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4 hours ago, Donnie_Plays said:

Will it replace vanilla weapons if I add custom weapons. My question is... do I need to add the vanilla classnames to get them to spawn as well?

Is there a plan to do this same thing with NPC gear and clothing?


Yes, it will replace vanilla weapons, so you need to enter them as well.

Those options will be expanded later, with parameters for attachments, launchers, gear & clothing; I'm starting with only a few to gather feedback and see if it's going to work well for mission makers or if it needs improvements.


3 hours ago, rlogjoe said:

Zombies do not attack me.



Ravage v0.1.52


Even if you run around them? Do they actually see and chase you?

Feel free to send me your save files so I can debug this directly.

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2 hours ago, haleks said:


Yes, it will replace vanilla weapons, so you need to enter them as well.

Those options will be expanded later, with parameters for attachments, launchers, gear & clothing; I'm starting with only a few to gather feedback and see if it's going to work well for mission makers or if it needs improvements.



Even if you run around them? Do they actually see and chase you?

Feel free to send me your save files so I can debug this directly.

They see and chase me but when they come to me they do nothing.







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9 hours ago, Gunter Severloh said:


@kodabar Could you add these 2 collections to the Ravage Wiki please.


Done. And the YouTube channel has been added too.

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I have another question with the AI weapons option. Do I have to do anything with ammo classnames? Will AI automatically spawn with the ammo that matches to the gun? Will it work with any weapons mod as long as I enter the classnames or is it just compatible with CUP, RHS, IFA3?

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14 minutes ago, Donnie_Plays said:

I have another question with the AI weapons option. Do I have to do anything with ammo classnames? Will AI automatically spawn with the ammo that matches to the gun? Will it work with any weapons mod as long as I enter the classnames or is it just compatible with CUP, RHS, IFA3?


Any weapons mod will work, the module will also take care of creating the ammo lists for the loot system and the AI gear - you don't have to worry about that.

Adding the classnames is literally everything you need to do. ;)

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On 24/02/2018 at 2:36 PM, haleks said:

Hi everyone!

It is that time of the week : I'm pushing yet another small update.


No major fix this time, but I did add a new feature : it's now possible to define custom weapons lists to be used by the NPCs and the Loot System. 3 new paramaters have been added to the Equipment Pool module for this : Common Weapons, Military Weapons, Rare Weapons (the names might change). Just enter the classnames for each category, and the module will do the rest. Those classnames arrays will be added to existing lists if the module is set to use weapons from any of the supported mods, if not they will simply override the list of vanilla weapons, allowing 100% custom weapon pools. "Common Weapons" will be added to Civilian Loot and any NPC spawned by Ravage, "Military Weapons" - well you can guess - also added to all NPC gear, and "Rare Weapons" will spawn in military buildings too, but you won't find them on renegades or lone survivors.




Ha so nice i love you :)


I find this the last week on youtube for ambient music

so i start to build a cave...

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aaaawwwww yiisssssss exciting news! i cant wait to test it the custom weaps module, thanks @haleks!

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Sadly it doess seem that the zombies not attacking bug has reappeared in this latest release.

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6 hours ago, dudildo said:

Sadly it doess seem that the zombies not attacking bug has reappeared in this latest release.

Can you give further details? What mods are you running? What mission etc?

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On ‎2‎/‎25‎/‎2018 at 12:35 AM, Donnie_Plays said:

Will it replace vanilla weapons if I add custom weapons. My question is... do I need to add the vanilla classnames to get them to spawn as well?

Is there a plan to do this same thing with NPC gear and clothing?

I'm wondering the same thing

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22 minutes ago, Gill93 said:

I'm wondering the same thing


Dude, haleks has already answered both of those questions, just scroll to the top of this page for confirmation.  

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1 hour ago, R0adki11 said:

Can you give further details? What mods are you running? What mission etc?

Tried it both with mods enabled and disabled just CBA, started a standard ravage mission on altis, zombies come up to me swing there arms once then just stop attacking and just stand there. Reverted back to Ravage 1.51 tried the same thing and they munched my ass. 

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I tested Ravage with the Breaking Point weapons mod over the course of a couple of hours. The new weapon system for AI works flawlessly. Both bandit camps and roaming AI were carrying the exact weapons I had added to the list. I cannot confirm that the loot system is working yet though. I searched several objects and didn't find a single weapon. This is with all loot settings set to a parameter of no less than 50 for each category. I'm going to do more testing later though, as I did not go to a military base in the session.

I also tested issues with zombies as well. Not a single problem. The zombies attacked both myself and the AI I had grouped up with. I I respawned and tested it again and everything worked just fine. I should note, that in the scenario I tested this on, I was only using "Walkers" and not "Bolters" or "Runners".

I did notice something that I have never noticed before. If you make an AI recruitable and able to respawn, when they respawn you can no longer recruit them. This is not that big of a deal to me... but thought it was worth mentioning.

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2 hours ago, dudildo said:

Tried it both with mods enabled and disabled just CBA, started a standard ravage mission on altis, zombies come up to me swing there arms once then just stop attacking and just stand there. Reverted back to Ravage 1.51 tried the same thing and they munched my ass. 

CBA is a requirement of Ravage, it wouldn't work without it! You say you tried with both mods, do you mean Ravage and CBA or some others?

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13 hours ago, R0adki11 said:

CBA is a requirement of Ravage, it wouldn't work without it! You say you tried with both mods, do you mean Ravage and CBA or some others?

Just CBA and Ravage

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Try this, make your own mission, just place a player, put the module down for the zombies, start the mission and see if the same thing happens.

Also i would suggest posting your RPT which can be found here----> C:\Users\username\AppData\Local\Arma 3

copy n paste the RPT info to this ------> https://justpaste.it/

post the link when you publish it, then Haleks can take a look at and it get a better idea of what may be conflicting or the problem and can go from there, this basically rules out the 20 questions and the guessing

games as to what the issue is, it could be  a bug in the mod, or the mission, bad save, bad load, something but rpt will show.


Now when you start the game be sure to enable logs, so make sure uncheck the box under All parameters thats titled No Logs


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On 26.02.2018 at 2:24 AM, haleks said:


Any weapons mod will work, the module will also take care of creating the ammo lists for the loot system and the AI gear - you don't have to worry about that.

Adding the classnames is literally everything you need to do. ;)

Hi.How can i do this?

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Tested the new custom loot module and it works well for me so far.

It seems that sometimes however some vanilla weapons still sneak in (MX or Sting). I noticed that the custome loot modules might load slightly slower than other things hence when I use the random gearing function at respawn, at the first respawn vanilla items spawn. Other than that it worked for me.


I wanted to limit my starting gear to a randomly selected array of very basic weapons (e.g. just pistols) and items/gear hence I made this script that might be obvious to most, but hopefully helpful to some users here:


//create an .sqf file named "onPlayerRespawn.sqf" and save it in your mission folder
// add or remove classnames in the below arrays, you can customise your arrays and add new ones. keep item classnames under items, weapons under weapons and so on... "player addWeapon" can not spawn items and "player addItem" can not spawn weapons, and so on..

//general items
_ItemArray = [
//common: list common items multiple times here to decrease chance of rare weaps to drop

"rvg_docFolder" // the last item in the array needs no comma ","!!
//rare list rare items only once below here

//specific item i want the player to spawn with
_ItemArray2 = [

_weaponArray = [
//common: list common items multiple times here to decrease chance of rare weaps to drop
//rare list rare items only once below here
_headgearArray = ["H_Booniehat_mcamo"]; // add headgear here
_gogglesArray = ["G_LIB_Scarf_G"]; // add goggles here
_uniformArray = ["U_CombatOutdoor_C","U_CivilianTShirt_C","U_Coveralls_C","U_C_WorkerCoverallsBandit","CUP_U_I_GUE_Anorak_01"]; // add uniforms here
_vestArray = ["V_PlateCarrierSpec_blk","V_Pouch_light_C","V_Pouch_light_B","V_Pouch_light_A"]; // add vests here
_backpackArray = ["B_AssaultPack_rgr","B_HikingBag_F","B_Kitbag_B","B_Kitbag_C"]; // add backpacks here

//the below will select a random item/weapon from the above arrays
_weapon = _weaponArray select (floor (random (count _weaponArray)));
_item = _itemArray select (floor (random (count _itemArray))); // to spawn a second slot for an item of _itemArray, copy paste this line and replace _item with _item2/_item3...and so on
_uniform = _uniformArray select (floor (random (count _uniformArray)));
_vest = _vestArray select (floor (random (count _vestArray)));
_headgear = _headgearArray select (floor (random (count _headgearArray)));
_goggles = _gogglesArray select (floor (random (count _gogglesArray)));
_backpack = _backpackArray select (floor (random (count _backpackArray)));
_FAK = _itemArray2 select (floor (random (count _itemArray2)));
_magazines = getArray (configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> _weapon >> "magazines"); //this will check what weapon was spawned and will select the correct magazine for it
_mag = _magazines select (floor (random (count _magazines))); //this will check what weapon was spawned and will select the correct magazine for it

//the below removes any gear the unit is wearing
removeAllWeapons player;
removeAllItems player;
removeAllAssignedItems player;
removeUniform player;
removeVest player;
removeBackpack player;
removeHeadgear player;
removeGoggles player;

// here the gear is added
player forceAddUniform _uniform; //adds the random uniform
for "_i" from 1 to 2 do {player addItemToUniform _mag;}; //adds the magazine that is matching the randomly spawned weapon into the players uniform (you could also add to vest/backpack (e.g. additemtovest), but only use that if a vest or backpack is spawned 100%.)
for "_i" from 1 to 1 do {player addItemToUniform _FAK;}; //adds an item, in this case, _FAK refers to the first aid kit that i want to spawn every time into the players uniform
player addWeapon _weapon; // adds the random weapon
for "_i" from 1 to 1 do {player addItemToUniform _item;}; // adds one random item to the uniform, in this case random ravage items
if(20>=random 100) then{ //20% chance to add a vest, change the first value to adjust rarity
player addVest _vest;}; //adds a vest
if(10>=random 100) then{
player addBackpack _backpack;};
if(30>=random 100) then{
player addHeadgear _headgear;};
if(30>=random 100) then{
player addGoggles _goggles;}


Edited by R0adki11
added code formatting
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On ‎2‎/‎26‎/‎2018 at 2:54 PM, Evil Organ said:


Dude, haleks has already answered both of those questions, just scroll to the top of this page for confirmation.  

sounds good Dude.

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5 hours ago, Kaido_Racer said:

Hi.How can i do this?

you will need to go into the Editor place down the Equipment Module once you do that double click it and you will see three sections below Common, Military and Rare you will need to place the class names of the weapons you want to be added into one of those three sections. This link will have most of the classnames you need https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgWeapons_Weapons

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2 minutes ago, Gill93 said:

you will need to go into the Editor place down the Equipment Module once you do that double click it and you will see three sections below Common, Military and Rare you will need to place the class names of the weapons you want to be added into one of those three sections. This link will have most of the classnames you need https://community.bistudio.com/wiki/Arma_3_CfgWeapons_Weapons


When you type in the classnames they should look like this ["srifle_EBR_F","LMG_Mk200_F","arifle_Katiba_F"]

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4 hours ago, Vandeanson said:

//create an .sqf

Hello there Vandeanson!


The feal of creation is always nice!

Just , is good to paste codes in the forum , by clicking on the <>  button




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I am happy to anounce that I have find two scopes on Tanoa for the first time ever. kahlia and I think the mrco one for closer ranges. If I now run into a heli Patrol I have seen everything.

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