IndeedPete 1038 Posted November 13, 2014 Yeah, my original thought was limited to killed enemies.^^ I don't use other people's bodies to stash stuff, you know. :D ---------- Post added at 03:26 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:45 PM ---------- Oh, and just out of curiosity: How are the auction prices being calculated? I assume you don't use a whitelist / catalogue like I do with my shop system. But it seems that it's not totally random either, a weapon brings more ff than a few mags. And it uses active mod content as well. Is it based on caliber, weight or some other value? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted November 13, 2014 Oh, and just out of curiosity: How are the auction prices being calculated? Here is the function: RYD_JR_SellCargo = { _holder = _this select 0; _removeH = _this select 3; if (_removeH) then { _holder removeAction (_this select 2); }; _val = 0; _wCargo = getWeaponCargo _holder; _wps = _wCargo select 0; _amnts = _wCargo select 1; _desc = ""; _fx = ""; _weapClass = configFile >> "CfgWeapons"; { if (_foreachIndex > 0) then {_fx = "_"}; _type = [_x] call BIS_fnc_itemType; switch (true) do { case ("MissileLauncher" in _type) : {_val = _val + (2500 * (_amnts select _foreachIndex))}; case ("RocketLauncher" in _type) : {_val = _val + (2000 * (_amnts select _foreachIndex))}; case ("Launcher" in _type) : {_val = _val + (2000 * (_amnts select _foreachIndex))}; case ("SniperRifle" in _type) : {_val = _val + (1500 * (_amnts select _foreachIndex))}; case ("MachineGun" in _type) : {_val = _val + (1000 * (_amnts select _foreachIndex))}; case ("AssaultRifle" in _type) : {_val = _val + (800 * (_amnts select _foreachIndex))}; case ("Rifle" in _type) : {_val = _val + (700 * (_amnts select _foreachIndex))}; case ("SubmachineGun" in _type) : {_val = _val + (500 * (_amnts select _foreachIndex))}; case ("Handgun" in _type) : {_val = _val + (200 * (_amnts select _foreachIndex))}; default {_val = _val + (100 * (_amnts select _foreachIndex))} }; _name = "Various"; if (isText (_weapClass >> _x >> "DisplayName")) then { _name = getText (_weapClass >> _x >> "DisplayName"); }; if (_name in [""]) then {_name = "Various"}; _desc = _desc + _fx + _name + "_" + (str (_amnts select _foreachIndex)); } foreach _wps; _ammoClass = configFile >> "CfgMagazines"; _bulletClass = configFile >> "CfgAmmo"; _aCargo = getMagazineCargo _holder; _ammo = _aCargo select 0; _amnts = _aCargo select 1; _fx = ""; { if (_foreachIndex > 0) then {_fx = "_"} else { if not (_desc in [""]) then {_desc = _desc + "_"} }; _count = 0; if (isNumber (_ammoClass >> _x >> "Count")) then { _count = getNumber (_ammoClass >> _x >> "Count") }; _mass = 0; if (isNumber (_ammoClass >> _x >> "mass")) then { _mass = getNumber (_ammoClass >> _x >> "mass") }; _ammo = ""; if (isText (_ammoClass >> _x >> "ammo")) then { _ammo = getText (_ammoClass >> _x >> "ammo") }; if (_count in [1,3]) then { _mpl = 1; if (_ammo in ["G_40mm_HE"]) then {_mpl = 10}; _vl = getNumber (_ammoClass >> _x >> "value"); _val = _val + ((_mass * _vl * _count) * _mpl * (_amnts select _foreachIndex)) } else { _hit = 0; if (isNumber (_bulletClass >> _ammo >> "hit")) then { _hit = getNumber (_bulletClass >> _ammo >> "hit") }; _iHit = 0; if (isNumber (_bulletClass >> _ammo >> "indirectHit")) then { _iHit = getNumber (_bulletClass >> _ammo >> "indirectHit") }; _iHitR = 0; if (isNumber (_bulletClass >> _ammo >> "indirectHitRange")) then { _iHitR = getNumber (_bulletClass >> _ammo >> "indirectHitRange") }; _tSpeed = 0; if (isNumber (_bulletClass >> _ammo >> "typicalSpeed")) then { _tSpeed = getNumber (_bulletClass >> _ammo >> "typicalSpeed") }; _cal = 0; if (isNumber (_bulletClass >> _ammo >> "caliber")) then { _cal = getNumber (_bulletClass >> _ammo >> "caliber") }; _val = _val + (((_mass ^ 0.85) * _count * ((1 + _hit + _iHitR + _iHit)/100)) * ((1 + _tSpeed)/1000) * (sqrt (1 + _cal)) * (_amnts select _foreachIndex)) }; _name = "Various"; if (isText (_ammoClass >> _x >> "DisplayName")) then { _name = getText (_ammoClass >> _x >> "DisplayName"); }; if (_name in [""]) then {_name = "Various"}; _desc = _desc + _fx + _name + "_" + (str (_amnts select _foreachIndex)); } foreach _ammo; _iCargo = getItemCargo _holder; _items = _iCargo select 0; _amnts = _iCargo select 1; _fx = ""; { if (_foreachIndex > 0) then {_fx = "_"} else { if not (_desc in [""]) then {_desc = _desc + "_"} }; _val = _val + ((((random 10) + (random 10)) max 5) * (_amnts select _foreachIndex)); _name = "Various"; if (isText (_weapClass >> _x >> "DisplayName")) then { _name = getText (_weapClass >> _x >> "DisplayName"); }; if (_name in [""]) then {_name = "Various"}; _desc = _desc + _fx + _name + "_" + (str (_amnts select _foreachIndex)); } foreach _items; clearItemCargo _holder; clearWeaponCargo _holder; clearMagazineCargo _holder; if (_removeH) then { _posTaken = missionnameSpace getVariable ["PosTaken",[]]; _lootSpot = _holder getVariable ["RYD_JR_MyPlace",[0,0,0]]; { if (_lootSpot isEqualTo _x) exitWith {_posTaken set [_foreachIndex,0]} } foreach _posTaken; _posTaken = _posTaken - [0]; missionnameSpace setVariable ["PosTaken",_posTaken]; deleteVehicle _holder; }; RYD_JR_DM_Count = RYD_JR_DM_Count + 1; sleep 0.5; playSound "FD_CP_Clear_F"; sleep 0.02; RYD_JR_Caller globalChat format ["ADMclient - auctioneer: Item '%1' on auction Gattamelata#%2_rapid. Waiting for bidders...",_desc,RYD_JR_DM_Count]; [_val,_desc] spawn { _val = _this select 0; _desc = _this select 1; _val = round (_val * (0.75 + (random 0.5))); _val = _val * RYD_JR_CargoValueM; _val = (ceil (_val/10)) * 10; sleep (5 + (random 55)); RYD_JR_FuelFund = RYD_JR_FuelFund + _val; playSound "FD_CP_Clear_F"; sleep 0.02; RYD_JR_Caller globalChat format ["ADMclient - auctioneer: Item '%4' sold for %1 ff. Auction Gattamelata#%3_rapid closed. Your current account: %2 ff.",_val,RYD_JR_FuelFund,RYD_JR_DM_Count,_desc]; }; //hint format ["Content sold for %1. Now you have %2 ff",_val,RYD_JR_FuelFund]; }; Evaluation is based on overall type of item and certain config values, that IMO decide on ral value. Not perfect though, a bit better rifle may cost same or less (if counting randomization) than worse. Also some config values can be quite misleading. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted November 13, 2014 So, how about weirdest pilgrim's stories? Just today decided to try with 10% loot on insane difficulty, 100% AIs with couple of mods, some first time. They say, first kill is the hardest. Surely true for insane difficulty level. The only "weapon" I found was offroad. First civilian gave me assassinate quest, so at least I had marked closest enemy. Tried to ram him and his comrades with my car, but he was on the hilltop, so it was very slow charge and I was killed. So tried more fancy way. I knew, AI TL, when spot me, will send his subordinates to outflank me, so I could ram one of them on flat ground or come for TL, when subordinates will be far. So I showed myslef in the car then hid behind the escarpment. I could hear them, so I knew, when to try again conquer the hill. TL was not movin, as usual. When I was nearly at him, suddenly my car was shot in the tire with something bigger than rifle. A chopper! They called a chopper! And then I got that idea. I already started to ram the prone TL, but was to slow to kill him without more momentum. Had no time for this, so I just left the offroad at the enemy TL and run behind the slope. Chopper did exactly, what I wanted, and destroyed my car in returning sweep attack. Explosion killed hostile TL, which was my intention. Only pity, I'll get no prize, as my prey was killed not by me. I had no map anyway, so not sure, if marker will appear at all on the map, I would find later. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BeachAV8R 0 Posted November 14, 2014 (edited) Great. I'll read it ASAP. EDIT: Fantastic palythrough (very interesting way of fighting the Mad Stomper). And amazing pictures. Thanks for playing! Can I ask, what mods was used? Thanks - glad you enjoyed it (again).. <g>. The only mods I have installed are CBA and something called Bad Wolf Industries which I can't even remember what it does (?). No other mods. I did open your mission in the PBO unpacker and add a line to the configuration to allow for the use of Splendid Camera so I could take the photos. I like to believe I died so many times because I was distracted taking pictures and not's what I keep telling myself anyway. Regarding the Mad Stomper - yeah, that just happened to happen that way and I took the opportunity to take advantage of it. <g> Great mission of the few where I couldn't wait to get back to play to try to sort out everything and get to the end. Nice job. EDIT - Oh..Bad Wolf