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Is there a way to use the mod/module version to add units spawned via script to the HC?


Trying to figure out a way to utilize your mod with some popular missions like "Hearts and Minds". 


They will be automaticly added after a couple of seconds i think.

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OK, sorry, it could well be a bug. To create an action for yourself, you can enter this into the debug console:


WHKAction = player addAction ["<t color='#C67171'>Toggle WHM Debug",{[(_this select 3)] call Werthles_fnc_WHKDebugAddAction;},_debug,-666,false,true,"",WHKCondition];


Thank you that worked!

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anyone know, is Werthles' Headless Module compatible with ALIVE ?

If Yes, do have to set something special in combination with Alive ?

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They will be automaticly added after a couple of seconds i think.


Can anyone confirm this?  I kinda thought this but then wondered why you need to sync groups to the module in the editor?

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Possible bug........when using the module the ai no longer hold at waypoints that are set on a trigger........they just ignore the trigger. 

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Thanks GOON951, I've had a look at this and I believe I have fixed this issue. Multiple syncs from a trigger to waypoints should work properly now too.


The module can be set as "repeating", so depending on the repeat delay, units will be passed to HCs faster or slower. New units spawned in will be picked up.


WHM used to be compatible with ALiVE 0.9...., I haven't tested it since it went 1.0. Check out the front page for the 2 things to be aware off when combining with ALiVE.

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So my Arma 3 group uses a preset on PWS to have a set of mods that we use. Before we add any mods we usually discuss the pros and cons, and if the mod brings something good to the table. What is the benefit of this mod vs the vanilla Headless Client?

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After long game everything spawns empty, seems like HC runs out of groups.

Can we some how fix that?

Here is RTP of HC


20:20:05 Group O Alpha 1-3 (0x5a3a6e80) - network ID 2:6900

20:20:05  - no main subgroup

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For some reason, WHM is doing some weird AI behavior. For example, I have some preplaced units. Normally they would stay where they are placed if they were not given any way points to follow. Now they go off somewhere, in the same formation shape they were placed, stay there for a bit, then walk back to their original location. Also another thing to note, I also use DAC. DAC from my understanding creates random way points for the units to follow. WHM seems to overwrite them? Any help would be very much appreciated.

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For some reason, WHM is doing some weird AI behavior. For example, I have some preplaced units. Normally they would stay where they are placed if they were not given any way points to follow. Now they go off somewhere, in the same formation shape they were placed, stay there for a bit, then walk back to their original location. Also another thing to note, I also use DAC. DAC from my understanding creates random way points for the units to follow. WHM seems to overwrite them? Any help would be very much appreciated.


In my experience with using both WHM and DAC you need to give DAC time to run its scripts and generate units and waypoint.  Try setting a delay of about 120 seconds or so with your WHM so that the DAC units are spawned, waypoints generated and un-needed units are cached before the mission tries to pass them off to the HC.

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Thanks, also for the module, does it have to be installed on the clients, server, and Headless Client?


Edit: Nvm I have bad reading. I missed the line where you need to install it on all 3.

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In my experience with using both WHM and DAC you need to give DAC time to run its scripts and generate units and waypoint.  Try setting a delay of about 120 seconds or so with your WHM so that the DAC units are spawned, waypoints generated and un-needed units are cached before the mission tries to pass them off to the HC.

After giving it 2 and even 5 minutes, still get some weird way point issues. Preplaced units move around, DAC units lose their "patrol". If it helps I am using the 3d editor on the EDEN update. What I notice is that they always seem to move down then left on the map. So Southwest. Depending on the size of the DAC zone, they might just leave it.

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I made a video to show the behavior for the DAC units.

WHM is delayed by 2 minutes to give DAC time create way points, spawn units, then cache the extra units. The units go about in their random little patrols. After WHM activates and does their thing, The get a way point and start heading Southwest. Thus also happens to manual placed units but sometimes they go back to their original location.


Edit: Added another example


WHM also delayed by 2 minutes and here you see OPFOR spawned by DAC and manually placed independent units. After the delay, they get a way point and move southwest.

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I also see editor-placed AI get a waypoint maybe 120m away from where they start once they're moved to the HC by WHM.

I do a mix of editor-placed and scripted AI, and those who are scripted directly on to the HC works just fine and get no waypoint.

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Yup confirmed i am getting this on dedicated as well, most noticeable when keeping AI in playable slots at the lobby, loading in and waiting for the balance hit. They will start walking off in the same direction.


Also effects all editor units groups including vehicles that are balanced, but as alex stated not units that are spawned onto a HC directly

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Any updates or word from the mod creator? Is there another site where we can report bugs/errors or do we post it in the forums and wait?

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@Werthless: It appears there is an issue with the script where AI moved to the HC does not recognize the new "skip waypoint" trigger.

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I've just updated WHM to version 2.0 with some new features!

- Option to offload AI to server,
- Option to not load any debug functionality for a small performance improvement,
- Option to use WHM for debugging only,
- Memory leak fixes,
- Empty group cleanup now on HCs as well as server,
- Various algorithm efficiencies,
I've tried to fix the issues raised here with this update too. Not sure how successfully yet though...


Any updates or word from the mod creator? Is there another site where we can report bugs/errors or do we post it in the forums and wait?


Hey 42nfl19, I've tried to fix this issue by creating better 'dummy waypoints' for the AI to hang out at during the transfer. I think some poor code made things go bad for you.


@Werthless: It appears there is an issue with the script where AI moved to the HC does not recognize the new "skip waypoint" trigger.


I'll have to look into this further if v2.0 doesn't fix this. I'm hoping my code clean up has fixed this. If it's not fixed, it could also be another BI issue :/



After long game everything spawns empty, seems like HC runs out of groups.
Can we some how fix that?
Here is RTP of HC
20:20:05 Group O Alpha 1-3 (0x5a3a6e80) - network ID 2:6900
20:20:05  - no main subgroup



Thanks for this, I have now included frequent empty group deletion on the HCs. I believe the HC would have been amassing empty groups during your game.

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Thanks for the response Werthless. Any chance you could update the script version?

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I thought you were afk/"dead". Thanks for the response and your hard work.

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