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I know that sir. But MK48 need M60 mod also as dependency. 

Will probably get it's own ammo at some point the MK machine guns are very much still W.I.P items.

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I know that sir. But MK48 need M60 mod also as dependency. 


Sorry, I wasn't aware of that.

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For the weight I also tried to do some math.


Result:  empty unloaded MG3 comes im at  11.52 kg according to ACE3 with a "mass=254" value put into the config.

For the MG3 KWS I went with 10.02 kg summing up to "mass=221", wich means rheinmetall-defence figuerd out some magic way to make the gun in the KWS version a little less heavy or something (in the end its just a game)

So x is 144/3175.

If you plan to calculate the mass value for the gun here is a formula that might work: for example 15KG/(144/3175) = ~331 |  weight in KG / (144/3175)  = mass  


From a game balancing position I feel those values are resonably fair against vanilla guns. (Wich are still slightly more heavy.)

I also did change mass and ammocount of the magazines to only 75 and 150 drums (I know they are not made that way by H&K). So for me now 150rnd 7.62 Zafir ammo = 150 Rounds 7.62 MG3  < 2x 75 rnd 7.62 MG3.



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For the weight I also tried to do some math.


Result:  empty unloaded MG3 comes im at  11.52 kg according to ACE3 with a "mass=254" value put into the config.

For the MG3 KWS I went with 10.02 kg summing up to "mass=221", wich means rheinmetall-defence figuerd out some magic way to make the gun in the KWS version a little less heavy or something (in the end its just a game)

So x is 144/3175.

If you plan to calculate the mass value for the gun here is a formula that might work: for example 15KG/(144/3175) = ~331 |  weight in KG / (144/3175)  = mass  


From a game balancing position I feel those values are resonably fair against vanilla guns. (Wich are still slightly more heavy.)

I also did change mass and ammocount of the magazines to only 75 and 150 drums (I know they are not made that way by H&K). So for me now 150rnd 7.62 Zafir ammo = 150 Rounds 7.62 MG3  < 2x 75 rnd 7.62 MG3.



What are ACE deriving their mass conversion from?

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What are ACE deriving their mass conversion from?


Sadly I cannot answer that question to my satisfaction.

*onetwo setNerdMode 1*

To answer that I would need to find out where the ACE3 Devs define this variable: QGVAR(vLoad)

Its the only thing in this script I could not explain: https://github.com/acemod/ACE3/blob/98da86b74d4089bc3403d0b0c0074e6a46ce35d8/addons/movement/functions/fnc_getWeight.sqf


But I found another explanation and in short it is because it works. ACE3 manages to display a weight. Maybe not an accurate one but most of the time those devs are quite spot on with their stuff. If I had to gues it has to do something with the BI variable maxSoldierLoad (total mass of the entire inventory bar is defined to be 1000 mass units) and then someone at BI told em what the maxSoldierLoad is in their minds or ACE3 Devs put their maxSoldierLoad at ~45,35 or 45,36 kg. From there ACE3 Devs startet their calcualtions.

ACE3 Calculation for KG is this: (mass * 0,1) / 2,2046 = weight in kg rounded to two decimals | (254 * 0,1) / 2.2046 = 11.52136442    <-- that is also the mass and wheigt I used for the MG3 just another way to calcualte


To be as accuarate I need to rephrase my answer. I found a way to calculate the mass value to a disired wepon or equipment weight acording to ACE3 weight calculations.


After all I dont think it is possible to get one representative measurement from a value that in the mind of BI devs represent two physical attributes at the same time wich could but dont have to be linked as long as you dont break it down into molecules and then perfecly arrange it.


BI mass =  weird combination of weight and the actual physical size of the object


but I will keep looking.

Thx for showing me the flaws of my logic :)

No really I mean it the good way not the anoyed or sarcastic way. THX :)


*onetwo setNerdMode 0*


Have a good night!

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I guess what I'm trying to say was that ACE3's BImass to weight conversion is probably a rather unscientific conversion, of an entirely unscientific combined measurement, of attributes that scientifically have no relation (mass, size and weight are all separate measurements of an object).