Industries was a AT-6B add-on that is just a unit add-on I guess.. <g> BeachAV8R ---------- Post added at 03:14 ---------- Previous post was at 03:07 ---------- Tried to ram him and his comrades with my car, but he was on the hilltop, so it was very slow charge and I was killed. :D All I could think of when you said slow charge: Edited November 14, 2014 by BeachAV8R Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tortuosit 486 Posted November 14, 2014 (edited) I did open your mission in the PBO unpacker and add a line to the configuration to allow for the use of Splendid Camera so I could take the photos. What exactly did you add... and which file? And yeah, splendid camera just rocks, it's also good for BIS. Edited November 14, 2014 by tortuosit Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greenfist 1863 Posted November 14, 2014 What exactly did you add... and which file? And yeah, splendid camera just rocks, it's also good for BIS. I guess it was the description.ext line: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted November 14, 2014 (edited) EDIT - Oh..Bad Wolf Industries was a AT-6B add-on that is just a unit add-on I guess.. Anyway had to be something adding lots of units and vehicles, because you had content not present in A3: Bradley, GRADs, tanks, APCs, old RPG-7... Some port of A2 content (AiA) or another mod based on released A2 models (like EastvsWest). I asked, because I wanted to try same. :) All I could think of when you said slow charge: Yep. Exactly like that. :D Only without any woman involved. :( BTW it wasn't end of the troubles. There was two more guys on place, and TL's body was constantly under their FOV. Tried many times. Treid to expose myself to them from one direction, then sneak from another. Tried using car wreck as a cover. No. Few meters too far, couldn't reach corpse's inventory without beeing killed. So close and so impossible. Eventually I just went from there. Started and sunset, so it was night by then. I waited till 4 AM in the poor conditions on some remote marsh. Next day, in the first town I found few boxes. Some grenades first. But no pockets means no grenades. Still I was lucky. In the last box I found pilot suite. Not very stylish, but with some cargo space. So I took all the grenades and now I was armed and dangerous. Using such armament was able to clear encountered hidden camp and I could loot the bodies... Edited November 14, 2014 by Rydygier Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BeachAV8R 0 Posted November 14, 2014 I guess it was the description.ext line: That is correct..! - LINK! BeachAV8R ---------- Post added at 13:25 ---------- Previous post was at 13:23 ---------- Anyway had to be something adding lots of units and vehicles, because you had content not present in A3: Bradley, GRADs, tanks, APCs, old RPG-7... Some port of A2 content (AiA) or another mod based on released A2 models (like EastvsWest). I asked, because I wanted to try same. :) Oh - dumb me, the first time I played through it was stock, the second time through I had installed the Red Hammer Studios release - that must have put in the additional units! For some reason that didn't even register on me that those units where in there...but now that you pointed it out! <g> BeachAV8R ---------- Post added at 13:27 ---------- Previous post was at 13:25 ---------- pockets = no grenades. Well, on my second run through, I was doing a sale of some equipment and was shuffling gear around to an inventory box and inadvertently put my backpack in there - and I sold it and I never could find another one in my travels. Yeah, I had the body storage and the slings/harness, but I never could find a backpack like the one I started with.. LOL.. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted November 14, 2014 Ah, RHS. Have it, but not tried yet. My current run I'm doing with EastvsWest. As for my experience the best backpacks are of CarryAll type - biggest capacity (+ ELBV Harness (some other may be equally capacious) = my optimal set). Some vanilla specialist units have them. That available at start is of smallest capacity. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IndeedPete 1038 Posted November 14, 2014 Here is the function: RYD_JR_SellCargo = { _holder = _this select 0; _removeH = _this select 3; if (_removeH) then { _holder removeAction (_this select 2); }; _val = 0; _wCargo = getWeaponCargo _holder; _wps = _wCargo select 0; _amnts = _wCargo select 1; _desc = ""; _fx = ""; _weapClass = configFile >> "CfgWeapons"; { if (_foreachIndex > 0) then {_fx = "_"}; _type = [_x] call BIS_fnc_itemType; switch (true) do { case ("MissileLauncher" in _type) : {_val = _val + (2500 * (_amnts select _foreachIndex))}; case ("RocketLauncher" in _type) : {_val = _val + (2000 * (_amnts select _foreachIndex))}; case ("Launcher" in _type) : {_val = _val + (2000 * (_amnts select _foreachIndex))}; case ("SniperRifle" in _type) : {_val = _val + (1500 * (_amnts select _foreachIndex))}; case ("MachineGun" in _type) : {_val = _val + (1000 * (_amnts select _foreachIndex))}; case ("AssaultRifle" in _type) : {_val = _val + (800 * (_amnts select _foreachIndex))}; case ("Rifle" in _type) : {_val = _val + (700 * (_amnts select _foreachIndex))}; case ("SubmachineGun" in _type) : {_val = _val + (500 * (_amnts select _foreachIndex))}; case ("Handgun" in _type) : {_val = _val + (200 * (_amnts select _foreachIndex))}; default {_val = _val + (100 * (_amnts select _foreachIndex))} }; _name = "Various"; if (isText (_weapClass >> _x >> "DisplayName")) then { _name = getText (_weapClass >> _x >> "DisplayName"); }; if (_name in [""]) then {_name = "Various"}; _desc = _desc + _fx + _name + "_" + (str (_amnts select _foreachIndex)); } foreach _wps; _ammoClass = configFile >> "CfgMagazines"; _bulletClass = configFile >> "CfgAmmo"; _aCargo = getMagazineCargo _holder; _ammo = _aCargo select 0; _amnts = _aCargo select 1; _fx = ""; { if (_foreachIndex > 0) then {_fx = "_"} else { if not (_desc in [""]) then {_desc = _desc + "_"} }; _count = 0; if (isNumber (_ammoClass >> _x >> "Count")) then { _count = getNumber (_ammoClass >> _x >> "Count") }; _mass = 0; if (isNumber (_ammoClass >> _x >> "mass")) then { _mass = getNumber (_ammoClass >> _x >> "mass") }; _ammo = ""; if (isText (_ammoClass >> _x >> "ammo")) then { _ammo = getText (_ammoClass >> _x >> "ammo") }; if (_count in [1,3]) then { _mpl = 1; if (_ammo in ["G_40mm_HE"]) then {_mpl = 10}; _vl = getNumber (_ammoClass >> _x >> "value"); _val = _val + ((_mass * _vl * _count) * _mpl * (_amnts select _foreachIndex)) } else { _hit = 0; if (isNumber (_bulletClass >> _ammo >> "hit")) then { _hit = getNumber (_bulletClass >> _ammo >> "hit") }; _iHit = 0; if (isNumber (_bulletClass >> _ammo >> "indirectHit")) then { _iHit = getNumber (_bulletClass >> _ammo >> "indirectHit") }; _iHitR = 0; if (isNumber (_bulletClass >> _ammo >> "indirectHitRange")) then { _iHitR = getNumber (_bulletClass >> _ammo >> "indirectHitRange") }; _tSpeed = 0; if (isNumber (_bulletClass >> _ammo >> "typicalSpeed")) then { _tSpeed = getNumber (_bulletClass >> _ammo >> "typicalSpeed") }; _cal = 0; if (isNumber (_bulletClass >> _ammo >> "caliber")) then { _cal = getNumber (_bulletClass >> _ammo >> "caliber") }; _val = _val + (((_mass ^ 0.85) * _count * ((1 + _hit + _iHitR + _iHit)/100)) * ((1 + _tSpeed)/1000) * (sqrt (1 + _cal)) * (_amnts select _foreachIndex)) }; _name = "Various"; if (isText (_ammoClass >> _x >> "DisplayName")) then { _name = getText (_ammoClass >> _x >> "DisplayName"); }; if (_name in [""]) then {_name = "Various"}; _desc = _desc + _fx + _name + "_" + (str (_amnts select _foreachIndex)); } foreach _ammo; _iCargo = getItemCargo _holder; _items = _iCargo select 0; _amnts = _iCargo select 1; _fx = ""; { if (_foreachIndex > 0) then {_fx = "_"} else { if not (_desc in [""]) then {_desc = _desc + "_"} }; _val = _val + ((((random 10) + (random 10)) max 5) * (_amnts select _foreachIndex)); _name = "Various"; if (isText (_weapClass >> _x >> "DisplayName")) then { _name = getText (_weapClass >> _x >> "DisplayName"); }; if (_name in [""]) then {_name = "Various"}; _desc = _desc + _fx + _name + "_" + (str (_amnts select _foreachIndex)); } foreach _items; clearItemCargo _holder; clearWeaponCargo _holder; clearMagazineCargo _holder; if (_removeH) then { _posTaken = missionnameSpace getVariable ["PosTaken",[]]; _lootSpot = _holder getVariable ["RYD_JR_MyPlace",[0,0,0]]; { if (_lootSpot isEqualTo _x) exitWith {_posTaken set [_foreachIndex,0]} } foreach _posTaken; _posTaken = _posTaken - [0]; missionnameSpace setVariable ["PosTaken",_posTaken]; deleteVehicle _holder; }; RYD_JR_DM_Count = RYD_JR_DM_Count + 1; sleep 0.5; playSound "FD_CP_Clear_F"; sleep 0.02; RYD_JR_Caller