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4 minutes ago, Vasily.B said:

Can someone test BMP-1 night sight please? It looks like its center of sight is nowhere to crosslines. You aim at blind, while cross lines are on the bottom of sight.


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On 19/01/2017 at 2:00 PM, GieNkoV said:


I think that is vanilla feature and is out of scope for RHS team.


Damn, that's a shame. Oh well.

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Now that I've had time to play around with the new and improved (though not SAF yet) I have to say that this latest release is simply outstanding, not only for the content but also the excellent details that have been added. You guys/gals have out done yourselves.  

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Is anyone else having the issue in multiplayer where if one person is running RHS but another player is not, the person running RHS can not here other players gun sounds? 

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If you're playing multiplayer with people running different combinations of mods/versions, you're going to have a bad time.

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Hi RHS team,


i'm going to update the compat_rhs_usf and _afrf with the Advanced Ballistics entries for the M40A5 and the ORSIS T-5000 sniper rifles,

the S&B M8541 and the Dedal DH 5-25x56 sniper scopes.


I would need the "Distance between center of scope and rail in centimeters" and the "Distance between center of bore and rail in centimeters",

according with the last ACE Scopes Framework : https://ace3mod.com/wiki/framework/scopes-framework.html


Could you send me those values, please ?


A another question just for my curiosity,

i was wondering why a different formula for the opticsZoomMin and Max (0.25 for USAF / 0.35 for AFRF),

there is a particular reason for that ?


Many thanks for your hard work and this great update. :)


As usual, sorry for my splendid english.

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Can anyone provide a link or an explaination on how to use the DUKE Antennas on some vehicles? I have the feeling I am too blind to see something obvious.

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5 minutes ago, TheLimbo365 said:

What map is this?


Looks like Tanoa

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11 minutes ago, M1ke_SK said:


Looks like Tanoa

I thought the same thing but for some reason I'm doubting myself.....

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2 hours ago, j3aleine said:

A another question just for my curiosity,

i was wondering why a different formula for the opticsZoomMin and Max (0.25 for USAF / 0.35 for AFRF),

there is a particular reason for that ?

0.25 is used on newer scopes made since BIS standardised 0.25 as 1x.

Older scopes need the optics views adjusting with rescaled reticles by 1.4x. But in some cases like the ACOG TA31 variants and 1P29, the reticle wont fit in the standard scope aperture when resized for the standard Arma magnification formula


1 hour ago, gac_guardian said:

Can anyone provide a link or an explaination on how to use the DUKE Antennas on some vehicles? I have the feeling I am too blind to see something obvious.

They're used as vehicle countermeasures like smoke grenades and stuff. So press whatever your countermeasures key is when you're in the crew position that operates the DUKE for that particular vehicle. Should tell you when it's activated and deactivated again when you fire countermeasures to turn it off.



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6 hours ago, M1ke_SK said:


Looks like Tanoa


Yep, this is Tanoa. Just east of Tanoa Airport. VDV Forces making a synchronized assault from Lami, through the rough roads and the fields. BTR 80 Squad. Once the railroad was reached, the BTR and the GPMG unleashed serious trouble on the BLU forces and some of their apparels occupying the airport. A second BTR squad with GPMG and Marksman came north, from Lifou, and took a good sight and the upper ground on the northern elevation :


The day ended pretty well :)




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Sorry to asking again ( Yesterday I asked in steam) but I have no answer.


I'm missing the green ZSh-1 helmet. Have you remove this helmet from AFRF? Or just I have corrupted download and musst download again?



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I know it's long gone from the mod, but is there still a copy of the M81 FROG uniform you guys were using before you got the G3's into the mod floating around anywhere? Would really like to use it for something.

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Do you plan to change soldier protection system the same way as you changed vehicle penetration system? I mean that soldier get hit (hitpoint decrease) only if body protetion was penetrated. Looks like it is possible with current Arma 3 soldier protection system:

armor               = 1; // "Healthpoints" of this hitpoint is armor value (of hitpoint) * armor value ( coefficient of the total armor defined below for the whole object
material            = -1; // damage material (-1 means "unused")
name                = "face_hub"; // selection name from hit points LOD in object
passThrough         = 0.1; // coefficient defining how much damage will pass into total damage when this hit point is damaged
radius              = 0.08; // size of the hit point sphere, this is how it works: https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_Damage_Description
explosionShielding  = 0.1; // multiplier of explosive damage (parameter: explosive > 0 in ammunition type)
minimalHit          = 0.01; // minimal damage value that can be applied (based on armor value), damage below this threshold is ignored
//example: total hit point armor = 2 and hitpoint class armor = 10 and minimalHit = 0.04  -> all damage below a hit value of 2*10*0.04= 0.8 is ignored


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Okay, so I have a question about the US side. I was wondering if you're going to add anymore backpacks to the mod-pack, you have only two I believe at the moment, and so I wanted to ask if you plan on adding any Bergen's, Alice packs, CSAR rucks etc?

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Apologies if it's been posted already and I've just missed it, but is there a full list of class names for all the RHS content anywhere? Seems the lists on the RHS website only cover USAF & AFRF and don't have the newest additions. 

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1 hour ago, unknownsoldier said:

Apologies if it's been posted already and I've just missed it, but is there a full list of class names for all the RHS content anywhere? Seems the lists on the RHS website only cover USAF & AFRF and don't have the newest additions. 

You could look in the config viewer through the editor.

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Searched the feedback tracker and did not find this issue.

SU-25: on board heading indicator (compass) is showing east when flying west and vice versa.

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