So unless all major content creators agreed to uphold ACE3's conversion as the inter-forum standard of in-game weight, it's rather fruitless to debate mass values unless an item is grotesquely light or heavy. Even if all parties did agree on a universal conversion standard, that standard would immediately be rendered outdated should Bohemia decide to revise item mass across the board for any reason. 

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I can pretty confidently state based on the images I've seen, that the G38 and G38C are just black HK416A5's with "G38" markings instead of "HK416 A5" markings.


The German military aren't going to continue their newfound love of poop brown weapons, and use the funky keymod rail seen on these G38-marked weapons?



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My thoughts as a gun nerd?

RAL 8000 is a great idea, tan enough to work effectively as desert camouflage. But just green enough that it won't stick out like a sore thumb. All rifles coming in black Parkerizing seems decidedly quaint in an era when countries who can are printing camouflage on everything a solder is wearing except his boots and his eye-pro.

I have no idea who HKey (yes, that's what they're calling it) is meant to appeal to. And I don't know why they decided to knock off the least successful aftermarket HK416 rail (the Daniel Defense one).

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Umm, its not poop brown, its vomit green/brown. Poop brown is this


As for the 416 being adopted, that depends on whether the BW will actually go through with the G36A4 conversions and new buys which IIRC have the proper barrel mounts instead of the cool 90s ones which don't recover from overheating, or whether they just will stick to their guns of needless spending and bureaucracy. Probably the latter given how the Germans love their bureaucracy and will force the poor landsers to deal with a gun that will break if its overheated instead of spending a fraction of the cost and just getting them a gun that works. I swear man, it's like the AR15 haters in the US Military but these guys are the ones making decisions :P

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If the problems with the G36 were actually as severe as the German army claims, they wouldn't be waiting till 2019 to post a tender for the replacement. It's pure politics. Besides, the only existing plausible replacement for the G36 is... the G38.

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I was given the impression that the rate-reducing bolts were more or less standard on MG3s at this point (something something extending barrel life), shows me to believe what I'm told. It's still around the 950-ish mark, which is definitely faster than most other MGs though, so it's not like you're missing much saturation.


Sorry but this is not quite right. I don't know where this information is coming from, maybe some friend which had a maneuver with our Guys but this is definitely not correct.

Yes, there exists reducing-bolts and are most used for training and maneuvers but EVERY MG3 which is leaving the country for fighting purpose in our troops has THE NORMAL BOLT.

Every platoon has them, the reducing bolts, but not everyone using it. We have only a strict count of ammunition for training and the reducing bolt can help to educate as much as soldiers on the weapon but this is ONLY for training purpose.

If it's the real deal out there we don't play around with ammo count and "life time extension".

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Anyone else having "Error: creating weapon UGL_F with scope=private" in the main menu after starting the game with the MG3s and RHS?


Not in the main menu, but after trying to pick up the Sting SMG i get this error in VA, just using CBA, NICore and MG3/42.



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Not in the main menu, but after trying to pick up the Sting SMG i get this error in VA, just using CBA, NICore and MG3/42.


Known bug, fixed in dev.

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Subsonics for the G36 confirmed yes.

AWM supressor is in the maybe pile.

Oh and for the guy who asked, G36 bipod might be implemented as an attachment for the A1/E G36.

Great! Thanks for the reply.

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All of HK's new gen 416/417's (the A5 and A2) have that new trigger guard. I can pretty confidently state based on the images I've seen, that the G38 and G38C are just black HK416A5's with "G38" markings instead of "HK416 A5" markings. For comparison:

G38 image found online:



HK416A5 image found online:



Notice that the G38 in this depiction uses a transparent magazine, just like the G36 (and the SMA HK417). I love this! Here's to hoping that this will be implemented in Toadie's bulid, and that more modders implement these in their vest nad gear mods.



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I have no idea who HKey (yes, that's what they're calling it) is meant to appeal to.

IIRC HKey was the propriety one that was mostly marketed in the US for civilian use and for the US Army's CSASS (however, they revealed a new Geissele MLOK handguard for CSASS this week at AUSA).

The slots have the opposite orientation to Keymod (narrow end faces to the rear of the weapon - i.e. the direction of recoil) and the slot has a "snowman" or figure-8 kind of appearance where the round hole at the end of the slot is slightly wider in diameter than the straight part



The previously posted G38 rail and other military rifle rails that HK Germany are pushing at the moment (such as the new rail for the SA80) appear to be the normal keymod orientation and pattern. But with a shorter slot length, presumably so there us more solid material between slots that might make them less prone to fatigue.

Makes sense in Europe since Keymod has made some inroads to military use on Accuracy International AX rifles used by special forces in Belgium, Spain, UK and other places.

As you say, I'm not sure who the propriety slot was supposed to appeal to, other than HK's shareholders (a bit like Apple removing the headphone jack on new iPhones).


Guess one has to wait to see how the final configuration of G38 will be though. I don't think I've seen photos of them in the hands of BW yet. Potentially they want to see what the French want in terms of configuration with their HK416A5s before adopting more of them in Germany, given the EU's ambition for a single military structure and equipment commonality across member states.

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Those HK polymer AR-15 mags have been around for at least 3 years at this point, I've seen a grand total of zero images of them actually being used in the field by anyone. Maybe if they get packaged in with the French guns, they'll see some use, but "Operator" types seem pretty happy sticking with Magpul.

As for Keymod, I guess the idea is that if by 2035, Germany, France and the UK all have Keymod rails on their main Assault Rifle it would create a domino effect of Keymod adoption. The Americans remain the problem with that idea.

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As for the 416 being adopted, that depends on whether the BW will actually go through with the G36A4 conversions and new buys which IIRC have the proper barrel mounts instead of the cool 90s ones which don't recover from overheating, or whether they just will stick to their guns of needless spending and bureaucracy. Probably the latter given how the Germans love their bureaucracy and will force the poor landsers to deal with a gun that will break if its overheated instead of spending a fraction of the cost and just getting them a gun that works. I swear man, it's like the AR15 haters in the US Military but these guys are the ones making decisions :P

Most Soldiers in the german army (myself included) really like the G36 no matter in what Version most complaints from actual soldiers about them are about too long buttstock which is ill fitting with the new IdZ Gear . The IdZ gear is really shitty in general the only good thing is the adjustable G36 Buttstock.

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I would imagine people are reticent to try additional mags by HK because the metal mags were so terrible.  Weight and feed issues.


Edit:  I also really like M-LOK.

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Well i don't think Keymods will be used that much , M-LOKs are way more cost effective imho

that's why you see US army switching to M-LOK

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Notice that the G38 in this depiction uses a transparent magazine, just like the G36 (and the SMA HK417). I love this! Here's to hoping that this will be implemented in Toadie's bulid, and that more modders implement these in their vest nad gear mods.



Problem is you're already looking at a metric fuck ton of variants to be included:

  • 'Standard' HK416D's (standard RIS, crane stock) - 10.5 & 14.5' at least, and probably 16' and 20' as well.
  • HK416A5s - Again 10.5 & 14.'5 and probably 16' & 20'
  • HK416C
  • M27 IAR
  • 'Classic' 416s with older stocks and flash hiders.
  • GL variants with AG36/M320/M203
  • Custom fitted ones, like those with Geissele keymod rails and whatnot

And that's just 416s. 417s have a bunch too:

  • 417 with 12', 16', 20' barrel
  • 417A2 with 12', 16', 20' barrel
  • G28 E2 & E3 + that new US Army variant.
  • Likely GL variants
  • Possibly MR308 and/or MR762

Already a lot of work for the base guns, let alone doing variants of each with different mags.

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I actually didn't call for that many guns in the commission. The commission calls for the HK416A5 in both black and RAL8000 with variants for either an HK GLM or an HK battlegrip in three barrel lengths (11",14.5" and 16.5"). The OG HK416 in its last configuration with variants for either an HK GLM or an HK battlegrip in three barrel lengths (10.4",14.5" and 16.5") and finally two custom American HK416's, which I will once again list the parts for (because I have an unhealthy love of custom AR15's despite being one of dem damn European liberals):

Devgru 416:

  • Magpul CTR stock (Black)
  • Hogue overmolded rubber grip (Black)
  • Remington RAHG Handguard (Black)
  • Magpul RVG (Black)
  • Magpul Emag (Black)
  • BLACKOUT 51T Flash Hider (An M4-2000 to mount to it would be appreciated)

Gun of War_Lord:

  • Vltor IMOD stock (FDE)
  • BCM Gunfighter Mod 3 grip (FDE) & Trigger guard (Black)
  • Geissele MK4 Handguard (Desert Dirt colour)
  • Magpul AFG-2 (Black)
  • Magpul Emag (Black)
  • AAC BLACKOUT 51T Flash Hider (Hopefully with the appropriate suppressor)
  • Troy folding BUIS sights, HK front and round rear (Black)
  • Phase 5 extended Bolt release V2

I don't know what Toadie might throw in in addition to that. For example, we're getting far more with the P226 pack than just the stuff I asked and paid for. Personally I don't think the IAR and the HK416C are worth bothering with. RHS already has a perfectly good M27, and anyone playing USMC is probably already going to be using RHS. As for the HK416C, wasn't adopted by anyone in substantial numbers, impossible to get any sort of cheekweld with that stock, and a 9" barrel just isn't sufficient.  

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So, since the ammo bearer arsenal update that lets you see ammo types, I've noticed a whole bunch of new ones for guns not in NIA- 44. Magnum Desert Eagle (with a 50 round tracer magazine, great job there :) ), Mk23 +P 12 round mags, 6.8 FMJ, Tapco 5.7 N-231S 7.62mm 30 round, Sten mag 32 rounds, among many others- Is this just a whole bunch of ammo types for convenience, or are weapons on those calibres coming to NIA soonish?

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So, since the ammo bearer arsenal update that lets you see ammo types, I've noticed a whole bunch of new ones for guns not in NIA- 44. Magnum Desert Eagle (with a 50 round tracer magazine, great job there :) ), Mk23 +P 12 round mags, 6.8 FMJ, Tapco 5.7 N-231S 7.62mm 30 round, Sten mag 32 rounds, among many others- Is this just a whole bunch of ammo types for convenience, or are weapons on those calibres coming to NIA soonish?

I can not speak to many of the other calibers but your basic military ones I write the code for, in terms of pistol calibers for the Sig Project mentioned above we are looking at 9x19, .40 S&W, .357 Sig, and .45 ACP. I will also be providing non-military ballistics in an update coming soon, but I do not see .44 Magnum, 6.8x43 SPC II, or 5.7x28 coming anytime soon unless Toadie2k has mentioned a WIP for any firearms chambered in those calibers.

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I can not speak to many of the other calibers but your basic military ones I write the code for, in terms of pistol calibers for the Sig Project mentioned above we are looking at 9x19, .40 S&W, .357 Sig, and .45 ACP. I will also be providing non-military ballistics in an update coming soon, but I do not see .44 Magnum, 6.8x43 SPC II, or 5.7x28 coming anytime soon unless Toadie2k has mentioned a WIP for any firearms chambered in those calibers.


Hey Spartan, not to go too far off topic but, for your updated ballistics, are you planning on also featuring vintage M855/SS109 and M80 FMJ rounds, or have you come to the conclusion that the BI projectiles are close enough to the performance of those rounds that it doesn't matter / warrant creating?


The reason I'm asking is that while both of these rounds are on their way to being phased out (I think the Marines are still running 855s in some areas until the decide on whether to adopt 855A1 or Mk 318 which is what they've been pushing for) by the US Armed Forces, other than the UK (who plans to be using new L31A1 5.56x45mm and L59A1 7.62x51mm "Enhanced Performance" rounds of their own standard) almost all other users worldwide have something equivalent to those (M855/SS109 and M80) standards.

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