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Community Upgrade Project - CUP Terrains

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If my guess is correct, that will involve the need to fully convert all the p3d's to FBX, and then, they will need full re-modelling to create hi poly variants to make textures with. Not sure if this is a goal that will ever happen.

It's been in the back of my head since TKOM was announced, I always saw that as the natural progression for the next Arma. Terrains will need a LOT more serious 3d model makers for that to ever happen. I was at one point hoping to learn 3d modelling better in order to start doing this for A3 in order to create more A3 suitable textures for the A1 assets, but I think it's just out of the scope of reality for me now.

However, if there were folks interested in doing that, it would be fairly easy to coordinate the work so that the work for an eventual A4 or even DayZ SA mod (sorry ;P ), would be there already.



But now it's time to party the Arma 3 release first! ;)


Thanks for your work, guys. Much appreciated.





After launching the mod I ran into some trouble... Can you help me with that?


Running the pack (and core), I wonder where the cup_a1_editorobjects, cup_a2_editorobjects are now? Also the plants and many more objects we had in the Release Candidate version (aia_misc_config stuff too).


I'm asking because I can't load my missions I saved with the RC and I'm getting a bit scared because of that... :unsure: :wacko:

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Running the pack (and core), I wonder where the cup_a1_editorobjects, cup_a2_editorobjects are now? Also the plants and many more objects we had in the Release Candidate version (aia_misc_config stuff too).



CUP Editor Upgrade were addons from MapBuilder that got included in one of the RC. Before the release we accidentally dropped it but the next Hotfix will readd them. Sorry for the inconvenience.

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Neo, you have no idea how relieved I feel now! Thanks for the info.

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Hello everyone,


the CUP Team wishes you all a "Happy New Year 2016" and would like to start this year with a patch for CUP Terrains fixing a few bugs that slipped through in 1.0.0.


As a few of you noticed, we missed a few backwards compatibility entries for AiA TP in our initial release - these got added now. If you still encounter any missing entries, please let us know on our bugtracker: http://bugs.cup-arma3.org.

Furthermore, we added support for MapBuilder which - as a side effect - makes all CUP items available in the mission editor. Ever wanted to place some rocks or trees as a mission maker? Create new ways to approach the target by placing roads? Now it's your chance to do it!

Last, but not least, we ensured compatibility with the upcoming 3DEN editor and and put that 90° rotated bargate back in its proper place.



The full changelog:

Version 1.0.1 (02.01.2016)

+   ADDED:      Editor entries for A1 and A2 objects
+   ADDED:      Support for MapBuilder

@   FIXED:      Missing AiA TP compatibility entries
@   FIXED:      Wrong faction configuration leading to potential CTD when using 3DEN
@   FIXED:      Bargate rotated by 90° on ArmA2 maps
                ATTENTION terrain creators: those of who you already compensated the wrong rotation
                on their ArmA3 terrains, might need to compensate that again
^   IMPROVED:   Different signature keys for Core and Maps (Full will be signed with Core + Maps) 

This update also has a patch only version for "Complete" and "Core" so you don't have to download the whole thing again.



Download links (also in the first post):


CUP Terrains - Complete - v1.0.1

Mirrors: PRIVATE SERVERARMAHOLIC (not yet updated)

CUP Terrains - Complete - Patch: v1.0.0 to v1.0.1




CUP Terrains, featuring everything - all the data and the BI terrains



CUP Terrains - Core - v1.0.1

Mirrors: PRIVATE SERVERARMAHOLIC (not yet updated)PLAY WITHSIX (not yet updated)STEAM WORKSHOP (not yet updated)

CUP Terrains - Core - Patch: v1.0.0 to v1.0.1




CUP Terrains Core, featuring only the data necessary for the terrains, but none terrain itself. Useful for those
who only want to use CUP Terrains with 3rd-party terrains. But beware: some 3rd-party maps might be dependent on BI terrains.




CUP Terrains - Maps - v1.0.1

Mirrors: PRIVATE SERVERARMAHOLIC (not yet updated)PLAY WITHSIX (not yet updated)STEAM WORKSHOP (not yet updated)

Requires: @CUP_Terrains_Core




CUP Terrains Maps, featuring only the maps created by BI - needs CUP Terrains Core to work. If you only want
a part of the terrains featured here, just delete the respective pbo-files of the maps you don't want. But beware: there might
be interdependencies between terrains.

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The side effect of adding the MapBuilder support is a blessing !! :)


Look at that !




Yes, I know, for some unknown reason, the camo is too much on the left side of the vehicle, but nothing that can't be fixed ! :)


Thx again !!!

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First off, great job and thanks so much on the release!!  I believe i posted this already earlier.


I had one question about the ponds (not related to CUP, i know, but wanted to ask).  In playing on Clafghan, i noticed their ponds create some issues and i have that LINE issue across the screen at certain angles.  Does anyone know if this is something that can be looked at or fixed?  Maybe someone outside CUP can create a patch for this?  I really hope so as uts such a great map and now works great with the CUP release, where before it did not (Height issues).


Anyways great work again to all involved.

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Clafghan uses a custom set of pond object, it's nothing we can fix unfortunately.

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For future reference, if we suspect CUP is causing crashes, where would be the best place to get some logs looked at? And what file would be the most useful?

It's too early to say but over in the ALiVE thread, myself and another user are having random crashes out of nowhere using CUP and Reshmaan province (we have feedback that it was very stable with AiA). I plan on testing with AiA just to try and narrow down the issue but just incase, I would like to know what would be useful to post and where the post should go.

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Loving the pack! Since using CUP Terrains myself and a few others have had random crashing out of nowhere on Reshmaan, does this new update fix that?



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Hello, thank you for your update but I noticed one strange thing.

You made a patch from 1.0.0 to 1.0.1 that's only 700 mb but I noticed later after download newst mod complete (1.0.1) and put into my repository ( arma3sync) but now tells me that files changed are 5,67gb, not only 700 mb so I checked md5 and aren't same, it's something wrong?

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Thanks for everything and congrats on the release.



Please consider torrent as an option to distribute. All the download links that are available give ~100kB/s, for regions like Soth America.

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Hey guys-how does downloading the patch work?I would prefer that to downloading the whole mappack again. Do we just put the patch files into the CUP folder?

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@ineptahid: Just overwrite the existing files with the ones from the patch.


@ramius86: No idea what you did wrong, I applied the patch to the ArmA3Sync repository of my community and it showed me less han 100MB of changed data.

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Since AiA is part of this now and the old thread is closed I hope I can ask this in here. I'm a bit confused on which order to install the AiA Patch-Hotfix and the Hotfix?



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@ramius86: No idea what you did wrong, I applied the patch to the ArmA3Sync repository of my community and it showed me less han 100MB of changed data.

I didn't applied patch but the whole 1.0.1 package ( noticed later the patch ). If you do this way, files changed are over 5 gb

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Updated mod v1.0.1 available at withSIX. Download now by clicking:


This isn't showing for me in PwS, only the Maps part shows the 1.01 update. Strangely it shows the core v1.01 on the Home page in PwS and on the website but if I search for it in PwS it only shows v1.0 so I can't upgrade it.


The maps part also seems to be mislabelled, as it's named "Community Upgrade Project - Terrains" with no maps in the title (the folder name is @cup_terrains_maps), which is a bit confusing, especially as there was/is the full core+maps pack named CUP Terrains on Six.

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I keep losing connection to armaholic.. 2 hours of d load is now 3 hours..

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