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@airtonix : Will do. It only concerns file names & references right?


Yep, there are of course other methods for dealing with this, but they reduce performance. I've been able to get around this locally with my brother by making him use the files I modified and use on my server.


I applaud your decision to develop code in isolation allowing map authors to compose scenarios easily.


Hopefully we can get to a point where vehicles and placed items are saved in MP.

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   Hey Jim, your missions really are amazing, but I feel that they lack something. I played your SP Esseker mission and had a blast running around and trying to survive, but once I got the map and made it to the friendly camp, I saw the arsenal box....that really killed it, its too tempting when given the ability, and after I geared up, I took on the raider camp....I killed all but one (I think the zombies ate him after I left...) and flew off in the LB (LB is short for Little bird, for you who do not know, and if anyone has any questions about this, I played way too much Arma 2 Origins....still miss my LB) after I took the LB, I wiped out the Bosniaks camp, in a few strafing runs of rockets and mini gun fire. I feel that it was made way too easy by including the Arsenal, my personal opinion because I know I could have passed it up and went without it.

   Now, on to the heavily irradiated Russian wilderness...it was by far, the most unique. I felt like I was under a constant threat of radiation because of the description, after clearing out a small town, I managed to secure a UAZ with all 4 wheels, I then followed the roads (I still do not have a map at this point, so i'm just blindly following the roads) when I came to the end of the map, I heard a faint gunshot over the roar of the engine, and I pulled it behind a house (the only house there....) and looked over to see a military camp. I looked at it and saw raiders in it, so I took and saved and made my way in (dying several times along the way) until I took the camp, upon securing a map from a body, I found that I had taken down the entire raider camp with just the beginning AK, I was thrilled, I began looting the camp. After awhile, I looked towards the bleak end of the map, and saw an AI running towards the base, around the same time, I heard a helicopter, I took cover, and watched. The helicopter came down, wrecked that poor renegade, and circled the camp. I made my way over to the weapons box, and with my Arma 2 training, I grabbed a PKM, and proceed to fight this helicopter, lets just say, that aim bot is OP, I tried again and managed to not get the helicopter this time, I looted what I wanted, and drove to the question mark on the map, and I loved the idea of a hidden bunker (or a castle in the rocks in this case) but after finding that, I sorta felt that I did all there was to do.


*edit* If anyone has an idea on how to do this, please go ahead and answer this, I would greatly appreciate it, by the way, wonderful mod Haleks, I feel that this is better than the other zombie survival mods for Arma 3, and to the rest of you, enjoy this mod, and may you get your Geiger counters and maps off of the next few unlucky AI to cross your paths. 


*edit 2* I am figuring it out already, no need to answer the question on animations, found what I needed and am working with it, Please make more DayZ maps Jim, and Haleks, keep up the good work! Get this mod some more options and content, and it will easily surpass the rest of the mods.

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Now, my only question is, how do you get it so you start in different places? I never found out how to do this...

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You seem to be missing the point, it's not just about spawn, loot buildings, killing zombies & ai, it's about survival. Can you survive the night, can you survive one night, two nights, three nights and so on. If it's boring you're in the wrong thread. 


Personally i love it, as each update comes flying out of Haleks's whatever it get's more and more addictive. Just ended another mission by having to throw in the towel as night fell and I was in a military complex, wiped out the baddies with some really cool firefights, but because it was pitch black and had no means of light, no sleeping bag etc and a bad guy outside the complex and probably zombies, that was it. I Facking loved it. Certainly not boring, each to their own i guess.


So Haleks, really loving how this is progressing. I haven't been playing ArmA3 lately but jeez, RAVAGE has got me hooked. 10/10 ;)  

I love the survival and everything about it. But I get bored easily, I want something extra, I have had a few fun fired fights, like spawning in and getting only a pistol with 2 clips total. and killing 3 bandits with that, then managing to take a bandits gun to kill the last 2. That was amazingly fun, but it doesnt happen that often. Most of the time its wondering around the same map over and over again. Wondering how I am gonna get rid of radiation exposure. Never finding a dam anti-rad, then doing it all over again. All in the same playthrough. The one thing I loved about Dayz Mod, was the missions. Solo or not. It was still amazingly fun, and I loved every second of it. Thats why I asked.

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I understand this this is not a help thread for making missions, but you all seem to be so wise in the murky waters I happen to be treading through. I have completed the animations, I have gotten the random spawns, I am now just at the problem of getting the wrecks to follow the player, I am unsure if its possible, but it seems to be done in each mission I start, including Haleks original Altis mission, where you would spawn in the back of the Zamak every time, or when you spawn in one of Jims missions, how the specific wreck and the body follows the player to each spawn, Youtube and the internet sends me chasing false leads, so I found that this is a more reliable source.

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Who is Jim, and what missions does he make? I would like to check them out.


Jimmakos. He posts on here.

These are the missions he has on the Steam workshop:




I made a video showing his Esseker mission:

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Thank you Fox, download link added to the OP!

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Hello, what a great mod.


Still I would have few things I'd like to point out:


1) Please, don't make Zs triggered by buildings.

2) There are many tires lying next to car wrecks. Would be cool if we could pick them up. 

3) More zombies around / firefight with rebels = TENSE music right?

4) Instead of spawning right into a car wreck, why not to start normally and after some time everything goes wrong and all that stuff u know. (Actually I really like the APEX version, gj.)

5) Please add standing animation for Zs if possible.

6) Maybe change your zombies for Ryan's Zombies..


Thank you!

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I'm no scripting guru but after playing through a long night with no sleeping bag, tent and only a torch and rifle it got me thinking while i was plodding through the dark trying to find a bloody sleeping bag. I did find one eventually about 2am in the morning. :D


Anyway back to my idea/request. Is there any chance of a certain % chance of losing gear when you're asleep. I just think once you go to sleep there's no risk involved as opposed to the risks that are there when you're awake. I just think it would add a little spice to the risk of falling asleep. And maybe if you have a vehicle a % chance of having that stolen with your gear in it.  That's if you have it in the vehicle, unless you've taken the wheels off.......lol. After all there are raiders so why not have them steal your stuff.


And another idea, option of stashing gear to reduce the % chance of having gear/loot stolen.


Just a few thoughts.


Loving how this has progressed haleks, it really is addictive! ;)

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I think there's enough people struggling finding gear as it is. Imagine what this thread would become if people were to be forced to lose it. :(


I will say that it may be cool for something to happen during the night. Maybe you get woken up to the door opening or something.

#Toocreepy4me though!

But yeah, not a bad idea. I just can't say I like the idea of just losing something thanks to a dice roll. But maybe something more organic could work.

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Yeah i just think it's one part of the game that has no risk involved. The harder the better for me lol. Maybe a module or something or whatever haleks could do to make it optional.


If you find a tent, sleeping bag etc it's just too easy to skip the night without the risks of the day. ;)


It doesn't have to be losing gear but some sort of risk or penalty. :D


Maybe if you sleep without a fire you lose some health throughout the night due to it being a cold damp night, just throwing ideas out there lol :D

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Well you could do a screen blackout.

With a random chance for..

-you awake rested and refreshed. Morning dawns etc

-you awake in the night to a noise in the woods.. random bandit zombie encounter

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Well haleks is the guy we should all thanks, without his hard work i wouldn't be available to achieve a thing, how much to get passionate and start "modding" on my own, on a new engine that i never had any kind of experience before.


If you want to get the wrecks and the dead units to "follow" the player, you basically have to add these codes after your random spawn points as FireWalker suggested previously.

So if you want just the wrecked flaming car as the one you see on my missions start (used to be the default ravage spawn scene in older versions) use this code:

private "_unit";
_markers = ["spawn1", "spawn2", "spawn3", "spawn4", "spawn5", "spawn6", "spawn7", "spawn8"];
_p = _markers call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_list = (getMarkerPos _p) nearRoads 50;
_road = _list call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_pos = getposATL _road;

_nextRoad = (_road nearRoads 50) select 0;

[player] call RVG_fnc_AddGear;
[player] call RVG_fnc_AddLoot;
//player addWeapon "rhsusf_weap_m1911a1";
//player setFace "WhiteHead_20";
//player setSpeaker "Male01GRE";
(vehicle player) setpos [_pos select 0, _pos select 1, 0];
_posV = [_pos, 5, 5, 1, 0, 35, 0] call BIS_fnc_findSafePos;

if (isNil "_posV") then {
	_posV = getPosATL (((getposASL player) nearRoads 10) select 1);

_vehicle = createVehicle ["Land_Wreck_Car2_F", _posV, [], 0, "NONE"];
_vehicle setDir (direction player - 187);
_vehicle setVectorUP (surfaceNormal [(getPosATL _vehicle) select 0, (getPosATL _vehicle) select 1]);
[getPosATL _vehicle,"FIRE_BIG"] spawn RVG_fnc_createFireEffect;
_soundSource = createSoundSource ["Sound_Fire", _posV, [], 0];
_unit = createVehicle ["Survivor_blue_1", _posV, [], 1, "FORM"];
uiSleep 1;
[_unit] call RVG_fnc_AddGear;
removeBackpack _unit;
removeVest _unit;
_unit addVest (selectRandom rvg_vests);
//[_unit] call RVG_fnc_AddWeapon;
if !(rvg_weapons isEqualTo []) then {
	_weapon = [_unit, rvg_weapons select (((floor random [(((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*1.25)*-1,((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*0.5,((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*1.5]) max 0) min ((count rvg_weapons) - 1)), 2] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
} else {
	_weapon = [_unit, rvg_weaponsA3 select (((floor random [(((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*1.25)*-1,((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*0.5,((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*1.5]) max 0) min ((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)), 2] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
[_unit] call RVG_fnc_AddLoot;
//_unit addmagazines ["Chemlight_blue", 1];
_unit setdamage 1;

if (!isNil "_soundSource") then {
	WaitUntil {player distance _soundSource > 1000};
	deleteVehicle _soundSource;

Now if you want to spawn with the wrecked zamak and the dead prisoner units (just like the official Ravage Altis mission) use this code:

private "_unit";
_markers = ["spawn1", "spawn2", "spawn3", "spawn4", "spawn5"];
_p = _markers call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_list = (getMarkerPos _p) nearRoads 1000;
_road = _list call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
_pos = getposATL _road;

_nextRoad = (_road nearRoads 50) select 0;

_veh = createVehicle ["I_Truck_02_covered_F", _pos, [], 0, "FORM"];
_veh setDir (([_veh, _nextRoad] call BIS_fnc_relativeDirTo) + (random 20 - random 20));
_veh setVectorUP (surfaceNormal [(getPosATL _veh) select 0, (getPosATL _veh) select 1]);
[_veh, true] execVM "\ravage\code\scripts\system\veh_init.sqf";
sleep 0.5;
_dummyGrp = createGroup West;
_driver = _dummyGrp createUnit ["Survivor_blue_1", _pos, [], 0, "FORM"];
[_driver] call RVG_fnc_AddGear;
removeBackpack _driver;
removeVest _driver;
_driver addVest (selectRandom rvg_vests);
//[_driver] call RVG_fnc_AddWeapon;
if !(rvg_weapons isEqualTo []) then {
	_weapon = [_driver, rvg_weapons select (((floor random [(((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*1.25)*-1,((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*0.5,((count rvg_weapons) - 1)*1.5]) max 0) min ((count rvg_weapons) - 1)), 2] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
} else {
	_weapon = [_driver, rvg_weaponsA3 select (((floor random [(((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*1.25)*-1,((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*0.5,((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)*1.5]) max 0) min ((count rvg_weaponsA3) - 1)), 2] call BIS_fnc_addWeapon;
[_driver] call RVG_fnc_AddLoot;
_driver moveindriver _veh;
_driver action ["Eject", vehicle _driver];
sleep 0.2;
_driver setdamage 1;

_prisonUniform = "U_C_WorkerCoveralls";
if (isClass(configFile >> "CfgWeapons" >> "U_Captive_A")) then {
	_prisonUniform = "U_Captive_A";
for "_i" from 2 to 5 do {
	_unit = _dummyGrp createUnit ["Survivor_blue_1", _pos, [], 0, "FORM"];
	_unit forceAddUniform _prisonUniform;
	removeGoggles _unit;
	_unit moveincargo [_veh, _i];
	_unit setDamage 1;
player forceAddUniform _prisonUniform;
player moveincargo [_veh, 6];
for "_i" from 7 to 9 do {
	_unit = _dummyGrp createUnit ["Survivor_blue_1", _pos, [], 0, "FORM"];
	_unit forceAddUniform _prisonUniform;
	removeGoggles _unit;
	_unit moveincargo [_veh, _i];
	_unit setDamage 1;
deleteGroup _dummyGrp;

_posWreck = _veh modelToWorld [0, 7, 0];
_wreck = createVehicle ["Land_Wreck_Car2_F", [_posWreck select 0, _posWreck select 1, 0], [], 0, "FORM"];
_wreck setVectorUP (surfaceNormal [(getPosATL _wreck) select 0, (getPosATL _wreck) select 1]);
[getPosATL _wreck,"FIRE_BIG"] spawn RVG_fnc_createFireEffect;
_soundSource = createSoundSource ["Sound_Fire", getPosATL _wreck, [], 0];

if (!isNil "_soundSource") then {
	WaitUntil {player distance _soundSource > 1000};
	deleteVehicle _soundSource;


Change the spawn points ( _markers = [ "spawn1", "spawn2"...]; ) to the one of your liking and make sure they much (by names) with the empty markers you placed inside your mission in the editor.

If you are planning on doing this on smaller terrains than Altis with fewer roads i would suggest you put the "_list = (getMarkerPos _p) nearRoads 1000;" on something smaller like 25,50,100 so you can always spawn with the wrecked vehicles by a road.



Could you possible add the option to cook meat on the dynamic created campfires within your spawn bandit camp function to the next update?
Basically i did this on my own by adding this:
_cook = _firePlace addAction ["Cook Meat", "\ravage\actions\cook.sqf",[], 1, false, true, "", "vehicle _this == _this && {_x in rvg_rawmeat} count magazines _this > 0"];

 just below your createVehicle ["Campfire_burning_F"..] to the fn_spawnBanditCamp.sqf and called it from a simple trigger as null = [thistrigger] execVM "fn_spawnBanditCamp.sqf" just for testing reasons,it worked but i was missing the cooking meat sounds, so i don't know if this was an efficient way.



hope you all enjoyed my huge text wall !

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Hello, what a great mod.


Still I would have few things I'd like to point out:


1) Please, don't make Zs triggered by buildings.

2) There are many tires lying next to car wrecks. Would be cool if we could pick them up. 

3) More zombies around / firefight with rebels = TENSE music right?

4) Instead of spawning right into a car wreck, why not to start normally and after some time everything goes wrong and all that stuff u know. (Actually I really like the APEX version, gj.)

5) Please add standing animation for Zs if possible.

6) Maybe change your zombies for Ryan's Zombies..


Thank you!

most of thet can be configed yourself in the editor using the module tools in the mod like its ment to be used, the thing you are playing is just a demo of what can be done with the tools!


And as for Ryan's Zombies god no, they suck and in the arma community ravage mod it known for having better Zedz than that awful Ryan's Zombies mod

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most of thet can be configed yourself in the editor using the module tools in the mod like its ment to be used, the thing you are playing is just a demo of what can be done with the tools!


And as for Ryan's Zombies god no, they suck and in the arma community ravage mod it known for having better Zedz than that awful Ryan's Zombies mod


Ravage zombies are already hardly a threat to the AI bandit squads, so it's hard to imagine them being difficult for even larger groups of soldiers and vehicles. Ryan's mod is adaptable to a lot more - players can have their WWZ-esque combined arms battles, survival scenarios, and anything else they may want to try. It's a sandbox mod. Ravage zombies, on the other hand, are tailored to Ravage. They're great for Ravage, but less optimal for alternative scenarios (i.e. anything not based on survival)


Haleks has no reason to switch. But still, ryandombrowsky has put a lot of work into his mod and the vast majority of ArmA players seem to like it. The badmouthing is completely unnecessary.


Sorry for the derail.

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most of thet can be configed yourself in the editor using the module tools in the mod like its ment to be used, the thing you are playing is just a demo of what can be done with the tools!


And as for Ryan's Zombies god no, they suck and in the arma community ravage mod it known for having better Zedz than that awful Ryan's Zombies mod


Uhm ? no?

2) Tires cannot be made pickupable in modules.

3) You cannot affect when is certain music being played

4) Ofcourse you won't spawn exactly as in a demo mission if you make your own but it has nothing to do with modules, right?


So, what did u mean by saying I can modify this things via modules?

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Haleks did you check radiation mechanics? I found full protection suit, oxygen rebreather, and M40 mask, and yet the radiation accumulation is going up rather fast. With all that I couldnt even check the military compound with those big domes near airfield. Got 100% rad exposure half way through looting. I dont know, IMO radiation as it is now, even with these protection items (if they work that is, but it seems that they're only useless weight) is rather negative factor on gameplay. Anti rad pills are scarce IMO as well. Maybe this could be remedied by placing a fixed trader with anti-rad pills? Just a thought.

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Thanks Jim! I plan on inserting a different start up though, not the flaming car, but I see how the codes work, so if I place a ruined hunter and the flaming car, I can get that original wake up scene I had tried to originally set up, I have done everything else except the entire spawn set up because I was waiting on your response, so I have accomplished quite a bit, I just feel that the hordes are a bit, well, dumb, they do not target my character very well, I tested it using NATO troops, and nothing so far, they react to the noise, but I generally have to physically run up to them just to get them to attack, a few will manage to get to me, the rest will just turn around and walk about. I set the map as Sahrani, I wanted to try something that was gonna have scarce loot, due to the lack of buildings that you can enter, I have done various camps for raiders and Opfor (Russian insurgents, dunno why, just so many AK's with the RHS mods) and a few survivor camps. I also went ahead and found a nice video that showed me how to make a execution, like a bunch of prisoners being lined up and shot, so I have those placed around. I have even included a few "mystery" spots, just little things with some added bonuses, like some gear, or a little thing to just improve some game play (like a full diving set up, excluding goggles) and what not. I have an excellent plan for my map, its generally for RP though, which suits a few people, but I have made some of the better "mystery" spots a bit hard to find, lets just say, it blends with the map, but thank you oh so very much Jim! I could not have gotten this done without you, I am really new to the entire thing of the Eden editor and coding and what not, I started like 4-5 weeks ago when I tried to make a mission for the IFA3 mod (4 artillery guns vs a horde of infantry and like 6 tanks, I am surprised the tanks lived through all that) relatively simple mission, but it only suffices to say, I am new to the entire thing, I hardly know anything compared to quite a few people. I have wasted enough of all your guys time, Thanks once more Jim, may you not get swarmed and irradiated in your own wastelands, same to you all, do not get irradiated in Jims wastelands, they tend to be a bit harsh.  :)


*edit* imma hope and pray I am doing this right for the mission...I made a Initplayerlocal.sqf file in the mission directory, I am hoping that this will suffice, and that I am actually doing this correctly, as it is my first time really dealing with any kind of coding and scripting (It really is scaring me, I am really afraid that I will screw the entire mission up)


*edit2* Oh my lord...I have done it...THANK YOU HALEKS AND JIMMAKOS! I am actually quite happy now, I have accomplished something I did not think would be possible, thank you all very much (THANK YOU TOO FIREWALKER!)

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I'll set up a new radiation test mission and check it out.


Thanks for the suggestions and reports guys; don't really have time to answer right now, but I read and consider them all!


@BattleChief : Regarding Hordes behaviour, could you change their Behaviour setting in the module (switch Horde Behaviour OFF if it's ON) and tell me if you see any improvements?

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Will do Haleks, I will do that, Thanks for everything you have done, I almost lost hope for Arma 3, then I saw Ravage.

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