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Community Upgrade Project - CUP

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5 hours ago, Alwarren said:


Please make a ticket on the tracker, I'll check it out



I've been doing my testing on the dev branch lately, for me at least laser guided missiles work, with the caveat mentioned above that AI is not able to lase their own targets, but there is really nothing to do about it.If you want single player I would use the 114L exclusively. BIS have to fix the AI gunners with laser guided munitions.




You might make a ticket for that, but it would be very low priority I'm afraid...




Ok, tickets created.  Thanks for the reply


Also created a ticket to adjust the AH-64D speed.  In level flight with minimal cyclic input, you can get it to go over 350 km/h.  In a dive...forget it, upwards of 500.  If the top end speed could be adjusted to maybe 200-220, that would be great.

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Is there a module (or any way) to sync the ULB with the Apache to use it as a drone like in A2OA?  I can't seem to find the module.  Or is that not a feature that has been done yet?

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8 hours ago, islesfan186 said:

Is there a module (or any way) to sync the ULB with the Apache to use it as a drone like in A2OA?  I can't seem to find the module.  Or is that not a feature that has been done yet?

The ULB is a normal Arma 3 UAV, with all possibilities and restrictions of that class of vehicles. If the pilot or gunner of the Apache has a UAV terminal, they can use it

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7 hours ago, Varanon said:

The ULB is a normal Arma 3 UAV, with all possibilities and restrictions of that class of vehicles. If the pilot or gunner of the Apache has a UAV terminal, they can use it


Ah, yeah my bad, I had selected the MELB as opposed to the AH-6X in the editor.  That's why I couldn't connect.  Whoops.  Thanks for the help

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I have searched the thread on this and I'm not finding anything...


Why are M1A1's so off on color? Is there a an alternate texture to match up with other desert vehicles?



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that doesnt look like our abrams, you sure you didnt use something from another mod?

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Here is CUP only....


My mod list, and nothing else.





How it looks in game (3Den or in game, same thing)



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May I be a PITA and ask for a screen cap from somebody else's rig?  Just drop a desert M1A1 and any other desert vehicle side by side.


Off topic... but what is everyone's preferred phot drop site?  Photobucket is horrid. I need something new.

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The colors seem to differ for me as well, gonna ask around.

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I was starting to worry that this was going to turn into a black/blue or white/gold dress issue....

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I've found some bugs,although most of the AI choppers can't target with their AT missiles  because of BI mess I also found some other things. I made a playlist with all the vids while testing and a small description of the bugs. Stable branch,CBA and only latest CUP 1.9.1 versions used,no other mods.

The tested vehicle always had AI at max while the target was forced not to fire.



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So, I just checked and I'm having the same color tone issue as @lawndartleo -




Using Steam version, V1.91


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Seems okay my end. Ah I'm running version 1.8, and non steam version at that. Will need to update and check

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Thank you for checking, after some poking around textures look that dark by design, they were changed sometime in march (although they're probably too dark now).

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5 minutes ago, Chairborne said:

Thank you for checking, after some poking around textures look that dark by design, they were changed sometime in march (although they're probably too dark now).

Yeah, I checked the pbo through pbo manager and the desert textures are quite light, not like the coyote tan look that's going on there

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insert something witty here


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The guy from left BMP needs to trademark and patent his prototype gun shield.

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Nice to see they are getting some love. 

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for when a drive-by assassination is not considered enough by the NTA

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So dark by design but maybe a bit too much.... does that mean it might get tweaked? How do we request tweaks? Heck I'll volunteer to learn how to do tweaks and tweak it.

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On 20.7.2017 at 4:58 AM, krycek said:

I've found some bugs,although most of the AI choppers can't target with their AT missiles  because of BI mess I also found some other things. I made a playlist with all the vids while testing and a small description of the bugs. Stable branch,CBA and only latest CUP 1.9.1 versions used,no other mods.

The tested vehicle always had AI at max while the target was forced not to fire.



I got similar problems with the AI in vehicles. Convoys break up randomly or just don't start at all. It doesn't seem to be a CUP issue because the same happens to me on vanilla vehicles and maps. Oh BIS...

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Good afternoon, all.


My community is struggling at this moment in time to get the CUP static line parachutes to work.


Any ideas?


It's set up properly because we have used it in the past. Attribute is ticked. We have tried with parachutes, without parachutes, different aircraft etc. 

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