genesis92x 810 Posted August 17, 2015 I have a taxi script that is rendered useless with this mod. I think he starts to target units even though he's not supposed to and just flies around, and never landing. I hope little things like this get fixed soon because this is awesome. use this setvariable ["NOAI",true]; to disable the scripts on the pilot :) or { _x setvariable ["NOAI",true]; } foreach units (group this); AI's stop firing.. As i remember there is a bug with fire function. should use forceweaponfire I can't repeat this issue, I wonder if it's an issue with Domove. In my tests the AI have no problem shooting each other? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Guest Posted August 17, 2015 Updated the Armaholic script version with the fixed archive :) (kept same versioning, only changed filename) Fixed version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage. Vcom AI - Script v2.01 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bolbies 13 Posted August 17, 2015 use this setvariable ["NOAI",true]; to disable the scripts on the pilot :) or { _x setvariable ["NOAI",true]; } foreach units (group this); Oh sorry I'm using the mod, not the script version. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kothen 57 Posted August 17, 2015 Oh sorry I'm using the mod, not the script version. Yes, Im using the mod version as well and the showcase seems bugged for me as well. AI act weird by moving around too much and such. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
genesis92x 810 Posted August 17, 2015 Oh sorry I'm using the mod, not the script version. No problem, those commands will still work if you have access to the pilot somehow :) Otherwise, I think you're kind of screwed. I can add an option to exclude aircraft in the future. Getting AI in aircraft to do anything is extremely difficult. Yes, Im using the mod version as well and the showcase seems bugged for me as well. AI act weird by moving around too much and such. Make sure you are not running the mod during the showcase. The showcase uses the script verison. Running both will cause silliness. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Max12345 0 Posted August 18, 2015 It Seems the AI are not firing RPGs at tanks and vehicles. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mariodu62 5 Posted August 18, 2015 Enemy AI don't shoot at me but not at the beginning of the mission. I had this issue before and it's was in relation with fire. Still have issue with the closest function. 9:53:12 Error in expression <call VCOMAI_ClosestEnemy;_EnemyGroup = group _myNearestEnemy;if ((count (units> easy to repeat. With permament mission on dedicated server. Go to combat with ai and then leave the server. You'll see the flood by error in rpt. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rattleheadnz 11 Posted August 18, 2015 No problem, those commands will still work if you have access to the pilot somehow :) Otherwise, I think you're kind of screwed. I can add an option to exclude aircraft in the future. Getting AI in aircraft to do anything is extremely difficult. Make sure you are not running the mod during the showcase. The showcase uses the script verison. Running both will cause silliness. Yeah I have the same problem. I usually run a version of DUWS where the heli pickup scripts seem to be all crazy. Just with the heli's as the aircraft still seem to be functioning as normal. Also had a bug in zeus remote control mode over an AI would cause my character to turn 90 degrees over and over, but the player character wasn't effected. Not a major but i do like watching the AI fight and use new strategy and jump into the battle. Great to see you back as VCOMAI is the only AI mod I liked to use, but the new arma patches ruined it. Welcome back. 1 Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gizz46 28 Posted August 18, 2015 I have this problem: How should behave in the first case and how they behave with the mod VCOM Hi genesis92x, nice Mod unfortunately i have the same problem as above. All units starting to running around and do not behave in the way they should. Im talking about the script version.Which i want to use in my scenario (to spice up the mission). Hope you find a fix for this. Keep up your (good) work !!!! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kothen 57 Posted August 18, 2015 Yeah, sorry for being so "enthusiastic" about this mod. I just mostly play Single player and AI is super important to me. I've used Asr and it's good but I always liked how more aggressive and active the Ai act in this mod. And when there is a problem with it I want to know when the latest fix is possible. :p Just love your mod! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
b0s 18 Posted August 18, 2015 Thank you very much for the update Genesis!But there seems something very wrong right now with the AI. Using mod version.1 shot from 500m away from prone position. Within 3 seconds 5 smokes are thrown and I am "1-shotted". Especially vehicles seem to have godly aiming abilities sniping me with 7.62 from 1 km away.Also AT soldiers will not fire at tanks, instead they seem to run away or create flanking manouvers although they have clear sight on the target.Will do more testing.edit:Tested without other mods... same thing. I was just shot from 600m away even before I could fire my gun. Also seems like every soldier in a squad is throwing smoke. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
genesis92x 810 Posted August 20, 2015 Enemy AI don't shoot at me but not at the beginning of the mission. I had this issue before and it's was in relation with fire. Still have issue with the closest function. 9:53:12 Error in expression <call VCOMAI_ClosestEnemy; _EnemyGroup = group _myNearestEnemy; if ((count (units> easy to repeat. With permament mission on dedicated server. Go to combat with ai and then leave the server. You'll see the flood by error in rpt. Thank you, I will look into this and resolve the issue. Also, your avatar creeps me out a little - I love Mario and he looks so...angry :) Hi genesis92x, nice Mod unfortunately i have the same problem as above. All units starting to running around and do not behave in the way they should. Im talking about the script version.Which i want to use in my scenario (to spice up the mission). Hope you find a fix for this. Keep up your (good) work !!!! Ugh, alright. I'm having a hard time reproducing this error. I will get to work on this :) If you have the time to send me the mission.pbo (The more, the better) Yeah, sorry for being so "enthusiastic" about this mod. I just mostly play Single player and AI is super important to me. I've used Asr and it's good but I always liked how more aggressive and active the Ai act in this mod. And when there is a problem with it I want to know when the latest fix is possible. :P Just love your mod! Thank you! Thank you very much for the update Genesis! But there seems something very wrong right now with the AI. Using mod version. 1 shot from 500m away from prone position. Within 3 seconds 5 smokes are thrown and I am "1-shotted". Especially vehicles seem to have godly aiming abilities sniping me with 7.62 from 1 km away. Also AT soldiers will not fire at tanks, instead they seem to run away or create flanking manouvers although they have clear sight on the target. Will do more testing. edit: Tested without other mods... same thing. I was just shot from 600m away even before I could fire my gun. Also seems like every soldier in a squad is throwing smoke. Interesting, A few things to try. Try reducing the AI accuracy in the userconfig file to really low and see if that has an impact I have not seen that AT bug yet, I will attempt to reproduce it (Possibly when a soldier is running to cover? A soldier running to cover will prioritize cover over an AT shot?) Everyone, I appreciate the support given. It does mean a lot to me! This is an odd hobby of mine so I know I'm not even close to being the best, but I will work hard to try and resolve as many issues as possible. Thank you! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alphi 0 Posted August 21, 2015 Hello, I have a problem with the script version of the mod,in the editor, when given another waypoint than "HOLD", the AI will not follow and just stay in his starting position going circles. I used "this setVariable ["VCOM_NOPATHING_Unit",1,false];" in the SL init and it still wouldn't execute the normal move waypoint. I tried with Zeus, starting on an empty map, placing AI in zeus and it works great and the engagement between AI squads look awesome. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
genesis92x 810 Posted August 21, 2015 Hello, I have a problem with the script version of the mod,in the editor, when given another waypoint than "HOLD", the AI will not follow and just stay in his starting position going circles. I used "this setVariable ["VCOM_NOPATHING_Unit",1,false];" in the SL init and it still wouldn't execute the normal move waypoint. I tried with Zeus, starting on an empty map, placing AI in zeus and it works great and the engagement between AI squads look awesome. Thank you! I think you just solved the walking in circles problem. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jandrews 117 Posted August 22, 2015 hey Genesis. thanks for getting this back up. very excited to start using this again. Can anyone verify this current version is working. it seems some replies are saying its not 100% side note. Thanks genesis. now i go back in to edit mode to update mission files. :) thanks obama! < his fault... Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mariodu62 5 Posted August 23, 2015 My idea for non shooting AIs is because i kill the leader. They only lookat me but never shoot me. i think they don't receive the engage order normally send by the leader It would be nice to had a dofire if the enemy is near the ia (50m for example). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
b0s 18 Posted August 24, 2015 Hi A simple test scenario with some errors. 3 AT squads that move in the completely wrong direction or dont move at all and fail to engage the APC. And I am being shot by the APC from 600m after taking 1-2 shots from prone position. Also a squad of 4 men throws 4 smokes... less smoke please :P Tried this for "private" rank and indeed it helped against the godly private. _Unit setSkill ["spotDistance",(0.5 + (random 0.2))]; _Unit setSkill ["spotTime",(0.5 + (random 0.2))]; Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ljcampos 3 Posted August 27, 2015 Hey genesis, i dont know if this problem is mine. The ai now instantly throws smoke as soon as they see enemy without being suppresed. also a bug where the ai sometimes thrownsmoke and frag even without enemy. The vehicle disembarking doesnt work properly especially on a helicopter, intead of unloading he'll charge the enemy killing them. Also i have a suggestion on your the ai calling support, where there is a delay in calling support instead of one ai dying then all groups will come to the player. and ai will only call support when a group has a radio and on guard/patrol, and when that group is near them. The ai also doesnt clear buildings properly, maybe ask some ideas to the bcombat ai creator because his ai is really good when clearing buildings. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
genesis92x 810 Posted August 30, 2015 Hey all :) I will be going through this forum and patching up the bugs/errors this week (8/30 - 9/4). In case people are wondering I am switching back and forth between projects every week. I hope to have this updated and polished up by next week sometime. Thank you all for your time and support! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dr death jm 117 Posted August 31, 2015 I love this ai tool you made I added it to my ofp RTS 3 mission, and have it in my rts v ( not yet released). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bugbear44 11 Posted August 31, 2015 I think that you had a feature early-on to do with helmets but don't know if it has survived. Was it to swap out a hat for a helmet or to loose the helmet sometimes? I was thinking how nice it would be if I could have a unit in a boonie or beret and a usable helm in his pack. I have lost my place on your thread and may have to try reading it back to front. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pvt. partz 248 Posted September 3, 2015 I have used AI mods in the past but never really found them to be dramatically different/better than vanilla. Yours however is very noticable! As stated above, some of the issues reported have been duplicated exactly on my test scenerios, to the letter. Just wanted to throw that ot there so you could glean a few more "confirms" for your mod changes. 1) AI (Blufor) mill around aimlessly intil I fired a shot. They then started to move to the waypoint. 2) After firing that one shot, they tossed smoke, but then so did the (Opfor) team which was 500 yds in the other direction. 3) I had spawned in as independant and I was able to mill arounf the Blufor team unhindered until I opened fire on one of them. After that they seemed to get the idea attack. One final note/request I am not that great of a shot but I like the realism aspect that this mod will produce. i.e: Ai coming to find you in a building, blowing up the building that you are hiding in, setting mines, etc. Using this mod will add the realism factor for me but I may find it to difficult in some regard and since I do not know anything about scripting, would it be possible to create a UI to adjust various features? Thanks again! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
genesis92x 810 Posted September 13, 2015 I have used AI mods in the past but never really found them to be dramatically different/better than vanilla. Yours however is very noticable! As stated above, some of the issues reported have been duplicated exactly on my test scenerios, to the letter. Just wanted to throw that ot there so you could glean a few more "confirms" for your mod changes. 1) AI (Blufor) mill around aimlessly intil I fired a shot. They then started to move to the waypoint. 2) After firing that one shot, they tossed smoke, but then so did the (Opfor) team which was 500 yds in the other direction. 3) I had spawned in as independant and I was able to mill arounf the Blufor team unhindered until I opened fire on one of them. After that they seemed to get the idea attack. One final note/request I am not that great of a shot but I like the realism aspect that this mod will produce. i.e: Ai coming to find you in a building, blowing up the building that you are hiding in, setting mines, etc. Using this mod will add the realism factor for me but I may find it to difficult in some regard and since I do not know anything about scripting, would it be possible to create a UI to adjust various features? Thanks again! Hopefully this should be fixed now. And creating a UI to adjust various AI features would be possible...It would be trying to create it in a intuitive way that would take some time. I could only really do this as an in-game feature. I think that you had a feature early-on to do with helmets but don't know if it has survived. Was it to swap out a hat for a helmet or to loose the helmet sometimes? I was thinking how nice it would be if I could have a unit in a boonie or beret and a usable helm in his pack. I have lost my place on your thread and may have to try reading it back to front. I removed this feature because it was...random. It was best suited for a different mod or script. I do not have any plans on bringing it back :< I love this ai tool you made I added it to my ofp RTS 3 mission, and have it in my rts v ( not yet released). Thank you!!! Okay, here is a version that I was able to piece together a little at a time. I am really busy again so updates will be slow going :< I tried testing this a little more - I didn't see any issues in the RPT, but I'm sure y'all will find some. Thank you!!!! Version 2.1 Changes - Added configurable grenade chance use in userconfig - Reduced chance AI will throw smoke - AI will attempt to utilize smoke if they cannot run for cover - Improved vehicles supporting in combat – this still needs some work, will happen next patch. - Fixed weird file location issues - Fixed a possible error when no enemies could be found - Added functionality for AI clearing buildings - While clearing a building – AI will attempt to crouch appropriately when friendlies are behind them - AI that start spawned into buildings will not navigate outside of the building by means of VCOM AI - AI will now return to starting combat behavior after identifying no current threats nearby. This is variable depending on the environment. AI in a war-torn area will most likely take longer to relax than AI who just heard a gunshot or saw someone. - AI will react to enemies more reliably. - Hold waypoint will now put units into buildings more reliably. Optimized script to reduce FPS impact. - AI will attack more directly with a force that they 2:1 outnumber. - Removed all AI pacifists that could be found (AI will actually shoot each other more reliably). Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
camplj 10 Posted September 14, 2015 Is the 2.1 avaible for download already? Because its not showing in armaholic Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
major-stiffy 282 Posted September 14, 2015 Yea 2.01 is the latest shown for download. I want to give this a go. Edit: I assume it's the "addon link" in the first post? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites