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About Schrebers

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    Private First Class

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  1. Schrebers


    I am happy to anounce that I have find two scopes on Tanoa for the first time ever. kahlia and I think the mrco one for closer ranges. If I now run into a heli Patrol I have seen everything.
  2. Schrebers

    GF Crashsites Script

    hey thanks for your reply. I know nothing precise about syntax and never made something on my own except tweaking scripts slightly. But from my "stomach" =) i think that the weoponholder is creating these little errors. my clue would be, that the nvg uses the bino slot after picking up. so may be the weaponholder turns just some of the loot into another category, because it might still be attached to the loot? Coincidentaly i saw a tuto from killzonekid with a rotating weaponholder which was deleted afterwards ... i am just guessing. Even if I was right I can not proof it.
  3. Schrebers

    GF Crashsites Script

    hey eh thanks for that cool script ... really something that was lacking. Unfortunately I am having several small errors while I was testing the script with one player unit in VR. i copied everything into my testing mission folder except unsung lootable. i wanted to adjust the loottable to play it ravage&cba3. so these were the only active mods. After spawning some items lack inventory icons for reasons I dont understand. I checked your classnames and deleted the ones from exile. sometime with attachments like optics everythings looks perfect, they can be picked up normally, but they cannot be mounted. And nvg take the slot of the rangefinder when equipped. Small things like that. any ideas what I could be doing wrong?
  4. Thanks for the advice ... I will try to find out the things that you have mentioned.
  5. Schrebers


    Yes you are totally right thanks. I moved the request.
  6. I just opened the door to the scripting world and I feel that I am not capable atm to fully modify a script by dreaded entity. I looked through tons of BI pages and made a testing Environment ... but still can not get it right after hours of trying. There is the code I modified so far but the lower part is not working. Can someone please help? The helo should search for Player, turn hostile and attack. It kinda works in VR, but on a map they just hover on spot after completing the flyby. private ["_player","_flyoverChance","_shootdownChance","_minutes","_variation","_helicopters"]; _player = (_this select 0); _minutes = [_this, 1, 20, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _variation = [_this, 2, 0, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _flyoverChance = [_this, 3, 0.5, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _shootdownChance = [_this, 4, 0.3, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _helicopters = [["B_CTRG_Heli_Transport_01_tropic_F", 3],["B_Heli_Transport_03_F", 4],["B_Heli_Light_01_dynamicLoadout_F",2]]; while {true} do { sleep (((_minutes - _variation) + (random (_variation * 2))) * 60); if ((random 1) <= _flyoverChance) then { private["_direction","_position","_variation","_element","_obj"]; //systemChat "You rolled the dice and you won!"; _direction = random 360; _position = [getPos _player, ((random 50) + 550), _direction] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _variation = ((random 40) + 160); _element = _helicopters select (floor random (count _helicopters)); _obj = [_position,_direction - _variation,_element select 0,east] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; (_obj select 0) setVehicleAmmo 1; clearMagazineCargoGlobal (_obj select 0) ; clearWeaponCargoGlobal (_obj select 0); clearItemCargoGlobal (_obj select 0); clearBackpackCargoGlobal (_obj select 0); _position = [getPos (_obj select 0), 1200, direction (_obj select 0)] call BIS_fnc_relPos; (_obj select 2) move _position; ((waypoints (_obj select 0)) select 0) setWaypointCompletionRadius 200; if ((random 1) <= _shootDownChance) then { sleep ((random 10) + 10); //systemChat "Helicopter has taken critical damage!"; (_obj select 0) setDamage 1; waitUntil {speed (_obj select 0) == 0}; //hint "helicopter has stopped"; [_obj select 0, _element] execVM "DE_createLoot.sqf"; }else { waitUntil {moveToCompleted (_obj select 0)}; { //deleteVehicle _x; }forEach (crew (_obj select 0)); //deleteVehicle (_obj select 0); (crew (_obj select 0)) doMove getPosATL player; (_obj select 0) setCombatMode "RED"; }; }else { //systemChat "You rolled the dice and you lost!";
  7. Schrebers


