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EricJ I'm Fixing your mod don't care. We can speak together on skype, like that i can send you pbo and after that you can sign it with your name. Regards

Please don't edit an addon makers work without permission, its just not on.

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List Of Files To Copy Directly

*.pac;*.paa;*.rtm;*.sqf;*.sqs;*.bikb;*.fsm;*.wss;* .ogg;*.wav;*.fxy;*.csv;*.html;*.lip;*.txt;*.bisurf ;*.sqm;*.ext;*.dbf;*.prj;*.shx;*.shp

You have this, right ? in addonbuilder ?

Edit: it doesnt ment to offend you, just trying to exclude error possibilities. My apologies.

Edited by Vasilyevich

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Moderator lock this topic until I say so to unlock this topic, apparently people don't understand simple English.

When I say it doesn't fucking work, it doesn't fucking work. Constantly pestering me about this fucking topic isn't going to fix a fucked up game.

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EricJ I'm Fixing your mod don't care. We can speak together on skype, like that i can send you pbo and after that you can sign it with your name. Regards

That's not a very nice way to talk to people. Always ask for permission..unless author's declared they hate A3 and have no intention updating their mods :)

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Guy's, let's cut Eric some slack. I miss his weapons as much as anyone else, but he is doing the best he can. Let's leave him alone and he will get the job done when he is happy all is well with the game.

I hope it doesn't take too long to get there Eric. Good luck with it!

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Well I guess my old thread needed to go away... time to feed the animals...

Anyway, some things I've been working on:

- Updated the sound configs for the weapons pack for the broken patch we're dealing with.

- Adjusted the M110 with a real stock instead of the PRS stock

- Added the M249 "FN M249"

Right now various members of J-SERE have been testing it and I found some things:

- The EGLM sight texture won't go transparent, and numerous attempts to get it fixed have not worked, some issue with Object Builder I guess.

- Some .rtms are just plain not working, usually custom ones so some hands clip (nothing to cry about) through the forearm of the weapon, can't be helped, so for now I'm removing vertical grips just so it looks somewhat realistic. This probably is not an Addon Builder issue or it may be an engine issue because the old A2 anims to a degree work when setup in the config. If I knew why I would say why and I don't know why so I can't tell you. When the newer patch hopefully fixes these issues then we'll see a return of the anims, etc. Please do not mention the unicorn program known as PBO Project. It's fairly stupid the programmer himself won't help you set it up properly to ensure it works, so I have no use for a poorly supported program. And this isn't the fucking topic to discuss said program, go somewhere else.

DO NOT harass me on release date, it'll be fucking released when it is, let me quash some errors that I've been noticing and when I feel its ready I'll fucking release it.

That's it. There's nothing to read into in this post or thread and if there is you're just special.

Edited by EricJ

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Please do not mention the unicorn program known as PBO Project. It's fairly stupid the programmer himself won't help you set it up properly to ensure it works, so I have no use for a poorly supported program. And this isn't the fucking topic to discuss said program, go somewhere else.

Why would someone help you with that attitude, have you tried asking nicely?

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I did ask nicely. I kept getting the runaround and dropped it. And since BIS's Addon Builder is starting to work I have no need for it, simple as that.

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Tempo Tempo Tempo don't try to make somethig harsh or fight, it's a poison for all of us. If you think it'll take some time why don't you post on discussion. WIP sutffs are usually go that place

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Thanks for the update EricJ, its good to see some good news. Keep up the good work, look forward to when you will be able to release on your own terms.

Why would someone help you with that attitude, have you tried asking nicely?

There was a problem in the previous thread with people constantly badgering about using various 3rd party programs/release dates to the point where the thread just needed to be locked.

Hopefully all that junk will keep off this time.

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Anyway, other issues I just remembered of things to expect since I already released this mod, and continuing from the previous thread, which had my releases on there.

Other things I've noticed:

- SelectionFireAnim error. I went through the BIS suppressors and didn't find a reference to that so again, it's a BIS problem, not mine.

- "securitie.sounds" error. Apparently it's a config error expecting each magazine to have a sound associated with it, which it does not, so again that's another error to expect.