globalChat format ["ADMclient - auctioneer: Item '%1' on auction Gattamelata#%2_rapid. Waiting for bidders...",_desc,RYD_JR_DM_Count]; [_val,_desc] spawn { _val = _this select 0; _desc = _this select 1; _val = round (_val * (0.75 + (random 0.5))); _val = _val * RYD_JR_CargoValueM; _val = (ceil (_val/10)) * 10; sleep (5 + (random 55)); RYD_JR_FuelFund = RYD_JR_FuelFund + _val; playSound "FD_CP_Clear_F"; sleep 0.02; RYD_JR_Caller globalChat format ["ADMclient - auctioneer: Item '%4' sold for %1 ff. Auction Gattamelata#%3_rapid closed. Your current account: %2 ff.",_val,RYD_JR_FuelFund,RYD_JR_DM_Count,_desc]; }; //hint format ["Content sold for %1. Now you have %2 ff",_val,RYD_JR_FuelFund]; }; Evaluation is based on overall type of item and certain config values, that IMO decide on ral value. Not perfect though, a bit better rifle may cost same or less (if counting randomization) than worse. Also some config values can be quite misleading. Interesting approach. Was just asking because some config entries actually have a "value" or "price" attribute (can't remember the exact name). I wonder what BIS uses these for. I've been looking for ways to auto-calculate item values for my shop. But in the end I didn't come up with a good solution apart from cataloguing every item by myself. Hence what I did is basically a scripted config extension by mapping my new values with the game's configs based on classnames. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted November 14, 2014 I wonder what BIS uses these for. Yeah, I'm too, since apparently it hasn't much common with real value. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IndeedPete 1038 Posted November 14, 2014 Yeah, I'm too, since apparently it hasn't much common with real value. Might be leftovers from Arma 2's configs where they also had kind of a shop system. At least in the last two missions of the Harvest Red campaign. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
delta99 34 Posted November 16, 2014 Alrighty..I put together another AAR - this time I managed to complete the mission - it was just as much fun, no actually more fun, the second time through because everything worked properly (auctions, hideout, etc..):Pilgrimage Redux BeachAV8R Great AAR. Its almost as good as playing this great mission. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
PlacidPaul 11 Posted November 17, 2014 Incredible mission rydygier! I thought you might be playing it too delta, classic in veteren mode! Its a great alternative to multiplayer or editing, problem is figuring out how to get back to thoughs?:confused: Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
richydemars 10 Posted November 20, 2014 confirmed. It is "enhanced movement" mod the culprit of the problem i exposed on page 133 . Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pvt. partz 248 Posted November 22, 2014 (edited) I've picked up some large IED's but I don't know how to place them. (no menu option...) I guess I might as well list a few punch list items I am seeing but this is in no way meant to complain but rather just a note to pass along 187C 1) When I start driving an Ifrit for example, it will travel along but then suddenly stop as if it was connected to a very long cable and jerked violently sometimes turning sideways. It's very random as well. 2) The menu selections are very slow. For instance when I "prepare a box" it can take as long as a minute. Same for opening doors. Edited November 22, 2014 by chik Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted November 22, 2014 I've picked up some large IED's but I don't know how to place them. (no menu option...) I read lately, it is/was a known bug. But wasn't it fixed already? Not sure. Anyway, that's BIS' job to do. 2) The menu selections are very slow. For instance when I "prepare a box" it can take as long as a minute. Same for opening doors. Something is seriously wrong on your end then if such lags ever appear, the more if are constant. It happens on vanilla, or only with certain mods? Stable or dev branch? This mission only or everywhere? All the time or in certain circumstancies? That's most basic info needed. Sadly, it's very common, people reporting issues without any such data nor vanilla confirmation on stable branch first, while most such cases is related with mods, they use. Hard to say anything helpful in such situation. For now I'll assume mod fault as most probable (usual). If that's true, determine troublemaking mod. If it makes troubles only here, name it to warn the others, if everywhere - inform its author if you want it fixed. 1) is very strange, maybe bounded with 2) by same cause. Never heard about such thing earlier. No idea. Hardware controls failure? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pvt. partz 248 Posted November 22, 2014 As I was reading your reply it occurred to me that it might be happening more frequently, the longer I play. I was playing for about 4 hours and I noticed it was getting slower and slower. One more thing I found as well When i place a marker on the map it places two at the same time. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted November 22, 2014 I was playing for about 4 hours and I noticed it was getting slower and slower. That would confirm, what I supposed - some mod apparently accumulates all the time something. Such leak in time is causing increasing CPU/scheduler clogging. What mods are you using? Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Rydygier 1330 Posted November 22, 2014 So that's your list of main suspects. IMO CBA and JSRS you can exclude from the suspects right now. Blastcore A3 is also most unlikely. Same for TPW, unless it's about some newest addition (played with it, but some time ago, and it's under fast development all the time). So check the rest first - play without that rest (agm, Babe, Tracers, voicestop, soundscape) and see, if issue is back. If no - one of them is troublemaking and you can narrow it down, if you have time and will for this, or just don't use all of them if no time or desire to find exact one. Otherwise, if issue is still there also without them - the cause is one of the second part of the list (unlikely - used them, no such problems) or something else (but no idea what that could be) Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pvt. partz 248 Posted November 22, 2014 I am quite confident that the Ba_be mid textures is not the problem because it simply tells Arma to use them instead of the default. My suspicion is that it is the AGM mod since that is the last one I have added to my collection. I'm going to visit the AGM webpage to see if they are talking about anything like this. Thanks RyD! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alky_lee 280 Posted November 22, 2014 (edited) Is the soundscape by Laxeman? If so make sure you have the latest version. Version 0.20 had a memory leak which slowed down the whole game to a crawl, It's had a couple of updates since then which have dramatically improved performance. Version 0.30 fixed the memory leak. With the older version I had to pause the game when I got to a chapel to allow the game to catch up and execute the scripts. By the time I'd realised I'd missed the body at a chapel and only found it when I went back again. It took me over 30 hours to finish that mission. Edited November 22, 2014 by alky_lee Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pvt. partz 248 Posted November 22, 2014 Thank you Alky_Lee. I will check that out! Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
alky_lee 280 Posted November 24, 2014 I just tried a mission without TPW. I was amazed how many CIVS there were without TPW CARS to thin them out. You only have to touch them with a vehicle and they die. What with a misplaced APERS mine and another caught in the crossfire, I managed to rack up half a dozen civilian deaths on my account. My reputation took a real dive and the locals took a serious dislike to us. My companion suggested we leave town, but the locals in the next town had already heard of us. They also had some nasty things to say about us. I thought perhaps they might take up arms against us or report our position to the local warlords. I could just imagine Alex's reputation starting an armed uprising by the locals or even just one or two of them going after Alex, especially if he stays in town too long. I like the reputation system. It works really well when you have a negative rating. It makes you feel you can't trust the locals and puts you a bit on edge, especially when they're having a go at you and there's an enemy just round the corner. Loved it. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites