St. Jimmy 272 Posted September 4, 2014 (edited) But It also depends much on other features like action menu overhaul. So I answer maybe. /I talked about Arma only. I buy other games if I like them. Edited September 4, 2014 by St. Jimmy Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AlexeiGuba 12 Posted September 4, 2014 TeilX pretty much said it all. No. Not another ArmA or any other of there "experiements". ArmA - rushed and pushed out quickly to avoid bankruptcy. Full of bugs which were never fixed completely. Hell, there was even stuff broken that worked in OFP. And I don't even speak about the campaign. ArmA Queens Gambit - A quickly slapped together expansion to make some quick cash. The community could have this done quicker, and in a way better quality ArmA2 - Compared to A1 a pretty good product but still had a lot of problems. ArmA2 OA - Maybe the best they ever produced, but of course with the new features introduced even more bugs were coming. Unfortunately they started already this future crap with everyone running around with SCARs. ArmA2 Expansions - Started pretty good with BAF, then gone downhill quickly with the worst CZ expansion - again quickly slapped together and bug ridden. ArmA3 - LOL, just LOL. Another bug ridden product. Probably pushed out quickly again to avoid another bankruptcy. Looks good but that's maybe all. 1 and half year later there are still massive problems everywhere. Take on Helicopters - Could have been a nice game if done right. But instead it was just another fancy idea and experiement which was abandoned after a quick DLC release. Carrier Command - Big Marketing blah blah, and then only bugs, bugs and even more bugs. Plus promises which were never kept. Abandoned too, of course. DayZ Standalone - Still not finished. And probably never will. Why they should? The fanbois bought the pre-alpha already, so why finishing something that has been paid long time already. So no, after all these disappointments, crap releases and bugs carrying over from 13 years ago: I'm no more buying a single BI game. Not even if I can get for 50%. Maybe if there's a new management which will focus on one product and make it right instead running 10 different projects at once and nothing is done right. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Gunter Severloh 4081 Posted September 4, 2014 (edited) bugs ? i do not care about bugs , since only in Arma (i still stick to 2) you can have your own desired content (mods, addons) and you have mission editor,bad optimalisation ? but maps in Arma are dozens times bigger than "corridor-like" maps in other games, Arma has big environment so it cannot have performance of corridor-like map 100 m*1 km mission editor + many addons = forget any bugs Bohemia has no competition in OPEN environment other games are CLOSED ("buy DLC, buy new game") even if they have half-working modding , creating content to other games is pain in the neck, most of mods in other games are "we play on default map in multiplayer but with new rifle model" or you need team of skilled coders to make things, available in Arma for not so advanced modder in how many games there is mission editor ? how many developers release tools ? how many games have realistic ballistic ? You always know how to word things Vilas, I agree with what you said here. Been in this since OFP demo and during OFP times when it was the only game was like Christmas everyday, like armaholic is to me now. Some people have certain tastes or standards that fit their idea of a good game, others are in between, where others are put off by something small, Arma isn't for everyone. I say Arma as those are the only games I have from Bis so my "review" is more specific to OFP,Arma1, Arma2,OA, Arma3. From my point of view bugs dont bother me, as long as the game runs, and dont crash when im in the middle of something, and im getting at least 25+ fps norm for me is 35-50 depending on the map/mission other then that I'm not really bothered by anything with the game, im not picky, I really dont care, what keeps me in the game and with the arma series, is I been here since the start so I guess the series grows on you, and OFP is nostalgic for me, I like to help in the community, I have made alot of associated friends, have done alot of work in the community. Most of all the modding and editing possibilities in this game imo exceed and outdo any other game I have ever played, its hard for me to buy a game now if it dont have an editor, thats like the 1st thing I ask does it have an editor? What really bothers me about anything with the arma games is 3 things: 1. dumb crashes (depends on updates, computer, mods...depends) I never get them but when i do (mostly heat related --summer time--) I hate it and dont play for a while. 2. When your description.ext is wrong, instead of just giving you an error in the game and allowing you to adjust the code after you alt/tab and restarting, the bitch wants to crash the game instead, so now i got to spend another minute or two to restart the game and go back to where i left off that shit really pisses me off! 3. Lastly as i have been wanting since OFP for the longest freaking time Make multiple units playable at once is still not in the editor! C'mon Bis what you waiting for? save us editors some time and make them units playable at once! Edited September 4, 2014 by Günter Severloh 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
654wak654 25 Posted September 4, 2014 I love how people are saying it's dying, while BI probably made more money just this year than it did in last five. Totally agree about the performance thing, but I'm not going to prefer any other game just because I'm getting 60 FPS. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Opticalsnare 12 Posted September 4, 2014 (edited) I can understand some peoples frustration. BI really need to sort their QA out because sometimes its just unacceptable. The bugs can be really horrific sometimes and can cause an entire mission to fail or makes you want to ask the question what on earth is actually going on. Things that are brought up by the community time and time again are mostly ignored, which is a shame because BI were really good at listening to the community in tackling issues and resolving them but over the past few years this relationship has deteriorated severely. I have to admit that i no longer actually play the game for what it is, i just use it for my mods and other peoples mods these days. I think they made a terrible mistake with ArmA 3 going towards the future style which lets be honest its not future at all because the weapons systems and vehicles are a step backwards to what weapon systems we have today. The setting itself i honestly feel no immersion in it whatsoever or interest with the overall style of the units. I liked it when i saw units i could recognize like a BMP2 rushing into a hot zone and Russian/Soviet troops jumping out the back or a Hind gunship hunting you down in some large forest at dusk when the rain is starting to come down. I get none of that with ArmA 3 the units appear all the same to me. I did not buy A3 somebody donated a copy to me and asked that i continue making my mod and others have made donations for my efforts and i am very thankful for that support, but if BI did release another game id be a bit cautious and proberly wait a year to see how things turned out. When i play other games i get the sense that the ArmA series is stuck in some kind of a rut, a cycle that keeps repeating itself, the same thing over again just slightly different in appearance. Sorry guys. Its a "maybe" Edited September 4, 2014 by Opticalsnare Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
windies 11 Posted September 5, 2014 Hit the nail on the head OS. I voted no but in reality it depends heavily on a lot of things. Are the performance issues fixed? Have the long standing bugs been addressed? What kind of setting is the game in and what kind of quality is there to the units and that setting. I'm not against buying it, if things improve, but they have to actually improve and not just be some faux initiative. IMHO A lot of what I see in this thread as justification for support is coming from modders who have no other option and from nostalgia, I.E. "OFP was the secks nothing will ever compare an since there isn't anything I will keep buying it!". Most of the opposition is from people who frankly I think just want to enjoy the game because it is unique in what it and the engine can do. In other words, if there was something else out there that gave you what the RV engine does, but didn't suffer from the long standing problems, it would probably be no contest as to what you would choose. Maybe it's because I enjoy all types of games not just one sect of them, but I can live without ArmA. It's not that I don't enjoy it, it provides a very unique experience from your typical BF/CoD experience, but in reality it's not something I can't live without. So my basis of support comes from the product itself, not nostalgia and since I find programming to be mind numbing I don't find enjoyment in creating mods. I think in essence that is what ArmA has become, a tool to create your dream upon. It's much less of a game to be played and much more of a platform for content creation. However whenever it fails to do that, when the bugs consume your ability to do mod and create content that you wish and when performance issue's prevent you from experiencing your content in a playable fashion, and playable is very subjective since I truly truly believe there are those on this forum that would be content for the game to run at 1 FPS as long as they could mod, You will probably stop supporting it as well, and then it will most likely die. Anyways I think this is all moot as I would very highly suspect that BI wants to move away from the ArmA style of game since their engine quite frankly is no longer suited for it. It can do it, yeah, just not very well anymore honestly. What would be required for it to be able to handle high object counts and large amounts of parallel instructions, physics and AI, they aren't willing to pursue, at least for ArmA. Personally I think DayZ was meant to be the new series bread winner and it's proving to be a challenge just to get the engine to function with that type of environment, hence why you see so much work being put into it. I was expecting a sudden drop in support of ArmA 3 after DayZ SA came out, just like the myriad of other BI titles that weren't ArmA before DayZ. I think the only reason that it hasn't is because while DayZ sold amazing, they know they're still going to have to produce something, and it's proving a lot more challenging than they anticipated. They might as well fold up shop if they can't deliver on DayZ because I don't think ArmA will support them anymore, not with the way they've treated the community surrounding it with long standing problems and issue's. It's harsh but true. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lawndartleo 109 Posted September 5, 2014 Why are you no voters even here? Warts and all, Armed Assault thru ArmA III including all DLC have been better than any other alternative out there for the genre BEFORE we even start talking about mods. Period. PEER-EEE-UD! And for all the shortcomings that the titles have had there is an army of willing and able scripters and modellers that have deluged us with gigabytes of additional content that takes the series far beyond the released product.... FREE OF CHARGE. And for those who say, "it should have been in there in the first place"... well, it is if you have the drive, ambition and skill to unlock the potential of the engine. Is it perfect, no. Nothing ever is. Do I wish BIS would put more emphasis on squashing long standing bugs, yes. None the less I have received hundred and hundreds of hours of enjoyment and enough "wow" moments to offset the "aww crap" onces quite handily. Count me as a yes for ArmA 4 and beyond. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
krycek 349 Posted September 5, 2014 Voted "Maybe",less content and some OFP-era AI issues took their toll.Support-wise they're still one of the best so depending on how they tackle those issues and how much content will be in dlc\expansion will change that "maybe" into "Yes". Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nettrucker 144 Posted September 5, 2014 Why are you no voters even here?. . . Who the fuck are you to tell us to leave? In any case don't worry we will eventually leave as soon as some of us have settled some still unfinished business. Wish you a nice day fanboy. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sgtsev3n 12 Posted September 5, 2014 i wont buy anything from BI anymore. i got arma 3 and the game overall is great. its a good idea to create a military sandbox, but BI didnt converted the idea very well. using a over 10 years old engine for it and upgrading it with new stuff without optimizing it. i like arma 3, yes, but just because i like it, does not mean for me this game is bugfree and optimized. some community members here have this thinking: "i like this game and because i like it, it is bugfree and optimized, no matter how many players have performance problems and CPU bottleneck, its theyr fault, its not a game bug and if it is, i will defend this problem because i like this game" i like arma 3, yes, but i wont buy anything from BI anymore. ArmA 3 is bugful and engine not fixed, no matter how much i love this game. BI has proven that they wont fix theyr engine (and the AI driving and other things which has not been fixed for over 10 years). just because i like arma 3 doesnt mean "ohh i like arma 3 and because i like it, i will support BI for ever because they released a game which i like even the bugs which exist over 10 years are still present". Why are you no voters even here? these voters are customers who are dissapointed because after over 10 years, the bugs are still present. these voters are here because they supported ArmA, these voters are here because they wanted to see what mods are released and what mods will coming soon. these voters are here because they follow the dev branch and hope for engine fix like me and many others. deal with it. just because they wont support BI anymore (for good reason) doesnt mean they have to leave. i know ArmA players who are not here, now i ask you, why are some ArmA players not here ? and this makes the question, why are you here ? 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lawndartleo 109 Posted September 5, 2014 The question was "Why are you here?", not "Why don't you leave?" If the software is truly that bad and all hope is lost for resolution, what is the purpose of continuing to visit the forum? An empty forum and lousy sales speaks better than spewing vitriol. The former makes developers take notice that prospective customers are slipping away while the latter usually elicits an auto-copulation response and accomplishes nothing positive. I wish as much as anybody that the coders would sound off on these forums and educate us on the why's and why not's. I know from working with developers in other genre's that they despise doing so because they usually get attacked by a minority of individuals who can't manage to participate in civil discourse. Why am I here?... Information, education, communication. Note that vilification is not among my reasons for visiting. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nettrucker 144 Posted September 6, 2014 My apologies for my harsh reply didn't mean to be. Most probably I took it the wrong way. Peace. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lawndartleo 109 Posted September 6, 2014 It's all good. Passions run strangely high around ArmA because we all see it for what it could be and struggle with what it is. In the end we all just want Bohemia to succeed because we the consumers are the beneficiaries. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
zooloo75 834 Posted September 6, 2014 No, unless BI decides to get their shit together and stop milking an old, broken engine that contains 10+ year old bugs. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sgtsev3n 12 Posted September 7, 2014 if BI would plan to make arma 4 and when its released and BI confirms arma 4 support 64 bit + CPU bottleneck + AI bugs are fixed and community would confirm it too, then i would buy arma 4 and support BI. i have no trust in BI, even when BI confirms arma 4 support 64 bit + CPU bottleneck + AI bugs are fixed but community would be silent about this, then i wouldnt buy arma 4 or any other product from BI. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Bee8190 10 Posted September 8, 2014 Yea I recognize BI is putting a lot of work into arma 3 ( this time around ) and are serious about making A3 the best release yet, so credit where its due and is IMO the right direction. However, arma 4 will need to really impress for me to consider it buying it. I appreciate good things take time to make but with arma, it takes lightning years for me to be able to enjoy the game and things like sounds, physx, medical treatment and MP performance should have been implemented at least half reasonably right from the beginning and be subject to minor tweaks at best and not downright broken or missing altogether. As it is I am not even getting the current DLC offer till after I see that it's well implemented and playable from the get go. If it is I will be more than happy to pay whatever full price it will be sold at Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
froggyluv 2136 Posted September 8, 2014 I love how people are saying it's dying, while BI probably made more money just this year than it did in last five.Totally agree about the performance thing, but I'm not going to prefer any other game just because I'm getting 60 FPS. This. I've got legion of shitty games getting 100+ FPS on Steam account. How the fuck has Farcry 3 improved after the 1st? BF4 better than BF2? GTA5 over the multitude of superior prequels? Total War Rome over Shogun 2? Civ 5 over far better previous titles? R6 Vegas over, well we all know where this is going :p Point is, I could give two shits how hyped a game is or how many people fawn over it -it all boils down to gameplay and if I don't like it, I don't play it. So far at 1800 hours on A3 so the answer is obvious. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FallujahMedic -FM- 867 Posted September 8, 2014 Yes. Replay value and enjoyment matter most to me. Graphics and features don't necessarily "make" the game. Zork had no graphics and was worth my money. The AD&D gold box series was a horrible port of the classic pen and paper game, but was still enjoyable. This doesn't mean that there's not room for improvement in the series though. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Janez 536 Posted September 9, 2014 This. I've got legion of shitty games getting 100+ FPS on Steam account. How the fuck has Farcry 3 improved after the 1st? BF4 better than BF2? GTA5 over the multitude of superior prequels? Total War Rome over Shogun 2? Civ 5 over far better previous titles? R6 Vegas over, well we all know where this is going :p Point is, I could give two shits how hyped a game is or how many people fawn over it -it all boils down to gameplay and if I don't like it, I don't play it. So far at 1800 hours on A3 so the answer is obvious. Well, I spent countless hours in OPF, yet ~200 in A3 :D Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chris77 11 Posted September 9, 2014 Definitely I'd buy more BI games, especially ArmA. Unless BI were to pull a Mojang I'll probably be playing and modding ArmA when I'm 80. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
the_demongod 31 Posted September 10, 2014 I don't think any other game has the replay value of any arma game, and especially Arma 2 and 3. Even skyrim gets old after awhile (in my opinion). Arma doesn't. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
R0adki11 3949 Posted September 10, 2014 I started playing BIS games with the release of the OFP demo, to put it into perspective i was 16 when i first played the OFP Demo which was released around 2000. 14 years later im still here playing BIS Game, its very much unlikely to change. :) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
iceman77 19 Posted September 11, 2014 Of course I will. BI has always delivered a top notch product with this particular series. By top notch I mean they've all made me very happy and I have always had a great time. More so than with any other game. Other games are always very fun at first and great to look at, but they always seem to get old very quickly. Arma may be buggy and even dated, but I can look past those things as the possibilities the game offers greatly outweigh the cons. My2C Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IndeedPete 1038 Posted September 11, 2014 Of course I will. BI has always delivered a top notch product with this particular series. By top notch I mean they've all made me very happy and I have always had a great time. More so than with any other game. Other games are always very fun at first and great to look at, but they always seem to get old very quickly. Arma may be buggy and even dated, but I can look past those things as the possibilities the game offers greatly outweigh the cons. My2C I can second this. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
654wak654 25 Posted September 11, 2014 Of course I will. BI has always delivered a top notch product with this particular series. By top notch I mean they've all made me very happy and I have always had a great time. More so than with any other game. Other games are always very fun at first and great to look at, but they always seem to get old very quickly. Arma may be buggy and even dated, but I can look past those things as the possibilities the game offers greatly outweigh the cons. My2C I third it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites