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11 minutes ago, NAS_Juno said:

Gotcha. Thanks RR. I know it's more in line with typical Airborne units to static line jump, but it was a nice cheat to have the script spawn a steerable chute and allow you to keep your backpack.

The AI cannot use the steerable chutes, so it actually made sense to adopt the static line approach for the para drops

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Yeah, the AI would float all over the place. I guess I was just so used to being able to control my descent (and break the soldiers legs), I wasn't too comfortable with how restricted the static line made the jump.


In the end, if I want to make it more "customizable", I should just use the HALO/HAHO scripts or stick with the static line.

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anyone else having an issue with steam workshop


I subscribed and just went to load it and its not there... i unsubscribe and resub and it redownloads 2.9 gbs for Usaf but its supposed to be 4gb and there is no folder for it in the steamworkshop folder

gone through this twice where it says it is downloading it and i can follow the progress but the file size is wrong and the folder never appears



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3 hours ago, cosmic10r said:

anyone else having an issue with steam workshop


I subscribed and just went to load it and its not there... i unsubscribe and resub and it redownloads 2.9 gbs for Usaf but its supposed to be 4gb and there is no folder for it in the steamworkshop folder

gone through this twice where it says it is downloading it and i can follow the progress but the file size is wrong and the folder never appears



One of the reasons I detest steam, I have my game on a different drive and it did the same to me yesterday, 14GB's of addons..no wonder my internet was gash!!

What I normally do is take the steam folder contents and copy it into the @Folder, in the game directory, that way the addons are always there.

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Sometimes I do that too. Then I unsubscribe and basically use it as a download tool. 


But in this case after it downloads the wrong file size and steam shows the download complete the file still isn't there...


Super weird...

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4 hours ago, cosmic10r said:

anyone else having an issue with steam workshop


I subscribed and just went to load it and its not there... i unsubscribe and resub and it redownloads 2.9 gbs for Usaf but its supposed to be 4gb and there is no folder for it in the steamworkshop folder

gone through this twice where it says it is downloading it and i can follow the progress but the file size is wrong and the folder never appears

Just to be clear, which Steam Workshop folder are you referring too?

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10 hours ago, Matosh said:

Just to be clear, which Steam Workshop folder are you referring too?


In arma 3 main folder there is a folder called workshop content that stores all the mods from workshop.


Most of my subscribed mods are there but the @rhsusaf folder never appeared after steam said the download of 2.9 gb was complete.

File size on the workshop says size should be just shy of 4gb in the description. 

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11 hours ago, road runner said:

What I normally do is take the steam folder contents and copy it into the @Folder, in the game directory, that way the addons are always there.

Thats only really feasible with smaller mods though-copying all the large ones  takes up a huge amount of space.

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2 minutes ago, ineptaphid said:

Thats only really feasible with smaller mods though-copying all the large ones  takes up a huge amount of space.

Hence why I moved everything Arma 3 off my C: drive, which had less than 20GB left from 200, due to over 45GB of addons!! :smileee:, My other drive was the 500GB partition, so tonnes of space.
Not gone down the SSD route yet.

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The size disparity is due to steam downloading compressed files. What is stated in the description is the total unpacked size.

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4 minutes ago, soul_assassin said:

The size disparity is due to steam downloading compressed files. What is stated in the description is the total unpacked size.


Okay. Thanks Soul Assassin.

I'll give it another go today...

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Hello I have a question regarding the helmets, to be more specific, the helmet and cap combo that the russians have, is it possible to switch out between the helmet and the cap or its just for the looks?

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Hey everyone, for realism purpose in a mission, i would like to force 3d option for scopes for everyplayers (i think the 2d version is unrealsitic). Is there a way to force the 3d option ? (in the init of the unit, or module, or else?)

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5 hours ago, Gam3rz said:

Hey everyone, for realism purpose in a mission, i would like to force 3d option for scopes for everyplayers (i think the 2d version is unrealsitic). Is there a way to force the 3d option ? (in the init of the unit, or module, or else?)


Hit ESC to go to the main menu while in game (I forget where it is in editor, or if it is even there) and you should see an "RHS Options" tab.


That will have a 2D/3D and PiP (Picture in Picture) drop down menu.


As far as realism, that's completely up to you in terms of what you think is "real." I don't like the 2D effect myself for the mid-range optics because after using them IRL myself, the effect severely hinders your peripheral vision, and ACOGs specifically allow you to take in your surroundings while still zooming in partially to a target. One could also "Bindon Aim" where you fire with both eyes open, but that's also a personal preference thing for real life shooting.

Edited by NAS_Juno
OP edited his post, making me look like a damn fool...

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3 hours ago, Gam3rz said:

Hey everyone, for realism purpose in a mission, i would like to force 3d option for scopes for everyplayers (i think the 2d version is unrealsitic). Is there a way to force the 3d option ? (in the init of the unit, or module, or else?)

afaik you cannot force this player side setting for everyone, but i think you could make your own script to overwrite the change of scope model

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Is it more realistic to have the supervision you get when looking around while aiming a 3d scope?

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1 hour ago, easyeb said:

Is it more realistic to have the supervision you get when looking around while aiming a 3d scope?

No, but save for some VR headset technology mimicking this, you won't have anything that is "true to life" with regards to firing a weapon using optics. Any game trying to simulate the effect one could have when drawing down on a target is always limited by the flatness of a monitor, the effect focusing on a target does to individuals when they do shoot, etc. It will always be subjective and never really fully representative.


I can say that personally, I do get a "cloudy" kind of effect to the surrounding area when looking down mid-range optics IRL, but again, that's what my eyes do, which could vary from person to person.


I've come to the conclusion that trying to micromanage "realistic" gameplay will always be limited by the current technology and subjective nature of doing so. Just find a sweet spot of things that are as close to being natural as you can, and balance that with the ability to just have fun.

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6 hours ago, cosmic10r said:

In arma 3 main folder there is a folder called workshop content that stores all the mods from workshop.

Most of my subscribed mods are there but the @rhsusaf folder never appeared after steam said the download of 2.9 gb was complete.

File size on the workshop says size should be just shy of 4gb in the description. 

I don't think that the folder you mentioned is THE Steam Workshop folder. 


The Steam Workshop folder for Arma 3 is located here: \Steam\steamapps\workshop\content\107410.

If you would to go there, you will find (considering you have SW subscriptions) a series of folders with large numbers (SW item IDs). In each of the folders are the actual Steam Workshop item files you are subscribed for.


Now the hidden folder named !Workshop inside the Arma 3 root directory is, in my theory, a way to tell the game/launcher that the mods are in root directory but actually they are not. In that folder are folder shortcuts which lead to actual file locations but if you would to check the file location in properties menu it would still show the Arma 3 root directory. And no, those folder shortcuts are not double copies of mods. The only place you'll find Steam Workshop downloaded items is the file location mentioned above and are not copied anywhere else, at least to my experiences with SW and Arma 3.


Wondering why are there no folder shortcuts in the !Workshop folder for the downloaded SW item you just subscribed for? SW item is downloaded and is in the file location mentioned above, the folder shortcut will register itself in the folder !Workshop only after you start the Arma 3 Launcher and the Launcher itself scans it. You can also in the Launcher use copy option to copy SW item anywhere you want including the Arma 3 root directory, it would also rename the mod folder accordingly.


If there are issues with the Steam Workshop mods you can also use verify game cache option.



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Is it only for me-Mi 28N automatic target tracking not work?(I try to turn it on with  max zoom mode like in Ka 52)

On Ka 52 everything work perfect

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H there :)

Just three little questions:

I read some where here, couple of pages back I suppose, that the PMM had to be removed from the mod since you weren't able to contact the original author,
as I really liked it, I've been curious, whether it'll return one way or another in the future?
Has this issue, with respect to your usage of SteamWorkshop, affected any other moddels, I've so far apparently not been aware of?

And last but not least, is there any specific reason as to why the PP-19 hasn't found it's way into the mod? Or is it just that nobody's gotten around making one?

At the end of the day, thank you guys, loved the last Update, especially the Mi-28N is exactly what I've been waiting for in a long time!
And the Zenitco AKs are pure gold, love 'em!


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Same here.  I would appreciate if someone could advise which is the code line that should go in a waypoint's init to turn on the green jump lights of RHS's  C130-J

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25 minutes ago, cc_kronus said:

Same here.  I would appreciate if someone could advise which is the code line that should go in a waypoint's init to turn on the green jump lights of RHS's  C130-J

There isn't one (yet)

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5 hours ago, alessiomoreno said:

H there :)

Just three little questions:

I read some where here, couple of pages back I suppose, that the PMM had to be removed from the mod since you weren't able to contact the original author,
as I really liked it, I've been curious, whether it'll return one way or another in the future?
Has this issue, with respect to your usage of SteamWorkshop, affected any other moddels, I've so far apparently not been aware of?

No, it will not come back if no member does the model.

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PM are most common pistol in Russian Army.Some of them been produced in 60s,and this pistols probably can live same amount of time untill they will be replaced.

Since all officers have AK since Afghan war,pistol is more internal service pistol than combat pistol.PM fits it's role at 110%.

PMM in my opinion is a joke.

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8 hours ago, alessiomoreno said:

1. as I really liked it, I've been curious, whether it'll return one way or another in the future?
2. Has this issue, with respect to your usage of SteamWorkshop, affected any other moddels, I've so far apparently not been aware of?
3. And last but not least, is there any specific reason as to why the PP-19 hasn't found it's way into the mod? Or is it just that nobody's gotten around making one?

1. unlikely, but you never know. If i were to personally embark to making a new model, i would rather do the Gsh-18...

2. no

3. because that is mostly used by FSB and other internal troops, which are not represented in RHS. besides, it has been replaced by vityazSN 

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