---------- Post added at 14:16 ---------- Previous post was at 14:15 ----------

w/r/t handanim .rtms being buggered up, I just replied to another post of yours with something you might want to try:


Ahh okay, I'll check that out and see what that does, thanks!

---------- Post added at 15:15 ---------- Previous post was at 14:16 ----------

Okay... it works... I think but it also doesn't work.

Reason being is that it still needs to reference OFP2_Manskeleton because the old anims still look for it, and currently it still works, so I'm not messing with it. So the HK417s won't have their vertical grips, and I'm not messing with it any further. It makes no sense in trying to "fix" something that isn't broke, which is the current theme with me with the latest patch, but that's just my view on things.

Anyway things work, which is good despite the patch, so the only issues are the transparency issues, and so far still no worky.

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To keep things tidy, both threads have now been merged together.


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Much appreciated again and thanks :)

---------- Post added at 18:15 ---------- Previous post was at 16:40 ----------





Somehow the transparency issue fixed itself, maybe an update or maybe something was just me being jacked up. In any case...


- Updated for current patch level

- M110 has a proper stock

- M249 added


- "securitie.sounds" error, no way to fix that issue because it's global, you all click "Close All" so you know what I'm talking about.

- "SelectionFireAnim" issue with suppressors. You tell me as I went through the BIS suppressors and found no reference.

- Anims are what they are for now, but suffice to say if it looks okay, then don't bother me about it. If the arms go out to the left, and the 3D mesh is out in that direction and looks like The Thing let me know.

- Barret M468 is still untextured, it'll get textured by the next millenium I assure you.

TMR issue, if you're getting a "TMR\init.sqf" found, there's an additional TMR_autorest.pbo (modified by license from Taosensenai or however you spell it) that solved that issue, which I believe was the problem with the new CBA_A3.

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Nice work. Many in our Community will be pleased with this, nice they have voted your SCAR's as our new standard loadout. Looking forward to using them.

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Good to see you got things working again. Well Done that man! Going to download the new version asap. Keep fighting Eric, you'll get there in the end.

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New version frontpaged on the Armaholic homepage.


EricJ Weapons Pack RC29


ASDG Joint Rails

TMR Modular Realism - Alternate (If you wish to use TMR Autorest)


- R3F French Weapons Pack

- JSRS2.1 (only if you are using the optional lkr_u100_sound.pbo)


You are not registered on Armaholic, or at least not that we are aware of. In the future we offer the possibility to authors to maintain their own pages.

If you wish to be able to do this as well please register on Armaholic and let me know about it.

This is not mandatory at all! Only if you wish to control your own content you are welcome to join, otherwise we will continue to follow your work like we have always done ;)

When you have any questions already feel free to PM or email me!

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Just a heads up Eric. The M249 loads up (using gear outfit) but the ammo is blank with a weight of 0. When trying to add the ammo it says there is not enough room. Even if your inventory is empty. Not only that. I tried to add just a person + ammo box and the mission wouldn't load because something was missing... It would also be extremely nice if we could just use the harris bipod on it like your other weapons. Maybe just a fore grip. Also curious if you are using spartans ballistics. Model looks good though!

Edit: M249 is not in the ammo box nor is it's ammunition either.

Edited by jakeryan760

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Not sure why but the mod has a config.cpp and a config.bin in u100_config. This could lead to some bugs (or not.. i'm no expert, just pointing out) :)

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You can find it in the VAS as "FN M249 SAW"


The "Ammo" shows up as a blank placeholder without weight, a name, a picture or a description.

Nevertheless great mod and nice to see you updating them.

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- Fixed M249 Magazine entries in both configs

- Removed "No Bipod Config" due to redundancy and that the reference to TMR comes in the optional PBOs that come with it, so TMR is still an OPTIONAL requirement, NOT required, but most of the required PBOs are in the 7z file anyway just in case.

- Added Green, Red, and Yellow tracer magazines for the M249

Ammo weight... if there is still no ammo weight after this update then go here: http://www.arma3.com. And the only reason I say this as I use BIS 5.56mm ammo for all the magazines, nothing special.

