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1.54 Fatigue is too Unrealistic

Fatigue System  

153 members have voted

  1. 1. Which setup do you think arma 3 use

    • The Old/Legecy version
    • The New 1.54 Nexus version

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I don't understand why people complain about running.
With the new system you can run indefinitely at 14 kilometers per hour carrying up to 45 kilos of gear,
up and down hills with no penalties.(If they are extreme steep are you forced to walk). Thats an insane speed to keep up over longer distances with combat gear.
Sprint only gives you 4 km/h more, increasing your speed to 18.


A unit with no gear can sprint about 380 meters before running out of stamina,medium 200 meter, and a heavy only about 20m.

There is no need to rest when you are out of stamina though, just throttle away at 14km/h as long as you like.


I suspect average run speed is now greater than before, where you got fatigued by both run/sprint+ weight and had to take a breather every so often.


One of the things that make the sway a bit extreme is when you hold to long/release the breath button. If anyone still plays with that bound to right mouse button/zoom they should rebind it to a separate key, or I guess you will have a constant amount of huge vertical sway while zooming in.



Add a bit of fatigue back in or adjust run speed by weight, and make the sway a bit less extreme and this new system could be good.

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I don't understand why people complain about running.

With the new system you can run indefinitely at 14 kilometers per hour carrying up to 45 kilos of gear,



People are confusing running with sprinting. But yes i agree, this system has a lot of potential.

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Just redo all the Arma 2 animations and systems into arma 3 engine and everything will be fine.

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Biggest mistake BI did it is not optional via game configuration select able, very simple and all would be happy.


I did ask for a optional configuration in Feedback Tracker ... ticket got closed after 10 minutes.


This is still a game and should make fun for all


someone speaking about realism in a game make me always giggle

little advice to all realism junkies out here, go in your country head army office and sign to serve army then you will have realism.

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I don't understand why people complain about running.

With the new system you can run indefinitely at 14 kilometers per hour carrying up to 45 kilos of gear,

up and down hills with no penalties.(If they are extreme steep are you forced to walk). Thats an insane speed to keep up over longer distances with combat gear.

Sprint only gives you 4 km/h more, increasing your speed to 18.


I suspect average run speed is now greater than before, where you got fatigued by both run/sprint+ weight and had to take a breather every so often.

I almost posted same kind of wondering before. It's interesting to hear complaining about this new stamina's running/sprinting when the stamina allows to do those things even more than with fatigue :D It's like some of them haven't played the game for all of these years. We're back to Arma 2 pace of movement and suddenly it's too restrict :391: OK I'm not sure how fast Arma 2 sprinting and running was but we're back to the point where it's allowed to do those things again infinite without thinking of slowing down.

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I almost posted same kind of wondering before. It's interesting to hear complaining about this new stamina's running/sprinting when the stamina allows to do those things even more than with fatigue :D It's like some of them haven't played the game for all of these years. We're back to Arma 2 pace of movement and suddenly it's too restrict :391: OK I'm not sure how fast Arma 2 sprinting and running was but we're back to the point where it's allowed to do those things again infinite without thinking of slowing down.

The new problem and reaon for dislike is not movement in 1.54 but the strange and unnatural, artificial weapon sway that you get for even the shortest movement

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The new problem and reaon for dislike is not movement in 1.54 but the strange and unnatural, artificial weapon sway that you get for even the shortest movement

I agree. The stamina system itself is fine,but the sway is silly.

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Let's be honest, the new sprint and stamina system is Actually less restrictivr...however, the sway introduced now is entirely unrealistic. I have seen many ex-military say after running sprints with 100lbs gear, they are still accurate up to 500m with steady scope. That is like impossible now, and remember this is a game! Some things can't be simulated realistically, just consider the new sway! Ridiculous

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Seems liek the first BECTi servers are disablinf Stamina completyly now... the usage of Fatigue was usual there till today when the hotfix allowed the disabling of stamina... what a fail for BIS when even the few users of vanilla fatigue now turn stamina off.

So basically now the differnce between Arma III and ArmA II CTI (Warfare) is that I can wear a red hat in ArmA III

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Seems liek the first BECTi servers are disablinf Stamina completyly now... the usage of Fatigue was usual there till today when the hotfix allowed the disabling of stamina... what a fail for BIS when even the few users of vanilla fatigue now turn stamina off.

