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On 11/30/2015 at 6:25 PM, haleks said:

Well I've been thinking about it; you're probably not the only one willing to override/change the weapon lists. The current code is a bit messy when it comes to define wich item is to be used or not...

I will probably re-writte it at some point and add support for user configs.


Meanwhile, there's an easy way to add your own weapons to the gear lists used by NPCs; execute this code at the end of your init.sqf file :

waitUntil {!isNil "rvg_gearlist"};
0 = rvg_mainWeapons pushBack "weapon Classname here";

Untested but it should work all right.

rvg_mainWeapons is an array defining commonly used weapons. You can also use rvg_weapons (military grade) or rvg_LMG (machineguns).


Yeah, I probably added Massi's RPG but totally forgot to add vanilla rocket launchers... :/

Haleks, can you check out this code for the init.sqf file? I used to use that script for custom weapons for NPCs and it doesnt work after Ravage version 1.44. Thanks in advance man.

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@tosbalok I highly recommend Enhanced Movement, it really helps and I can't play Arma 3 without it! Like others have said, you should take some time to get used to using it since it can be a bit odd as Arma wasn't designed around being able to climb and jump like that. Going into buildings like Gunter Severloh said is a good way to slow the zombies down, but if you have runners chasing you it provides a great opportunity to shoot them since they start walking instead of running in houses.

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@haleks I hope you do not mind if I suggest something regarding the modules. Lately I have been testing Ravage with a wider array of vehicles instead of banditcar (offroad). Would it not be great to have the choice to add other cars or even helis via the module that randomly attack you? 


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15 hours ago, Gill93 said:

Probably not what your looking for but good Mod for evading them buggers is Enhanced Movement created by badbenson. http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=333310405


Yep, I agree. Jumping over walls allows you to put some distance between you and them. I have the mod and it's the only thing keeping me alive.


But one thing I'm wondering about is actually losing them - not just delaying the inevitable, but escaping them. It doesn't sound like that's really possible. In DayZ, when you broke line of sight, they would run to the place where they last saw you and then search for you. If you are quiet after breaking line of sight, the zombies would not reacquire you.


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18 hours ago, tosbalok said:

Is it possible to remap the search function to a key other than the spacebar?

Search function is tied to Arma3's controls  ------->   Options -------> Controls--------> Common ----------> use selected action

so all you need to do is remap your key for the game itself and it will change it in the mission.

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2 hours ago, Gunter Severloh said:

Search function is tied to Arma3's controls  ------->   Options -------> Controls--------> Common ----------> use selected action

so all you need to do is remap your key for the game itself and it will change it in the mission.

oh wow, that even works for doors. I was looking for that. Thanks!


Hey, can someone else confirm that the Ravage system:Horde Placement is bugged and always creates runners, even if you select "walkers"

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8 minutes ago, tosbalok said:

Hey, can someone else confirm that the Ravage system:Horde Placement is bugged and always creates runners, even if you select "walkers"

When you put Horde Module. And selecting walkers. Don't forget to change Crawlers (forgot the name exact) to 0.

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22 hours ago, Schreber said:

I think any static object get their loot type from the nearest building. When I place a military barrack with lots of trash heaps in front of it, than I get military grade loot. 

Well, that makes sense, thanks :rthumb:

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13 hours ago, Schreber said:

@haleks I hope you do not mind if I suggest something regarding the modules. Lately I have been testing Ravage with a wider array of vehicles instead of banditcar (offroad). Would it not be great to have the choice to add other cars or even helis via the module that randomly attack you? 



I'll try to get it done for the next update or the release of the Tanks DLC - it's going to add more variations to armed cars as a free update for everyone.

Sounds like the perfect occasion to do that!

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22 hours ago, Donnie_Plays said:

Something is still wrong with the zombies. Last night I tested a bare bones mission with just Ravage and CBA on the Taviana map. After I died and respawned the first time, zombies would not attack me.

they seem to be working for me on Chernarus not sure but could it be the map

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If you ever want to spawn shipwrecks with loot lying around it in your ravage mission, say no more:




PS: something got odd while uploading, i will have to add some more usage instructions later.



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23 hours ago, Donnie_Plays said:

Something is still wrong with the zombies. Last night I tested a bare bones mission with just Ravage and CBA on the Taviana map. After I died and respawned the first time, zombies would not attack me.


17 minutes ago, Gill93 said:

they seem to be working for me on Chernarus not sure but could it be the map


Usually it is some kind of mod conflict - even when said mods don't seem to be related in any way. If I remember right, JSRS (or is it another sound mod?) is causing that behaviour as well.


@Donnie_Plays: Have you observed this on any other map? Does the issue persist if you disconnect & relog to the server?

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I am currently attempting to implement custom uniforms into a mission for zombies. They are not uniforms that are included in a specific mod, but I have the paa files. Is it possible to use the zombie uniform override to do this? Do I need to create anything in the mission file to make this work? I have been playing around with it but can't figure it out.

If possible... I would like to do the same thing with zombie skins and faces.

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On 28/03/2018 at 12:16 AM, Donnie_Plays said:


I am currently attempting to implement custom uniforms into a mission for zombies. They are not uniforms that are included in a specific mod, but I have the paa files. Is it possible to use the zombie uniform override to do this? Do I need to create anything in the mission file to make this work? I have been playing around with it but can't figure it out.

If possible... I would like to do the same thing with zombie skins and faces.


It's possible. I will get back to you with a script tomorrow (I'm way too tired right now).

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3 hours ago, haleks said:



Usually it is some kind of mod conflict - even when said mods don't seem to be related in any way. If I remember right, JSRS (or is it another sound mod?) is causing that behaviour as well.


@Donnie_Plays: Have you observed this on any other map? Does the issue persist if you disconnect & relog to the server?

I had the same issue occur a few updates back on a tanoa mission not only were the zombies not detecting but the looting system would fail aswell the longer you played the worse it got I ended up scrapping the mission and started fresh haven't seen the problem since

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15 hours ago, Donnie_Plays said:


I am currently attempting to implement custom uniforms into a mission for zombies. They are not uniforms that are included in a specific mod, but I have the paa files. Is it possible to use the zombie uniform override to do this? Do I need to create anything in the mission file to make this work? I have been playing around with it but can't figure it out.

If possible... I would like to do the same thing with zombie skins and faces.


Okay, here are 2 ways of doing it :

(_this select 0) call {
	_this forceAddUniform "myUniform";//adds uniform to be retextured - not needed if said uniform is already set in the module options
	_this setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"pathToMyTexture"];//applies custom texture from mission folder
(_this select 0) call {
	if !(uniform _this isEqualTo "myUniform") exitWith {false};//check if zed has the correct uniform, in case you're using other uniforms you don't want to retexture
	_this setObjectTextureGlobal [0,"pathToMyTexture"];//applies custom texture from mission folder


If all zombies in your mission do use the retextured uniform, use the first one, the second one has a check in case zombies also use uniforms that shouldn't be retextured.

Just remove all the comments, and paste any of these scripts into the initEH line of the zombies module. I made a quick test, and I don't think you will need to spawn & delay the script.


Also, uniforms usually use one selection only - but if yours does have multiple selections, you need to repeat setObjectTextureGlobal for each one of them.

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23 hours ago, Vandeanson said:

If you ever want to spawn shipwrecks with loot lying around it in your ravage mission


Good Stuff!


Congratulation Vandeanson!


Very good for survival environments! It's a Great idea!!!!

Thanks for this nice script!!



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Wrecked ships are spot-on for my "Castaway on Tanoa" Mission! :rthumb:

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Unfortunately I cannot get the zombie uniform script to work. I tried various options but it keeps reverting to the generic uniform. I switched several things in and out. It's alright. It's not really something that has to be implemented. Just thought it would add a nice touch to the mission I'm working on. I can get it to work for one uniform, but using a range of 8 or 9 uniforms is not working.

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8 hours ago, tosbalok said:

Is there a way, on a custom mission, to have the player spawn with a can of food and a bottle of water? Just to make the start a bit easier?

Just add it to the player's inventory in the editor.

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8 hours ago, tosbalok said:

Is there a way, on a custom mission, to have the player spawn with a can of food and a bottle of water? Just to make the start a bit easier?


Sorry, disregard question. Answer found on this page: http://ravage.wikia.com/wiki/Tools_for_Mission_Makers


The documentation is great, by the way. Thank you.



i can share my onplayerrespawn.sqf once i get to my pc  if still needed. it allows you to define arrays of weaps, items and gear that may (randomly selected) spawn on the player each respawn. i use it to make sure that the player only spawns with basic gear (chance to have a FAK or some food or water) and a basic gun e.g. makarov with 1-3 mags as well as a chance to spawn a vest and a backpack. the code from the wiki works well too, but for my taste the gear you get is too advanced (it takes gear from the full gear pool as per ravage equipment module) at gamestart.

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I really can't get over how much better the ambient chatter from the survivors makes the mod feel. They turned from a random Arma 3 squad into a group of survivors just by adding that in! Really loving it, nice job Haleks!


@haleks By the way, are survivor camps still going to be in? The ones that they make themselves and rest at? Sorry if you've answered this already, I may have missed it when I was inactive for ages.

Edited by ContheJon
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