    The wrong place maybe to post this. I just opened the door to the scripting world. and I feel that I am not capeable atm to modify a script by dreaded entity. I looked through tons of BI pages and made a testing environment... but still can not get it right after hours of trying. There is the code I modified so far but the lower part is not working. Can someone please help? The helo should search for player and attack. ///////////////////////////////////// // Function file for Armed Assault // // Created by: DreadedEntity // ///////////////////////////////////// private ["_player","_flyoverChance","_shootdownChance","_minutes","_variation","_helicopters"]; _player = (_this select 0); _minutes = [_this, 1, 20, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _variation = [_this, 2, 0, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _flyoverChance = [_this, 3, 0.5, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _shootdownChance = [_this, 4, 0.3, [0]] call BIS_fnc_param; _helicopters = [["B_CTRG_Heli_Transport_01_tropic_F", 3],["B_Heli_Transport_03_F", 4],["B_Heli_Light_01_dynamicLoadout_F",2]]; while {true} do { sleep (((_minutes - _variation) + (random (_variation * 2))) * 60); if ((random 1) <= _flyoverChance) then { private["_direction","_position","_variation","_element","_obj"]; //systemChat "You rolled the dice and you won!"; _direction = random 360; _position = [getPos _player, ((random 50) + 550), _direction] call BIS_fnc_relPos; _variation = ((random 40) + 160); _element = _helicopters select (floor random (count _helicopters)); _obj = [_position,_direction - _variation,_element select 0,east] call BIS_fnc_spawnVehicle; (_obj select 0) setVehicleAmmo 1; clearMagazineCargoGlobal (_obj select 0) ; clearWeaponCargoGlobal (_obj select 0); clearItemCargoGlobal (_obj select 0); clearBackpackCargoGlobal (_obj select 0); _position = [getPos (_obj select 0), 1200, direction (_obj select 0)] call BIS_fnc_relPos; (_obj select 2) move _position; ((waypoints (_obj select 0)) select 0) setWaypointCompletionRadius 200; if ((random 1) <= _shootDownChance) then { sleep ((random 10) + 10); //systemChat "Helicopter has taken critical damage!"; (_obj select 0) setDamage 1; waitUntil {speed (_obj select 0) == 0}; //hint "helicopter has stopped"; [_obj select 0, _element] execVM "DE_createLoot.sqf"; }else { waitUntil {moveToCompleted (_obj select 0)}; { //deleteVehicle _x; }forEach (crew (_obj select 0)); //deleteVehicle (_obj select 0); (crew (_obj select 0)) doMove getPosATL player; (_obj select 0) setCombatMode "RED"; }; }else { //systemChat "You rolled the dice and you lost!";
  8. Schrebers


    Ok too bad, I will unsubscribe and leave a hint at the steampage.
  9. Schrebers


    looked for high explosive shot gun Mods and found this one: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=1181668412 UTS-15 Tactical Shotgun Going to test it now =)
  10. Schrebers


    Ravagers ... can anyone recommend a "stand alone" mod or proceedure to tweak a shotgun to shoot high explosive rounds? Well any default gun would do it too of course, but I think a shotgun would be cool.
  11. Schrebers


    ok this is just for fun ... why not add two more different classes while the existing ones represent the average zombie guy and another group that is super bad ass: one shot ninja perks and such ... and may be another group that only attacks when you are a bad guy ... like him here ->
  12. Schrebers


    Well I die pretty often by zombies when I am in the open field (they wiggle a lot their head ... when they are next to you it kind feels that my barrel clips through them when I empty my mag on them)... it is like bad luck atm and based on environmental factors ... if it was more of a routine idk. May be it would be interesting to connect more aggressive behaviour to conditions, so that players can calculate the risks.
  13. Schrebers

    ASR AI 3

    Hey thumbs up for bringing this game forward with mods like this! I was wondering if it would be possible to make an AI module that would fit for zombie survival or any other survival scenarios? Basically an every shot counts mode. It would greatly improve the immersion of survival gaming if AI recruits would: - choose head shots in cqc e.g. against zombie AI - go for very short bursts or single if they are mounted on off-roaders they run through too quickly - may be and not necessarily that they don't shoot into obstacles that are in the line of fire ... maybe only when you tell them to use suppressive fire
  14. Schrebers


    Hm yeah ... I guess you are totally right. It just came up my mind posting here, because Arma 3 is big, but the zombie survival niche is no too well covered as far as I know. I try to post where AI mod makers have their stuff than.
  15. Schrebers


    Sorry for crypto Spelling this iPad Spelling Tool Break My b*lls