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Thread is moving fast today.....test mission results on page 51......

Looks like I can't open your images, my browser gives an error. :/

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To expand on that, I think this neat little function by Larrow would be pretty usefull : https://forums.bistudio.com/topic/184456-looting-trash-piles-bins/#entry2908827

Haleks, Slight issue with that. I've tried it, as I mentioned a few pages back, but it can be spammed and has no chance of failure. I was hoping that I could get a failure chance of like 75% and can only be activated every 5 seconds with you doing an animation during that time.

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Looks like I can't open your images, my browser gives an error. :/


My bad.......Rad exposure 4......after taking rad pills.....Rad exposure 0

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Haleks, Slight issue with that. I've tried it, as I mentioned a few pages back, but it can be spammed and has no chance of failure. I was hoping that I could get a failure chance of like 75% and can only be activated every 5 seconds with you doing an animation during that time.

I took the liberty to modify it - anti-spam + random failure (untested) :

LARs_lootClasses = [ "Land_GarbagePallet_F", "Land_ToiletBox_F", "Land_CratesShabby_F", "Land_CratesWooden_F", "Land_BarrelSand_F", "Land_GarbageBags_F", "Land_Sacks_goods_F", "Land_CratesPlastic_F", "Land_Basket_F", "Land_BC_Basket_F", "Land_JunkPile_F", "Land_Sack_F", "Land_MetalBarrel_empty_F", "Land_Sacks_heap_F" ];
LARs_lootModels = [ "garbagepallet_f.p3d", "toiletbox_f.p3d", "cratesshabby_f.p3d", "crateswooden_f.p3d", "barrelsand_f.p3d", "garbagebags_f.p3d", "sacks_goods_f.p3d", "cratesplastic_f.p3d", "basket_f.p3d", "junkpile_f.p3d", "sack_f.p3d", "metalbarrel_empty_f.p3d", "sacks_heap_f.p3d" ];
LARs_loot = ["FirstAidKit","30Rnd_65x39_caseless_mag","Chemlight_green","16Rnd_9x21_Mag","SmokeShell","SmokeShellGreen","Chemlight_green","HandGrenade","B_AssaultPack_blk","arifle_MX_ACO_pointer_F","hgun_P07_F"];

player setVariable [ "LARs_searchObjectID", player addAction [ "Search #", {
		nul = [] spawn {
			player playAction "Crouch";
			_wh = createVehicle [ "GroundWeaponHolder", getPosATL player, [], 0, "CAN_COLLIDE" ];
			if (random 100 > 75) then {
				for "_i" from 0 to floor( random 5 ) do {
					_item = LARs_loot call BIS_fnc_selectRandom;
					_itemType = _item call BIS_fnc_itemType;
					switch ( _itemType select 0 ) do {
						case "Equipment" : {
							if ( _itemType select 2 isEqualTo "Backpack" ) then {
								_wh addBackpackCargoGlobal [ _item, 1 ];
								_wh addItemCargoGlobal [ _item, 1 ];
						case "Item" : {
							_wh addItemCargoGlobal [ _item, 1 ];
						case "Weapon" : {
							_wh addWeaponCargoGlobal [ _item, 1 ];
						case "Magazine" : {
							_wh addMagazineCargoGlobal [ _item, 1 ];
			player action [ "Gear", _wh ];
			waitUntil{ count ( getPosATL _wh nearEntities [ "MAN", 15 ] ) isEqualTo 0 };
			deleteVehicle _wh;
		if !( isnil 'LARs_searchObject' ) then {
			player setUserActionText [ player getvariable 'LARs_searchObjectID', format [ 'Search %1', LARs_searchObject] ];
] ];

EH = addMissionEventHandler ["Draw3D",{
	_objs = lineIntersectsObjs [ATLToASL positionCameraToWorld [0,0,0], ATLToASL positionCameraToWorld[0,0,4], player, objNull, true, 32];
	if ( count _objs > 0 ) then {
		_obj = _objs select (( count _objs ) -1 );
		if ( !( typeOf _obj isEqualTo "" ) && { typeOf _obj in LARs_lootClasses  && isNil {_obj getVariable "_processed"}} ) then {
			LARs_searchObject = getText( configFile >> "CfgVehicles" >> typeOf _obj >> "displayname" );
			_obj setVariable ["_processed", true];
			_obj = (( str _obj splitString " " ) select 1);
			if ( _obj in LARs_lootModels ) then {
				LARs_searchObject = _obj select [ 0, ( count _obj ) - 6 ];
				_obj setVariable ["_processed", true];
		LARs_searchObject = nil;

My bad.......Rad exposure 4......after taking rad pills.....Rad exposure 0

Thanks! Did you use the default running speed of the slow jogging?

I'm under the impression that the framerate might have an influence on the timers... Shouldn't be too hard to resolve if that's the case.

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Default walking pace......that could account for Rad exposure 4

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I took the liberty to modify it - anti-spam + random failure (untested) 


Thanks a lot Haleks. Also, Empty VR is known for giving you the best framerate. If it's framerate related, that would possibly explain it.

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All right, that's a consistent result then - although if we want to test FPS & timers, the best place would be Kavala...

I will probably run a few ones myself tonight.


EDIT : ninjad! ^^

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"The best place would be Kavala..."



Test it on Kavala you say? Give me a few seconds.

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Nice, thanks man!

I will run a test on it in a few!

I will probably place 200 or 300 zombies, to make sure to kill the framerate & see what happens...

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I think I understood the matter...... :unsure:


my trigger zone is 200x200 m circle....
and  set to execute....rad_kavala.sqf... not the rad_init.sqf...... :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:  :ph34r:


mistake is mine......

I haven't had the time to try your mission test, Haleks, but I think I don't need to... results will be ones you gave.....

sorry for the matter.....

I have to change the properties of my triggers and forget about the rad_kavala.sqf........ :wacko:

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No worries mate, it's the occasion to make sure the rad. timers are reliable enough. ;)

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For what it's worth.....


Copy/paste the rad test template from VR map to centre of Kavala produced a strange result.....

Even after exiting the rad trigger zone I continued to be exposed to radiation, replicated 3 times..... :headscratch:  

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Oh I'm silly!

The rad module is ON, so Kavala is irradiated...

Note that turning the rad setting OFF currently throws an error with manually placed triggers (will be fixed), but the rad exposure function should work still.


@rsoftokz : rad_kavala.sqf isn't used anymore, so it should be safe to delete it. ;)

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Hi there.


Ok so i read and read and read, and still having trouble understanding Radiation.


If what i read, i am understanding, the following is true?:

1. Radiation above 30% will start to decrease health?

2. Radiation will only decrease with pills?

3. No way to detect Radiation zones without detector?


I know documentation is pending, but if we had a FAQ on the main post about this major features, it would be a big help!  Keep up the great work

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Hi there.


Ok so i read and read and read, and still having trouble understanding Radiation.


If what i read, i am understanding, the following is true?:

1. Radiation above 30% will start to decrease health?

2. Radiation will only decrease with pills?

3. No way to detect Radiation zones without detector?


I know documentation is pending, but if we had a FAQ on the main post about this major features, it would be a big help!  Keep up the great work

You got it all right! ;)

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Hey Haleks, just want to report that your search script works. However, Esseker? Horrible map for Ravage IMO. Gonna have to do a quick and dirty to Chernarus or Helvantis(assuming Helvantis is supported). Though, in all honesty, it may be better to stick with maps with only ArmA 3 buildings. Anyone know a dense forest map that fits that? Oh, and not Bornholm. AFAIK, it's mostly unenterable A2 buildings.


Edit at 1535: I'm downloading Bornholm. Going to give it a shot. 

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i remember the STALKER series when drinking vodka lowered radiation poisoning..and was thinking maybe
the use of Alcohol drinks for a low grade radiation reduction (and chance to
include an array of *MyFavorite Whiskeys/wines...but after a quick research i found alcohol INCREASES
radiation damage :/

This thread going totally scientific..(or some guys struggling to keep us sober)

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I've been playing this mod almost exclusively on Bornholm and have been pretty satisfied with the results. Probably about 50% of the building types spawn loot. I had bumped Haleks loot spawn module up to 35% across the board, but it was just too much. 25% isnt bad, 15-20% range will probably begin to introduce difficult results.

Beware of farm fields with hay bails... especially at night. When you cant see...

I've had a fair results on Helvantis and Thirsk Winter also. More so if I run a script producing snow fall.

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Hey, Play with Six guy. Your web page shows the description for 0.1.3, even though the download is

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Ah thanks for noticing Kodabar; for some reason all pages from Pw6 fail to load on my browser most of the time, so I can't check the mod page as often as I'd like...

I just managed to load it this time, and it looks like the changelog won't show either.

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Great Mod, lots of potential, seems to create a lot of objects.  How are they managed for FPS?

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Great Mod, lots of potential, seems to create a lot of objects.  How are they managed for FPS?


All AI & objects are spawned around the player as he moves, and then deleted once they are too far to be of any use.

The only exception are vehicles wich aren't de-spawned at all (I guess I should write a caching system for them...).

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