the way, and hold that avoidance time a little longer would be prefect.

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Yes, thanks for checking out the tanks, but they are not updated to use new AI driving, YET.

Also, thank you all for the bug reports and feedback. We do read all of them, and take them into account, even if you don't see immediate effect in dev branch changelogs ;)

If you will start working on them, please consider few improvments, that would take this game to next step in simulator world;

- Look at "Smarter tanks" script, which is much outdated, but you can find there very usefull feature of tanks facing their hull front to enemy threat.

- Fix for tanks, Apcs and all tacked sh*t driving on infatry can be fixed temponrary with placeholder (for test) - Using arma command "Stay in back" or "Move in front of platoon" for tracked vehicles (i dont remember exacly names of those orders)

- Fix stoping - now they cant stop instantly,  which lead to strange situation, where you are leading your formation (4 tanks) in "line", once when you stop, they move further, then makes 360 degree and back in formation, but with its rear of hull faced to enemy (suicide move).

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The new AI collision avoidance is actually interesting, a great step in the right direction ,but still needs work. I've witnessed the AI driving in the middle of the road towards each other, and when close, avoid hitting each other and continue driving. Only problem is, the margin of avoidance is too small. They actually graze each other, probably near enough to do slight damage to the wheels and hull, but not total damage or disabled. Maybe just a little bit more out of the way, and hold that avoidance time a little longer would be prefect.


I've run some tests where collisions between different AI driven vehicles do occur.  Sometimes with enough force to destroy the front wheels or even blow up the vehicles. Tests were on Altis with pick-up trucks and other civilian vehicles.

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I am confused. Latest changelog:



Fixed: Using disableAI "PATH" and "MOVE" would not work correctly for vehicles driven by players (https://feedback.bistudio.com/T120346)


The ticket says



Since 1.64 update, wheeled vehicles cannot move when
_veh disableAI "MOVE"

is defined for vehicle."


Isn't this exactly what should happen? I mean, if I disableAI "MOVE" -- why would I want the vehicle to still be able to drive?

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Still noticing that AI drivers will swerve like mad when moving over a T intersection in a straight line.

Also if there's a waypoint a bit off the road they'll stay on the road until the waypoint is 90° off the road, then move to the waypoint, rather than doing a more direct approach.



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Still noticing that AI drivers will swerve like mad when moving over a T intersection in a straight line.

Also if there's a waypoint a bit off the road they'll stay on the road until the waypoint is 90° off the road, then move to the waypoint, rather than doing a more direct approach.



About this 90 degree its dificult to say whats better. Previously they were cuting the corners and smashing road signs - it may be rsould of fixing this. I see big problems when 2 Irfits, Hunters are missing each other (when driving in opposite directions) - allways scratching on each other - but its still better than before "fix" :) .

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Since the update, the convoy in "Warm welcome" is driving very slow

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Someone else encountered the bug that a vehicle in a convoi will turn around for no reason at all and drive back to the last waypoint? After reaching the last waypoint, it will then turn around again and try to regroup with the other vehicles in the group.


By the way: Collision avoidance on route seems not to be calculated for the individual vehicle but for the complete group. This should normally not be an issue but becomes apparrent in situations like the one just described. My straggler keeped running full speed in oncoming vehicles like they did not exist.


Edit: Just looked at turning around a convoi in the middle of road: It seems to me that not only is collision avoidance only calculated for the whole group, it also does not consider vehicles belonging to the same group. Means the leading vehicle will turn nicely on the road and than smash right into the following vehicle. Maybe an area you could do some tweaking. ;)

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I am confused. Latest changelog:




The ticket says




Isn't this exactly what should happen? I mean, if I disableAI "MOVE" -- why would I want the vehicle to still be able to drive?


It was a bug, because "disableAI" command should disable only AI abilities not player's. Therefore when player is driving the same vehicle, it should be perfectly movable, which was just fixed, thanks for reporting.


Someone else encountered the bug that a vehicle in a convoi will turn around for no reason at all and drive back to the last waypoint? After reaching the last waypoint, it will then turn around again and try to regroup with the other vehicles in the group.


By the way: Collision avoidance on route seems not to be calculated for the individual vehicle but for the complete group. This should normally not be an issue but becomes apparrent in situations like the one just described. My straggler keeped running full speed in oncoming vehicles like they did not exist.


Edit: Just looked at turning around a convoi in the middle of road: It seems to me that not only is collision avoidance only calculated for the whole group, it also does not consider vehicles belonging to the same group. Means the leading vehicle will turn nicely on the road and than smash right into the following vehicle. Maybe an area you could do some tweaking. ;)


Yes, the collision avoidance for the same subgroup is limited by design, but in some cases it can be an issue. The last waypoint problem, thanks for report, if you have some mission on hand, feel free to send me by PM.


Since the update, the convoy in "Warm welcome" is driving very slow


Will check it out. Thanks

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Hopefully these ai improvements will be extended to naval vehicles as well in the not to distant future. By the way, is the ai completely unable to go into reverse when driving a boat? They can do a u-turn in a car, why not in boats?

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@ klamacz

Thanks for adding AIDriving diag mode.

Can you please give some description/context,

and what feedback/demo missions/etc you want to see done with it.

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@ klamacz

Thanks for adding AIDriving diag mode.

Can you please give some description/context,

and what feedback/demo missions/etc you want to see done with it.


Yes please, tell us what you need and what helps most.

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@ klamacz

Thanks for adding AIDriving diag mode.

Can you please give some description/context,

and what feedback/demo missions/etc you want to see done with it.

Totally agreed. Just providing a tool to work with without describing its use definitely makes no sense.


I'm sure we'll get feedback reporting instructions pretty soon.

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