So basically now the differnce between Arma III and ArmA II CTI (Warfare) is that I can wear a red hat in ArmA III

They messed up royally. Fix sway please!!!
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U sure about that? :ph34r:



Fyi - an adjustment of AI to the prev. fatigue wouldn't be feasible.

Yep. Pretty sure about that. :mellow:


Nevertheless, mentioning that, one of the new stamina benefits is that AI is once again able to maintain formations without loosing members behind (outside of combat).

Ohhh. So AI actually was a factor in the decision to butcher fatigue afterall?


You see, what pisses me of the most here is the communication from your side.

Remember that post from royalityinexile?


Ultimately, we have to compare the performance of the system against our originally stated design goals. In my view, if our end goal is to create a mechanic that:

  • Encourages players to consider their loadout
  • Asks players to plan their movement
  • Rewards players that make objectively better choices
  • Prohibits players from selecting unrealistic loadouts
  • Is transparent and comprehensible for players
Then, bluntly put - in its current, fresh-out-the-oven incarnation - it fails to satisfactorily meet a number of those criteria.


It didn't make any sense then. And it doesn't make any sense now. And from there on there was barely any worthwile (and visible) interaction to discuss or at least clarify things.

Well, it's your game, so do whatever you want.  :P  


...I'd just prefer silence over some bullshit excuses, empty marketing babble and a good ol' smoke screen.


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regarding marketing babble: the current stamina system is neither "realistic" nor is it "authentic". In fact it is just an annoyance and it has begun to drive me away from the game at the second day of it.

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Weapon sway is straigt up copy from DayZ SA. But not sure which one is worse, since once I found out about it, I stopped playing 1.54 completely. Wait until modders fix that.

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You little girl stop complaining we just need this to be applied in all MP server.


you little kid go back to school.

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U sure about that? :ph34r:

People allocated to stamina/fatigue weren't the ones that are responsible for the AI. Nevertheless, mentioning that, one of the new stamina benefits is that AI is once again able to maintain formations without loosing members behind (outside of combat). Fyi - an adjustment of AI to the prev. fatigue wouldn't be feasible. I strongly believe the new mechanic provides stronger foundation and causes less issues.

Yes I'm quite sure about the A.I. developtment. I as a user of the software can only see an degradation in the A.I. autonomous capabilities since Armed Assault.

ArmA III right now for me is mainly about missing features that the predecessor games had but with PhysX and red caps. I stil prefer ArmA II, and espacially right now since that game feels "broken" to me since 1.54 and the excessive sway for heavy weapons even on bipod which does not correlate with the experience I made as a conscript soldier operating such weapons.


You "fixed" Fatigue and it's often excessive slowdown o.k. but you introduced another problem that is, at least for me, even more aggravating with the strange sway and default unit loadouts that do not fit the stamina system.

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You "fixed" Fatigue and it's often excessive slowdown o.k. but you introduced another problem that is, at least for me, even more aggravating with the strange sway and default unit loadouts that do not fit the stamina system.

So what you're saying is that the sway is ridiculous. I definitely concede on that. I thought it was stupid excessive with the old system, but weapon resting helped solve it then. I will test to see if it still does. (I.E. i'm grabbing the biggest mg I can).


As far as the default loadouts go, yeah, those should be within the weight limits. I'd say that the weight limits be expanded to make sure that default loadouts aren't so heavy that sprinting is unavailable.

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Today I tried to fix my game by using the legacy  fatigue mod... guess what... it does not work because the 1.54 sway is still there. Double fail. Im really annoyed at this point.

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U sure about that? :ph34r:

People allocated to stamina/fatigue weren't the ones that are responsible for the AI. Nevertheless, mentioning that, one of the new stamina benefits is that AI is once again able to maintain formations without loosing members behind (outside of combat). Fyi - an adjustment of AI to the prev. fatigue wouldn't be feasible. I strongly believe the new mechanic provides stronger foundation and causes less issues.

Only 2 things:


1) I knew it! :)  It was indeed changed because the, then new/now old, fatigue system messed up the AI units. To quote myself - now proudly - the day fatigue was first introduced: "I'll believe in fatigue, the day we'll see AI waiting to catch their breath before attacking".


And 2) I fail to understand why we have the possibility to carry whatever we want, but only that we don't really. I mean, nobody will ever carry anything past the half of the load bar, in 99% of the cases, so why do we even have the possibility? You give the possibility, and then you need a penalty system to dissallow it... You really don't know what you are doing. And as user, I'm truly sorry about that -_- .

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2) I fail to understand why we have the possibility to carry whatever we want, but only that we don't really. I mean, nobody will ever carry anything past the half of the load bar, in 99% of the cases, so why do we even have the possibility? You give the possibility, and then you need a penalty system to dissallow it... You really don't know what you are doing. And as user, I'm truly sorry about that -_- .


so damn spot on!



please for the love of god BI do these two simple things.


1. dynamic animation slow down based on load. carrying more = overall slower, or limit the effect to certain anims....get rid of the damn forced walk. it makes no sense in any case.


2. fix the sway. if you make it that extreme you have to make it recover much faster. this is basically the problem of the old system but worse. if i understood it correctly things are decoupled now properly. make use of that. limit extreme sway to after sprint and make it recover fast. put a cap on max sway for not sprinting. so you can have two behaviours for overall exhaustion and exhaustion caused by explosive movement (i just tested that ingame, easy to do with the new commands and works great).


if the system gets tweaked we won't have to fix it with mods. not talking about personal preference here. but things that are borderline broken if you apply common sense. the new commands should be for playing around and making interesting different approaches, not for fixing obvious flaws.


imho you are very close to something universial that can be considered a great vanilla set up.

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Today I tried to fix my game by using the legacy  fatigue mod... guess what... it does not work because the 1.54 sway is still there. Double fail. Im really annoyed at this point.

I was pointed in the direction of this mod for SP, I haven't tested it but its supposed to restore 1.52 sway:    http://www.armaholic.com/page.php?id=26266

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 if you make it that extreme you have to make it recover much faster. this is basically the problem of the old system but worse. if i understood it correctly things are decoupled now properly. make use of that. limit extreme sway to after sprint and make it recover fast. put a cap on max sway for not sprinting. so you can have two behaviours for overall exhaustion and exhaustion caused by explosive movement (i just tested that ingame, easy to do with the new commands and works great).



 This makes the most sense ^^^

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After a couple of missions I can't really say that I don't like the new stamina system or that the old one is better. It's... fine, I guess? Maybe not great but now it's obvious how the weight you're carrying correlates with your ability to sprint and you still can jog after you become fatigued (yes, I understand that this is not realistic but forced walking pace was so goddamn annoying I can't express it).

So while there is room for improvement, I think that BI made a step in right direction, more or less.

Just my humble opinion. :)

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I have only been able to get in a few games because of the "Out of Memory"  problem on servers atm.

But so far I prefer this system to the previous one.

I Actually have a need to use weapon rest now, where I never did before.

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What the hell, I'll chime in as well...

Like BL1P, I haven't had much time to play myself, but... So far I think it's a good step forward. I like it. I really do. Maybe this will change as I play more. But right now for the few games we tested this past weekend. We liked it. It makes the upper end of Fatigue more harsh, but its more gentle on the lower end.

In other words, it definitely makes the weight/loadout a better simulated factor that you must manage. But at the same time, you can still jog for a very long time. (Did somebody say forever?) I like it. I think it's a great balance between simulated weight/fatigue and game-play.

The title of the Thread is 'too unrealistic'. Really? So you want it to be more harsh? More realistic would put a cap on the infinite jogging. It's a great balance. A lot of whining going on because we can't sprint everywhere with 200lbs of gear on? C'mon.

BIS also gave us numerous scripting options to plug into to change/fix/enhance/etc this new system.

I think alot of people are getting all worked up partly because BIS put in the visualization bar so you can see what's going on. Just turn that off in your options then. But the mechanics are good (the weapon-sway may be a whole other can-o-worms).

I have a theory though... I wonder if BIS did this Fatigue overhaul thing because they want to branch out into more official Multiplayer endeavours like these tournaments (End Game) and things they are doing.

My 1.7¢

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Von Quest


You may not have noticed but the main concern we now have it not the stamina or fatigue itself but the new sway and muzzle climb even with rested weapons on bipods that was introduced with 1.54

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