Re: Bins and .cpps in same PBO... not seeing what you're talking about now, may have been an issue with the prior version of Addon Builder and the .cpp errors I was getting when it was Binarizing which I'm not getting anymore. Honestly I never thought to look at the .pbo afterwards, as it worked so... yeah.

And I haven't updated the ammobox due to VAS, which Jakeryan760 is mentioning. I've moved to VAS so I don't really think of the ammo boxes anymore. But it's updated anyway.

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- Fixed M249 Magazine entries in both configs

- Removed "No Bipod Config" due to redundancy and that the reference to TMR comes in the optional PBOs that come with it, so TMR is still an OPTIONAL requirement, NOT required, but most of the required PBOs are in the 7z file anyway just in case.

- Added Green, Red, and Yellow tracer magazines for the M249

Ammo weight... if there is still no ammo weight after this update then go here: http://www.arma3.com. And the only reason I say this as I use BIS 5.56mm ammo for all the magazines, nothing special.

Re: Bins and .cpps in same PBO... not seeing what you're talking about now, may have been an issue with the prior version of Addon Builder and the .cpp errors I was getting when it was Binarizing which I'm not getting anymore. Honestly I never thought to look at the .pbo afterwards, as it worked so... yeah.

And I haven't updated the ammobox due to VAS, which Jakeryan760 is mentioning. I've moved to VAS so I don't really think of the ammo boxes anymore. But it's updated anyway.

Epic thank you Eric for the timely fix and everything! Sometimes having the ammobox is nice for when Vas/GearOutfit is bugging out. Only thing that could make it better is spartans ballistics. One can dream right? ;) thanks again for the great work!

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The issue that I have with his ballistics is just he doesn't cover everything yet. I've been using his ballistics tables in a few other weapons specific for J-SERE and I have nothing but praise for it. While I've never had much experience with the Mk318 SOST or Mk262 (I was a line Soldier in the US Army, so I dealt with the M855 all the time) but from what I'm seeing in-game at least is good knock down power. With RH's basic ammunition it nearly takes a mag to drop an enemy soldier, where his rounds require 4 to 5 depending on range, but that's the given average. I do use his values for the SCAR-L Mk318 mags however and people who used them don't complain at all. When some more values, mainly 7.62 come out, and I take the time to gauge barrel length, I'll probably change them out as well. But since BIS mags are there I also choose to allow them to use them out of common sense since 5.56mm x 45 and the BIS 6.5mm is "standard" there's no sense in not using them as well, making battlefield resupply easy depending on weapon you use.

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The issue that I have with his ballistics is just he doesn't cover everything yet. I've been using his ballistics tables in a few other weapons specific for J-SERE and I have nothing but praise for it. While I've never had much experience with the Mk318 SOST or Mk262 (I was a line Soldier in the US Army, so I dealt with the M855 all the time) but from what I'm seeing in-game at least is good knock down power. With RH's basic ammunition it nearly takes a mag to drop an enemy soldier, where his rounds require 4 to 5 depending on range, but that's the given average. I do use his values for the SCAR-L Mk318 mags however and people who used them don't complain at all. When some more values, mainly 7.62 come out, and I take the time to gauge barrel length, I'll probably change them out as well. But since BIS mags are there I also choose to allow them to use them out of common sense since 5.56mm x 45 and the BIS 6.5mm is "standard" there's no sense in not using them as well, making battlefield resupply easy depending on weapon you use.

I know. I'm in J-SERE =).. That was what I was comparing it too. Also, I've seen you on his page. Robert Hammer is adding his ballistics to his update. He already did with the PDW and it's great, same with the HLC AR15 pack. I think it's more of the speed of the bullet over time and drop that really gives it that feel but hey, I honestly don't know what the heck he does. You guys are the modders, I just enjoy using them! I know Robert has been working with him for a while on values that he wants though. Would be cool if you guys could come up with something you both agree with. BIS ammunition are like lasers. You can shoot them 1500 meters and they don't slow down lol. Ultimately though it's up to you, and I'll use your pack either way! =)

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