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Resistance buglist

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there is a big bug in the campaign that erases all your aquired weapons. Some people have found a way around it, but ive tried everything, and still nothing works.

Im on the Hostages mission, and now the only guns i have are a few ak czs, and a pistol. I restarted the campaign, but i still get this same bug on that mission. I think this needs to really be fixed soon, because i cant play the campaign right now

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The pistol's are invisible with edited models fix this bug

Suma said resistance will not affect addons mad.gif

But it is affecting addons

And for the muzzle flash it is not a bug it is only a cpp fix that can be doing easily but BIS must fix the invisible pistol bug

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1) Vehicles' weapons' tracers (for Shilka/Vulcan/etc) and rockets (for helis/planes/etc)! To the clients, or to those not in the vehicle in question, the tracers/rockets go sideways or straight down the ground instead where they're supposed to. Visually. Phycally they still hit like they should.

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1. When in front of a window or fence, going to "v" iron sights/scope causes the fence or window frame to be offset, alignement or what? If you can shoot through in low zoom, you get blocked in hi zoom (v). This has always been present from v1.0. Its not refraction as there is no glass in the window smile.gif

2. Strela paa file missing.

3. Tank garage buildings ladder still causes freeze/crash.

4. If loading to crate/truck any ammo type with two variants (grenade/smoke e.g. ) you cannot switch to the 2nd type if the first type goes to zero. i.e. if putting all grenades in a truck, you need to pick up another smoke shell before being able to put them in truck.

5. Still bad clipping detection, so you can run/fall through fences/guardrails on rooftops and buildings.

6. Getting in a vehicle doesnt allow you to switch seats or command other vehicles in your group unless you get in as commander (in tanks) first then switch seats after issueing orders.

7. Vehicle HUD/radar missing for some vehicles except for commander.

8. Balcony ledges (clipping) seems too high, if standing in the city hall balconies, you cannot point gun downwards more than 10 degrees or so before getting a ricochet. I'm not THAT short!


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1. Civilian Police officers and officers in police jeeps cannot cause a end mission when useing a trigger.

2. Jumping off roof of building 8 stories high causes a bum knee at most, you can still walk around. 8 stories would be instant death in most cases, at best you'd live with out being able to walk.

3. And as everyone stated, AI won't cross bridge.

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When as a Tank commander,you tell a AI driver to move by using the arrow keys, it seems impossible for the AI to fully and accuately follow orders.

If u press forward then right, the AI will go forward then momentarily turn right before continuing on its original course.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Flashman @ July 23 2002,15:03)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">When as a Tank commander,you tell a AI driver to move by using the arrow keys, it seems impossible for the AI to fully and accuately follow orders.

If u press forward then right, the AI will go forward then momentarily turn right before continuing on its original course.<span id='postcolor'>

That's the normal behaviour for drivers.

Hold the right key until the vehicle points in the direction you want, release the key, and the driver will continue in the new direction.

It is the way drivers follow commander orders since 1.00 in OFP.


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I dont know if this is because i have VIA's motherboard with 4x AGP but when I try to go in resistance to missioneditor Resistance crashes to windows(original OFP's mission editor works fine) and same thing with mp when trying to put remote adress. If this is about VIA, can u plz put somekind of support for VIA's 4x AGP?

And I too have strange crashes to windows in multiplayergame...

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1. Invisible Gruba and Natasha in 1985 Campaign after installing OFPR.

2. If you accidentally dismount as Tank Commander, the AI keeps going round in circles, and won't stop, meaning you get run over trying to remount.

3. AI have ZERO brains of their own, and since Resistance sees you mostly in command ( rather than Lone Grunt - which I personally prefer biggrin.gif ) missions gdet tedious and repetitive, trying to get them to follow orders. And well, I'm glad I don't share the roads with them, cause not one can drive.

And a wierd one, not sure if this is system specific or game related, but if I am playing for a while, and pause a mission, when I unpause, everything is running at double speed or faster, its quite funny watching the AI sprint and you can cover huge distances in a v.short space of time, but I'm fairly sure its not a good thing.

I've not seen anyone else post about this one, so could be my box...

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I personnally got VIA chipset working in AGP 4X... and i vnt see any pb with it in the editor, search another way for your bug: VIA this time is not guilty (but i know via is evil wink.gif )

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The T72 flips easy. I went reverse, and hit a small rock and it flipped. And an enemy T80 shot me with a sabot and I flipped.

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Sometimes Victors voiceovers look constantly........

Which winds me up no end.

The fact you can't put NVG's, Mines or satchels into trucks..

Your team mates sometimes refuse to get their AT Weapon out.

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. Through the windows of the factory SW Nogova, from inside to outside, you can't see helicopters, but you can see personell on the ground.

. Seems to be some problem in picking up satchels/mines from crates/trucks. It says Taking Ammo and it disappears from the source (crate/truck), but I do not carry it - nothing in the gear list, and no option to place in the action menu.


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The same three names for squadmembers are used over, and over, and over. In a 12-man squad, you have a whole bunch of identical names.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Capiflash @ July 23 2002,23:48)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">Hello again , some times I have an strange bug , when I start the game I get an error message which says : "Error loading 0/hous/panaleka2.p3d " but it´s impossible , because I´m not playing .Then I can´t play MP missions because it´s get me back to Windows , I´m crazy , I don´t know what can I do .<span id='postcolor'>

You have corrupted some datas. Please reinstall the game.

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Poet @ July 23 2002,19:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">2. If you accidentally dismount as Tank Commander, the AI keeps going round in circles, and won't stop, meaning you get run over trying to remount.<span id='postcolor'>

The AI still keeping formation, just tell them to "STOP".

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</span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (medvidek @ July 24 2002,14:14)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE"></span><table border="0" align="center" width="95%" cellpadding="3" cellspacing="1"><tr><td>Quote (Poet @ July 23 2002,19:45)</td></tr><tr><td id="QUOTE">2. If you accidentally dismount as Tank Commander, the AI keeps going round in circles, and won't stop, meaning you get run over trying to remount.<span id='postcolor'>

The AI still keeping formation, just tell them to "STOP".<span id='postcolor'>

Wouldn't it be smarter to have to order AI again to "keep formation" instead of them automatically continuing? I mean, if there is a reason for you as the unit leader to disembark, you most likely don't want your men to spread out in formation immediatly. Another thing is that if you order all of your men to stop before you disembark, your very own tank does not automatically accepts this order. you have to order your tank driver seperatly to stop, causing an even longer delay. Furthermore it is simply way easier to radio 1-1 instead of 1-6.

EDIT: Anyways, this isn't a real bug and thus doesn't belong in here, so I will repost the problem in the CC-Thread.

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Hi all,

i found  a bug:when using the editor and you insert an Empty MotorBike and then Preview it and go and get on the bike

your guy's shadow won't show up on the bike but if you insert the bike with a man already on it his shadow will show up when on the bike.... sad.gif

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I made a script that sets a markerpos to the pos of an vehicle. After setting so I let a tank aim on the marker, using commandtarget or dotarget. The targetbox shows up about 50 meters away of the vehicle I refered the markerpos to, even if the vehicle doesn't move.

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There seems to be something wrong in the AI when its flying the V80, it seems to crash it pretty much every time on a longer trip.

When I placed the V80 about where the bridge is at Nogova, and gave it a waypoint near mokra vrata at the north-west part of the island, and had myself flying another V80 behind him observing his flight, the AI crashed the chopper every time I tried it, every time on a different spot. It seems to do some wave-like up/down movements all the time.

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It seems AI has a tendency to not fire at all and just stand there looking dumb sometimes.

Also as kegetys my favorite person in the whole world has nicely pointed out.  The AI has tendency to crash V80.  I had V80 to do strafing run on a trigger with rockets but when he comes in he slams into the hill.  

I tried various types of changes hieght everything and still crashes.  wierd.

V80 crashing also is not just long distance problem. It just seems to crash on any occasion. It has about a 50% chance of crashing on any given mission.

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THey "wave like" movements are there because the AI tries to stay the same height above the ground at all times. So wen the teraain dips, they dip with it. And when it goes back up, they go up too.

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*AI's brain capacity has now decreased to -10% originally it was 35%.

*I will tell several AI's to get in separate tanks as drivers... to my surprise they all start wandering off into the trees...

*AI's reactions to orders are to slow.

*AI's, if you study there behavior act like a lost animal who’s owner abandon them.... I wonder why LMAO

*V-80's handling is crap.

*ENEMY Ai's would run up behind me and stare at me... no joke... they would just stand there aiming at me... doing nothing...

*There’s a yellow sticker on my OFP box that says "$29.99" lol j/k that’s no prob.

*Don’t know if this is supposed to happen but when the AI is set to "Super AI" they run like one of those Olympic athletes.

*Alot of AI problems. Last mission I played of Resistance I found myself shooting my Team AI to get there weapons because they were refusing to shoot, or to fight the enemy, basically.

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In multiplayer games, choppers sometimes do not show on all clients...this is to say that a person can get into a helicopter and fly directly over you and on some occasions it will look as though he is not even there to some clients...for example...some friends and I were playing and we all got aboard a chopper...the door gunner and pilot said they were flying all over the place while those of us sitting in the back never even took off...to us it looked as though we were just sitting on the ground. This was on a dedicated server and almost all players were regular players that have been playing on this same server since release so all the connections were stable and no desync was reported.

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